Another job

Story by vore_wolf on SoFurry

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Nyn shut the hotel door behind him and shook the knob to make sure it was locked. He had told the maid to wait for one day before coming in to change the sheets. It hadn't taken much to convince her that he was here on a honeymoon and that he didn't want interrupted. Walking down the hall he stopped at a trash can and pulled out his wallet. Looking at his driver's license he grinned at the picture staring back at him. The wolf in the picture had brown fur and blue eyes. Glancing from his fake ID to his grey paws he tossed the ID in the trash followed by a pair of blue contacts. Hefting his luggage bag unto his shoulder he stepped into the waiting elevator and began his decent to the lobby.

In the lobby he stood by the main door until an overweight otter in a trench coat came in. He followed the creature to the snack bar and ordered a drink. "Hot in here ain't it?" The otter asked. Nyn gave him a sideways glance "Like the sun in July" The otter raised his drink, downed it, and walked away. Nyn finished his drink then dropped a ten on the counter, grabbing his bag, and grabbing the bag the otter left he walked away.

After catching a cab and then a plane Nyn settled into the seat of his car and drove back to his home. Well maybe home wasn't the right term. Nyn stepped into a perfectly white living room. Locking the door he didn't bother to take off his shoes. Marching straight across the room he went to the thermostat changing the temperature to 13 degrees, then 98 degrees, and then 26 degrees. To his right a solid oak gun case sank back into the wall in response to his coded command. As the cabinet withdrew into the wall it revealed a winding stair case. Quietly descending them to his basement Nyn let the door seal shut behind him. As his feet hit the bottom step the lights clicked on showing a square white washed room with three doorways. Walking to the first door on the right Nyn pushed it open and threw in his bag. Taking the otter's bag with him Nyn keyed his way into the middle door and flicked on the lights, on the far wall was a blank computer screen with a keyboard and mouse held in front of it by a glass sheet which was attached to the wall by a curved chrome beam. Rather modern looking, if he did say so himself. Settling into a chair Nyn rolled himself over to the computer monitor and taped in his password. The screen flickered on with the face of a large lion who was obviously mad. "Where have you been wolf you were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago?!" Nyn grinned he was easily five minutes ahead of schedule, but more than willing to play this little game. "Your agent offered me a drink I couldn't resist." The lion's lips curled back. "He did what?!" Nyn saw the lion look off screen. There was a dull thud and a brief yelp before the lion looked back to him. He had only to glance at the grin on Nyn's face to know "He did no such thing did he wolf?" "No, of course not, but maybe next time you won't accuse me of being late." The lion gave him a tired look "Its always the same with you isn't it. Oh well, you at least did the job didn't you?" "Yes" Nyn replied "There's one less mouse out there to bother you now." "Good, I assume you took care of the evidence?" Yes, there will be no body recovered, as usual." The lion shook his head "I'll never understand you wolf, no name, no family, no bodies. Not that I'm complaining. Your work is perfect, but one day I'll figure you out, and then I'll walk away from one of these meetings understanding what just happened, for once." "I'm sure you will but it won't be today. I expect my bill has been met?" "Yes, I will have the funds transferred... now." Nyn grinned "Good doing business with you Mr. King." The lion's eyes lit up. "Wait how'd you get that name, who-..." Nyn killed the signal.

Pushing back from the chair he sat the bag down on a small end table and pulled a black wand out of one of the drawers. Waving it across the otter's bag he gave a relived sigh and put the wand back in the drawer and shut it. No bomb this time. He really needed to be more careful when dealing with someone like King. Unzipping the bag he pulled out a bound pile of fifty dollar bills. Checking the rest of the bag he shoved it away and left the room. Stepping back out into the square room he looked to the stairs that lead back up to his house, or more accurately his cover story. As far as anyone in the neighborhood knew he was a work from home entrepreneur. Which wasn't to far from the truth. Turning to his left Nyn entered the room he had dropped the bag into earlier and flicked the lights on. The room had a large bed, two TVs, and a clothes rack. Walking straight to the clothes rack he grabbed a towel and headed for a door in the back of the room. Stepping through the threshold he entered a small bathroom. A shower stall, a hot tub and a toiled were the contents of the room. Stripping of his shirt and pants Nyn made a straight run towards the shower stall. By the time he got there he was stepping out of his boxers, having left a trail of clothes from the door to the stall. Stepping in he cranked on the water and leaned back against the wall.

As the water ran across him he looked down across his chest. His chest was something to be desired by most men. It was tone and sleek his belly fur just short enough so as to flaunt his physique. His legs were trim from hours of exercise and his arms were equally muscled. His entire upper body would fit into anyone's fantasy, except maybe for the bulge in his six pack stomach.

Ahh yes the matter of Mr. Thomas. The mouse was settling within his stomach and would be gone by morning. He had been hired to make the mouthy mouse go away. Apparently the mouse threatened to blackmail the lion Mr. King. Mr. King, being the lion he was, couldn't handle the thought of his business being brought to its knees by a mouse. That's were he came in. He had received an anonymous e-mail from someone offering him a job. He followed the enclosed directions, met his contact, and returned to his home with a disk covering his objectives and all currently known information on the target. His job had been a rather simple one. He was offered half a million dollars to hush Mr. Thomas and ensure that he told no one of what he knew.

His first action had been to contact his employer and demand the first quarter-million in advance. Afterwards he let himself into Mr. Thomas's home and waited for the anthro-mouse to come home. Mr. Thomas had been rather upset to find him there. If your definition of upset means throwing your arms in the air and screaming down the hall at a full sprint. It had taken almost fifteen minutes to convince the mouse that he wasn't there to kill him and another ten to get him to unlock the bathroom door. Over the next hour he sat and talked with Mr. Thomas about his aspirations to buy every scratch of information that he had on Mr. King. He explained that he worked for one of the companies that Mr. King was about to buy out and that with this information he could save his job. Mr. Thomas had been even more eager to sell the information than he had imagined. They spent some time working out the particulars of their contract, deciding on when, where, and how they would make their transaction. They decided that the easiest way to make the deal would be for Mr. Thomas to rent a room at a local hotel near the airport. They would make their transaction and Mr. Thomas would be able to leave the nation within thirty minutes of receiving his payment. It was the perfect plan. It was the perfect setup.

Nyn arrived at the hotel and checked in with the front desk as Jonathan Field the clerk said that Mr. Thomas was waiting for him and said that he had left a key card for anyone coming by to see him under that name. Moving quickly to Mr. Thomas's room he swiped his card and stepped in. The shower was running so Nyn made himself at home sitting crossed legged on the end of the bed. In a few minutes he was greeted by the image of a towel clad Mr. Thomas. "Are you ready to become a very wealthy man Mr. Thomas?" Nyn inquired from his position behind the mouse. Mr. Thomas nearly dropped his towel at the revelation that he had a guest. "Umm yes Mr. Field. Just as soon as I'm dressed I will tell you anything you want to know. "Well before you dress are there any tapes of pictures you have that I could look over while I wait?" Mr. Thomas seemed to pause and think before pulling the drawer of one of the dressers open and pulling loose a sealed envelope that he had apparently taped to the bottom of the drawer earlier in the day. He tossed the envelope to Nyn and began to search through the drawer for some clothes. "Is this everything Mr. Thomas?" Nyn inquired slipping the envelope into his jacket. Mr. Thomas gave him a yes grunt, turned his back on Nyn reaching for his shirt. Taking that to be his cue he stepped up behind Mr. Thomas and grabbed the mouse firmly by the shoulder. "What are you doing?!" the mouse asked, his voice riddled with fear and concern. Nyn didn't reply, these first few seconds of confusion were critical for his success. Spinning the mouse around he gripped him tight by the shoulders and pulled his gawking preys head into his mouth.

Mr. Thomas did what ay reasonable person would do. He screamed bloody murder. Nyn almost laughed at the realization that the mouse was trying to fight back, but the anthro mouse was so much smaller than himself that he hardly had to hold him still. Transferring his hold from the mouse's shoulders to his forearm he continued to keep the mouse's movements under his control. The screams emanating from his mouth were much too muffled to be of his concern, no one would hear a thing. Noting the time Nyn remembered that this trip was for business, not pleasure. Taking his first gulp he was suddenly rewarded with a new flurry of kicks. It seemed that until now Mr. Thomas hadn't realized just how serious this situation was, but at this point it was too late for last minute realizations. Lifting the mouse into his mouth Nyn slurped noisily on the rodents shoulders, taking as much pleasure in this as he could afford. Tilting forward and letting the mouse's feet gain purchase on the hotel floor he pushed his mouth down over his struggling prey. The mouse's shoulders pushed their way into Nyn's throat and he gave a moan as twin popping noises echoed from his jaws. With the hardest part now behind him, or inside him as it was, Nyn was able to release the mouse's arms and occupy himself with removing Mr. Thomas's towel. He was not at all impressed with what he saw, even taking into effect that the mouse had just left the shower, the mouse was pitiful. He had hoped to have some fun with the mouse but it would be woefully unexciting. Tilting his head back Nyn gulped the mouse again and again. Pulling the mouse in further he ran his tongue across his meals stomach. He moaned as the velvet-soft fur that covered the mouse's belly caressed his mouth. Then pulling the mouse's waist into his mouth he was disappointed to find that the mouse wasn't enjoying the trip to his fleshy tomb. Making a few more gulps he squeezed the mouse's thighs into his throat. Closing his eyes to savor the feeling Nyn pulled all but the tail and feet of the former Mr. Thomas into himself. Reaching back with one jand he found the bed and sat while grinning at the wiggling toes that were all that remained of the mouse. Nyn wrapped his tongue around the waving digits and with one last gulp he pulled the rodent deep into his maw and swallowed. A resounding gulping noise practically echoed off the walls of the small room. The feet of the mouse disappeared from this world, shortly followed by a squirming tail. Nyn lay back on the bed and rubbed the mouse's outline as it slid through him before stopping as a twitching lump in his stomach. Patting the mouse goodnight and giving a burp and drifted off to sleep.

Snapping back to the present Nyn stroked the small lump in his gut as the water washed across him. All in all the night had been rather productive. He had managed to raise himself another two hundred and fifty thousand dollars...and save some cash on groceries for the next couple of days. Finishing up his shower Nyn reached for a towel, he wrapped it around his waist and headed back to his bed. Sitting down he began to dry his fur when a beep interrupted him. An automated voice called across a speaker by the door " There is a client on the line sir" Grinning Nyn stood and wrapped the towel around himself once again. "This night may get more productive yet"

By: Vore_wolf

[email protected]

Any thoughts, ideas, or requests are appreciated.