Rory's Day At School

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#5 of Rory

Rory's Day At School

By : Panthera

This story is not to be reproduced, copied, or otherwise published anywhere, in any way shape or form, without the express permission of the author.

Rory normally liked going to school, but he was particularly looking forward to school today. He was wearing his brand new clothes that his mom had let him actually pick out himself.

Rory liked everything he had on, his light blue T-shirt, a pair of black jeans, with a hole made in the back so his tail could sway freely behind him, and even a brand new pair of white shoes. This little tiger cub was particularly proud of himself and how he looked today.

The sky was a little cloudy and steadily growing cloudier and cloudier. Rory hoped it wouldn't rain before he got to his school. He didn't want his brand new clothes to get all wet before everyone in his first grade class could see them.

Luckily for him, he stepped into the door of his school just as the first few drops of rain began to fall. Before long it was raining steadily outside. Rory didn't like that. If the rain kept up for long, it would mean they would have to spend recess inside.

He put that thought aside for now as he sat down in his seat and looked up at the teacher, a very nice, but large rhino named Mr. Hoon, though the class usually just called him Mr. Horn.

Mr. Hoon called the roll call, and then began class for the day. Rory was a smart cub usually, and he listened and followed Mr. Hoon's directions well. Rory lost track of time as he went through math and spelling and reading and social studies. Next thing he knew, it was lunchtime. Mr. Hoon lined everyone up by the door.

To his dismay, Rory found himself right in front of a lion cub named Steven. Rory knew Steven liked to see if he could get others into trouble, so for now he tried to just ignore him.

To everyone's sadness, Mr. Hoon announced that because of the rain, they would be spending their recess inside. The entire first grade class was rather sullen as they walked to the cafeteria. They sat down and ate their lunch pretty quietly, and even though he was sitting next to Steven, Rory was happy to see he didn't try to do anything to get him in trouble.

As they were walking back to their classroom, Rory suddenly felt someone from behind him grab onto his tail and give it a hard pull. Rory mewled out loudly with the pain and he turned around quickly to see Steven grinning at him and holding some orange and black hairs in his paw.

Rory growled as best he could at Steven and smacked Steven's cheek hard. Next thing they knew, the two cubs were rolling around on the floor, growling, mewling and doing their best to scratch at each other. They wrestled around for a few minutes before Mr. Hoon and another teacher, an antelope named Mrs. Lewis, managed to pull the two cubs apart.

Rory's new shirt had a tear on the shoulder and Steven had a bloody nose. Mrs. Lewis took the first grade class back to the classroom while Mr. Hoon took the two cubs to the principal's office.

The principal was a large black panther named Mr. Elwin. Mr. Elwin was normally a very calm and caring p t someone else! No matter what they do to you!"

The two cubs looked at each other a moment before looking back to Mr. Elwin. Mr. Elwin sighed again. "I have no choice but to punish you both for this fight. Steven, since you've been here so often already, I'll punish you first, and then you Rory. Get over here Steven. You already know the position."

Rory watched in fear as Steven walked to the other side of Mr. Elwin's desk and dropped his pants and even his underwear. Mr. Elwin nodded his head and then grabbed the paddle off the wall.

Rory frowned as he saw the paddle landing over and over on Steven's bottom, each time making a loud WHUMP!, and followed by the sound of Steven crying. After only a couple of minutes, Steven pulled up his underwear and pants and was sent to stand in the corner, still crying.

Mr. Elwin nodded, "And now you Rory. Do the same as he did."

Rory mewled sadly and walked to the other side of the desk and bent over it, getting into position.

"And your pants and undies now Rory."

Rory frowned and slid them both down to his knees. Next thing he knew, the wooden paddle was landing down on his bottom, leaving a long streak of fiery pain each time it landed. Rory found himself also crying after the first whack of the paddle, but Mr. Elwin continued, landing the paddle a total of ten times before he stopped.

Rory had tears running down his cheeks as he pulled his pants and underwear back up, then went over to stand in the opposite corner. As both of the cubs stood there crying and softly rubbing their pained, lightly furred bottoms, they heard Mr. Elwin pick up the phone and call their parents.

He kept the cubs standing there in the corners until their parents arrived.

Rory's mom and Steven's mom arrived there at the same time. Mr. Elwin explained what had happened to them both, and Rory felt his mother's paws suddenly turn him around. She wasn' growling quite, but from her look, Rory knew he was in serious trouble.

His mother drug him off and Rory just barely heard Steven's mom mention something about teaching Steven a lesson with a switch. As Steven stood there crying again, Rory was taken out into the car. His mom took off and said nothing, but she was growling the entire time she drove Rory home.

She carried him into the house, walking quickly. She sat him down on a stool in the kitchen, making him cry a bit again as the pain on his butt was refreshed for him. She spent a good hour yelling at him and growling.

As Rory looked down at his footpaws and listened, she pointed to his room and said one last thing. "Rory! I'm too mad to punish you myself! Get into your room and wait for your father! He'll be in with the belt as soon as he gets home for lunch!"

Rory mewled sadly and ran off to his room. He laid down on his bed on his belly and tried not to think about the inevitable. Before long he heard his father's truck entering the driveway.

Rory let out another sad mewl as he heard the door opening. Remembering his father's warning from last time, Rory went ahead and stripped out of all his clothes, even his underwear, and scooted down the bed, laying his legs over the side and leaving his bottom up in prime view.

A moment later, his father walked in. Rory's father was normally even-tempered, but right now, Rory saw a look of only anger on his father's face.

His father actually growled at him, a sound that made Rory's blood run cold. Rory caught a glimpse of the black leather belt and buried his muzzle into the bed sheets.

His father looked down at him, growling still. "Rory! What you did was totally unacceptable! I plan to make extra goddamned sure you think twice before you start a fight again cub!"

Rory barely had time to mewl in fear before he felt the sting of the belt land across his already red bottom, sending him into new tears and never felt before pain.

The belt landed again across his butt. Rory yelled out in pain and cried out more tears than he ever had before into the bed sheets. The black leather belt never let up though. As Rory continued to cry, the sting made line after line of pain across his rump.

After an eternity of hurting and pain, the belt finally stopped. Rory's father growled down at him. "Think about this cub! And you'll get another good belting tonight when I get home from work! I expect you ready for the belt again cub! We'll just see if you ever try to fight again!"

Rory sniffled and tried to wipe the tears from his eyes with his paws as his father left. He stayed in that position, halfway bent over his bed, for a long while crying.

Finally he got up and walked slowly and quietly to the bathroom. After relieving his suddenly full bladder into the toilet, he closed the door and frowned at the sight of his bottom. Even with his little bit of fur over his butt, his rump was still glowing bright red, with a few tiny welts running across it here and there. Rory sniffled and almost cried again at the thought of what he had coming to him later that evening.

He went back into his room and moped around there. As time dragged by he played a little, finding himself not really in the mood to play. He looked outside, and even though it was still cloudy and raining, he could tell the evening was rapidly approaching.

Rory really didn't feel like doing anything, so he hopped up onto the bed and got into his position again. A while later, after Rory had nearly dozed off a couple of times, his heart stopped as he heard his father's truck pull up again.

Rory frowned and tried to brace himself as he heard his father's footsteps approaching. Rory was slightly relieved that he wasn't growling, but he was holding the belt.

He stopped at the door and Rory looked up at him. Rory mewled out softly, "Dada?"

His father stopped. "Yes Rory?"

Rory took a breath, "I .. I'm sorry dada."

"And why is that son?"

"Be .. because I did something bad ... and I got into a fight and because you and mama said you don't want me to fight."

His father's face brightened up suddenly and he almost smiled. "And Rory .. what would you do if someone else pulled your tail again."

Rory thought a moment, then spoke up, "I get the teacher dada!"

"And you wouldn't do anything to the fur yourself?"

Rory thought for a long minute about this before he answered. "No dada. I not a teacher or a dada."

His father finally did smile, "Do you want me to spank you again Rory?"

Rory didn't have to think about this one. He shook his head quickly, "No dada! Not ever again!"

His father smiled and rubbed his son's back softly. "How about you get dressed then? Your mom's making pork chops for dinner."

Rory smiled and licked his lips, "An' applesauce and gravy too dada?"

He chuckled and smiles, "Of course son. See you downstairs. Love you."

Rory smiled brightly as he started to get dressed. "Love you too dada!"


Rory At School

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