Work in Progress: Phade and Natalie - Pregnant with Puppies

Story by Project_Demise on SoFurry

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Of all my WiPs, this one is the closest to being done. Just hafta get the ending right, which is tricky since I have absolutely no idea how it would feel to butt-fuck another guy while he's boning my wife (since I'm neither gay nor married). Either way, I'll get it eventually.


My mouse lay under me, her claws digging into my chest and her legs wrapped around my waist. She was panting heavily, her hot breath steaming my middle. Every now and again, she would arch her back and press her tiny breasts against my chest, a delightful sensation. ‘Every now and again' coincided with each and every time I ground my throbbing prick against her swollen, heat-stricken tunnel without actually going in. Ah, the joys of sex. Something neither of us had indulged in for a month-and-a-half. No sex, no masturbation on my part, it sucked.

Boy oh boy did it suck. After the first month, I wanted to kill someone out of sexual frustration. Don't ask me how murder would relieve sexual frustration. I doubt it would; I'm not one of those freaks. But by the middle of February, the doctor declared that my sperm count was high enough to make pregnancy likely, and stated that Natalie's fertility would coincidentally peak on Valentine's Day. Needless to say, oysters were on the menu.

Now here we were. Valentine's Evening. After a huge dinner of oysters, I was as hard as trigonometry (was taught it in high school during physics class, but I still don't get it) and twice as...well, I don't have anything that would fit there. But needless to say, my mouse was SO gonna get boned.

"Please," Natalie begged breathlessly. A request I'd wanted to hear. I moved my hips a little and pressed the tip of my conical penis into her hole. Oh, she loved that. Her back arched and I could FEEL it pop as I pushed deeper into her. I huffed as my tool slid as far as it could reach.

She was tight; not virgin tight, mind you. Being in heat, even a virgin's cunt loosens up a bit. No, she was tight like the first time we screwed when she was in heat. I could feel the tip of my dick sliding into her wide-open womb, a level of deepness most furs of either sex never get to feel. I held myself there for a moment, feeling every inch of her squeezing every inch of me but my knot. That would come later.

I drew my hips back, my fluffy tail wagging lazily as I pushed back in again. I was in no hurry. No need to rush good sex. I could hear her soft cries each time I returned my rod to her needy depths, only to remove my Excalibur from her grasping sheath in true Arthurian fashion. Overtop of her, I panted and licked my lips, trying to keep my pace steady. But it was hard.

Made all the harder by my mouse throwing herself down on my rod, needing me to go faster, harder. She lapped at my fur-covered nipples, setting her teeth to them as I tried to maintain control of my thrusts. I would've succeeded, except that she reached her long, whippy tail up to my sac and used the tip to tease my balls.

I was a lost cause after that. With a yip, I began pounding mouse pussy, despite my mind's urgings to stop. My cock reached deep inside her with each thrust, slapping my swelling knot against her lips. Her moans grew a little louder with each pump, though she never reached levels I deemed ‘annoying'. She panted heavier and heavier, her spit foaming at the corners of her mouth. My chest fur ground against her nipples. Finally, with one last, extra hard thrust, I rammed my knot into her, forcing it deeper than ever. I felt her clamp down all around it as her back arched again and my cock twitched, my seed blasting into her womb while she shook in orgasmic pleasure. Her tail wrapped around my nuts, squeezing them, trying to force out every last drop. And boy was it working.

When finally I had spurted every last drop I possibly could get out, I rolled us onto our sides, my hands around my mouse as we basked in the afterglow of great sex. I nuzzled the top of her head as I panted. I've had customers ask me how I keep so slim when I have four pizza places on speed dial. I tell them the truth and they laugh at me. Truth is, vigorous sex with my mouse (and sometimes others) keeps me thin and healthy. And the sweat that runs down my fur in waves (and pools on my foot pads, bleh) is laden with the toxins that make me ill. Sex not only feels good, but it's good for you. Remember that.

My balls ached from the hyper-intense orgasm, and I resisted the urge to rub them until they stopped hurting. Natalie rubbed the top of her head against my chin, nuzzling into my neck as her breathing deepened. I smiled softly at the rare occurrence. It was extremely rare for Natalie to faint after sex. More often than not, she would tease herself even after we'd both cum. But not tonight. Tonight, even I was tired...

I rested my head atop hers and the Sandman whisked me away to the land of dreamless sleep.


We didn't notice anything strange over the next few days. When we woke up in the morning, Natalie's heat-charged pheromones had died down, but that was normal. Once her heat-tortured body received a healthy dose of jizz, her womb closed up and her heat ended. Just like that. It took only a short while for the scents that had tantalized me so to dissipate.

It wasn't until about a week later that Natalie woke up and promptly ran to the bathroom. Nothing new there, really. She often woke up and scurried into the bathroom, just in time to ace me out of the toilet. But that particular morning, when I went to the door to begin the usual morning banter, I heard sounds I had rarely heard from her.

"HOOOOOAAAAA!" she screamed, the sound of rushing liquids and thicker things reaching my sensitive ears. Immediately worried, I opened the door.

There was my mouse, praying to the porcelain god as she blew chunks into its shining depths. I knelt behind her and rubbed her back, even as she made another offering to the great one. When her retching finally died off, I suggested she go to the doctor to get checked. I had a customer to visit in the Bird Quarter, so I couldn't be with her when she spoke with the doctor, but I could at least take her there. We dressed for the somewhat chill February cold and headed out.


Hello! This is Natalie. I figured I should add my two cents to Phade's journal. Just the part he wasn't there for, the part I still kinda wish he'd been there for. So here goes...

Anyway, Phade dropped me off at the clinic, kissed me goodbye, then went off to Bird Quarter. Something about a falcon who'd gotten pissed that his computer's fan had quit and slapped it, only to get some of his feathers lodged in it. Enter Phade, who could surely get the feathers out without destroying the computer. But my foxy's fees are huge, which keeps us in good food and clothes, and the bird's gonna make sure never to hit his computer again.

Anyway, I sat in the waiting room for like twenty minutes before I was called in to see Dr. Scherer. He was an old lion, with a thinning mane and Coke-bottle glasses. But he was a good one. And he listened intently as I described my symptoms.

"Hmm," hummed the doc. I sat on the inclined bed, on the scratchy paper doctors used to keep it mostly clean. His back was to me, checking my medical information, before he turned back to me. "And this is the first time you've had such a sickness?"

"Umm...kind of. I've had all those symptoms before, but never at the same time. But this morning, I ran right to the bathroom and barfed up last night's dinner. Phade was the one that wanted me to visit you."

The old lion chuckled softly, a sly look on his face. "Well now, I've seen this mix of symptoms before, but I have two more questions. First, when was your last heat?"

"Last week."

"Did you and Phade use protection."

"Do we ever?" I grinned. Only when I let him fuck my ass do we use protection.

"Then that confirms it." The doctor took his glasses off and sighed. Suddenly I was worried. "Natalie, I hate to tell you this..."

"Oh God, it's cancer isn't it!" I could almost feel my blood pressure shooting through the roof.

"Relax, it's not cancer. In fact, it isn't even a sickness."

"Then what is it?"

"'re pregnant with puppies."

I frowned, confused. "What?"

The old lion laughed. "See, it's funny because fox males are sometimes called ‘dogs' (dog fox), which would make your babies puppies."

I started shaking uncontrollably. "B-babies?"

"Congratulations, my dear. You're pregnant."

I fainted.


And the ball is in my court once more.

Anyway, I came home to find Natalie on the couch, tears streaming down her face. And here I'd thought my visit was bad. Stupid bird kept making passes at me and grabbing my ass whenever I tried to pull the feathers out of his computer. Is it really my fault that when I bend over my tail lifts really high? And it only got worse when I got the tower on the table and started taking it apart. Ugh. Anyway, I immediately went to the couch and sat down next to my mouse, my arms opened wide.

She immediately shot into my grasp, holding me tightly while she cried. I rubbed her back gently, something she enjoyed when she needed comforting. I nipped the rim of her ear while I waited for her to calm down.

When she finally calmed down, I asked her.

"How did it go, sweet heart?"

She sniffled, then looked up at me, tears streaming from her eyes, yet a big smile on her lips.

"Phade...I'm pregnant."

Time seemed to freeze as I stared at her. So much trying, but no babies. Now she was pregnant...

I threw my head back and released many loud yips of happiness, pulling my mouse to my chest while she giggled. I kissed her face many times, squeezing her against me as we shared our joy. There came a pounding on my door, then our landlord, a good friend named Jacob Altabelly (also a panther and flaming homosexual, not that it matters), came through it. As soon as he saw us hugging and laughing, he stopped.

"Jeez," he said, his long, skinny tail swaying behind him. "Why are you making so much noise? I could hear you from down the hall!"

I grinned at him. "Natalie's pregnant."

One sentence. An incomplete one at that (so says my word processor). Jacob's eyes went really big, and he slammed the door behind him. He went directly to us and wrapped his arms around me, sandwiching Natalie between us.

"Congratulations!" he shouted.

"I'm so excited right now," I declared, "I'm gonna explode."

"We can't have that," replied Natalie with a wicked grin. "Let's go to the bedroom and take care of that." She slid down to the floor and grabbed the tent in my pants with one hand.

Jacob looked a little downtrodden when she said this. "Oh...I suppose I'll--Hey!" This came from Natalie grabbing the tent in his pants as well. She fondled his dick softly and he moaned. Gay he might be, but even a gay guy knows not to pass up an offer like that.

"C'mon, boys," she said softly. All our attention was on her. "Let's go." She started walking to the bedroom, and we had no choice but to follow her lead. It was a little hard, walking while she gripped my boner, but I managed alright, having been marched like that before. Jacob, though, was almost doubled over. He seemed extra sensitive, which said he probably hadn't had any since the last time I paid rent.

As soon as we were through the bedroom door, I whacked it with my tail, slamming it shut. As soon as the door shut, Natalie released us and climbed onto the bed. She stripped off her little dress and underwear and sat down on the bed, looking expectant. Jacob and I were a bit slower, having more clothes on us than she did.

I was done first, since going commando was a hobby of mine, and I turned to watch Jacob strip. He wasn't a bad-looking male. In fact, he was quite handsome. He had the heavily muscular body and limbs typical of felines, with smooth black fur that I knew for a fact felt like down when they grazed any un-furred part of your body. He had a handsome face, unblemished, with yellow eyes that seemed almost to glow. If I'd been a cat I would've purred. As he stripped off his boxer-briefs, I gazed down at his hardened member.

It was...short. Quite small, in fact. Three and a half inches max. Standard feline prick. But it was fairly thick, and had those deliciously naughty barbs all over it. While usually when I ‘paid rent' I was the one doing him, I'd taken him a few times as well, and knew just how fun those barbs could be.

Gazing at Natalie, I ran through my mental database of people she'd been with while we were together. Not finding any cats there, I grinned. Once he was naked, I stepped behind Jacob, taking hold of his penis. He mewed in want as I looked over his shoulder at Natalie.

"On all fours, babe," I said with a grin. She complied immediately, going onto hands and knees, her ass high in the air with her tail out of the way. Jacob was apparently mesmerized by the sight of her ass. A condom materialized in my hand, since today was rent day and I was headed to his place anyway. I quickly unwrapped it and slipped it over his member, rotating it to fit his barbs snuggly into the barb slots. When I was sure he was protected, I guided him over Natalie and pressed his head against her pucker.