Alone Time

Jaci sighed in relief as the hot water washed over her shoulders. Work had been hard, her run that afternoon had been long, the neko's entire day had felt taxing. With her husband on a business trip and the twins safely at a friend's house for the...

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Fungi Fling

Ok. You want to know what goes on in my mind at 12:30 at night? Here's your answer. Please note that this is the ORIGIONAL rough draft. I've not done any editing yet. It's also my first attempt at smut so comments are appreciated. Essentially,...

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Shades of Silver: Final Chapter

Silver stood in the middle of the field with his blades drawn, dark energy swirling about him as his hair and fur darkened, his silvery eyes changing to a deep red hue. "Who else wants to fuck with me?!" The blade in his right hand, a dagger, was...

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Shades of Silver part 1: chapter 1

All characters are mine. Mine alone. Intellectual property and all that jazz. If you want to borrow one, just ask. \_\_\_\_ Shades of Silver Part I: Shadows Chapter I: Away From Light Straight to the Dark Jaci waked through the...

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