Alone Time

Story by Jacikitty on SoFurry

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I wanted to write something for a friend of mine and this is what I came up with. I'm quite satisfied with the result. I hope you enjoy!

Jaci sighed in relief as the hot water washed over her shoulders. Work had been hard, her run that afternoon had been long, the neko's entire day had felt taxing. With her husband on a business trip and the twins safely at a friend's house for the night, this shower was her first chance to get some time alone in quite a while and she knew just what she wanted to do with it.

Stepping from the stream, she snatched up her lavender body wash and doled out a liberal amount of the stuff onto her hands. Slowly, she began working it into her skin. Jaci could have rushed to get the job done but it was far more satisfying to feel the curves and contours of her body, imagining her hands to be her husband's touch with his practiced fingers and tongue knowing just the right spots to get her purring.

The feline's soaked tail flicked up behind her and her eyes closed, recalling the last time the pair had gotten intimate in the shower. Her breath quickened as the memory played through her mind starting with him pinning her to the wall. Her back touched the cold tile, eliciting a surprised gasp while her hands moved to her breasts. Her body remembered the confidence in his touch as her fingers danced across a nipple, which quickly hardened at the idea while her other hand gently caressed her breasts, kneading at the soft, sensitive flesh.

Biting her lip, Jaci started working herself up with the massage, occasionally flicking one nipple or the other with a pinch here and there. One hand drifted up to run along her neck, drawing her nails across her skin. In tandem, she tugged at her nipple, the actions accompanied by a delighted mewl. Shivers ran down her spine, her mouth hanging open as the memory continued to play.

Jaci's heart raced as the next flash came to her, his firm guidance turning her around so she was facing the cold wall behind her, gently pressed against it. Having turned herself around, she braced one arm against the wall, her breasts hanging so that the water running off them dripped off her perked nipples. The hand that wasn't busy supporting her slipped its way down her stomach. The path moved lower and lower, adrenaline firing through her body as her fingers moved over her groin, until her hand had drifted between her legs.

She could practically feel the length of her husband's shaft gliding between her legs as her thighs clenched around her hand. A growl of frustration slipped past her lips, remembering each time he had pressed his tip against her only to draw back at the last moment. Jaci hated being teased like that but she couldn't deny the powerful effect it had on her as her hips twitched just from thinking about it. She could feel her need starting to overflow, and finally she slipped a finger into herself, the palm of her hand gently brushing against her clit.

Her favorite part of the memory was just how full she felt as he pushed his way into her. What she was doing now didn't compare, despite the amount of control she had as a second finger joined the first. The sound of her pleasure flowed freely, gasps and moans playing to the audience of her fantasy. Fingers curled, she rubbed the slick outer wall of her passage, and her body responded with an involuntary thrust of her hips.

The tile again rewarded her with a shock to her senses when her chest and face pressed to the wall. Her free hand clenched while her fantasy continued, each thrust of his hips driving his shaft into her. As she worked, she longed for the weight of him on her back keeping her pinned to the wall, the sound of his breath in her ear, and the caring touch as the hand on her hip moved between her legs to stroke at her clit. The tips of her fingers pushed firmly against that sweet spot within her, letting the palm of her hand glide across her clit with each little motion she made, mirroring what her husband's fingers had done for her so many times before.

With gritted teeth, her hips continued to rock, mimicking the motion that her memory brought to her. As that familiar, immense pressure built within her, she felt her ears flatten against her head knowing that at any moment that dam would break. Her tail curled in anticipation, looking for that body behind her to twist itself around, but it found none.

Her footing slipped ever so slightly, pressing her weight to the wall. The angle changed, her hand pressed firmly to her body, with her fingers reaching depths usually only plumbed by her lover. It was all she needed. Her velvet passage rippled around her fingers, and she slid down to her knees on the shower floor. Arching backwards, she cried out to him, finally overwhelmed by the toe-curling, tail-thrashing pleasure, floating along with the tide of sensation that came with it.


When she came to it took her a minute to realize that the water had began to run cool. Jaci was thankful that she'd already washed her hair prior to her other desires. On shaky knees and with trembling hands, the woman stood and rinsed herself off. Overly sensitive now, she made it quick, trying not to make herself sick with the feeling.

Satisfied, she shut the water off and toweled down, taking extra care to dry her hair before slipping into her nightgown. She shuffled her way to the large bed, burrowing her way under the blanket on her side and rolling to face her nightstand. A picture of her and her husband peered back at her in the shadowy darkness. With a smile, she closed her eyes and started her slow drift to sleep.

"It's going to be a long weekend."