Angel Dust: To catch a Spider

Story by Waspz on SoFurry

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#3 of Requests

Minimal sex in this one

Angel Dust is the sole property of his Owner Vivienne Medrano

The sounds of screeching wheels and sirens punctuate the cold night. The moon obscured by intrusive clouds leaving the city in a perpetual dark as he moves towards his target. The lights from a half-dozen Guards marching about the exterior as Lights flicker and flash inside from yet another patrol. "This won't be easy" Angel sighs with a grin, afterall, where would be the fun of a mission without a little challenge.

Standing in the shadows he waits, observing the Patrols for any possible gap for over an hour like a predator awaiting its meal. A younger Guard giving him the opportunity he needs as the rookie passes behind a dumpster to take a leak. "Classy" angel chuckles moving along the Alleyway and the Wall before landing behind the occupied Guard. In a flash the butt of a Pistol hits the back of his Head, out cold in a flash as he lays limp in a puddle of his own Urine. "Hmm, not bad, Sweety~" Angel purrs looking over his sizeable package as Rump before fetching his Keys and Keycard then obscuring the body.

A click and a Beep granting him entry as the Doorway unlocks. Were it not for the locks on the Windows he would have slipped in that way, however the security here was far tighter than his usual score. Then again, it wasn't often he was stealing classified weapons Data either. A flash of a Flashlight coming down the Hall drawing him from his Thought as he hops to the ceiling, holding onto a light fixture and laying flat as possible as the Guard walks by. Moving along through the darkened Halls, paying heed to any footsteps or spotted lights, he slinked and skittered his way to the 2nd floor stairwell. The area sitting at the entrance of the Building in a large Lobby, an unoccupied welcome Desk sporting an offline computer as he slips over to it.

Draping an obscuring cloth over the screen, he boots up the machine ensuring the light won't attract the Guards. The Guards access key allowing him entry into the system as he take note of the layout of the building while scouring through files and entries of no value. Heaving a sigh he quickly powers down the thrumming machine. "The Room I'm looking for isn't in the prints" he hisses silently to himself, determining from the layout of the Building it could only be in a hidden Room on the fourth floor or in the basement underneath the parking complex.

Looking to the Elevator he sighs, either way it was likely that it was the only possible way in and out of the hidden Lab. Moving over to the smooth steel Doors he looks over the Buttons, no intent of actually riding it down tot he basement, but it had other uses. Punching in the numbers to bring the to the Lobby it loudly powers up and begins to thrum and grind. Shifting as the heavy metal box was lowered floor to floor with ringing dings and beeps as it heads for Angel. The guards alerted as they begin to scramble on each floor, radio chatter catching Angels ear as the Flashlights close in on him from both directions.

As the first lights hit the Lobby, all they see are closing Elevator Doors and something shifting inside. The number display moving upward towards the fourth floor as the Guards again scramble, radios blaring with commands and orders as they close in on the rising machine. Numerous Guns drawn, pointing to the hissing Doors as they begin to open, Lights focused as the Doors slide open with a ding. Nothing there, an empty box as the Guards look confused, looking among one-another before entering and looking around finding nothing amiss. The slightly ajar emergency hatch going unnoticed as Angel giggles and slips around the Elevator. Using the Cables to slip under and begin decending into the depths of the complex.

Floor after Floor wizzing by as he keeps track of the Floors, "2nd...1st...parking...perfect~" he purrs. Reaching a set of large bronzed Doors and the final stop for the elevators shaft. Hopping down he saunters over, testing the Doors and finding them locked. "Interesting~" he hums looking them over, Doors that wouldn't open even if you made it down here unless you had the appropriate keys, or another way to get them open. Feeling the Doors Angel hums happily and grins, taking note of where the Doors are most solid and likely to have their Locks as he places a gun against them, 4 in total and fires. The loud pang echoing in the shaft but likely muffled on the other end as he pulls his guns back and tests the damaged Locks, managing to pry them open as the door reluctantly open allowing him to slip through before they thump closed.

Besides a few bumps on this side you wouldn't tell the Locks were broken. Angel grinning as he looks about the Lab, the equipment here top of the line and incredibly expensive. Only a dozen Desks with large computers and displays decorate the Walls, likely the terminals for their elite scientists and staff. Writing, notes and scribblings on a few of the Walls and desks, some of it far too complicated to understand, some of it easier to grasp describing unique chemical compounds and their interactions with magics. Interestingly there's not a single Guard, nor some sort of noticeable alarm system. It's as though they never expected someone to make it down here without clearance.

Moving to one of the Terminals, he boots it up, doubting the information he desires is on it. But this many vaulable systems would have a master terminal for backup data hidden somewhere. There was no password, opening up to the main screen as there are thousands of entries and logs, scouring through them to find any hint to the whereabouts of the master terminal or the off chance this did indeed have the information he wanted. An extensive research report on mutants and dopplegangers like himself drawing his attention as he pulls a drive from the tiny spider Doll on his Belt and copies the file for later. The information not on the computer as he closes it down and pulls away.

Slipping through the tubes, vials, charts and desks hosting countless chemicals and diagrams he spots another set of doors. Walking up to them as he notices another set of buttons, An elevator. "Just how far does this go?" Angel quietly asks himself, testing the Door and finding it opens without trouble. Stepping in her looks over the controls, the panel displaying 2 more floors and he presses the Button to head for the next. The Doors slamming shut as he hears something begin to rev, the crackle of energy teasing his Ears as he sighs, "Shit" before electricity courses through his body and everything goes black.

"ke...up", "Wake...p...ttle...thief", a slap across Angels face snapping him back to attention as someone shouts, "Wake up!". Angel letting out a dazed groan and looking up to the offending voice, a Guard in a deeper blue uniform with a Pistol holstered at his side scowling at him in a small empty Room. Angel seemingly tied to a Chair as a light dangles above. "Good to see you're still alive, thought I put the charge up too high" the Guard chuckles as Angel dizzily glares. "So" he hums cupping the Spider Traps Chin, "Just what were you doing here, hmm? Who are you working for?". Angel pulling from his grip, refusing to say a word as the Guard huffs and shrugs. "We'll get the information from you one way or another" he smirks pulling out a club and tapping his Palm, "If you cooperate you might even live through it" he chuckles as Angel turns away.

"What is there to say?" Angel hums, stalling for time as he explores his bindings trying to wriggle out or loosen them. "I heard there was research on Mutants and Dopples here, I think it's fairly obvious why I would snoop~" wriggling his fuzzy creamy white form as if to emphasize. The Guard unconvinced as he sighs, "sure" and taps Angels Chin with the Rod, "Y'know, a pity you aren't female. you're awfully cute, I might've been willing to go easier on you for a few "Favours~". Angel smirking as he quickly concocts a plan.

"I am, Asshole. Can't you tell?" Angel huffs feigning offense as the Guard pulls back. "Bullshit, I saw the bulge earlier" he retorts, the perv obviously checking Angel out as he bound him up. The Slutty spider femboy spreading his Legs as he huffs, "Does this look like a bulge to you??" his crotch totally flat besides what looks like two plump lips. The Guard a bit shocked as he brushes along HER feminine Lips causing an involuntary moan before he lustily pulls back her tight-fitting suit to see the moist swollen lips of Angels feminine Sex.

"Wait what??" Mark interrupts, he and Angel sharing stories at the Angry Judge over breakfast. "I can alter my Body" Angel giggles taking a forkfull of his favorite Dish. The Angry judges sunday special, corned Beef Hash made with 100% real beef made by Angels good friend and owner of the Bar, Harold. It had become a tradition for the two, one that Angel happily invited Mark to become a part of. "We've been dating for over a Month and I'm only learning about this now?" Mark chuckles somewhat skeptical before a Hand grabs marks as Angel focuses for a short moment. Pulling it to HER Crotch as he gasps and blushes rubbing her plump feminine Lips through her Clothing. "See~?" Angel purrs and giggle, keeping his Hand there as she reverts herself to male letting him soon feel the Traps fat Cock once more before Mark gives it a teasing squeeze.

"Why, would you prefer me female?" Angel teases as Mark smirks and pulls back, cupping angels Chin and pulling him into a kiss as they share a taste of their Breakfast and pull back. "Nah, I prefer you how you are, Babe. Though this does open up a few option if we want to spice things up in the bedroom" Mark chuckles. "What, not a fan of last Saturdays fun?" Angel smirks as Mark blushes, remembering being tied up and suspended as Angel played up his part as the horny Spider. Using the strings and Leather to shift his Body however he wanted, riding his Cock in a dozen positions before shoving a thick vibrator into Mark for most of the night. "Could've done without the Vibrator" Mark mutters as Angel giggles and taps his Nose with the Fork, "Can I continue?" he asks as Mark nods. The two having become more open over the past month with their professions.

"The fuck did I miss that~?" the Guard purrs, partly confused yet mostly horny as the bulge of his cock becomes prominent in his Uniform. "Maybe you're a hopeless fag dreaming of a thick meaty Cock~" Angel teases as the Guard growls and gives her a slap. "Stuff it, Slut" he huffs slipping off his Pants, letting his average Cock hang out and throb as his clothing id soon ignored. Angel licking her Lips as she purrs, "Oh my~ Looks like you were packing more than one gun~" making the Guard grin. "Damn right, now keep those Legs spread, Slut" the Guard purrs as Angel gasps and crosses her Legs, "Wait! Do you at least have a Condom or something??". The Guard shaking his Head as Angel feigns a whimper and stammers, "W-wait, fuck my Face, please! I'll do whatever you want, j-just don't knock me up.." as submissively opens his mouth, sliding out his tongue invitingly as the Guard glares.

"Awright, fine. but you bite and you're dead, got it?" he huffs as Angel nods, licking her Lips and waiting for that thick meat to press to her Lips and grace her Tongue. It's not as if she was a stranger to Cock, effortlessly swallowing his member and wrapping her tongue around it to make him grunt and moan from her expert oral. Her Feet unnoticed as they carefully grab his Pants and search for any sort of key or sharp object. The Guard quickly absorbed by the intense oral pleasures as he quakes and grunts, "O-ooh, fuuuuuck~ Your Throat was m-made for thisss~" gripping Angels Hair and beginning to fuck her Face with audible slurps.

Angels dextrous Toes finding a keycard as he doubles the effort of his oral. The Guard groaning and panting as he quakes and shudders feeling Angel suck of his Balls and stir them like the expert slut she is. The Card passed upwards to a waiting Hand as it glides along the Rope, slowly tearing into the Fiber as he loosens his bindings. The Guard groaning and huffing as he growls and rams himself deep in Angels throat, the Spider Trap gasping and rapidly swallowing as the pent-up Guard pumps his salty load into the Sluts waiting Belly. Soon slurping his Member out with a sigh before giving Angel a cock Slap and turning around to bend over and grab his Pants. The Snap of Rope giving away the only warning he has before 5 Arms grab and expertly bind him, the Guard quickly pinned to the Ground as he shouts "Fuck!" and grunts trying to struggle.

The 6th Arm quickly using the rest of the Rope to begin binding him as Angel Giggles and ties his Arms just a smidge too tight. "Hope you liked the Blowjob~" Angel purrs, "Because it's my turn~" and pulls him up. Tossing him against the Chair and quickly binding his Arms and torso to it he watches as Angel rubs his moist feminine Lips, letting out a grunt as he watches them slip into his Body and a thick slick meaty spider Cock begin to slide out in a gush of fluids. "What the fuck?" The Guard shouts, struggling helplessly as the well-hung Femboy approaches. "Little trick I learned" Angel hums flicking his Ear and gliding a Hand downward to squeeze the Guards Rump, "You weren't wrong before, but who knows. you might wind up liking guys after this" he teases as the Guard struggles. The discarded Pants of the Guard soon stuffed into his Face and wrapped around to muffle and blindfold him as the Spider has his Fun.

Stroking his fat slick Length he gives the Guards virgin Rump a few slaps, causing him to scream and quake, begging him not to do this as two Arms quickly grip his Legs and lift him off the Ground. Angels thick drooling Member soon slipping between his Cheeks to teasingly hotdog the bound unwilling Guard while two Hands grip his Waist and the last two grab the Guards spent Cock giving it playful tugs and squeezes. Angels prey totally at his Mercy as he licks his Lips and pulls back, tying the Guards Legs to the Chair giggling "Psyche" and giving the Guards Rump a few more Slaps to leave it glowing Red as he leaves. Leaving the Guard to be found by his Colleagues tied up and half naked while Angel digs through the keys and cards he took from the officer.

Walking through the large Floor it seems to be specimen research. Numerous Animals and other organic specimens all in containment chambers with notes and bio-readings, the area giving Angela bad vibe as he shudders and head to the Elevator. Looking over the system he smiles seeing a card slot he didn't before, sliding it in as something beeps and the Elevator decends once more. Entering with hesitation, Angel pops off the Hatch hoping it wouldn't zap him from there just in case as he activates the Trolley and has it take him to the lowest floor.

The elevator thrums and transports him without worry, Angel breathing a sigh of relief as he slips in finding the command center of the Lab and master terminal at its center on a massive stone Pillar likely supporting the entire complex. Tapping into the hardware of the System, he manages to bypass most of the security with minimal damage. Obtaining the Files he needs and dashing back to the elevator, leaving the Guard to his fate as he allows alarms to trip through his window exit on his way out and soon off into the night with his prize.

Angel Dust: To date a Spider

A familiar scene unfolds. A pair coupled in the dim lights of an errant Street Lamp casting its gaze within their Window, Bodies shifting and writhing against each other in carnal bliss. The heat of the night and their passion filling the Room as...

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Angel Dust: To love a Spider

The Moon hangs low in the sky, the night far to clear for his liking. The shadowy figure skulking about the warehouse complex as Guards moved on Patrol always one step behind. The Figure giggled and licked his Lips, looking over all the vulnerable...

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