Weird Dream #1

The dream opens up to a camp site. Not a tent and campfire kind of site, but one that you might have gone to at summer camp. It was in the woods, and yet, somehow, still felt urban. Deep green foliage of evergreen trees littered the backdrop. The...

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Mini-scene/Snapshot: Lion and Vixen

Upon the bed lay the vixen, clad in her light pink lace panties, and matching near see through nightgown. She lay upon her stomach, with her pleasantly plump rump gently swaying back and forth. The pink panties clung to every slight curve of her...

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Mini Scene: A Lion, Vixen, and the Search for Better Scene Description

The room was bathed in a soft luminescent white light. The walls were padded, black, to ensure that whatever fun was had within the four walls, the sound remained there. In the middle of the room hung a metal pole, horizontal on its axis. Heavy rope...

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