My, What Lovely Sweat You Have

Story by Beluinus on SoFurry

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So, this was a dirty little story I have been working on, never getting very much to work on it. For those of you that follow me for my stories (and I am unsure just how large that number actually is), here you go. I am terribly sorry that it has taken so long to upload a new one. Those of you who follow me for the cute little pictures of my character I get from different artists, thank you. I know he's adorable, but what I really have this account for is to share my stories with the world. If you do not follow me, and just happen to have stumbled across it, welcome. I hope everyone enjoys it. Favs are much appreciated.

Any questions or comments, please feel free to share, any errors you see, please point them out so that I may fix them and stop them from happening in the future to become a better writer. If you see any tags I have failed to add that it needs, please feel free to add them. Thank you, and enjoy the musky story my friends.

"You're a really weird guy, you know that?"

"Ha! Shut up. I may be weird, but you know you like it. Plus, yours is so unique." The otter's face breaks into a grin as he nuzzles the erect member lovingly. The husky skunk above him lets out a chuckle, his light belly fat wobbling with each chortle.

"You've got me there, rudderbutt. I've never met anyone like you before. I like it. How about you? Do you like my smelly cock? I haven't bathed in weeks."

"Oh, I love it. It's my absolute favorite thing in the world. I especially love your musky scent." Just to prove his point, he presses his nose directly to the skunk's furry sack, inhaling the scent that stuck there, spreading the sweat around on his muzzle. Breathing deeply, he swallows it all in, sticking his tongue out to lap up the wetness on the creases of his ballsack. The musky taste floods every sense, the thick liquid coating each taste bud and flooding his nose to saturate the inside.

Moving his head back, he can still smell it, his muzzle reeking of the skunk's scent.

"God, Sebastian, how do you always smell so fucking fantastic? I can't get enough of it!" Throwing himself back into it, he rubs his face over the thick rod, licking the member from top to bottom. To accompany the thick musk that the skunk pours off, he also leaks a heavy, yet steady flow of pre-cum.

With the skunk-morph reclining in the chair, he gets easy access to his tailhole, the tight ring of flesh staring back at him. Pressing his nose to the ring of flesh, he tries to suck it up through his nose, reveling in the pure musk emanating from the hole. His tongue flicks out, lashing against the ring and dragging upwards, tasting the deposit of pre and sweat that had collected in the fur leading to the orbs as his tongue scrapes along the skunk's hard cock.

Attacking it with gusto, he devours the throbbing flesh in front of him, swallowing it down his throat and sucking the pre. Kneeling on the carpet gives the skunk easy access to the otter's groin, the large, black, flat paw lifting up and pressing his sweaty pads against the otter's cock. Rubbing up along the length of the cock, the toes spread out around it, spreading the skunk's sweat and wrapping around the leaking rod.

"You know just what I like, Sabastian." With the furry pads wrapped around his rod, he feels it throb in the odd grasp, spurting pre into the black fur. Still suckling on the hard skunk meat in his mouth, he lets out a rumbling moan. The vibrations travel up his throat, reverberating down the delicious skunk meat in his mouth and into the skunk's crotch.

"Drink it down now, rudderbutt." Before he's able to think of, or even make a statement, his maw is flooded. The otter swallows reflexively, sputtering at first as the salty yellow liquid floods his gullet. Surprised at the tasty treat, he has no choice but to swallow, drinking it down as it leaks out.

Feeling the flow taper off, he pulls off to let the piss soak into his fur, mingling with the sweat and pre that had already accumulated there. Hosing him down, the skunk grabs hold of his gushing member, pointing it around to soak the otter's face. Nothing sticks well, having a water repellent coat after all, but enough does that when the stream comes to a full stop, the otter's acute sense of smell picks up the musk of sweat and heavy odor of the potent yellow liquid.

"OI! Big boy. I may live in water, but not that kind!" He laughs playfully, slapping the skunk's round belly.

"Yeah, and you know you like it. You wouldn't have asked me to piss all over you last night if you didn't enjoy it."

"Ha! I don't enjoy it, Sebastian. I love it. I love everything about it. I love your sweat, I love your cum, and I love your piss." Done with his yellow treat, he attacks the rock hard and throbbing member once more.

He draws it in, pressing his tongue against the bottom of the skunk's erection, sucking on it to get his creamy treat out like a straw. The skunk manages to let out a slight purr, completely out of species for him. Giggling around the hardness in his mouth, the otter almost starts chocking on the meat at the odd sounds floating to him.

Pulling off, he speaks up to the skunk above him, the giggle clearly heard in his voice. "Wow, Sebastian. I didn't know you could purr. It's pretty adorable, actually."

"Shut up and keep sucking, Otto, I'm close to blowing."

Hearing that, the otter increases his ministrations, reaching up with a paw to swirl it around the base, trying to coax out the skunk seed. The skunk's large paw reaches up as he feels himself getting close, tangling his claws in the brown fur on top of the otter's head. Using his new handhold, he pulls the mustelid down, bottoming his throbbing erection in the otter's throat, letting out a loud yelling grunt.

The skunk trembles in his seat, his balls contracting in their holding as his erection explodes, spurting his jizz down the swallowing tunnel gripping him. Spurt after spurt of the white goop floods the mustelid's gullet. He gulps it down as fast as he can, the cum much thicker, and much heavier than the piss and sweat that had already found its way down.

His throat bobs up and down as he gobbles it all up, swallowing the skunk's spunk as quickly as it floods his mouth, not spilling a drop. The goop fills his mouth a few times, and he lets it sit there marinating his tongue for a spell before swallowing. Letting a soft moan escape, his eyes close in bliss at the taste and feel of the splooge slithering down his throat to settle inside his belly with all the other contents he swallowed.

"Thanks for the creamy treat, Sabastian. Awfully tasty. Got any more for me?"

"Of course! Except, Otto, I don't want to waste it. Come here, you." The skunk let's out a husky grunt as he reaches down, his large size belying his hidden strength as he hoists the water weasel up by his armpits. He holds him there, his thick arms trembling from the weight of the mustelid in his grasp. Unable to turn him while holding him in that position, the skunk decides to stand up, turning around and depositing the soon-to-be fuckhole on the chair he vacated. With no warning, he takes his lubed-up cock and rams it into the otter, slamming it all the way in on the first go.

Wincing softly, the otter lets out a groan of pain, transitioning into one of pleasure at the feeling of fullness in his gut from the penetration. The skunk starts thrusting immediately, using the otter's own spit as lube to aid in his thrusting as he pounds the water weasel. He lays down, leaning his weight on the otter's legs, the skunk's arms going down to grab hold of the otter's waist for leverage. Once he has a solid grip, his fingers tangled in the fur there, using it to pull himself in harder with every backswing.

Letting out little grunts of pleasure each time he slams in, the skunk marvels at the tightness of the well-used otter butt he's pounding. The tunnel grips at him, trying to keep him inside when he draws out, sawing it back and forth inside the spit-lubed ring of gripping flesh. Picking up the pace, he pulls harder on the otter's fur, practically ripping it out of the skin with the ferocity of his thrusts, each punctuated by another tug of fur.

His hips slam up against the otter's with as much vigor as he can muster from his chunky hips, the effort of it actually causing him to start panting from exertion as well as pleasure. Loving the tight entrance, he doesn't let up, powering through the burning in his thighs and hips, his eyes finally opening after being closed for the whole thing to glance down at the cute otter beneath him.

Their eyes meet, the otter's lidded and half closed with his face burning a bright red through the dark brown of his fur. Sebastian lets out a quiet chuckle at the look on his face, the otter's mouth slightly agape with the tip of his tongue hanging out, panting heavily from the sheer ecstasy flooding his body. Looking up through his knees, it looks almost as if his face is framed in that look of pleasure, causing another round of chuckles to wrack the skunk's large belly as he continues to pound the otter's hole, his climax rushing up on him like a hungry lion, even though it was already fed.

"You ready, Otto? I'm going to give you another nice, fat load. You're going to take it, and you are going to enjoy it, you hear me?" He slams in a few more times, pleasure building in his loins, mimicking the pleasure bursting through the otter's head.

One more thrust bottoms himself in the otter's hole, creating a seal as the damn breaks, the pleasure shooting up the black and white mammal's spine as his spunk erupts, flooding the otter with his seed. The same pleasure explodes inside the skunk's head, blasting the inside of his eyes until all he sees is the stars back there, practically going unconscious from everything going through body at once, splattering his own chest and the inside of his knees with his own seed.

Holding himself there, the skunk continues to shoot, just adding more spunk to the load already there, turning the otter's insides into a rendition of a water balloon. His stomach distends slightly from the amount of spunk the large skunk is able to put out. Once his climax crashes through him, the Sabastian clenches his eyes together, grinding his teeth as he lets out a primal sound, one of pure pleasure from the recesses of his soul.

Once his climax is done with, his eyes open and he withdraws his erection, a rush of fluids gushing from the gaping hole. He falls down to his knees as they finally give out, landing on them on the ground in front of him. Not wanting to make too much of a mess of his carpet, he latches on, slurping his own cum from its depository.

He drinks it down, swallowing all the jizz inside, an odd yet satisfying aftertaste from where it was, thick and warm as it slides down his throat. Drinking it down, he looks up, seeing that Otto was staring down at him with eyes full of love and adoration. Still licking the slowly closing ring of flesh, he feels a hand on his head, stroking it lovingly as he works to clean it of any remaining goop.

He presses his lips to the flesh, sucking to get any remnants out.

"Oh Sabastian. You always clean up your messes, and it just makes me want to spurt all over again. Too bad I can't get it up for another few hours, or I'd ask for a round."

With one last grunt of effort, the skunk hoists the mustelid up, planting himself in the chair. Sighing in relief, he extends his legs out, having been bent for so long in such an unnatural position. Once he gets let down, their chests press together, smearing the cum around, blending in nicely with the skunk's white chest-fur.

"I always have so much fun when I come to your house, Sabastian. I always need a bath before I go to work though, so it's a pain."

The skunk lets out a bark of laughter at that, squeezing him more tightly. "You know if you could get away with it you would go into work smelling like a garbage truck. You're afraid to get fired, though."

"True, that, Sabastian. Hey, could we go for another round?"