Eric's Conquest Chapter 4

Story by lordgriffin on SoFurry

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#5 of Eric's Conquest

Two-Kinds story collaboration continues. Flora and Natani gets trained. Eric continues with Keith

Flora looked curious when Kathrin led her into the Captain's Cabin with her wrists bound tightly behind her back just above her tail. They had been at see now for over a week. The hapless tigress moved without a stitch of clothing on, every stripe and movement of her lithe body on display for whomever wishes to see. At first she thought she was going to be forced to pleasure Eric again. Eric, Evals, mike and Keith had been using her frequently to pass the time, but only Eric used her sex. Eric had made it ABUNDANTLY clear who her boss was. Her tail hole burned from the nearly constant attention of Mike and Evals during the nights.

Day and night, at his whim Eric used her cunt with complete abandon and indifference to what she wanted, but she had to admit, when it came to mating Eric was a master. For the first few days she had hoped that Trace would arrive to rescue her, but that was a fairy tale ending, and this was no fairy tale. Eric and Keith reminded her frequently of Trace's demise, and the best she could hope to do is make the best of it.

Flora could have kept up hope had they not shown her Natani...and the way Keith, Mike and Evals were now using her as a cum rag. The three of them utilized the slave collar to turn Natani into a panting obedient dog, who would pleasure the men in any ways they wished.

The assassin wolf, strength of the entire band, was no more problem for them to control, well then Kathrin...and they had her brother, Zen, too. When Flora saw that, she had begun to realize this would be her new life.

Kathrin went over to the table, which was loaded with pastries and meats and her stomach growled. Keith and Eric had taken turns raping Flora, and parading her around on her leash. Then they would return her to the bilge, except when Eric wanted to mount her, or wanted her at his desk. She was then expected to use her tongue to clean anyone's feet who sat at the desk. Most times it was Eric, sometimes it was Keith, or Mike, or Evals. Once it was even Kathrin and then Ren and sometimes they expected her to do even worse things.

Flora's stomach growled again at the scent of the food and she thought she was going to get finally get fed, they had not given her anything but warm, tasteless water since her first day. When you're hungry and haven't had anything, even someone's unwashed feet became savory, not to mention the salts and minerals her body needed.

Instead of being fed, Kathrin lifted up the pure white table cloth and nodded to Flora "Hurry get underneath before they get here!" she smiled

Flora knelt down and crawled under the table. She was surprised that Katherine joined her, sitting back, to furry back with her. Kathrin looked over her shoulder with a wink and put her finger to her lips in a "shhhhh" motion.

Flora heard the door open and the sound of Eric and Keith enter, she made out their voices, and saw the wooden chairs move and suddenly Eric's bare feet appeared under the tablecloth be for her. Behind her, Keith's bare feet appeared in front of Kathrin

Above the table, Keith sat down with Eric looking a bit confused "Eric, I know you humans have different grooming standards but don't you..." his ears went up and his face got a brief look of shock as he felt something warm and slippery slither over his foot.

Eric smiled "As you see I have taken care of that...would you like some lunch?"

Eric was quite pleased. He was no mage but with each rape of Natani or Flora, he could see the darkness growing in Keith. Even better, what he would call it the LIGHT side of Keith, had seemed to have caught on that this was PLEASANT, and was not even resisting.

Under the table, Flora wrinkled her muzzle, the thought of doing this was unpleasant, even if her mouth watered. She was intent on following form when she felt Kathrin's tail thump her head. Looking back, she saw Kathrin's hands busily untying the draw strong at Keith's waist, the feline was so eager, her hands were trembling as she tugged the draw strings and gently exposed Keith's soft furred sheath, the warm grey fur still wet from a recent romp with Natani. That only made it better for Kathrin who pressed her muzzle between Keith's grey furred thighs and began to hungrily nurse.

Flora flatted her ears, she knew what was expected. She had watched Mike and Evals throw every chamber pot overboard at Eric's order, as they already HAD three perfectly good chamber pots. Kathrin had goaded Flora several times saying "Come on Flora, give it a chance it's not BAD once you get used to it.

With her hands bound, Flora knew if she did nothing she would receive a kick and maybe a hard spanking, with Trace gone, Eric no longer held back, he took what he wanted from her when he wanted it. She had to lean forward on her knees, and work her nose up to Eric's waist...Using her tongue she had to lick the draw string from within Eric's breeches, sliding her tongue against the skin of his belly to fish out the raw hide draw string.

As she lapped, she tasted Eric's skin, and got a nose full of his scent. She could not remember Trace's scent but she knew she would never forget Eric's. He had a warm musky scent, and his taste was salty sweet to her muzzle. With the string between her teeth she leaned back and pulled open the breeches.

Next she had to use her whole face, a task made easier than for human women, as she had a muzzle which slipped into the musky warmth of Eric's breeched and between his legs. There, nestled proudly was Eric's manhood. Every time she saw it she hated the thought that if Eric was nothing else, he was impressive. He was more than twice the size of Trace, and he knew how to use it in ways Trace never even dreamed.

Sighing Flora opened her muzzle and curled her tongue under Eric's cock and pulled it past her fangs into her warm mouth, her thin black lips clinging to his shaft as she slipped her mouth to his base and began to nurse as well from her master. It did not take long before the fleshy human organ began to firm up in her mouth. She let the head slip into her soft cheek as she continued to nurse like a kitten...her mind slowly accepting this as she tasted the slightly salty bitter pre drooling from the head of the cock in her muzzle. Being practiced, Eric could go a long time before he climaxed, and she swallowed the slippery liquid down into her stomach, a part of her becoming aroused, Kathrine kept telling her she had no choice anyways, so why should she feel guilty that this was not Trace. She pressed her furred cheeks deeper into Eric's groin, her tongue curling around the firm member, feeling his warm thighs brushing her furred cheeks.

Above the table, Eric smirked at what he was about to do again to Trace's pet cat. Keith at first looked pensive, then a warm smile grew as he began relieving himself.

Eric felt Flora using her mouth, her tongue found his heavy length and he felt the warm slippery pressure of her maw. While Keith's expression changed to the same warm smile, experiencing the warm relief, Eric relaxed his own bladder and held nothing back.

Flora felt the warm acrid fluid splash into her mouth, and for the first time in three days, her taste buds came alive. She didn't care what it was... it was warm and salty and it began to fill her belly as she nursed like a kitten swallowing rapidly as her tongue slid along under the firm cock in her mouth. She pressed her nose in firmly against Eric's pubic mound and for a while, nothing else mattered. She didn't care where Trace was, or if Natani was finished forever...this was a treat, and her bely stopped growling.

Eric leaned back and relaxed, this would become one of Flora's regular duties from now on. He would make trace's stupid cat amaze him in ways Trace could never dream ...and he emptied his bladder into the stripped cat.

Once she felt Eric's length sputter and the last few pulses of his urine had been sent into her stomach, she resumed suckling to pleasure him.

Both of them now finished...they continued to talk while the 2 females continued suckling at the meat in their mouths, their cocks beginning to drool once more into the animal's maw.

"So Keith, I am to take you to the Basitin Islands, I will take my time to let you PLAY with Natani."

Keith was busily gnawing at an animal bone as he ate "Eh...I have not even begun to break that bitch in. Oh yes I will do MUCH more to her, but, more importantly, I want to make sure that brother of her's knows just who it was that cooked their goose" he smiled holding up the bare bone and tossing it under the table.

Eric nodded "Be my guest, I have plans for both when you're threw with them."

As they conversed Kathrin and Flora continued to suckle at them bobbing their heads up and down. Every so often a hand would appear under the table and condescendingly stoke their ears. Eric, for one, had waited a LONG time for this...and it was not long before she heard him say "Excuse me a moment."

She felt Eric lean back, and suckled a bit more firmly and as she though the human trembled and began pulsing his slippery seed into the back of her throat, his hand pushing her head into his crotch and holding her there till he was finished...when he released her, she glanced behind her and saw Kathrin getting the same treatment from Keith...

When they had both finished both males stood, and re tied their draw strings, and Flora heard Keith say "Kathrin...heel...time to pay that mutt Zen a visit....

Kathrin crawled out and left, leaving Flora with Eric. The tablecloth lifted and, grinning, Eric corked his finger "come on stripes... you have an appointment with an artist...

Zen's head was swimming; the wolf assassin could feel his wrists and ankles tied to iron rings set in the deck, feel the sway of the ship. He remembered Kathrine seducing him, she had forced climax after climax out of him. Somewhere in his mind, maybe a dream, he had heard his sister, Natani, crying out... helpless...slowly he remembered she had been taken be raped. He frowned a bit as felt his length sliding from his sheath, aroused at the thought of Natani's rape. Why would he do that? Could it be the collar around his neck?

The next thing that Zen was aware of was a pair of soft grayish furred paws beside his head. As he focused he found himself looking up at Keith, in his general's uniform, smiling darkly down at him. On the other side of his head a pair of soft speckled white kitty paws as Basitin and Kaderian loomed over him.

Keith grinned down, using a toe to gently nudge the wolf's ear "Wakey Wakey MUTT" he chuckled, pinning the ear under his foot and looking down at the naked wolf's soft brown fur.

Zen groaned opening his eyes wider. His length was fully erect from his morning wood, and it hung almost painfully as he could move to neither hide it nor service it. "K...Keith...what..." he gasped as Kathrine's paw moved to caress up his bare length causing Zen to arch.

"Shhhhh, be quiet a good boy and we will keep breeding you, like the animal you are.... Be REALLY good and we will breed you to your sister Natani..."

The wolf watched the Basitin standing above him as the feline moves with the grace of her kind, stepping over the prostrate aroused wolf, her tail flicking with a short, quick jerking motion behind her, indicating her excitement. Katherine reached down with her fingers and spread her soft feline lips and began to lower herself slowly onto the wolf.

Zen could only struggle gently as he watched the naked snowy feline straddle him cowgirl style. She used her other silken hand to reach out and pulled his erect length gently upwards, her hand was covered in silken soft feline fir and she ran her claws very lightly up his length, giggling as she watched him helpless beneath her. She guided his erection into her body. The feline body was warm and slippery and snug as he slipped past her pelvic bone and into her.

Kathrine purred loudly feeling the wolfs thickness sliding into her as she leaned over to place her hands on Zen's shoulders " like that do you?" she perked her ears and cocked her head.

Zen felt like something was wrong, his groin muscles ached as if he had been erect and unable to come for a month, yet he was still stiff as a board..."Natani? How? Why am I so...aroused...?

Above him, Keith sneered down as he watched Kathrine begin to ride him, her lithe body lifting up only to grind down back atop the wolf, her ass moving as she took the wolf against his will...well somewhat against his will.

"It's the collar...keeps you erect," He said. "Kathrine there could suck you dry a dozen time and you'd still be hard, isn't that a nice gift? Be a really good boy and we might breed you to that worthless Sister of yours. A little incest is ok isn't it Zen?"

Zen whined arching as the feline ground her hips against his groin. "Leave Natani..." Zen could not say another word, feeling the hard wood deck beneath him and the soft feline riding him from above."

"ah Ah Ah" Keith chuckled "say 'I'm a Good boy'" enjoying watching the assassin being manipulated. "You will only be granted RELIEF...if you immediately obey, hesitate...and I will make this last for MONTHS."

Zen struggled. "N...No I...

Keith grinned wider "Say it say I am a Good boy!" as the two coupled at his feet

Zen groaned his groin felt like it would explode... Keith's words sounded so Persuasive... he wanted to, the idea sounded so arousing to him...

Kathrine used her tail to caress up his leg and Zen's head went up in surprise held to the deck only by Keith's paw on his ear

"Say it mutt" Keith chuckled again

"I...I...No...ohhhhh I...I am...a Good boy...."

Keith's hear soared, he had done it! "that's better" he grinned "now Answer me a Little not so bad, you wolves inbreed anyways"

Zen was finding it hard to think...worse...hard to resist, he felt weak exhausted as the feline rode him " But Natani..."

Keith leaned over the bound male gloating and smug. "Let's just say rather than being an assassin, your sister is going to be the sheath for MANY swords, including your own Mutt. I am going to PERSONALLY make sure she spends her life and some other male's feet. Keith knelt down, running a finger along Zen's muzzle gently "as for you...You are going to be a breeder for Eric. You will breed on command with whatever species you are told.... Just like a street mongrel aren't you?"

Kathrine leaned over and slowly licked Zen's throat giving him a small love bite, she liked sex so much and she could feel the wolves knot swelling within her.

Watching, feeling the darkness within him groaning feeding on what was the "old Keith" feeding on the wolf's lust, Keith leaned over and whispered "On command pup.... like a true slave.... CUM!"

Zen felt himself arch and explode rope after rope of wolf semen into Katherine. As for Kathrine, she leaned over covering him, feeling his stiff length in her body, his toned muscles, his warm fur while she ground her pelvis down on top of him

For Zen it was pain and pleasure... the muscles forced to work by the magic over tired strained and yet he climaxed warmly against the feline above him. Why did the order make him feel so damned aroused? And did he care? As his eyes crossed and he pulsed into the warm inviting female above him.

Above decks, in Eric's private cabin, Eric lead the naked Kaderian gently into his art studio watching her muscles move, her orange striped body moving. Even her feet taking her weight. He still could not believe he finally had her, and without a single thread to hide her charms from the delight of his eyes.

"Now my striped little Kaderian slave, you're going to pose for me, and I am going to paint every stripe and feature for my conquest wall, okay?

Standing, the cool air on her bare fur Flora looked around desperately she heard Eric talking, she knew what he said would come to pass, it would be trivial compared to what he had already done to her.

She had to ask "What is going to happen to me Eric?" reluctant to pose

Eric, enjoying the sound of pleading in her voice, such a change from the defiance she had when he had first asked to paint her, got out his palette and easel and smirked "You, my dear Flora, are going to be a LIVING chamber pot and pleasure slave..."

Flora looked about ready to weep, her heart racing with near desperation "But Eric..."

Eric frowned

Flora quickly corrected herself "But master....w...why...we were friends... Trace..."

Eric shouted and slammed a paint brush down there it was again Trace... "Flora Trace is FINISHED, he is NOT coming back, and you BETTER get used to it. Your TRACE is on his knees somewhere more obsessed with pleasing HIS masters then YOU are at pleasing YOURS..."

Eric had to close his eyes and take a deep breath. He calmed some and a thought struck him that gave him a lecherous smile "Besides I have seen and felt how good you are at it Flora...was the taste so bad?

Flora swallowed hard, calming at the sound of Eric's voice and remembering her meal only moments ago...her hope fading she shook her head no "No master, I... I really didn't mind....

Eric smiled more widely, more genuinely, THAT is what he wanted to hear "Now Flora, you will squat down...

Slowly, feeling almost numb Flora complied, her knees bending, and hiking her tail.

"Not THAT way, Eric shook his head with a grin knowing that Flora was new to this, unused to being provocative. "Spread your knees. Let's see that cunt between your legs.

Flora spread her knees a little, considering her position. The cool air was cooling on Eric's seed that had soaked her groin fur, and she felt guilty that Eric had already given her greater physical pleasure then Trace ever had... maybe she SHOULD try it.

Eric began to paint something and without looking up said "Don't make me have to coax you, or you WILL regret it.

Flora, by now, knew better then to antagonize him, he squatted down on her haunches and spread her knees fully, exposing her sex to the entire room full of pictures seem to be looking right at her.

"Now" said Eric "BEG"

Flora felt humiliated but aroused she slowly brought her arms up, curling her front paws under her chin and widening her eyes into an expression that seemed to be imploring.

There she crouched, a pretty picture of a naked begging striped slave girl for Eric. soft breasts in plain sight, knees spread, her tail hiked.

Eric smirked and nodded in satisfaction and began to paint making sure Flora noticed the bulge in his breeches.

For Flora, who at their first meeting had refused to let Eric paint her, this was now a least she was not chained in the bilge, or didn't have a male atop her and she could enjoy some relief from her bondage.

Flora crouched there in the aft cabin of Eric's ship for what seemed like hours. Naked as the day she was born, clad in only her fur, the cabin windows open, had they not been at sea any one passing by would see every one of Flora's charms. While she crouched there, watching Eric's eyes roaming her body, she felt the air against her fur, and she had to admit, the sex with Eric, Keith, Mike and Evals was really high quality, she supposed from the amount of females they took on a regular basis. If only they would stop mounting her ass, her tail was cramping from being forced up her back and her anus needed time to get used to this at least.

The sun was beginning to dip down on the horizon when her ears perked to the sound of the door opening behind Eric.

When the door opened, at first, Flora thought it was a rescue. Natani stood looking wiled eyed, but something was wrong in how she stood. It only took a moment and Flora saw it, a Collar around the wolf's neck with a tag that read "Natani: and smaller writing...probably "Property of"

Behind her stood Keith, smirking, holding the wolf's leash "Get in there bitch"

Natani looked angry and miserable as she walked in. The wolf also looked embarrassed, bringing her hands up to cover her full furry brown breasts but every time her hands would get near, the collar would glow dimply with magic and her hands would drop, leaving soft full breasts open for all to see.

Around her upper body was a bronze chain mail shelf bra that showed off the soft breasts she had hidden for so long, a cheap green quartz stone nestled between the cleavage, her nipples exposed.

Next around her upper arm, were 2 brass pythons, the cheap metal already turning Natani's fur green. Walking Awkwardly, Flora noted the soft sheer silk loincloth that Keith had given to the wolf, a bright green, possibly to go with her eyes, but the garment was so thin it hid nothing, the fur between Natani's legs was still wet from Keith's romp with her.

Flora could see Natani trying to bring her tail around, or lower her hands to cover her privates, but every time the glow of the slave collar would move her hands away.

Keith walked up to Eric, who was smiling and using a brush loaded with orange pigment, ignoring Flora who still squatted cramped in front of the easel.

"How does it look?" Eric asked barely noticing Natani, as Katherine walked in the opposite cabin door and took her place hanging on Eric's arm.

Keith put a hand to his chin and regarded it smiling "not bad, you sure got the details down."

Eric smiled "thank you, I got a good look, I wanted to capture it for all to see" he leaned in with the brush as if putting some finishing touches on it.

Natani stood her head down glowering, her hands fiddling with the silk loin cloth, fidgeting awkwardly as if she didn't know what to do standing there with her body exposed to the world, her eyes looking like the Assassin wanted to either kill or crawl into a hole.

Keith and Eric ignored the females in the room, admiring the picture. "It has to Dry" Eric smiled lifting the canvas and placing it on his wall. To say it was life like was an understatement. The human had captured every stripe, every fold of her sex, the exact pout of her breast as the picture of Flora begging like a kitten was hung.

"Well...what shall we do now?" Eric smiled eyeing Natani "We could just have our way with them again but that is getting a bit boring...

At that Natani could not hold back "WHAT!? You take everything we have and were too BOR...."

"SIT GIRL!" Keith said with a smirk not even looking at her "Yes I do agree" he went on to say.

At the commend Flora watched Natani's collar glow again, her muzzle clamped shut and she squatted to a sit position beside Keith, still looking furious and embarrassed.

Keith smiled back, a cool smile yet loaded with lust and passion "how about we let these two put on a little show for us?

Flora looked wide eyed up at Eric "what does he mean?"

Eric smiled as he took Flora under her arm, and began guiding her out of the cabin. "you know what to do.

Mike and Evals were busy holy stoning the deck. On their knees with heavy sanding stones the size of a bible, the 2 male slaves rubbed the deck to remove splinters and keep it smooth, the effect of being on their knees making them seem to pray giving the activity the nautical term, Holy stoning. As Keith led Natani out on her leash. Unlike Flora, Mike and Evals had had ample time to rape Natani till she was cross eyed. The 2 slaves smiled up.

"I think what he means" Eric smiled, releasing Flora "is you and the wolf have been a bit...upset with your romps with us, how about we give you a chance to make love to someone you actually CARE about? Wouldn't that be nice Natani?"

The question freed her muzzle and Natani looked up wide eyed "NO! you can't..."

Keith chuckled and slapped the wolf's bare rump "What's the matter assassin? You always thought you were a BOY, here is your chance to act line one. Make love to your friend for us."

Mike and Evals hurried over with deck chairs and squatted beside Keith and Eric as they took the seats for the show.

Flora stood bewildered, she had never considered making love to another female...she looks at Natani, who was now moving toward her, a worried look on her face until the 2 females stood face to face looking at each other, Natani the larger.

Natani trembled, "Flora. I can't stop...the's making me..."

Flora glanced at Eric, seeing his smug smile, and how aroused he was, she lifted a finger to Natani's muzzle "Shhh...I know" Flora then reached up, the way Eric has with her, and sipped her hand behind Natani's head and lifted her muzzle to the wolf's her tongue sliding out into the wolf's muzzle.

The collar glowing Natani's eyes rolled back she felt the feline tongue on her mouth and began to return the intimate lick, her hands going to Flora's soft breasts."

Keith chuckled "oh by the gods, Dogs and sin" he laughed.

Natani whimpered "Flora Do...*gulck!*" her plea cut off by the Kaderian's tone licking at her tonsils. Each intimate moved causing the collar to raise the lust level of the wolf. The feeling pressed her own furry breasts against the wolf's, feeling the warm soft breasts against each other as their nipples teased against each other.

Natani found her hand reaching out to caress Flora's striped flank, as the tigress returned the favor, running her feline claws thru Natani's fur gently up the wolf's flank and to the wagging tail. Slowly the 2 females went to their knees, the intimate kisses and licks deepening as they began to moan.

Flora was not sure what to do, but she had had sex enough times with Eric and Keith, she gently thrust the soft wet lips of her own sex against the wolf's and began to rub their groins together. Flora was surprised by how soft and arousing the other female was.

For Natani she burned with shame but the collar was now in full control, embracing she dropped her head to lick openly at her friend's nipples, slowly laying themselves on the deck at the feet of their captors.

The two began a lovers wrestling match on the deck under the stars as the moon began to rise.

Keith smiled over at Eric and Katherine as they watched the 2 females trying to eat each other's face as they writhed in their embrace on the deck. "You know Eric; why don't you nail that nice bit of fluff on your arm? She seems willing and you could sell the offspring at a profit..."

Eric smiled feeling the warm fur of the 2 females as they ran their hands up and down each other's body rolling up against his leg "I would love to however unfortunately Kathrine is barren...and you know how rare it is for a Kederian and a Human to successfully interbreed.

On the deck the 2 females barely heard a word. Flora, who was catching on now had her face buried in the warm fur of her friend's cleavage, while Natani grunted and humped at her friends warm furred leg. Their hands roamed each other's body and Natani, now half crazed from the collar, found her finger at Flora's warm tail hole. The wolf felt her finger run up the sopping wet feline pussy to catch the slippery juices there and then pressed her finger into her friends tail hole, feeling the warm muscles grip her finger pleasantly.

At the intrusion, Flora let out a loud GROWL and arched her tail arching up her back. Flora responded with a love nip on Natani's neck as the males chuckled "I would say they are quite enjoying themselves" Keith commented placing his foot on Flora's rump to gently shove the 2 bodies together.

Lost in lust, Natani could barely please...her whisper lost as she crouched on all fours above Flora and turned, thrusting her muzzle between Flora's creamy white thighs to lick at the soft feline sex, while grinding her own thighs on Flora's muzzle.

Keith smiled as the growling and yowling was muffled and devolved into the two Kederians licking hungrily and noisily each foaming at the muzzle in their frenzy as they 69'ed each other.

"You know Eric, if you get Flora pregnant...I could make not only Kathrine fertile with you, but you would be fertile with ALL Kederian, you could help rise your own sock."

Both Katherine and Eric stood, the 2 females licking at each other forgotten for a moment "What? How? Are you serious?"

Keith smiled "Quite serious, the magic I am constantly discovering new things about the magic I was imbued with. If we use a life force, I can transfer it to you, and you can transmit that into Kathrine...if you really want to." Keith studied his claws gently buffing them on his tunic.

Behind them they heard the grunt of the 2 females orgasm and the frenetic licking to consume the juices produced.

With a smile Keith slowly rose and placed a foot on the panting exhausted Flora, "interested?"

Kathrin's ears immediately perked and she hung on Eric's arm "oh PLEASE master, you know how badly I have wanted your cubs..." her tail tip flicking back and forth excitedly.

Eric regarded Keith, who had his bare foot on Flora's inner thigh running it obscenely up to her wet sex, the 2 females had been used continually for sex since they left port and the repeated orgasms had left them week, and more or less compliant. "Can you do that for Kathrin, Keith?

Keith smirked feeling the wetness of her sex on his toe, sliding his foot up to bring it to her mouth. When he passed over her abdomen, he felt a hard bulge.

"Unfortunately for the spell unless one of these females were..." he paused using the bottom of his foot to probe the feline abdomen "what are you HIDING here Flora?"

The feline looked up blinking "That's...I'm..."

"Pregnant" Keith smiled down at her "why you naughty kitty" he chuckled "Kathrine, I think you're in luck, it seems that you're not the FIRST human to sample her charms Eric...little Flora here was banging Trace...."

Eric frowned "that would mean she is carrying Trace's cub; she is too far along for it to be mine...I don't think the Templars would LIKE that."

Keith nodded "my thoughts exactly, and seeing as Kathrin, I need a life force...

Laying at their feet panting, Flora look across at Natani, the wolf's eyes were temporarily blank, her tongue out drooling on the deck recovering from their mutual orgasm. Above She heard them talking. Despite her fatigue she sat up suddenly startling them.

Sideling up to Eric Flora found her pur came unusually easily as she pressed herself to Eric sliding her warm paw along his chest inside his tunic " can't to do that would you? I mean no one will know the cub Belongs to trace."

Flora put on her most seductive face lowering her chin, she gently licked Eric's chin "I will do anything" she murred slipping her paw down Eric's breeches, and feeling his firm flesh. She palmed his warm full scrotum in front of everyone on the deck as he had always wanted her feeling his erection firming in her hand "wouldn't you want to SELL Trace's cub?" She rubbed her cheek against Eric's and whispered into his ear "please..."

Eric smiled enjoying the power he now had over the feline "Hmm I see you CAN behave properly when you want...please...why don't you put one of them pretty kitty paws on your friend Natani's face.

Flora swallowed and raised her paw placing it on her friends face as she continued to grope the human rubbing her body against him.

Eric nodded "but you would do anything for me ANYWAYS wouldn't you?"

Flora paused and blinked...beginning to realize where he was going. Slowly she nodded.

"Then tell me...what do you think about your Trace?"

Flora swallowed, her heart racing with arousal "Trace is not half the lover you are, he was weak. You're so well off, you have your own ship" she paused thinking "you, know how to please females, and, and how to HANDLE animals...Take me Eric...please..." she nuzzled his chest.

"And you would not have your FRIEND Kathrin be barren for the REST of her life, when you can have many more cubs would you?"

Flora backed away and looked down at his feet ""

Eric pressed "Trace is finished Flora, I have no desire to inflict more on him, and they would use his offspring against him anyways...." He looked at Keith who stood with his arms crossed and smirked "what do you need to do?"

Keith nodded "Mike, tie little Natani here to the Mast, make sure she is well secure and naked, she can watch what we do with her little friend. Evals, take this chalk, and draw a Pentagram on the deck JUST about Flora's size. Kathrin, we will need leather thongs, shackles we can pound into the deck and 5 candles.

Flora stood wide eyed as they moved to carry his orders, Eric holding her by her shoulders. She watched as Evals retrieved white chalk, and Keith measured out the 5 points equal spaced on the deck and connected them by white chalk lines within a circle scribed from a spine at the center.

Natani, limp from the romp and the slave collar was carried and using wide bands of leather secured to the mast with Flora's head at her feet, Mike made sure she was muzzled. By the time he was done, Evals was driving a shackle at each point of the star, while Kathrine excitedly lit a single white candle at each point.

Bemused, Eric asked "is there anything I can do?"

You?" Keith smiled "you're the most important part, I need you to drive this little kitten to orgasm. Her climax will be the force needed to transfer that life force to you.

Eric smiled and bent to gently stroked Flora's fur "Shhh...Trust me on will start your new life." Flora considered using her claws, but between Keith's Magic, and Eric and his crew, and being in the middle of the sea... what would it vail her. She did not know if it was Keith's magic, she hoped it was because a part of her...was aroused.

She allowed them to lay her down, her head in one point of the star. She felt the oft leather as it was lopped around her wrist, mike on one side, Evals on the other.

The leather thongs bit gently into the fur, capturing her as the 2 males pulled on opposite sides...stretching her arms outwards.

Next they knelt next to her feet, her slim paws soft as they looped the thongs about her feet, each one now in one of the points of the pentagram. When they pulled her taught she lay at their feet spread like an eagle and naked as they day she was born. Her soft breasts moved up and don as she panted. The final thing was looped gently around her neck just to hold her in alignment with the mystical glyph.

Each of them looked down at her with excitement in their eyes. Excited Eric disrobed...kneeling next to her and allowing his hands to caress her side "Tell the truth Flora, your excited, aren't you?"

In her mind Flora was realizing that this would just be the way of things, he was...reading her. She nodded quietly her eyes closing at the gentle caress.

Keith smiled, his hands beginning to glow a dark aura around them, the entity within growing much stronger, the "real" Keith watching with growing arousal and excitement from within his own body "Now...Eric, do what you are so good at..."

Eric knelt between Flora's legs and lay atop her. Flora felt his weight, his scent pleasant as he moved his erection to her entrance, feeling her wet soft lips clinging to his head.

The others watched as Eric lined up and thrust firmly. The tigers sex parting easily to sheath him as she closed her eyes moaning in lust.

Eric had no problem with an audience as he felt the bulge in her tummy, a black outline engulfing her as a blue white light surrounded him.

Keith stood with his armed raised, the dark aura coming from him to Flora as he said "now Eric, you need only bring her to climax

Eric smiled, feeling the slight bulge getting smaller as he got stronger, incredibly he was growing more aroused. Reaching under Flora's striped rump he gently caressed her tail base, lifting her hips as he thrust firmly. Each thrust bringing a soft needful mew from her muzzle.

Eric could feel her warm body sheathing him as she became more and more moist, while Flora felt the magnificent sensation that Eric was so good at. Each thrust down pressed her back to the cool wood of the deck as the moon raised and he made love to her under the stars.

Flora began losing herself in the moment, the sex was better than she had ever had, so strong was the sensation of pleasure. She began clenching her muscles around Eric's member as he pulled back, hips rising, only to relax to allow him to thrust suddenly back in, the deck could her the soft wet noise as Eric's length pressed in and a soft sucking as he withdrew causing the feline go moan loudly.

Eric timed his thrust with the rolling of the ship, the soft tiger fur, trapped beneath him helpless as the blue white glow grew brighter. Realizing a dream, he was so incredibly aroused. He pressed his chest against hers, taking her on the deck of his ship while the others watched.

Flora felt his human length in her, it was not in her ass, it was right where she watched it. She threw her head back allowing Eric to claim her. They did have her, and in her helplessness she felt aroused.

Eric could tell she was close, his triumph. He moved his hips faster then slower, her juices now forming a puddle on the deck beneath her. If she could not have Trace, there were worse things than pleasure like this.

Keith stepped forward. The swell in the tigress tummy was almost gone, while Eric felt the strength of life deep within him. With a nod Keith said simply "now."

Eric thrust several more times and Flora's eyes opened wide as she climaxed against him.

"Uuggh! ERIC!" she groaned as the intensity of the climax hit her, all thought of Trace gone for the moment.

Closing her eyes, she felt warm this was...right...

Atop her Eric held firmly within her, spilling his seed flowing into her womb. Again and again he pulsed anther jet of his seed within her. Usually after he wanted to rest and relax...but as the Blue white glow faded within him, and the dark aura vanished. He felt more aroused than ever.

Beneath him Flora felt fatigued, content to lay where she was, resting. She felt Eric push himself to all 4's above her, his length slipping out of her, the air cool on her exposed sex.

Eric smiled, as his seed and her juries leaked from her sex. The slight bulge in her abdomen now gone, giving her the smooth lithe figure of a feline once more.

Keith smiled "How was THAT?"

Eric, shaken and still as hard as a rock nodded "incredible!"

Kathrin knelt before Eric gently playing with him " do I..."

Keith chuckled "Simply bed your wench" he nodded to Kathrin "it will make her fertile and you will conceive the first time with her. What about Flora?' he asked.

Eric smiled "you, mike and Evals can have her ass and mouth...after I fix my little Kitten here, I want Flora's first child to be MINE, after that, we will all breed her as often as we can, and her children will make me rich!

Keith nodded...watching as Eric hurried Kathrin to the side rale and bent her over. '

Eric ran his hand over the short, soft, white fur of the hybrid Keidran's rear. Kat purred as she felt his loving hand caress her, while her tail twitched in anticipation. "I've dreamt of this day for so long Eric, but I never thought it would actually come."

Eric put his thick helmeted cock head against her dripping cunt and slipped it in, feeling her failure folds wrap around him. She let out a long sensuous moan as he smiled down at her. "I never thought it would happen either, but thanks to Keith and Flora we have a miracle." He pulled back and slammed forward with his hips making the Keidran squirm with delight as he began to use her.

Flora looked on as the blond human began to rail the smaller Keidran against the side of the ship. She couldn't believe it, but she was jealous of the other woman getting pleasured by his thick cock. Kat would soon be impregnated by him and soon so would she. That thought gave her... happiness. How could that be she wondered to herself, but didn't have long to contemplate an answer. Keith appeared in front of her, with his long hard cock already drippling precum. With an evil look on his face he grabbed her by the air and shoved his entire length down her well trained throat. She barely even gagged as he began to fuck her throat and use her like the animal she was. "Poor Flora, you don't even get to be the first one to bare Eric's offspring. Don't worry though, he'll get to you soon enough. Until then the three of us will make sure stay in the right mood." The tiger cast her eyes to the side, seeing Mike and Evals playing rock paper scissors to see which would take her first. She didn't get to see, because a loud moan stole her attention.

The spotted Keidran arched her back as she let out a loud scream. Her cunt convoluted around Eric's cock, milking him and begging to cum as her whole body shook. He never slowed down his thrust and only smiled wider as she slowly came down from her orgasm. "Am I doing well my beloved slave?" He asked her as he buried himself in all the way and ground himself against her stretched snatch for a moment.

Kathrine purred in response. "Gods yes Eric. No one compares to you. I'm so lucky that I'm your slave."

Eric speed up his assault on her pussy, making her moan anew. He never felt this way before, so powerful. The energy from Trace's bastard offspring had done this, and he certainly wasn't going to waste any of it. "Damn straight you are! Now make sure to you bear me a wonderful child. I'd expect nothing less from you."

"I'll do my best, master." Kat said before being rocked by a second orgasm.

Flora half screamed as she was suddenly forced down to the base of Keith's cock. Her ass was speared without warning by Evals, and she could feel his already forming knot being forced in and out of her. "I can never get enough of this ass, so tight, so warm. The best part is that Eric isn't going to intervene this time that means you'll get to take it knot and all."

Keith pulled his cock out of her slobbering maw, long strands of spittle stretching from her lips to his red length. "Only one thing can save you now, and that's begging for Eric to hurry up and breed you."

Flora's eyes went wide as she felt the knot reaming her. The mix of pleasure and pain was intoxicating. Her mind was at war with itself. "Please Master Eric, I need to you breed me so bad. I need it right *galumph*" She was silenced by the Basitin's cock returning to her lips and pounding away with renewed vigor.

Eric heard the tigers cries for him. He let out a vigorous yell of "Kathrine!" She let out a long moan as she felt his seed poor into her now fertile womb. The precious white liquid filling her with life itself.

The men taking Flora from both ends came just a few moments later, filling her from both sides with their cum. She moaned around the cock gagging her as she shook with pleasure. She had long since been trained to feel pleasure from the dog's anal abuse, and the taste of seed had become so delicious tasting. Still, as Evals knot popped free from her anus and Keith pull free from her mouth, she felt relieved that it was over. Sure she still had Eric to deal with, but at least he'd be using her cunt.

Eric looked at over at the tiger with a smug grin as he pulled Kathrine up. Cum was dripping form her pussy down onto the deck and she had weak knees. "So, do you think that did the trick?" He asked her while raising an eyebrow.

Kathrine looked over at cum stained tiger and saw the slightest fire of defiance still in her eyes. "Gee Master, I don't know. We should probably do it a few more times just to be sure."

"Oh? How long do you think it will take?" Eric asked leaning down and giving her a kiss.

Kathrine giggled and with a sly look replied. "Oh, I don't think it should take too long, just until dawn."

"Dawn huh, and I thought I was a slave driver." He said jokingly. Then he looked over at Flora and the three men. "You heard the lady, keep Flora entertained until morning."

The tigress tried to open her mouth in protest but a short scream came out instead when a new cock entered her ass. She craned her head to see Mike now pounding away into her ass with as much vigor as Evals had used. Then she felt her head being forced down onto Evals still hard cock, as she was made to suck him off.

Keith smirked as he watched the two male slaves rape the tiger, then he walked over to Natani. She was tied to the mast, forced down to her knees with her legs spread apart. He reached down and barely touched her pussy lips, making her moan. "Oh my, are we enjoying the show?" He asked her, making her blush bright red. "Don't worry, soon enough that will be you." Her face drained when he said that. "In the meantime, open your mouth."

"Wasn't her's sufficient?" Natani asked before opening her mouth and letting him slip his sloppy cock inside."

"Oh yes, but you need to be feed. After all I know you skipped breakfast." The psychic connection between him and her made her blanch. "Now suck like a good slave, you wouldn't want to waste a drop now would you?" With that he let out a satisfied sigh as he began to empty his bladder.