Dealing with Problems the Lewis Way 1

Story by drunkenturtles on SoFurry

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#3 of What is Taken to be Given (WTG)

With Lewis being so mischievous and destroying other's property he had made some enemies. How does Lewis deal with problems, especially enemies? Answer: violence!

_As usual this was beta-read by _** IcyNirvana known as wulfy, the great Wulfy! Also, hope you guys are liking this story!**

Mood music


The usual

Chapter 3: Dealing with Problems the Lewis Way: Part 1

Sara stretched out as she awoke from her sleep. She looked at the sleeping form of Chris and mounted him, waking him up. "Good morning, love," she said, putting both her hands on his chest and gave him a kiss.

"Heheh, hey~" Chris yawned, putting his hands on Sara's hip. "So, wanna do anything today?"

Sara looked at the ceiling, trying to think of something. Then a big smile stretched across her face. "Let's go visit someone at Hot Topic! I need to set some things straight."

Chris let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. "Okay then, if that's really what you want. We can do that."

"Thanks, I'll get Lewis. You'd better get ready." Sara got off Chris and went to get Lewis. As she walked into Lewis's room, she was surprised by what she saw when she opened the door. Lewis was already awake and not only that, but he was shirtless while doing push-ups with one arm. Sara heard him count ninety before he noticed her at the door.

"Oh hey, sorry, I didn't see you there. So, what do you need?" he asked her, now on the 94th push-up as sweat dripped from his nose on to the floor; doing his last set of ten.

"I wanted you to come with me and Chris to see someone at Hot Topic. I mean, if you don't mind coming with us," she almost mumbled the last part, looking away from Lewis; she really didn't think he was this muscular.

"Ninety-six. Ninety-seven - Great, I wanted to do just that. Now, before we go I need to talk to you about something important. Ninety-nine. Hundred!" Lewis collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily. He got a rag from his bedside desk and took a seat on his bed, "Take a seat, please," he said, wiping the sweat off his eyebrows with the rag, later throwing it on a table next him.

Sara slowly walked over to bed and took a seat next to him, feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Go on, I'm listening."

"Now, don't get mad at me but I might've looked into your mind yesterday when we were eating; that's how I knew where you were." Lewis flinched when she growled at him, her claws on displayed by his face. "Look, I'm sorry, it was out of habit!" Even if Lewis was stronger than Sara, those claws are enough to make anyone's butt clench.

"You CAN NOT invade my mind like that! Now give me a reason not to give you a dental appointment!" Sara bared her sharp teeth as she threatened Lewis, "Do NOT use your powers like that!"

"I had to know more about you. I promise I won't do it again... B-but I can help you now, I know a lot about Trant Co. and what happened to your family- how we can make them pay!" Sara sat back and calmed down; maybe this was important after all. "Those balls are from Trant. Yes, but they sold it to... well... the Sachi family. Yes, I know they are the biggest mafia family in Unova... Sorry for not telling you that."

"My god, what did I get myself into. The fucking Sachi family!" Laying down on Lewis's bed, Sara covered her eyes with her arms and let out a distressed grunt. "But how does this involve my parents...?"

"Well, the mall was built for the mafia by Trant to run trades out of sight from the police. Trant, on the other hand had a different plan. They wanted to test out their new virus to see what the drawbacks were, and I can only conclude that they needed to work on it," Lewis explained while taking off his shorts and putting on grey jeans, following the mindset of it's not like she'd never seen me without pants.

Yet Sara still looked away as he changed. "What type of virus?"

"It's supposed to enhance the performance of a Pokémon; a modified version of Pokerus, really. Something like that would make billions. But ever since that event happened, Trant has been laying low. At the moment I'm not worried about Trant, I'm worried about our friend Sachi. He might be just a little pissed off at us. I mean, to put it into context we not only poked the hornet's nest but cut it open with a knife... But don't worry, as long as you're with me you'll be safe, I promise," Lewis assured the somewhat anxious Zoroark, putting on his skate shoes, "Shall we leave?" He smiled and walked out.

Sara jumped off the bed and moved over to Lewis, "Right, let's go. I'll get Chris... Wait, what's a "hornet's nest"?"

"Ummm, it's nothing- so how many times have you endured through your heat?" Lewis nervously asked, trying to avoid her question as he walked to Chris's room.

"About six years. I never found a mate that I liked... that's fine by me though, I have Chris now." Sara knocked on Chris's door. The door was immediately yanked open by him. "Let's go, little child," Sara giggled as she put on her illusion.

KOAN Sound x Culprate x Reso x Asa - Cascade

Lewis, Chris, and Sara walked down the somewhat empty streets of Castelia City. Lewis enjoyed the cool breeze of summer as it flowed through his hair, knowing that winter was coming. People would think it was the cold that bothered him, but it wasn't that nor the lack of life. It was the lack of action. The blinding white snow, constant and plain; he had enough snow for an entire lifetime. He stared at the sky to hold on to as much of summer as possible, as if it was running away from him and every second not enjoyed was a wasted second. But even being outside he couldn't stop thinking about the dream he felt yesterday; it all felt so real, so familiar in a way, even though he'd never seen any of those places. Lewis looked down at the ground as Chris and Sara walked in front while talking about some trivial stuff, then looked back at them as they stopped at the corner of an intersection. Sara looked over to the left and pointed down to a street lined with tall, grey, glass buildings that went on towards the city center. Walking down the block, they stopped in front of a glass entrance with a metal arch for a door. Lewis looked at the red neon sign that said 'Hot Topic' and looked back at Chris; they both thought to each other: never thought I would come here.

Sara took the lead as the two brothers followed her. Chris and Lewis felt so out of place in that store unlike Sara, which was acting like kid in a candy store. She looked around at some cool merchandise and T-shirts before running right to the counter and hugged the store clerk, the clerk let out a grunt as Sara lifted her up with a bear hug then put her down; Lewis assumed they were friends. "Oh my god, where were you for the past two days? And who is that?" the clerk said with a grin and nudged Sara's shoulder. "Come on, you can trust me."

"Shut up, it's none of your business!" Sara gently pushed the clerk and looking away.

"Awww, the little Pokémon is in love with a human~" The clerk wrapped her arms around Sara's neck.

The two guys laughed as her face turned red, "I didn't come here to be mocked, I came here to see Bobbie! Just bring me to him," she demanded, turning around and crossing her arms. The frustration only made her look cuter.

"Okay then, he's in the back probably trying to beat Resident Evil 4 on pro. You know how he is." She led them behind the counter and unlocked the back door to a hallway where they kept all their inventory. In the corner of the room there was a metal door that said security. They made their way through the boxes and metal shelves to the door. "There, you happy now?" The clerk chuckled and when back to her post, leaving them alone in the room. Sara inhaled and did three hefty knocks on the door followed by a loud, not so manly scream coming from inside.

They heard a voice scream at them from the inside. "Dammit, Sara! You know not to do that, I'm on the island now and I need to concentrate." The man opened the door and froze in surprise with a bit of concern showing on his face. "Last time you went missing you didn't bring me two kids. And I'm not going to feed them, you know?" Lewis found it funny that this 6-feet-tall man with piercings, a weird haircut, and black baggy pants would actually have enough money to provide for her and himself.

"No, no, don't worry about it. I'm actually here to say... goodbye to you. I met them a few days ago, and well it's just safer for me and for you if I stay with them."

"Wait, are you saying what happened that day was because of you!" She nervously shook her head, and then it hit him. "They helped you didn't they."

Sara looked down; it was futile, he already knew. "I just don't want you to be involved with this. I'm not worried about the cops. It's about who owns those balls. Just please be careful, but don't worry, these guys can provide for and protect me." She hugged him and whispered into his ear "in more than one way~" then broke the hug.

Bobbie was confused about how this all came to be. One moment she was living in his house and helping him with the store. The next she's living with two guys and was wanted by the police and god knows what. Still, he knew she wasn't dumb so if she truly trusts them and tells him that it's too dangerous for him then who was he to say otherwise. "It's not like I can stop you, but if it is as bad as you say then you might want to stay with them anyways; I'm not much of a fighter. Well, I have to go back to my fully re-mastered 'work' over there, and since you're so wanted I don't think it's a good idea to stay here." He gave her one last hug and put his hands on Lewis's and Chris's shoulder. "It was nice to meet you two. Take care of her. If you can't tell already, she's a very special one." Then went back in and closed the door.

"He's right, we should go; someone might be following us." Lewis said, grabbing Chris and Sara by the arm and dragging them back out to the counter.

"Bye..." the clerk waved good-bye them as Lewis dragged Sara and Chris, waving at them.

"See ya-" Sara waved back and disappeared out the door.

Lewis pulled them away from the store and looked at Sara, completely befuddled. "You're a Pokémon species that can't speak human and you aren't psychic, so how in the world did you just talk to them?"

Sara let out a sigh; she totally forgot to tell him about that. " Basically, Zoroarks don't just create illusions- we alter one's perception. I can make others see what isn't there, feel what isn't there, even feel pain that isn't caused by a real thing. Among those, I can also make others hear what isn't there. So I basically made them hear your language instead of my pokemon language. I was planning to tell you that, but I forgot... oops."

Now Lewis understood how she did that, and how he didn't notice it. "Ah, I see. That's very interesting, I never would've notice that because it all sounds the same to me and Chris." He looked down at his phone. 12:04 PM. He then looked up, observing his surroundings. "We should go home. Like, right now. Follow me, I know a shortcut."

Sara was caught off-guard by how spontaneous he could be, "Wait, where ar-"

"I'll explain later, just follow~" Lewis cut off Sara with a sigh.

Hellsing - Alucard's theme (A Left Foot Trapped in a Sensual Seduction)

Lewis crossed the road, dragging Chris and Sara with him into an old park that had only one trail surrounded by a thick layer of trees and bushes. "Now I know you're going to ask me why, so let me make this simple. We have some people to meet here and some to meet at the house, and I don't want to leave them waiting," Lewis explained to them as they made their way through the long trail. He held his arm out, telling them to stop, "They're here..." and as he expected he heard twigs breaking and the bushes rustle as a seven men group of guys came out. Sara hid behind Chris expecting a fight.

Sara's heart was pounding, thinking about the worst possible outcome. "A-are these the guys you're talking about?"

"No and yes. I did not expect them in this order." Lewis smirked and placed his hands in his pocket.

Three came out of the group, one had a bat, and the other one had a butterfly knife. "Let's make this simple, boss told us to bring you back, which means dead or alive. So, come with us and THEY won't get hurt," the man with the knife said, making Lewis chuckle. "You think it's a joke?!"

"Yes, and you know it's not good to be cocky." Lewis pulled out a butter knife and flipped it around his hand to the handle. "So, how's your health plan?" Lewis smiled as the man came running at him. "Apparently it's great!" Lewis threw the knife from his right to his left hand and turned to the side as the man lunged at him. He turned his body to the side making the man miss the stab, allowing him to strike back. With great force, Lewis uppercut the man's elbow with the handle then spun around and hit his lower back. The man dropped the knife and collapsed; everyone but Chris was stunned, Lewis had paralyzed that guy in under a second. He turned around and looked at the shocked group of guys. He dropped the knife and walked closer, then said, "Next?"

Two of the first three came at him. This is gonna be fun. The first one went for a punch as the other guy came with a bat, both trying striking at the same time. Lewis grabbed the arm of the puncher and quickly turn around as the guy with the bat swung, causing the batter to hit the guy Lewis was holding in the face. Throwing the unconscious fighter to the ground, he dove under the batter's second swing and hooked his arm around the guy's core, "I will break you!" he forcefully threw the guy down onto his knee, breaking the man's spine. Lewis rolled the broken guy off and casually walked away from the three guys on the ground back to Chris. They looked at each other, "Play with the bats..." Lewis told Chris while walking past him.

Chris nodded and looked back at Sara, "Sara, stay here with Lewis, it's my time to have some fun." Chris nonchalantly walked to the remaining people. "So," he said crossing his arms "want to continue?" the four guys looked at each other and came running at him. Chris kicked up a thick branch and used it as a makeshift staff. He analyzed the situation four guys, one bat, two knifes, and one fist. He dashed forward and hit the guy with no weapon in the back of the head knocking him out, then swiped at the legs of one of the knife holders, tripping him, and in one motion he spun around and slammed the other knife holder in the face with the staff, finishing that guy off. Chris snapped the stick in half with his knee and turned around just in time to block the bat, he kicked the batter away then dodged a knife coming from behind him. Chris hit the knifer in the gut and ducked as the batter swung, hitting the other guy with the knife, seeing that the other guy is down he jabbed the batter in the ribs, lower jaw and a final hit to the head with both sticks. Chris let out a sigh and dropped the two pieces of wood, "I'm a little rusty." He walked back to Lewis, gave him a pat on the shoulder, and hugged Sara.

"Well, we have only one guy left... I know how to make this one talk." Lewis turned around and walked towards the paralyzed man, but in a last ditch effort the man threw out a Charmander to use against Lewis.

"Flamethrower, now!" the man screamed at the Charmander. The Charmander filled its mouth with fire and unleashed it onto Lewis, but that didn't even bother Lewis as he continued to walk towards them. He kneeled down and closed the Charmander's maw.

"Now, be a good Pokémon and walk to your nearest center." The Charmander made a few muffled noises and shook its head. Lewis let go of its mouth and let it run away. The man was frozen in fear, looking up as Lewis walked towards him. The guy tried to crawl away, but Lewis grabbed the man by the hair and dug his fingers under the guy's ribs. "Every minute that you don't answer me I will break one of your ribs, now tell me who sent you?!"

"I can't tell you, he will kill me," The man cried out, whimpering as Lewis dug his fingers even deeper.

"Thirty seconds left." Lewis's grip tightened on the man's hair.

"No, please don't!" the man was now on the brink of tears.

"Where's all that tough shit you guys were talking about! One more time, who sent you?!"

"Okay! It's Sachi Yatomo, it's Sachi!" Lewis let go of the guy, letting him weep on the ground.

Lewis crouched down and looked at the guy, "fifty-nine seconds, you like to cut it close don't you." Called it! Lewis smiled to himself.

"You're insane to go after him," The man said in a whimpered to Lewis.

"I might be, but at least I enjoy every minute of it." Lewis walked to Chris as he wiped some blood off his hands. "Chris, Sara we need to go now. We've already brought enough attention to us." He waved at Sara and Chris to follow as he walked over the bodies of his enemies.

"So it was Sachi, that doesn't surprise me. After this I think he'll get the message... Ouch." Chris took splinter out of his hand as he followed Lewis. "But that was too easy- a casual fight~"

"It was easy for YOU. I almost had a panic attack! Don't ever do that again," Sara cut into the conversation and punched Chris in the shoulder.

"Heh... Sorry, baby. Bright side: we'll get to meet our not so unexpected visitor." Chris pulled Sara closer by the waist and gave her a kiss, making her giggle.

Sara smiled and kissed him back. "I can't wait to see what wonderful adventures I'll have with you two," she sarcastically said.

"Calm down you two, we can't waste time," Lewis patiently said and dragged them along.

_ Came into this thinking if any part would be changed the least it would be the fight... oh was I wrong. I overhauled that entire part, deleted and ** rewritten- almost all of it. Still, I'm happy I did, it's much better!**_

As always, the turtles' gots a hangover!