A Perfect Slave (Part I)

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#1 of A Perfect Slave

Ashley was a little nervous, sat in the waiting room of the Pens. She had spent three hours deciding what to wear... should she go for an agressive look? A motherly outfit? Should she dress like she would when going on a date? In the end, she'd decided on a casual outfit; a pair of new jeans and a cream top with an image of a white angel-like kestrel that showed off her young, atheltic, seventeen year old body. She left her chesnut hair loose, the way she liked it.

Now the feline was getting uncomfortable... she still had no idea what to go for in a slave. Did she want someone to do her housework, or satisfy her in bed? A little part of her, a tiny voice in the back of her head, told her this was just rebounding from her breakup with Jason...

Another voice, a dark voice, suggested getting a lupinal like Jason, and using him as a whipping toy.

The door clicked open, and a middle-aged lapine with soft brown fur entered. "Miss Fallon? You can come through to the cages now."

Ashley stood up, checking her reflection quickly in a hand-mirror to make sure her orange and white fur hadn't suddenly messed itself up, and followed the rabbit.

He led her down a long corridor, the only sound the soft click-clop click-clop of their own shoes.

"Have you any thoughts on what you're looking for in a slave?" the Lapine asked casually.

Ashley shook her head, "No, to be honest..."

He gave a quiet chuckle, "Don't worry... there's no rush. My advice is not to buy unless you're certain, and even then we have a return policy. It's all in the booklet, you've read that right?"

"Yes," Ashley replied.

"I'm Mr. Tickle, by the way, but you can call me Eric if you prefer."

The two reached a doorway that looked the same as every other they'd passed, and Eric led her inside. For a moment, Ashley thought they'd stepped outside, until she realised that the ceiling was covered in screens to simulate the sky. She followed the curve of the roof, seeing how it formed a dome, the grass-green wall of the chamber forming the horizon.

Cages filled the room, forty in total. Each contained a simple bed, a food and water bowl, a toilet, and a slave occupant. Some were naked or bound, but most were clothed and unrestrained, save for the cage that held them.

"Feel free to look around," Eric said to her after a few moments, "and let me know if there's any you'd like to know about."

Ashley nodded, walking alone down the cages. She'd expected... well... something else. The cages didn't seem comfortable to her, they certainly didn't offer privacy, but the slaves inside seemed well-treated. She'd expected them to be sad, defeated, shouting or pleading for release... she smiled to herself, realising just how silly that was; everyone knew there were rules about how slaves could be treated. You couldn't just torture them for fun anymore.

She paused infront of one or two cages, and had Eric tell her about the imprisoned slave within. The first was a grey squirrel, a pain-slut, sat naked in the middle of the cage, arms bound behind his back and ankles locked in a spreader-bar. He gave her an eager smile, his cute litle eyes shining hopefully. Ashley couldn't help but notice his pink member slowly poking out of his sheath as Eric described his various fetishes.

She asked for him to be brought out of the cage, and Eric helped him out. The squirrel stood up, facing forwards, murring softly as the feline's hands explored his assets. She gave his rump a test-slap, and smiled at how he meeped happily. She decided to move on, leaving Eric to recage the slave, giving him a few strokes of his hard-on as a reward for good behavior.

She moved on, looking over a lion, a doberman, another squirrel, this one a very attractive red, but she turned him down with some disappointment when Eric explained he was gay.

After almost an hour, Ashley caught sight of a slave curled up in one of the cages in the remote corner of the room. She walked over curiously, seeing a kitten rolled up on her mattress.

"Who's this?" she asked, Eric wandering over helpfully.

"This is Rin. She's a hard-timer."

Ashley knelt down, looking at the sleeping girl. Hard-timers were furs who had committed a crime, and reverted to a child then sold into slavery. They were usually treated very badly, as the law wasn't as protective to them as it was to other slaves.

"What did she do?"

Eric flicked through the entries on his data-pad, "Let's see... ah, here we are... second-degree murder. She ran over an off-duty police officer whilst drink-driving. She's only been here a week."

Despite hearing what she'd done, Ashley smiled. The girl's fur was albino white, her red hair tied up in a bobble with a smiley face on it. She wore a blue cotton shirt with a pink flower on the front, and a pair of ripped and weathered blue jeans.

"...tell me about her."

Eric nodded, "she's ten years old, physically and mentally. No memory of her past life. As far as she's concerned, her parents abandoned her. She's been physically and mentally treated so she can be used for sex, and she can take severe punishments without being mentally scarred..." he glanced at Ashley, and saw the look of concern in her eyes, "Don't worry, it's all done during reversion, we didn't harm her."

"Would you wake her up, please?" Ashley asked, standing to one side so the slave could be brought out.

Eric nodded, opening the cage and walking inside, kneeling beside the sleeping kitten and shaking her gently.

"Rin, wake up..."

The slave moaned, "m-mommy..."

Eric gave a quiet chuckle, "Afraid not, little on. Come on, time to get up."

Rin rolled over, knocking against the bars. She opened her eyes, realising now where she was, and gasped, looking frightened.

"Shhh," the rabbit-slaver smiled encouragingly at her, speaking softly, gently. "It's alright, Rin. This nice lady," he guestured to Ashley, "just wants to meet you. She's not going to hurt you."

Rin looked unconvinced, but let Eric stand her up and smooth down her face-fur, before leading her out of the cage. The kitten stood with her head bowed submissively, wringing her handpaws nervously. Eric tapped them gently, "behind your back, little one, remember?"

The young slave nodded, obeying quickly, and was rewarded with a hand rubbing gently behind her ears, "good girl."

Ashley was moved by Eric's affection, even to a slave who was there to be punished. "Please tell me you're single," she said with a smile. Eric laughed, and shook his head.

Turning back to the slave-kitten, Ashley knelt down, raising Rin's head with a finger, looking into her frightened face and smiling warmly. Rin smiled back timidly. The two looked at each other for a minute or so, until Ashley looked over at the patiently-waiting rabbit.

"I'll take her," she purred, "she's perfect."

Eric nodded, "If you're sure."


"In that case, I'll have Rin taken to be collared and cleaned up. Do you want her marked, branded or pierced?"

"No," she shook her head, "nothing like that."

Eric nodded again, the slight curve of his mouth suggesting he was glad of that, "in that case, please come to my office and we'll arrange the final details," he pressed a button on his wrist-comm. "Jas, I have a slave for you to ready for collection."

When Ashley next saw Rin, she was stood by the main door, wearing a thin black collar with a lead attached. The leash was held by a lioness, who handed it to Ashley as she approached.

"Thank you for your business. Please visit the Pens again," she said politely, opening the door for the pair as they left.

The two felines walked in silence, Rin rubbing her paws again nervously. Ashley tried to encourage her, saying they'd be home in just a few minutes, but Rin didn't seem pleased to hear it. A minute or so later, she paused, letting Rin catch up with her, and put her arm around the kitten's shoulders.

"Rin... don't be frightened of me. I'm not going to do anything to hurt you... I promise."

Rin sniffed, glancing up at Ashley from the corner of her eye, "...promise?" she replied sadly.

There was a quiet click as Ashley removed the leash, "there, I don't think you liked being led around like a feral."

Rin looked at her, the look of surprise on her face turning to a happy smile. She took Ashley's hand, and the pair walked home together.

"Make yourself at home, Rin," Ashley told the kitten as she closed the door, letting her slave explore. Ashley went into the kitchen, and staring making dinner. "Do you like pasta, Rin?" she shouted, filling a pan with water and digging out the bottle of sauce.

Rin wandered to the door, nodding, "Yes, mistress."

Ashley turned around, smiling, "don't call me 'mistress', Rin, my name is Ashley."

Rin smiled happily, wandering over to the table and sitting down. When dinner was ready, Ashley sat next to her, and the two ate together.

"I was thinking," Ashley said, watching Rin fishing for bacon bits amidst the spaghetti, "I'm not much older than you, so I'd like you to think of me as an older sister, not as an owner. I won't treat you as a slave."

Rin sucked up a strand of spaghetti, the end flicking a dollop of sauce onto her nose, "I'd like that... sis."

Ashley laughed, wiping her little sister's nose, "you need to learn not to make such a mess."

After dinner, the pair went into the living room to watch some TV. Rin cuddled against her big sister, amazed at the size of the television. The whole house amazed her... it was so big!

"How do you afford all this?" she asked.

"It's not mine... it's a friends, a rich friends. He's always away on business, so he gets me to look after it for him, and in return I get to live here free of charge," she chuckles, stroking Rin's head, "he even pays me to do it!"

Rin started purring happily, "you're lucky."

She smiled, lifting Rin onto her lap, and holding her against her chest, "Yes I am..."

The two cuddled for a while, enjoying the feeling of their bodies pressed together. Rin seemed so happy to have someone who cared for her, and Ashley found in her a feeling of content happiness she hadn't felt before.

Eventually, Rin asked to get up, needing the toilet. Ashley smiled, watching her sister head upstairs, and sniffed her shirt, enjoying the lingering scent the girl had left on it. Her nipples were hard, her body showing a lingering dirty thought that hid within her mind.

She shook her head, "no, I couldn't..." she said to herself, "I'm... I'm not some kind of pedophile."

Then why her? the voice asked, why did you pick a ten year old who KNOW you can fuck and abuse as much as you like? She turns you on...

Ashley sighed, quickly turning and grinning when she heard Rin return, "Hey kitten."

Rin smiled back, "Sis... can I go to bed, I'm kind of tired..."

Ashley nodded, taking Rin's hand and leading her upstairs.

"There's a spare room at the end of the hall," she explained, "oh, and I should have said this before, but the master-bedroom and office are off limits, okay?"

Rin nodded, "Sis... can I sleep with you?"

Ashley's heart skipped a beat, "s-sure!" she grinned, "I mean... if you really want to."

Rin giggled, "I do, sis..."

The two entered Ashley's bedroom. It was a mess, like any teenage girl's room. Posters of bands and actors were stuck to the wall, and a collection of plush toys sat in the corner next to her wardrobe.

"You'll have to sleep in your underwear tonight, kitten, I promise we'll go clothes shopping tomorrow."

Rin nodded, pulling her shirt over her head and looking to Ashley, who told her to put her clothes on the chair. Ashley felt her heart-rate quicken as the young girl's soft, silky back-fur was revealed, as she unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down slowly, showing her thin legs and cute little bum, snugly wrapped in striped cotton panties.

"Sis..." Ashley smiled, hoping Rin couldn't see the rising anxiety in her as she fought herself over what she was about to do, "...I normally sleep naked, is that okay with you?"

Rin gave her a curious look. Does she know? Can she see what I'm thinking?

"Okay, sis," Rin smiled, climbing into bed.

Ashley undressed quickly, sliding under the covers next to Rin. Her heart was pounding, and there was a tingling between her legs that was getting hard to ignore. She stroked her sister's head, smiling when her touch was rewarded with a soft purring.

"Sis, why do you sleep naked?" Rin asked,

"Well... because it's comfortable... and it's fun."


Ashley nodded, "yeah... you know like when you've just got out the bath, and you know you're not supposed to walk naked from the bathroom to your bedroom, but you do anyway?"

Rin giggled, "No..." her blush suggested otherwise.

Go for it... "Why don't you sleep naked with me? It'll be fun."

Ashley pulled back the covers, revealing Rin's curled up form. Not waiting for an answer, she reached down and gripped the elastic waistband, sliding the pantied down slowly. Rin rolled onto her back, and raised her rump to let them come of easily. This gave Ashley full view of the kitten's slit...

Before she realised what she was doing, her fingers were stroking Rin's outer lips. The girl looked down at her sex, watching herself be touched in her most private place.


Ashley shushed her, "It'll feel nice, trust me..."

Rin blushed, "...are you going to have sex with me?"

The words made Ashley pause, "w-why do you say that, kitten?"

Rin sat up, "well... it's kind of obvious, I know what sex is."

"Have you done it before?" Ashley asked, smiling at the way Rin blushed.

"Sort of... I had a dream once where I did... but I was grown up in my dream."

Ashley's fingers resumed stroking, sliding gently over the kitten's entrance, moving a little deeper each time until she was pressing firmly against the inner folds, "would you like to do it for real?"

Rin's ears turned bright red, and she nodded a little. She lay back, wrapping her arms around one of the little pillars which made up the headboard. Seeing this, Ashley grinned, and hopped off the bed, "Wait right here, Rin... if you're asleep when I get back, I'll let you sleep."

"And if I'm awake?" Rin asked,

"...then I'm going to tie you to the bed."

She walked downstairs, heading into the master bedroom and opening the bottom drawer of the cupboard, taking out four long silk ropes. Her friend Tom knew about her bondage fetish, and they'd slept together before. This time it wouldn't be her bound with the rope.

When she returned to he bedroom, Rin was lying on her stomach, spread-eagled, the covers pushed right off the bed. Ashley chuckled, quickly tying Rin in place, making sure the binds weren't too tight.

"Alright, slave," she purred, squeezing Rin's cute little buttocks, "if you want me to stop, all you have to do is say my name... understand?"

Rin nodded, "you won't... hurt me, will you, Mistress?"


Ashley knelt behind the bound girl, pushing a single finger into her slit. The kitten murred, wriggling a little as the digit was slowly pushed into her sex. Ashley began to wiggle her finger slowly, stroking her slave's inner walls, rubbing against her hymen. Ashley's other hand slid down, gripped the kitten's clit between finger and thumb, rubbing it with soft, circular motions.

Rin started to purr, pulling at her binds. She began to pant gently, her heart pounding at being spread as she was, embarassed at having her privates touched, but not wanting it to stop. She meeped as Ashley leaned in, and with no warning licked at her tailhole.


Ashley ignored her sister, noticing how the kitten was becoming wet. She saw what Eric had meant about being usable now... she responded to sex like an adult. Her sex was fully formed too... just smaller, tighter than normal.

Her tongue flicked out again, tasting the helpless girl's tailhole again, and getting another yip. Ashley leaned in, pressing the tip of her tongue against the tight muscle ring, and forcing it inside.

"Eeew!" Rin giggled, squirming happily. Ashley's tongue began to flick and curl, teasing her insides whilst her fingers pleasured Rin's sex and clit. The girl's laughter turned to purring moans, the fingers moving freely in her juices.

Ashley closed her eyes, sliding a second finger into Rin's slit, pushing against the girl's hymen. Circling it slowly, she pushed against it, feeling the seal break, and giving her access deeper into Rin's sex. If being pierced had hurt, Rin didn't show it, she simply wiggled and moaned as the fingers pushed deeper, stroking her virgin insides, her swollen clit being squeezed, flicked and rubbed in a way that was driving her wild, and the licking in her anus was paradise. She could feel a climax building with in her, and pulled harder against her binds, wanting to curl up around this wonderful feeling, but the rope held her tightly in place. She was helpless to escape the fingers in her slit, the tongue in her ass... and she loved it.

With a loud moan, Rin's orgasm flooded through her. She panted, groaning in pleasure as her sister continued to please her throughout the orgasm, finally removing her fingers and tongue once Rin's body had relaxed and lay still. Ashley sucked the juices off her fingers, and leaned down to lap the rest off her kitten's slit, loving the taste. She lifted Rin's leg, and slid underneith, lying with her head resting right in front of the girl's exhausted sex, admiring her swollen clit, rubbing her nose against it teasingly.

"t-thank you, Sis..." Rin murred, closing her eyes and nuzzling into the pillow, "are you going to untie me now?"

Ashley grinned, "Nope. You're going to sleep tied up tonight, my little slave..." she kissed Rin's sex lovingly, smiling even more at how Rin murred happily at being told of her fate.

The pair fell asleep, Ashley snuggling against her little sister, dreaming of the things they'd to together tomorrow.