Weird Dream #1

Story by Space Lion on SoFurry

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So, this was a dream I had last night, and some twelve-plus hours after having it, it's still pretty fresh in the mind. Though I'd write it down. Might do this with future such dreams that stick in my mind.

The dream opens up to a camp site. Not a tent and campfire kind of site, but one that you might have gone to at summer camp. It was in the woods, and yet, somehow, still felt urban. Deep green foliage of evergreen trees littered the backdrop. The cabins were made of wood, and seemed to have enough room for perhaps two people.

Throughout this site, were a variety of women. From pale alabaster skin, to dark rich ebony, all were beautiful, and arousing sexually. What they all shared in common, was long black hair, and black lace lingerie, or some various kinds of black leather kink-suit. As my view pulled back, and the site fell more into the background, the women came more into the foreground. Some of these women had black whips. Others, held black leather leashes in their gloved hands. While I could see that each woman had a man, or woman, attached to their leash, or in some form, their control, they were shapeless and without features. These dominatrix-like beauties were all I found in detail, and they stirred butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

The longer my gaze lingered, the more transfixed I became. Soon, these strong and sure women, were all my eyes held. They seemed ethereal, as their posture was so full of grace, it was like their feet never touched the ground--like a whisp. Then I heard a calm, strong, yet polite voice speak to me. I turned, and there was a man. White of skin, light of hair, middle-aged and handsome. In my dream, his visage was conjured akin to Harrison Ford, in his slightly younger years.

We spoke, yet there is no memory of the words. However, the longer this went on, the more I began to realize the truth of the matter. These women before me were not women at all, but beautiful tantalizing demons. The man who spoke to me, was the devil. This knowledge held, yet, I continued to speak. For what could happen to me, if I knew the truth, and did not give into whatever temptation awaited? This moment of hubris, and the devil directed me towards a silver crowbar. He inferred there was some theological metaphor regarding this crowbar, and i sniffed it out quick quickly. I was pleased with myself, with my knowledge, and then the bright skies darkened. The women melded into shadow, and I realized a Cthulian-like horror.

Suddenly, I was in an isometric view above myself. I, and the world around me, had become pixelated low-resolution polygons, from the PSX era of gaming. I was on a BMX bike, and knew I was playing part of one of the BMX games (like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater). I began to bunnyhop, in a seemingly manic and patternless fashion. Next thing I knew, I was pedaling along a road, underneath huge expanses above me. Like peddling under vast arches, and I was no longer in this polygon era view, but back to the "real world".

I was full of fear, and my veins pumped with adrenaline. I peddled faster, and faster, and screamed for help at the pedestrians along the side of the road. They looked to me as if I were insane. Behind me, inky black shadows had built up, and seemed to travel along the road following my path. No matter how terrified I peddled, I could not out pace them. Then, the shadow engulfed me. From it sprang one of the black lace lingerie clad women, and as she fell upon me, she turned into a large white puss-filled maggot. She had squid-like tentacles, and her body began to wrap itself around me. I struggled on this pavement, sinking further into this, what had become some gelatinous tentacled mass--like some form of goo creature. I yelled and cried for help, yet people looked at me passively, almost in some dense heavy apathy.

As I was "schlorped" deeper into the sticky unyielding mass, my body was slowly crushed, and finally, my head was pulled into the once-beautiful woman-thing. Even then, in this furious moment of uncertainty, fear, sorrow, and all the emotions of the sadness rainbow, I was still aroused by what this woman once appeared to be. As all became dark, and I was left with these twisted feelings of darkness, depravity, and lustful degeneracy, I awoke.

Needless to say, my day's been a little, odd.

Mini Scene: A Lion, Vixen, and the Search for Better Scene Description

The room was bathed in a soft luminescent white light. The walls were padded, black, to ensure that whatever fun was had within the four walls, the sound remained there. In the middle of the room hung a metal pole, horizontal on its axis. Heavy rope...

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Mini-scene/Snapshot: Lion and Vixen

Upon the bed lay the vixen, clad in her light pink lace panties, and matching near see through nightgown. She lay upon her stomach, with her pleasantly plump rump gently swaying back and forth. The pink panties clung to every slight curve of her...

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