Kitsune Rising Chapter One

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#1 of College Years

Based on a rp that I have started with someone else a long time ago. All original characters. Hope that it goes well and you furs like it. If you have ideas feel free to suggest, Credit will be given where it is do.


The village in front of me of me was smoking and in ruins. Against my chest was a slumbering human, who seemed to be a teenager; though it was hard to guess his age, what with the blood covering the being . I assumed it was a male because of the flat chest. However, their gender wouldn't matter if they didn't get medical attention soon.

I took one last look around at the destruction wrought by what I assumed to be either a dragon or an invading army with flaming arrows. Then I took the human into the depths of the forest towards my home. I raced there, eating up the miles quickly, as time is of the essence. When I arrived at my home, I quickly drew out a blanket and set the human upon it.

I laid my head on his chest to make sure his heart still beat. It was still working though it seemed to be labored. Which left me with two options. Turn him into a Kitsune like myself or let him die. Someone so young should not be knocking on death's door.

Now turning a human into one of us isn't exactly easy, and it's heavily frowned upon. Still it would have to be done. Seeing a Cherry Blossom Tree nearby and in bloom an Idea hatched and within moments I was muttering the incantation that would tie the boy's life to that of the cherry tree so that as long as the tree lived the boy did as well. Of course since the spell was cast on a human a strange effect occurred. The blossoms started to grow unnaturally fast and reached out to entwine themselves over the human's arms. I would need at least three days and I hoped that my efforts would not be in vain.

I hissed as I used a knife to open the pad of my right paw and used my free hand to open the human's mouth. I used a spell to make sure it kept bleeding. While my blood flooded the human's mouth he began to swallow. I didn't pay much attention to him after that. I made sure a protective circle was established around us using my tails to trace the symbols. We old kitsunes have a lot of energy stored within us but it still takes a lot out of me using this much power during our imbibidous vitae .

The thought brought a small smile to my lips as I continued to work the rites. When everything was finally settled the full moon was shown in the sky and its reflected light shone down on the human seemingly being pulled into his body as well as absorbed by the cherry blossoms themselves. I confess I was heavily drowsy by this time and I was trying my best to stay awake so I could guard the changing kitsune before me.

Since my magic was no longer being used at least so far as the rite was concerned, I began to eat some herbs that would help me replenish my blood supply and keep my energy up for the all-night vigil. As the night wore on the human's body began to change. Deep blue midnight fur began to slowly grow from his arms and where it touched the cherry blossoms the two melded into one. It was breathtaking in its simplicity, though the colors complimented one another well.

When the sun showed its rays over the forest I was already awake and moving. I hunted a short walk away from camp. I captured a squirrel and after thanking the gods, I made my way back. The human was still sleeping peacefully during his transformation, though a look of pain crossed over his face as tails began to slowly grown from his backside.

After my meal my mind turned towards what had brought me here. From the hill where I had spent decades, I sensed darkness in the valley. I should have known better but I began to think of my past,and as usual when I did, I couldn't stop a single tear from falling from my eye as I remembered what my race had once been.

Seven years ago I was present on the council and the human race wasn't quite so prevalent at that time. They were still around of course, they always have been. But they weren't fruitful as they are now. I was a part of the Council and I gave one of the votes that was in favour ( of our race taking them in and teaching them some things.

For the first few years our races enjoyed harmony. After all, many a human was found to enjoy a kitsune's embrace on a cold night. Other things happened, of course, and our races did mix a little bit. However, soon the humans, having at this point discovered more or less what harmed us, began to get organized under something they called religion.

Organized attacks had begun to be carried out on our kind, who wanted nothing more than to live in peace. Having figured what materials (such as a silver blade that was twice soaked in moonlight and wild blood) were harmful to us, they proceeded to use their twisted brand of thinking called religion to persecute and kill a large number of us.

As our race declined their race flourished, to the point that those of us that remained alive fled. We scattered to the most distant parts of the world. I was crying freely by this time, something I had not done in a very long time. However, unlike so many of my kind, I did not hate them. I would defend myself if attacked, and the only reason I had left my mountain to wander the land because something told me it was time to rejoin the world once more.

I heard a groan from the circle and I glanced over to see that my human friend was awake. He was dazed and confused looking around as if trying to get his bearings. I stayed quite and waited for his eyes to fall on me. When they did he seemed even more confused. " a fox standing on two legs?" he said seemingly talking to himself before blinking and struggling to be more coherent.

"You're not drugged, though you are close to death. I am however not an illusion." I told him as I approached, and he apparently gave up on trying to make sense of the situation because he looked down at himself and saw that most of his body was covered in fur and not exactly human. His face began to register a range of emotions. First shock at what was still happening to him, Then fear as he didn't understand where he was at and how his body came to be changing. Finally confusion and then exhaustion as he promptly slumped to the ground and passed out once more.

"Hmmm" I thought to myself as I looked over him once more. The transformation was still progressing at a rapid pace. Soon he would no longer resemble a human. I only hope that once I explain to him what had occurred he wouldn't have cause to hate me. With that thought in mind I resumed my meditations.