Getting to know the family

Milo awoke alone, curled up in the soft sheets of the bed. He had hoped, for a moment, that yesterday had just been a bad dream, but it was quickly apparent from looking around the room it wasn't. He was still here, in the bed where he and Kaido had...

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Milo's Tale (Kaido and Taimet Part I)

This is my first story, so I don't expect it to be popular. I think I may have tried to hard to set up a backstory... all comments and criticism appreciated. And yes, a chose my username because of this character. ...

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The Chronicles of Vaahn - The Lost Years

The ship was adrift, belching drive plasma from its gutted innards. Decks had twisted and warped under the strain of battle, creating a bizarre parody of a once-proud ship of war. Vaahn left a trail of blood behind him as he crawled on all fours toward...

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Veyyr - A Wife's Duty

It was a day that Veyyr Cae Imyyl had put out of her mind until now. She had known it would happen, she'd known the moment the marriage was arranged, but it had always been a distant concern. Now, as the hot, pulsing urgency of mating season took hold...

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The Lost Boy

_A lifetime ago..._ Space travel was dull. While in system the passengers had the novelty of watching the planet fall away to aft, and then occasionally the sights of other stations and worlds. Now, nothing. Anartes stared idly out of his cabin's...

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The mind of a rejuve was a strange and mysterious thing. All the science, all the theory, all the biological studies indicated that rejuvenation should be a total reset, a one-stop cure for the physical ailments and chemical dependencies of the...

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The House of Vaahn

For the first time that year there was a sunrise in the east. By the Human calendar it had been close to forty eight days since it set. Despite the frigid temperature outside, Veyyr Cae Imyyl, daughter of the High Praetor of the Senate of the Republic...

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The Chronicles of Vaahn - The Old Life

Urokon was home of the Kyyreni, and that was enough to make it off limits to most races. Situated in a remote corner of the galaxy known as the Borderlands, the Kyyreni lived a life of endless raiding, each House seeking to outdo the other in feats of...

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The Chronicles of Vaahn - Kingslayer

The land before him was the Sul valley; a barren place of orange rock and sickly yellow moss. No light ever reached the floor of the valley even in the height of summer, rendering it permanently cold and gloomy. There were no ore veins, no precious...

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The Chronicles of Vaahn - The End of Days

They'd come as scavengers, drawn to their prize like flies to rotting meat. Seven ships, each built to the distinctive, sweeping style of the Ny'ee, moved in a loose formation toward the stricken remains of the dead vessels. A Kyyreni 'Khaos' heavy...

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The Chronicles of Vaahn - The Warrior

A billboard on the wall asked passing citizens if they had what it took to be the best, and suggested the Marine Corps was the place for those who did. A holo in a shop window told watchers to 'do their part' and join the Army Volunteers. Adverts...

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The Chronicles of Vaahn - Ban's Tale

Life had always been hard. He'd understood that much from a very early age. He'd grown up wearing hand-me-down clothes and he'd played with second-hand toys. He'd learned to eat whatever was put on his plate, because sometimes the plate was left empty....

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