The Outcome of a Dare

Story by viper7388 on SoFurry

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The Outcome of a Dare

There she was. The one fur in town that I don't think I would ever have enough guts to even simply go over and say hello, just about to sit down only a few tables away from me. The striking snow leopardess was wearing a stylish silver dress that went beautifully with her light gray stomach fur and contrasted just right with the slightly darker gray and almost black rings covering the darker gray fur on her body. The thin straps on each shoulder of the dress lead down to a slight v-neck to show off a little bit of cleavage but nothing too revealing, the rest of the fabric hugged her lithe figure all the way down to the middle of her thighs. The fur she was showing had a slight gleam from the constant care it must receive, in her hand she held a single drink with the contents swishing back and forth along with her steps. Her gorgeous blue hair shifted from side to side slightly as she sat and slid over to about the middle of the bench, a soft voice telling me to go over and talk to her but my mind was quick to reject the notion.

A slight stinging sensation and my center of balance trying to adjust for the hit my shoulder just received made me snap my head to the side and see Greg. The immediate realization that it was his voice I heard and not something in my head made me feel rather stupid for a moment, his expression reflecting his amusement from my previous daze as he repeated his comment.

"Well, go on over and talk to her. You can't just keep staring Dorian. Besides, it's been almost a year since your last relationship with anyone. You have to let go and move on sooner or later so why not tonight while you have a chance to make a difference in your life?" The way he spoke almost made it sound like it was a speech he had rehearsed several times just for this moment.

"Ya man go for it." The two gecko twin brothers across the table said almost in unison, earning a certain grimace they shared as they glared at each other. I managed to hold back the laugh but released my smile, pausing a moment and stealing another quick glance back up to her.

"I can't guys. I mean look at me. I'm not good enough for her. She's a goddess in comparison to my mere mortal appearance." I bowed my head a little as I looked down at myself and held out my arms slightly.

I was more around the average build for my species but still held the nicely toned muscles under my fur by exercising regularly but nothing really to show off. My face retained the muzzle of my jaguar father along with his charcoal to black fur color and deep royal blue eyes, no specific patterns or anything say for the even darker coloured rings that were easier to see under a certain light. My digigrade legs retained from both my parent's gene's added to the fact that I was already taller than the average fur for a height that sat me just barely above the seven foot tall marker. My long slender tail lay curled around my one leg as the rest of me quivered, and my chosen casual apparel didn't really help boost my ego for a first impression.

"Oh stop being so dramatic, she's just as much of a person as you are. Now do yourself a favour and at least go and try. What's the worst that can happen? She says no? Then at least you can say that you tried." Greg stole a quick glance up and noticed her shyly look back down to her drink from what looked like me. "Hey man, I think she was just checking you out."

"Ya right Greg." I looked up myself and saw her cheeks flush a light red under her fur as her eyes darted back a second too late for no-one to notice. "Nah, there's no way she was looking at me. I think I'll just go buy another round for you guys." I said nearly in a whisper, my drink being a non-alcoholic one that my friend made up called a ‘whatever'. Most of the drink was lime juice with a little bit of blueberry syrup and the last little bit of room in the glass was filled with sprite or seven-up. The fun parts of being the DD, no alcohol.

"Dorian, I dare you."

"Don't say that Greg. You know that I-" He cut me off.

"I dare you!" His eyes stared deep into mine as he smirked with satisfaction at my reaction.

I gave him the dirtiest look I could possibly muster before letting out a long sigh and looked up once more at her before I slowly moved to the edge of the bench, looking back over at him as he continued to wear that smug grin of satisfaction. I tapped the toe on my custom made boots against the cement flooring under the table and grit my teeth as I continued to try and stare him down, hoping he would take it back. But it never came.

"Have I mentioned how much I hate you lately?" I asked as seriously as I could.

"Not since the last time when I dared you to down that thirteen ounce bottle of Absinth at that party, no." He said as he laughed amused at what was most likely the memory of that night... It was bad. At least it was for me anyways.

I relaxed and cracked my neck both ways before casually getting up and walking over to her, putting on my most confident face and smiling as friendly as I could. I looked down at her and she looked back up at me with a shy grin and that slight flush under the fur on her cheeks, her beautiful ice blue eyes shimmering from the dancing lights behind me.

"Hey! Get goin dreamer boy! Let's make it a reality already!" It was Greg, his elbow nudging my side. I then realized I hadn't left the table yet. I just sat there slightly shaking in my seat. I silently cursed that badger for knowing I just couldn't say no to a dare, especially one that I wanted to do in the first place but was to scared or nervous to do it.

After a few moments of trying to calm my nerves I ran my fingers through my hair before placing my hands down on the table to stand up, swallowing hard as my breathing slowly picked up in pace, my heart starting to race all the faster with every step I took towards her. Her gaze shifted up at me and then fell back down to her drink quickly, her hand wrapping around it and slowly swirling the liquid in it around the edges. My hand nervously moved to the back of my neck to rub and gently squeeze it as I tried to stay calm.

"Uh, hey." I managed to nearly squeak out.

"Oh, h-hello there." Her one hand slowly moving up to twirl a finger around a small lock of hair as her eyes darted back and forth between the drink and my face, a hint of red showing through her light fur.

"I was just wondering if... I just thought I'd see if you'd like some company over here. You looked kind of lonely." Somehow I managed to move my hand from fidgeting with my neck and down to slide it into my pocket opposite the other, my eyes doing their best to remain locked with hers and not wander.

"Umm, s-sure. I could use some company right about now." Her voice sounding rather down yet still nervous, a shy smile appeared as her expression softened to receive a similar smile in turn from me. I took my hands out of my pockets and placed them on the table top, the slight tremble grabbing her attention for a moment till I noticed what she was looking at and moved them under the table onto my lap, turning my head to the side as I tried to maintain a bit of composure as my face started to heat up. I heard a soft giggle and looked back up to see her smiling and looking at me with such an expression that made my heart flutter all the more, that simple sound enough to make me feel like less of a fool for what had happened.

"I'm sorry. It's just nice to see I wasn't the only one who was nervous when you sat down." She reached her hand over the table rather hesitantly as an invitation of introduction as she showed off another shy smile, her expression making me melt a little in my seat. "I'm Sasha."

I blinked a few times and gathered myself up before reaching my still slightly shaky hand up and placing it in hers, shaking it gently and smiling that little bit wider. "I'm Dorian. It's nice to meet you Sasha."

"It's nice to meet you too Dorian." She said softly over the music.

My hand slowly and reluctantly left hers as I placed it back up where I moved the other on the edge of the table. "So why is someone like you sitting here alone on a Friday night?" I asked managing to keep my voice a bit more steady this time around.

"What do you mean someone like me?" She asked, suddenly adding a bit of seriousness in her voice as she looked rather concerned.

"Oh, well... I meant... I just-" The sound of another giggle made me stop fumbling my words as her hand went up to cover her mouth, moving it back down as she stopped laughing, looking at me with an amused smile.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. Relax Dorian, I don't bite you know." Her hand reached down and took a small sip of her drink before looking off to the side.

"Sorry. So, what did you mean when you said you could use the company tonight?" I asked rather curiously as I tried to recover from my previous mistake.

"Well I just got this amazing new job and I was supposed to meet a few friends here to celebrate but they're already half an hour late. I suppose they could have just gotten lost on their way again but they haven't even called to tell me anything." Her gaze slowly lowered back down to her drink as she gave it another swirl, the ice cubes in the glass making soft clinking sounds as they hit the sides.

"Well that's no good." I said as my face turned to more of a frown. "You know. If you like you can come over and join me and my friends at the other table. I'm sure they'd all love to meet you and try to cheer ya up, especially with the twins over there. In fact, I guarantee that if you aren't feeling a bit better by the end of the night I'll cover your tab and offer a redo tomorrow to try and make it up to you." Closing my lips a bit tightly as I almost regretted sounding so forward, gently biting the inside of my bottom lip to keep quiet.

"Aww well that's really sweet of you but I... I don't really do so well in groups of new people." My ears clearly hearing a regret of being so shy so I tried a more direct and rather bold approach. I slid off the side of my bench and moved over to hers, standing at the entrance to her bench and reaching a hand out for her to take.

"Come on, I'll be right there with you. Besides, there is no way I'm going to let you celebrate alone tonight ok." With that her face lightened up a bit and she moved her hand to pick up her glass, pausing for just a moment as hesitation took hold once more. She visibly bit her lower lip and pushed past it, grabbing her glass with one hand and delicately placed her other hand in mine, gingerly helping her out of her seat till she was standing next to me. She was a good foot shorter than me as I looked down at her with the best reassuring smile my muzzle could procure in my nervous state.

I took a step forward and slowly pulled my hand away from hers but felt her grip tighten, gently returning the gesture and clasping my hand in hers as we walked back over to my table. I reached over to the side and picked up a chair from a vacant table, carrying it with us till we got there and courteously placing it at the end of the table for her. With one final nervous unsure glance she looked up at me and I gave her another reassuring notion before she turned and faced the table, her grip getting a bit tighter as she took a small step towards me and tilted her head slightly towards the floor.

"Guys, this is Sasha. Sasha this is Greg, Todd, and Jeremy." I pointed my finger to each respectively as they gave a little wave or sign of acknowledgement at the sound of their names. "The two Geckos are twins. Only way to tell them apart is their tail tips so their kind of used to getting mistaken for each other, so don't feel too bad if you do. I think they almost enjoy the idea because it screws with people's heads." I explained, trying to give her a little something to laugh about. I looked back over to the table of guys and placed my other hand on her forearm lightly. "Sasha here just got a new job and was coming here to celebrate with her friends who seemed to have disappeared for the time being. So let's give her a good night of fun to make her forget all about it alright."

"Sounds like a plan." Greg chirped with a smile. "But if I may be a little nosey. What job did you get hired for?"

"Well... Let's just say it's a really good paying job that will always be enjoyable." Her face flushed deeply as she reached her other hand over and placed it on my other one, looking slightly towards me with a little smile that I was clueless to understand.

"Good enough. Have a seat Sasha and welcome to the party!" Greg said with his most inviting smile as I sat her down on the chair and slid into the booth right next to her, keeping close as the grip on my hand remained but loosened slightly as I gently caressed the back of hers with my thumb. I couldn't help but smile and a bit from the notion as she returned it. It may have been a small thing but it seemed like a pretty good leap for her with the death grip she had on it just a few moments ago.

We sat and talked about different things for several hours, getting to know each other and sharing jokes across the table as plenty of rounds of drinks went by. It was nice to see the timid person I had met a mere few hours ago that was rather depressed now joining in with the jokes and conversations of the group. I broke the chat for a moment and gently placed my hand on top of hers to get her attention.

"Would you like to dance?" I asked rather bashfully as I looked once more into her numbing ice blue eyes.

"Oh no, thank you. I don't dance. I've also had a few too many to drink to do anything as coherent as dancing." She said, her words slightly slurred from her inebriation.

"It's ok. You can stand on my feet." I said with a smile as I received one back accompanied by a slight nod. I got up first and nearly bowed to extend my hand in a rather embarrassing fashion, the action getting a slight blush to add to her already unparalleled beauty while my friends had a little snicker off to the side, her hand gently moving up to rest softly in mine as I helped her up for the second time tonight. Her steps were a little off as the effect from the drinks showed itself a bit more, she smile and giggled on occasion when she staggered slightly off to one side and caught her in my arms.

"Maybe I will take you up on that offer to stand on your feet." She said with a smile as her arms loosely draped around my neck, her feet stepping up onto the toes of my boots to give her that little bit more height closer to mine. The DJ's voice boomed over the crowd like it had many times before, this time speaking very softly into the microphone.

"This one's for all the couples on the dance floor, time to get that little bit closer and feel the love." His voice sounded sarcastic at the end as he finished it off with a laugh. The music started off slowly and stayed that way throughout, my feet moving with the beat as we basically shuffled across the dance floor around the other couples. We kept our eyes on each others, not letting them wander except when I needed to steer around oncoming people, the crowd rather sparse during a song of this speed.

After the song was done we moved off to the side before the next one started, a techno beat for all the people that felt like busting a move started playing. We watched from the side for a bit until she grabbed my arm and pulled me back out, turning around in front of me and dancing up and down my body as I tried my best to do something to go with what she was doing. I blushed profusely as I noticed my friends giving me grins and whoops of encouragement. Drunken fools, yet still my irreplaceable friends.

We danced out there for a while longer until we started to tire out, my legs getting a bit sore from an activity they weren't used to. I looked over to Sasha and extended an elbow towards her, she got the idea and took it to help steady her as we traversed the dance floor once more to get back to our table, a few subtle looks from the guys and I couldn't help but smile a little.

"You guys finally done for the night?" Greg asked. His speech not affected much as I thought it would be considering how much he had drunk tonight. I gave him a bit of a nod along with an evolved half smile from the full one, patting the edge of the table to get the guys moving. Greg slowly slid off to the edge of the seat and went one slide too far and fell off the bench, apparently it hit him as much as it should have after all.

After a quick laugh for us, himself included, I bent down and picked him up with a bit of strain as he fumbled to his feet. After I got him standing and leaning against something I turned back around and smiled to Sasha, extending my elbow out to her once more and received her arm sliding between it and my side. I looked back as I felt a hand on my opposite shoulder, Greg hanging off me as he managed a goofy grin for me as I slid my arm up around him and helped him walk to the door. The twins managed to make it there themselves with the odd nudge from one another, taking a moment to hold the door open with my foot and Greg's back.

"Sasha?" I asked looking over to the drowsy face of the feline that ended up resting against my shoulder. "Did you have a way to get home?"

"I'm just going to take the bus since none of my friends came." Her soft voice sounded more like she was already asleep.

"Well that's what you were going to do. Now you're getting a ride with your friends to your house." I explained now that we were at the door to my Murano, opening it for her and helping her in as my other hand reached around Greg and undid the back door for the twins and him to get in.

"Hey man thanks. How did you get the back door to open?" I shook my head as I laughed a bit at Greg's slurred speech as it had gotten quite a bit worse now that he stood up and moved around. The twins had already piled in the back by the time I got Sasha all settled so I could move on and get Greg in the vehicle, moving around the door and setting him down in the seat, receiving a bit of help from Jeremy.

Once everyone was settled and well on their way to passing out I pulled out of the parking lot and started heading towards Greg's house on the far side of the city. Forty-five minutes later everyone but Sasha was back at home, I looked off to my right and saw her facing me as she slept in the passenger seat. I reached over and gently rubbed her shoulder to wake her, her eyelids fluttering a few times before she took a slightly deeper breath and looked up at me with a slightly confused look.

"Hey Sasha, sorry I had to wake you but I kind of need to know where you live to take you there." I spoke softly as I moved my hand back to the wheel, the vehicle still parked on the side of the road from dropping off the twins.

"Oh, I'm sorry I dozed off. How long was I out?"

"Not long. It's been about an hour."

"Ah, so everyone else has been dropped off then huh?"

"Yup, figured I'd let u get a little bit of sleep so I left you for last." My voice still kept low as I let out a yawn and gently rubbed my eyes. She gave me her address and within twenty minutes we were there, my arms deciding they needed a stretch as I leaned back into the seat and extended my claws a bit to let out a soft groan. After the stretch I let out another yawn and slightly bowed my head, pinching the bridge of my nose with my index finger and thumb.

"Um... I-if you like you can s-stay here the night. I would feel better knowing you're not driving when you're this tired." She looked back and forth between me and the floor as she blushed slightly with genuine concern in her voice. I looked at her a moment as I thought about her offer, my mind going over way too many ways the night could go with either decision. I felt something touch my hand and looked down, realizing it was hers gently gripping mine as her sleepy eyes looked into mine. "Please, stay."

I looked back at her and swallowed a little harder then I wanted to, making it slightly audible before giving a slight nod. I drove my vehicle where she told me to park it in the back, an empty slot left for her apartment for the vehicle she didn't have. I got out and moved around to the other side of the vehicle, opening the door and gently taking her hand in mine and helping her out and walking her up to the door. Once we got in and up three floors in the elevator we walked about half way down the hallway to her apartment door, reaching between her breasts and taking out the key as she flashed me a drunken playful smile that made me blush once more. She scraped around the lock just once before getting the key in the slot, unlocking the door and slowly walking in, extravagantly spreading her arms and turning around and almost falling down in the process.

"Welcome to my home. Make yourself... at home." Her speech just that little bit she needed to fall forward towards me as she kicked off her second shoe, moving that little bit so her arms landed on top of mine with her cheek pressed against my chest. I looked down at her as she looked up at me just in time to see a big smile. I gave her a shy smile back as took off my boots before picking her up and followed her directions to her room, sitting her down at the foot of the bed to fold open the covers for her.

"Alright, I don't think I can do anything else for you tonight so I'll go get myself ready." I turned to walk out of the room and heard her get up, the touch of her arms sliding along my sides followed by the soft feeling of her generous breasts pressing against my back. I tried to ignore the feeling but a deep rumble in my chest started up as I began to purr quietly, my eyes squinting at the lack of control I had over myself around her. I felt her arms slowly start to turn me around my mind telling me to leave before I got too deep in the moment, my body enjoying it enough as it chose not to listen at all and just slowly turned how she wanted me to.

After I was turned around and looking at her, I tried to keep my vision on her eyes and not on the breasts that were currently mashed up against my chest and threatening to burst from the confines of her dress. Thankfully she stepped away from me as my heart was starting to beat faster, a shy mischievous look showing on her face a moment before she looked down at herself and placing her fingertips under the straps of her dress and pulling them off to the sides and down her body, wiggling out of the tight dress as I did nothing but stare while my face turned a brighter red. When the dress was merely a discarded piece of fabric on the carpet she started taking that step back towards me, to which my body finally responded to my brain and took a similar step back away from her. When my back hit the wall all I could do was watch her get closer before her bare breasts pressed back against my chest, her arms wrapping around my waist.

"It's ok Dorian. I'd still like to have your company for the night, and it feels like you wouldn't mind having my company either." Her cute giggle making me realize what she meant as her body rubbed up against the hard tent in my jeans. I blushed that little bit deeper under my dark fur, as I gently placed my hands on her sides and led her back to the bed.

"Sasha. As much as I would love to do this with you, I just couldn't do it." I explained barely over a whisper, a mix of confidence and regret blended together in my voice.

"Why not? I don't see a problem with it so neither should you." She said as she slowly flopped down on the bed, her legs slightly spread to give me a bit of a show. Her white fur going between and covering half of her breasts and down her stomach to between her legs and a little ways down the inside of her thighs, the black color of her thong standing out against her light coloured fur. Her hands teasingly wandered over her slender body before gently rubbing over her breasts and already hard black nipples, my eyes trying and failing to look away from the beautiful spectacle in front of me.

I reached out and placed my hands on her sides once more. I turned her till she was lying along the bed, lifting the covers and her legs to tuck them in before moving the covers over the rest of her mostly naked form. She looked up at me with a confused look as I started to lean down to her and gently kissed her cheek, running my fingers through her hair once before reaching under the covers and holding her hand a moment.

"I'll see you in the morning Sasha. Sleep well." And with that I gave her cheek one more gentle kiss and stood up, turned around, and left the room. I was pretty sure that I had just done something I would regret by tomorrow. What am I talking about, I was regretting it now. But in my head I knew it was for the best, I didn't want to take advantage of someone as amazing as her. So I went into her living room and lay down on her couch, the feeling of sleeping in my clothes never really feeling that comfortable but I knew it was the best idea while I was here. I don't know how long I lay there thinking about what I had just done but all I know is that it took longer then I wanted for me to fall asleep. I just hope she feels that it was for the best too when she wakes up.

I awoke rather early the next morning, looking at my watch and groaning at the time displayed. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sniffed the air, the scent of eggs and some kind of meat cooking seemed to wake me up that little bit faster. I rolled off the side of the couch to the floor with a thud and got up as quick as I could, I just barely finished brushing myself off and straightening out my clothes before Sasha appeared in the doorway from the kitchen.

"Well good morning Dorian. Did you sleep well?" She asked as she leaned against the doorframe in an apron.

"I did thanks." I couldn't help but smile as she stood there, curling a finger up in her direction to get me to come to her. I walked over to her till I was in front of her, her arms reaching up and draping around my neck as she pulled me down and tenderly kissed my cheek.

She held me down there and rested her chin on my shoulder, softly pressing her cheek to mine and whispering in my ear. "Thanks for last night. It must have been pretty hard to say no to a drunk me with what I was doing." Her voice getting that little bit softer at the end as her arms hugged me a bit tighter, making a small move as I wrapped my arms around her and gently held her there. The moment I placed my hand around her I felt bare fur on the small of her back, moving them around a little bit as I blushed, wondering how much she was still wearing. She giggled softly next to my ear and took a step back, looking up into my eyes and moving an arm from around my neck and placing her hand on my cheek to gently stroke it with her thumb.

"You know you're even cuter then I first thought you were. Are you always so timid?" She asked, still slowly rubbing my cheek as she peered into my eyes.

"I am until I get to know the person a bit better." My cheek still burning with a light red as I instinctively pressed back into her hand.

"Well you look pretty comfortable around me now, but how about we go into the kitchen and have breakfast. It's already on the table." Her hand slid off my cheek with the other arm flowing down my neck to my shoulders and eventually my hands, pulling me along with her to the table and sitting me down. I looked over at her as she turned around to go over to her seat. With the back of the apron just having the string to tie it on gave me a good view of what she was wearing.

Thankfully she was at least wearing something of a top, one of those shirts that had the bottom cut off so it's just long enough to cover the chest. She had at also at least put on a less revealing pair of panties, after looking her up and down I nearly smacked myself for staring so long and quickly looked back down at my plate. She had cooked up a couple of eggs, sausages, and a few strips of bacon. She sat down at the table after taking off the apron and hanging it over the oven handle, picking up her fork and digging right in.

I followed suit right after and stabbed a few clumps of the scrambled eggs, the flavour rather different from the seasonings and such she put in them. After several more mouthfuls the plate was empty, getting up and taking the plate with me to the sink and rinsing it off before putting it down inside it. I turned around to find her right there, I looked down and she looked up and stood on her tip-toes, pressing her lips to mine for a brief moment. The kiss may have only lasted a few seconds but it seemed to last a bit longer in my mind, as the contact broke I realized I had closed my eyes during the kiss and re-opened them slowly to see her doing the same. A smile of satisfaction spreading over her lips as she looked into my eyes.

"Sorry." She said shyly, looking down as her cheeks turned a nice red under her fur. "I've been wondering to see how that felt since last night." She said softly, pressing her cheek to my chest and wrapping her arms around my waist.

"But I thought... I mean you were... I-" She reached up and placed a finger against my lips, silencing me immediately.

"I know. I was really drunk last night. And I can't thank you enough for being able to do what you did." She paused and looked down a moment before looking back up. "How long has it been since you just went out around town with a friend?"

"Umm, at least a year, back when I had someone that liked-"

"Way too long. Give me about an hour to get ready and we'll go for a day on the town, just the two of us." Her voice getting a bit hyper as she cut me off to give me a gentle hug before turning around and walking out of the kitchen, leaving a rather choice and speechless feline in the kitchen leaning against the counter with his lips slightly parted from being stopped mid sentence.

"Ok... I'll just head home for a quick shower and be back when I'm done." I said softly rather to myself than her but she heard me anyways, her head popping back into the kitchen to be followed by the rest of her body. She walked back up to me and reached up with a hand to brush her hair over her ear on one side, looking up at me as her hand followed through with her hair and slowly twirled around the tip of a small lock of hair.

"If you like, you can just keep your tail here and have a shower after me. It would save a trip home for you and we can just go there on our way up town so you can change." Her finger still fidgeting with the tip of the small lock of hair as her tail hung low with the tip swaying slowly from side to side.

"If you really don't mind that would be great." I said, sliding my hand behind my head and gliding my fingers through my hair and rubbing softly like I did when I was nervous. I'm sure some of the thoughts running through my head were mutual with hers as she bit her lower lip once more like last night, reaching out a hand and placing it on the outside of mine.

"Actually, I know we just met yesterday and all but... Wo... Would you care to join me?" Her voice stuttering for the first time since yesterday when we first met, letting me know that I wasn't the only one shaking in my boots, so to speak. I stood there surprised by her forwardness and easily finding her all the more attractive with her mixture of shy yet rather open personality when you got to know her. I hesitated several moments before opening my mouth to quietly say ok but nothing came out, a few more pathetic attempts I shut my mouth and simply nodded slowly.

She gently tugged on my hand as she slowly started walking away from me and towards the bathroom, my feet seeming to move by themselves as I followed close behind. My mind started going a mile a minute as I second guessed my decision to do this or not, my eyes darted from side to side down to her still nicely presented rump for several moments and then to the hand pulling me along and back to her head just as she looked back and saw the panic on my face and let out a soft giggle that still managed to make me calm down a bit.

We got to the bathroom and I took my first step in, my heart beating hard in my chest as I tried to keep a calm look on my face. Her hand left mine as she turned around and placed them both on my chest followed by her cheek, the attempt to cover my panic filled state rather futile now as she heard how fast my chest was thumping. She lifted her cheek off my chest and reached a hand up to slide behind my neck, her beautiful ice blue eyes looked up into my royal blue ones as she slowly pulled my head down to hers but needed little encouragement to move on its own till our soft lips pressed together. My eyes closed slowly just before hers did the same, my hands naturally moving up to rest on the lower part of her bare sides just above her hips.

Her hand left from behind my neck and slowly slid along my shoulder and then disappeared, my one eye opening for a quick moment to see them up in the air as she most likely waited for me to get the hint. My hands started to slide up her well defined torso and under the short piece of cloth covering what needed to be, my thumb grazed the side of her breasts all along it until the lip lock we were in impeded my progress of stripping the beautiful feline in front of me.

When my lips lost the feeling of hers moving against them I suddenly felt the need to breathe and took a slightly deeper breath as I stood back up and continued to remove her small top, pulling it up and along her arms as she looked up at me with deeply blushing cheeks and a shy smile. When the top was discarded off to the side in a pile she reached her hands up once more and placed them on my shoulders, pulling me down again but not towards her. She continued to pull down till I was on my knees in front of her, her thumbs under the band of her panties and sliding along the sides back and forth as she bit her lower lip and trembled slightly in a mix of nervousness and excitement. My hands moved from their limp position at my sides and slid in around her thumbs, sliding the thin fabric off her hips and down her slender legs to her ankles.

She stepped out of them and kept her legs together for the time being, barely showing the cleft of her tender pussy lips between them. When I was about to shift my weight to one leg to get up I felt her hand on my head, stopping me from getting up and looking up at her curiously. She bent over and grabbed the bottom of my shirt and started to pull it up my chest, her soft white orbs so close to my face I could have licked them but instead I lifted my arms up like she did just before while her hands slid it up and off me to discard it with hers. Her hands then moving to my shoulders and give a gentle tug up for me to stand, my legs complying readily and standing a moment later.

Once I stood up fully her hands started going to work on my pants, her fingers getting the button undone quickly and the zipper to follow before sliding them down along with my boxers. I looked down as she knelt in front of me to work them all the way down my legs and feet, lifting them one at a time as she got to the bottom and pulled it out from under each to add to the pile of clothes forming on her floor. When the pants were gone she stood up, placing her hands on my hips to lead me back to the shower stall and stopping me just beside the door.

Her fingertips tenderly trailed a path up my sides before moving off as she turned around to open the door and reach in to turn the water to a hot temperature, her body half in and half out as she bent over just enough to show off the thin slit between her legs as her tail swayed from side to side. As she finished getting the water right she looked back to see me unintentionally staring at her sexy rump, she lifted her tail up and gave it a shake to get my attention, and it worked. I looked up into her playful face and blushed deeply as I felt a familiar feeling well up in my loins as my sheath began to swell, her hand reached back and took mine once more as she led me into the steaming stream of water.

The water burned for only a moment as it soaked through my short fur and made contact with my skin, my eyes closing for a moment as I was totally immersed in the warmth before feeling her arms return to my sides. The feeling of her luscious breasts pressing just below my chest caused my eyes to open and look down at the content feline holding onto me, my arms encircling her body and holding it close to mine as I couldn't help but purr from the feeling. Her head nuzzled softly into my chest at the sound of it, pressing her ear against it as she started to purr in response. My face broke out into a big smile at this as I continued to look at the beautiful woman who was making me feel like the luckiest man on the planet, she teasingly wiggled her body against mine as I shuddered and realized my cock had swelled to its full length between us.

She pulled us out from under the showerhead until her back pressed against one of the solid walls of the stall, her body rubbing up mine as she went back on her tip-toes and moved a hand up from my back to my shoulder to pull me down once more into a slow deep kiss. My eyes closed the moment I felt her lips touch mine, a soft murr escaping my throat and into the kiss before the contact broke once more. She looked up into my eyes as they slowly opened and slid her body back down mine the few inches till she was flat on her feet again, sliding her one hand around till it rested on my cheek.

"Would you care to do me first?" She asked somewhat shyly but more playfully than anything at the possible double meaning. I tried to hide the nervous gulp that sounded in my throat as I moved back under the water, a devious smile on my face as the water surrounded my form.

"I would, just tell me what you like me to use and your wish shall be my command." I said as seriously as I could with such a corny line, but her face flushed as she let out another one of her adorable giggles and smiled at me before pointing to a bottle on one of the shelves on the adjacent wall.

"That one please." She instructed with her finger before placing them both down at her sides against the wall.

I reached for it and squirted out a generous amount of the substance into the palm of my hand, placing the bottle back on the ledge and lathering it up between them before lifting a hand up and twirling a soapy finger in a small circle in the air. She got the idea and turned around, my hands moving out as I stepped out from under the water and started to work my soapy hands into her shoulders, slowly working them in small circles down her back and stopping just above that nice ass of hers and on each side of her tail base to work my fingertips into the fur just above it for a bit of a tease. She looked back with an aggravated look on her face just as I was moving my hands down to continued on to work it into her backside and then down her tail, running my hands down the length several times afterwards with the same reaction of her hips doing small circles as her arms raised above her head and pressed her body into the wall.

After I did that a few times and watched it intently each time I moved on and down one of her slender legs and then the other, going down on a knee to get below her thighs. After her legs were done I figured I'd take a chance and see just how far I could go, moving a hand in between her firm ass cheeks and rubbing down and over her tail-hole and between her legs to slide a couple fingers between her tender folds. As they slid back and forth along her sensitive labia I could hear soft moans escaping her lips over the sound of the shower, her hips rolling back to give me better access to the sensitive area while her claws dug slightly into the hard tile of the wall.

When I felt I had teased her enough from the warm fluid seeping out I moved my hand away from the hot folds between her legs and rinsed her juices off under the water before lathering a bit more of the body fur wash and starting it all over again, this time starting on her sides and working my way up them. My fingers moving in small slow circles as I massaged the soap into her beautiful fur, as my hands got to the middle of her sides I took a step forward and pressed my hard cock between her firm ass cheeks and my chest to her back. I moved my head forward so it was between her raised arm and head as my hands slid forward and gripped one of her breasts in each hand, rolling my fingertips through the smooth short fur and my palms over her pert nipples. I was rather glad I hadn't gotten to her neck just yet as I turned my head and gently bit and nipped at it, my hands now gently caressing and kneading her large globes of flesh and fur.

As I continued to tease and pleasure her sensitive body I felt her ass start to grind into the cock pressed firmly between her cheeks, sliding it up and down as her tail wrapped around my waist and the base of my own. More soft moans started to sound from the sensual movements of our bodies, my hands leaving her breasts shortly after to receive a very quiet sound of protest as they moved down her fit stomach to continue the wash before getting between her legs and rubbing her clit in small circles. I stopped my nibbling of her seemingly sensitive neck as her body shuddered against mine with each contact of my sharp teeth, lifting my head up slightly so my lips were right near her ear and whispering softly into it through her soft moans.

"Are you sure you want to?" I asked rather gently as I slid my hand off her sensitive nub and moved them up to rest on her hips, pulling her back under the water to rinse out the suds from her fur.

"Uhn do what you want to me. I'm yours Dorian." Her voice sounded so submissive, almost like I owned her. She rubbed her ass against my throbbing cock a few more times before she moaned my name barely above a whisper. "Dorian!"

My name being called out like that sounded so delicious to my ears that I physically shuddered against her fine body, pressing her against one of the clear glass walls of the shower as I reached a hand down between us to grip the thick piece of meat and slide it between her legs, teasing her that little bit more as I rubbed the length of my cock between her pussy lips a few times before pressing the head to her hot nether lips for a moment and sliding the tip into her wet sex. The slow penetration attaining another subtle moan from the snow leopardess as she rocked her hips back and reached her arms back to try to get more of my cock in her, my hands now resting on her shoulders slowly slid along her arms and lifted them back up above her head to restrict her movement. As I held her there I torturously slid my full length into her once inch at a time till my hips were resting against her perfect ass. Her inner walls hugged my pulsing rod as she adjusted to my size, as her body started to relax and give in to me that little bit more I started to pull my hips back till just the head was inside her before pushing it back in that little bit faster.

I repeated the motion several times before my hips were thrusting my cock in and out of her in a steady rhythm, my hands still holding her arms above her head as she moaned with each insertion. I leaned into her back a bit herder as I grasped both her hands with one of mine and kept them restrained above her, the other leaving her body for a moment before sliding between her body and the wall to drag between her soft breasts and reach between her legs to rub my fingers over the now throbbing nub of flesh between her legs. As my fingers moved back and forth over her clit her body writhed with pleasure at combination of the invading tool inside her and her pleasure button as it proved too much for her.

She moaned loudly and cried my name once more as she came hard around my cock, her already tight cunny clamping down on my shaft as I held it inside her and clenched my teeth as I tried not to cum with her so soon. As she started to calm down from her high of euphoria I started to move my hips once more, sliding the still hard appendage in and out of her drenched treasure to receive a louder moan and her best attempt at pressing back into me with each rock of my body. I moved my nectar drenched fingers away from her swollen clit and pressed them into her open mouth, her lips closing around them and sucking on them like it was something else that she wanted more from.

Slowly I removed my fingers from her vibrating lips as she moaned around them, leaning forward a little to press my lips to hers, sliding my tongue between her lips and into her mouth to drag along hers. The rough muscle moved along and around her rather limp tongue as my cock continued to stuff her nether region with mine, my orgasm starting to become hard to hold back as my rhythm began to fall apart. I let out a light moan into the kiss myself as our bodies rubbed together with each miss timed thrust, my hand returning to pleasuring her over sensitive clit as we continued to kiss deeply and passionately.

Not many thrusts later she pulled her lips away from the kiss and screamed from her second and more powerful orgasm as it racked her body with pleasure, my fingers continuing to rub her clit through it as I shoved my cock as deep as I could into the quivering silky depths and releasing my seed into her. Spurt after spurt of the hot thick liquid filling up her still quaking body, my own head pulled back as I growled from the amazing tightness of her inner muscles holding my cock inside her.

We held that position for a while after as our bodies started to relax against the other, my hand letting hers go as she let them slowly slide down the glass and one down to her side while the other was placed on the back of my head as it rested on her shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her stomach and held her close, keeping my slowly softening cock inside her for as long as I could, panting as we came down from ecstasy to the real world. The sounds of the shower behind us returning to our ears as well as the sound of our constant harmonious purring, I looked deeply into her eyes and pressed my lips back to hers and closed my eyes once more as I murred deeply into it just as she did. When we broke the kiss several long minutes later we looked back into each other's eyes and smiled, she the first one to say something to break the silence,

"If that's how you wash a girl in the shower when she asks I can't wait to find out what you do when she invites you into her bed." Her tongue sliding out from between her lips and giving my nose a quick lick with a wide smile afterwards as her cheeks flushed slightly along with mine.

"Well I'm sure if you offered you would find out." I said back softly.

"So I guess that means we're not going up town today." She said with a soft giggle and a delighted smile. "But first, let me at least return the favour of washing you. I wouldn't want to miss out on what could come of that." Her smile turning into more of a smirk as I moved myself back under the water and stuck a hand out of the stream and stuck out a finger in her direction before curling it towards me for her to join.

"There is one thing that has been on my mind since last night."

"What's that Dorian?" She asked as I moved around behind her, her rump making the first move and pressing back against my semi-hard phallus.

"What job did you get yesterday that you were going to celebrate it?" I asked, closing my eyes lightly as I managed to keep my voice mostly steady through the teasing motion.

"STKX Studio's. I'm going to be a yiffstar." I stood there a moment as the words seemed to echo in my head a moment before they clicked, my eyes opening a bit wider as my jaw went slack and my cheeks red.