Carpus delicti - I

Story by AdalwinAmillion on SoFurry

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Carpus delicti - I Carpus had been at the beach for a while now, bathing his thick skin in the sun of the warm noon he had chosen to relax at the chores. Sighing as he felt the warmth on his darkish face skin; absorbing a lot of warmth, he turned around onto his back. He was a young orca, full of energy, but somewhat of a lazy fellow as well. He would have come to the beach quite a lot, since orcas loved the water and this beach was normally not so much crowded with children or other beasts, which could ruin the day for the young water-mammal! The water, apparently, was not as dirty as at most beaches; it is said to be so clear, that you could almost look through it like through air! This afternoon, however, Carpus was not alone at the beach, two canines had settled down with a big parasol and two towels; but as long as they would not be that loud, he would not be deranged by them. The orca however thought it was high time to get himself a little bit moist again; as he got up from his own towel. Concerning the length of his sunbath, however, he felt a little bit too dry; luckily his skin was so thick that a sunburn was a thing of near impossibility! So he made his way over to the sea; where the waves would break on the white sand of the beach and moved with large steps, almost jumping, into the water. The feel of the cool water on his legs always pleased him; and truly, he found himself in his element again.

From afar, however, one of the two canines was watching the big sea-mammal returning into his element. She wore a crimson bikini and sunglasses. Her red, glowing tongue hung out from her snout; as her saliva dripped onto the sand.

"I wonder what this big guy was doing..." Erika, the name of the young wolf lady, said to her companion, Vittorio, who was not exactly wearing any beachwear; as he only accompanied her because she insisted on it.

"He is an orca, Erika, those fellows normally love water." Vittorio remarked, as he got his nose in one of his books again; reading about his field of study which he so dearly loved. In fact, he was trapped in an inconvenience, which he could hardly endure. The parasol was taking away almost all the light, leaving him and Erika in a large shadow which was totally not good for his reading, but if he placed himself into the sun with his towel, the anubian jackal would be roasted within minutes; due to his deeply black fur. So he just tried hard to read the letters in his book by pressing his eyes together, while kept constantly cleaning his glasses.

In the meantime, Carpus had been swimming around, his swimming trunks fitting perfectly against the athletic orca, whose muscles were very well developed through his hobby of swimming. His black skin was now only partially absorbing the sun which shone upon him; as the water on his skin reflected the rays as well, leaving reflection on his skin. While swimming, he kept diving down underwater at times, disappearing from the watchful eyes of the young she-wolf, who was quite fascinated by the swimming skills of that orca.

"I guess, I will take a dip..." she said, almost dreamingly as she was observing the movements of the orca. In fact, she had never seen such graceful motions in the water before. She thought it was quite beautiful and he wanted to see the orca point-blank.

The young wolf got up from her sitting position, and walked over to the water, while waving her long bushy tail cutely; still a little bit lumbering as she was not used to walk upon such fine sand. She also had to be careful, since she did not exactly want her cute paw-pads being slit open by a mischievous shell buried in the sand!

Vittorio, as he looked up from his book, kept an eye on the wolf, as she was not exactly the most intelligent of them all and got into trouble very often. Vittorio liked to have an eye on her, as he really liked her way of seeing things.

Of course, Carpus had already spotted the young wolf attempting to enter the water. Thus, he tried to stay close to the young lady, trying to impress her even more! While swimming his ways, he now started to make even more spectacular feats, by sometime bending his body in even more grandiose ways, showing off what a man he was.

Erika slowly stepped into the water while still observing the graceful feats of the orca. She yipped a little bit as the water was quite cool in her opinion, but she felt that it was not that cool after a while; thus getting used to the water. The more Erika stepped in, the higher the water rose; the more the difference between her upper half of the body, which did not touch any water yet and thus was heated up by the sun and the physics which ruled the world and her lower part, which slowly cooled down in the floods of the water. As a result, she was holding her arms in front of her breast; as she tried not to shiver.

Every step deeper into the water was a little challenge for her, since she did not like the sudden change of heat and cold. But after a while, she got used to the water, swimming around a little to test her rather unskillful attempts to swim. She was not a good swimmer at all; and she never really cared about those skills, since she did not really used them in her daily life. But now, she feared that she would look way too childish to the orca, whom she saw getting more and more spectacular with his treats the nearer she got to him.

Carpus saw those rather lumbering attempts of swimming, he giggled as a reaction to them; he found the wolf really cute, and her attempts to swim even more! He commenced to move over to the she-wolf. He go right next to her and started to speak.

"Hello there!" he said, smiling, still giggling a little, "I would really recommend you to stop moving that quickly." He paused, showing her how to move correctly while swimming. "See? You do not need to worry that you would sink underwater if you slow down a little bit!"

Erika saw his muscles moving, as she blushed slightly, but luckily, that was not to be seen through her fur. After a little while, trying to comprehend what she had just seen, she started to move a little bit slower; and indeed! She could literally feel how she did not sink anymore, she even understood that struggling too much is bad for survival in water!

"Thanks..." she responded after a while, looking away, as the blushing got harder and she feared that it would shine through her fur, even though she forgot that quite a lot of places on her body were glowing redly and it would not so much stick out from the crowd!

But before she could even realize it, she stopped moving completely and thus she began to sink; only when her tongue could already taste the water, she would finally see what happened! She started to struggle, screaming loudly into the vast sea: "I DON'T WANT TO DIE JUST YET!" she started sobbing, thinking her end had arrived!

But then, Carpus grabbed her by the shoulders, he proclaimed: "You are not going to die today, not as long as I am here!" he smiled warmly into her face, as he looked calmly into the red eyes of the wolf.

The wolf immediately started to struggle as she felt his big hands holding her on her shoulders, looking into his blue-gray-ish eyes as well. She was amazed by his eyes, they were perfect in all ways she could imagine.

"You have to move your feet if you want to stay afloat." he said, calmly, as if he tried to make her fall asleep. To Erika, his words were angel-like, and those sweet tones of his voice echoed in her mind; so clear and superb. She started to slowly move her feet, and after a while Carpus let go of her, smiling as his young 'student' was able to keep herself afloat on her own!

"If you'd like, I am always willed to have a watchful eye on you, if you'd like to try to swim on your own..." he offered, still smiling warmly. Erika, though, did not really like that suggestion. She was still a little bit scared of the water, and the imagination of drowning was way too real for her.

"I..." she paused, as she had to fight with her blushing again, but then he continued: "I would really like... to swim with you!" now her blushing was to be seen, and she already grabbed one of his shoulders and his fin; making clear that she would not let go of him until he said yes.

Carpus, startled by the wolf's suggestion, began to blush as well, responding to her request: "I... guess, we could swim together!" He felt her warm paws on his smooth body, adding warmth to the coolness of the water. His blood rushed through his face and her wet fur tickled over his skin.

He slowly started to swim slowly around with her. Erika was really enjoying her time with him and she closed her eyes while swimming, trying to feel the warmth of the orca through the water. Of course, he was not able to swim at high speed with the wolf on his back, but that did not matter to him. After a while, he just turned around and floated on the surface of the water, holding Erika, who was really tired of her adventures today.

Only the sun would reveal to the water-mammal, that it had become evening and he closed the eyes as well, as Erika was holding herself on his stomach.

"Erika!" a voice yelled from ashore. Vittorio had begun to close the parasol and wanted the wolf to return to him, so they could go home. Carpus looked over to the jackal, assuming that her name was Erika and headed back to the shore with the sleeping canine, while being careful not to dip her underwater. When they reached the shore, Carpus was carrying her over to the waiting jackal. As Carpus was exhausted as well, he only walked slowly, but Vittorio already came over to them with a large towel.

"She is asleep." the orca whispered and handed her over into Vittorio's arms, as he wrapped the wolf into the large towel.

"Yes, I have noticed that..." Vittorio said coldly, with quite a judgmental face. He carried her over to the things he already backed and put her down gently next to them, so she could wake up.

Vittorio did not take another glance over to the orca and the cold in his interaction with him did not go unnoticed to Carpus. Taking a few steps back, he rushed over to his towel, wrapped himself into it and left the beach, without saying goodbye.

He felt that Vittorio did not like him at all, and that he might have a crush on her as well, but the time would show how things would develop.