Till Death Do We Never Part (Chapter 3: Hunger)

Story by Pawsclawz189 on SoFurry

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The story of a female squirrel captain named Dawn, and her lovely hamster girlfriend carrie set sail to locate some treasure for her women. however, tragedy strikes when the deadly pirate crew, named "The Reapers" strike, and murder dawn by decapitating her. Hamster chooses to kill herself and drowns in the sinking destroyed boat...until...dawn wakes up again on an abandoned island! she's alive again?..her head is back on..and she discovers Carrie is now a ghost. together, they try to find the mystery of how this has happened..and to take revenge on the reapers, and get there women back.

When the next morning comes, dawn and Carrie awaken, and crawl out from the cave onto the the top. Dawn stretches her body and looks at herself, then at Carrie. "We're both still dead.." Dawn says. Carrie floats by her and holds her hand. "Did you want this to be a dream?" She says. Dawn admittedly nods, but smiles. "It's okay...come on, let's try to find someone that can explain who did this to me." She says, starting to walk forward. "Sweetie? Why were you in that cave?""That's where all the spirits go when they die...they haunt this island.." Carrie says, looking at dawn."Jeez.." Dawn rubs her head and stops walking.  "..what's that?" She points at a footprint trail on the ground. Carrie floats down to it to investigate. She tilts her head. "It's an avian.." She says."We gotta find a bird around here.." Dawn says, until she sees a little boat floating on the water. She gasps. "Sweetie, look!" She gets on all fours and scampers over, as Carrie flies after her. "Wait, dawn!!"Out from the boat, a reaper pirate comes out with a sword. Dawn stops in her tracks and stares at him. His jaw drops and he stares at her as well."..W-what?...no...we killed you...how are you?.." He steps back."Hmm..he's scared of me...I could use this to my advantage.." Dawn thinks in her mind. She clears her throat and makes a raspy voice."THATSSSS RIGHT! HA! You reapers thought that you could stop me! But I have risen from the dead! " she yells, stomping closer to him. The reaper grabs a sword and points it towards her. "GET BACK!" He yells."...you look delicious..." She says, licking her buck teeth. Carrie comes into realization. Dawn needs to feed. She knew what she was. She's a zombie now. She needs to eat flesh and organs. To help her out, she grabs a nearby rock and lifts it up. The reaper stares at the floating rock and steps back again. "Oh screw this place!..it's haunted!" He turns around to run back to his boat, but Carrie throws the rock directly at his head, sending him straight to the sand on his belly. Dawn blinks, and looks at Carrie. "..why did you?.." She starts, but Carrie lays a hand on her shoulder. "Sweetie..your a zombie...someone that's dead that's..alive.." Carrie says."..zombie?.." Dawn looks at her hands, then at the knocked out reaper. "..last night...I craved eating intestines..""That's what zombies eat.." Carrie takes the reapers sword. "You have to feed.." She stabs the reaper right In the stomach, making dawn jump. The reaper yells out in pain, as blood leaks out from him. Carrie takes the sword out and slashes his throat, cutting through all the veins, as blood spews out from him, forming a puddle behind his head. He begins to choke and sputter, his eyes rolling behind his head. Soon, he shuts up, falling to a whisper, then a deadly silence. Dawn stares in shock as Carrie tosses the bloody sword onto the sand. She looks at her and nods. "Go ahead."Dawn gulps and approaches the corpse in front of her, extremely shocked that Carrie had murdered him so quickly like that. However, the thought soon faded once she caught view of the stab wound on his stomach. She could just think of all the fresh organs inside him, that warm blood, and peeling back the flesh to knaw on the bone. This started to make her mouth water."I'm a zombie now...I have to do this.." Natural instincts came in as she digs her hand into his stab wound and uses her strength to spread it apart, expanding the wound into a deep cut now. More blood squirts out, hitting her face as it drips down her cheek. She licks it up for the first time, and her eye widens. It was so sweet, reminding her of juice. She twitches her tail and lowers her head into his wound, digging more into his stomach, clawing him open. Carrie watches with a hand to her mouth. Soon, dawn finds his organs. She slowly pulls out a hunk of the small intestines and bites down on it, chewing. Blood leaks down her lips and she moans softly."Damn...this is so good.." She says."It's really gross...but..it's for you." Carrie nods, patting her back. "I'll wait." Carrie floats down and lays her back against hers.*****A full thirty minutes later passes by, and dawn cleans him out. He was now an empty rotting corpse on the beach. Dawn stands up and wipes off her mouth. "Damn...I'm completely dirty.." She says, looking at her suit. She then sees Carrie's hands coming out from behind, and unbuttoning her suit."Let me bathe you...I have to

pay you back.." Carrie says. Dawn smiles and closes her eyes. "Well..alright...I hope you don't mind a naked zombie.." She says with a slight chuckle. Carrie giggles for the first time in a while."It's you, honey....doesn't matter how you look like.." She soon gets dawn naked and walks her to the ocean. She grabs a big leaf from the woods and starts scrubbing her back fur. Dawn closes her eyes and relaxes, taking off her boots. "this isn't honesty that bad...I think I can get used to this.""I'm assuming you are." A male voice is said. Both dawn and Carrie scream, and dawn covers herself. An old swan bird stood there, in long blue clothing."..who are you?.." Dawn says."I am Rak. I am the one who put you back together...it was a great success..my first experiment.." He says, as dawn stands up, still covering herself. "..I'm a experiment?.." Dawn approaches him, as he gives a soft nod. "Come with me." He flaps his wings and flies off into the wilderness. Dawn looks at Carrie with a nervous look. "..should I trust him?.."Carrie nods instantly. "Yes. I don't care anymore..I just want us to be peaceful.." She floats over to the woods, as dawn follows from behind, stopping to turn around put back on her clothing. She looks at the reaper she ate and slowly shakes her head. "it's ridiculous..but I can't help but feel bad about him dying...I know he's a part of the reaper pirates, but..he looked terrified...." She says in her mind, walking off with Carrie.The strange bird man leads them through the forest, ignoring some bugs on trees, more spiderwebs, and some broken logs flung all around the wet dirt. Dawn holds onto Carrie's hand, and the bird man turns around to see this."What are you touching?.." He says."My mate..Carrie..she's also dead..but she's a spirit.." Dawn says softly."I don't see her..." He starts to walk closer to her, squinting his eyes."I'm in front of you, sir." Carrie says. He shakes his head. "I hear you, but I don't see anything..""Then that means only the dead can see her." Dawn mutters, looking into Carrie's eyes. He nods, a smile spreading on his beak."Exactly. Come. " Rak says, leading them into another cave, but this time it was brightly lit with torches. Inside was a big rusty machine with lights running through multiple lightbulbs. Underneath it laid a long metal sheet. It looked like it could support a person when laying down on it. "What is this place?.." Carrie says, looking around in awe."This is my cave...I reanimate corpses for my amusement..however, the only success I've had was...you.." He points at dawn. "A thing of beauty.."She rubs her head. "Uh..thanks.."He walks to her and looks at her arm, then checks the rest of her body, eventually stopping at her neck."This is my finest work right here...what I did was get your body from the ocean..I saw you get decapitated..by those damn reapers..I dragged your body and held your head across the beach and went inside my cave...I placed you on my sheet, sewed your head back together, and turned on my electrifier. But, you didn't gain your mentality..""What do you mean?" Dawn asks."..you tried to kill me. You became a monster." He says.The cold words shocked dawn to the point where Carrie had to defend her. She picks up a scalpel in which he happened to have in his tool box and points it in front of him. "Watch what you say to her.." She threatens."I apologize. " he says, taking the scalpel away from her. "Its a poor choice of words, but she really did try to murder me. I

knocked her over the head with a shovel, and left her by the beach. I thought the experiment was a failure. But..I was the wrong one. I'm sorry. " he says. "..Jesus..." Dawn sits down. "How..did I get back to my normal mental state then?""That, I have no idea...must've been a miracle." He says.Carrie hugs dawn close. "Well, I'm glad she's okay.""Yes.." Rak says, walking to the back of the cave. "I have a mission for you two girls."They both look at him, holding each other. He comes back out with two long katana like swords. He puts them down on the ground in front of them. He looks straight into there eyes and clears his throat."Several months ago..I was living at home with my family. My mother, father, wife, and child. The reapers came into my town and raided everyone's houses. I tried to protect my family and get them into safety..but it was too late. I

escaped through the roof and tried to lead them up..but that's when they began slashing...there blades slit there throats..blood on the walls...my child..." He closes his eyes.Dawn and Carrie stare in shock. He breathes softly and opens his eyes again."..I believe I have gone insane...but I do not care...I raised you back from the dead..and I want you to do a favor for me. " he says."Yes, sir?" They both say in unison, respecting him now.He stands up. "Get to the reapers. KILL them."Carrie and dawn look at each other, and go into deep thought. The reapers definitely deserved this. All the men, woman, and children they've killed, the families they ruined, dawns squirrels, and themselves included, they deserved every inch of death they could possibly get. Dawn locks her fingers in her hand, and kisses Carrie softly. After they pull back, she gives her a soft nod, agreeing. They look at Rak, as he was shaking with anticipation for the sweet desire for revenge."We'll do it." They both say.