Give Into Me... Again.

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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   Oh, the agonizing wait... Ildac had been sitting in his room for nearly half an hour while he waited for his Mistress to come in and deal with him. Just what the price of his disobedience would be was still a mystery to him, but the angel was sure that she would not go back on her word. Nuri just wasn't like that. When she said something would happen, it happened. This would be no exception, and Ildac knew this. Even more, he knew he was powerless to do anything but take it. The angel muttered to himself, "I should have just been a good boy."

   "That's right, you should have been." a sultry voice answered from beyond the bedroom door, making him jump. In walked his lupine Mistress, the one who held the leash to his collar, arms crossed over her ample chest, her deep blue eyes filled with a certain domineering smugness. She knew she was in control.

   Ildac was on his knees before she even issued the command. He knelt on the bed before her, a position he'd become rather accustomed to over the past few months. They'd tried having him on the floor, but that wasn't very practical considering she liked to have him at eye-level. So Nuri adopted the practice of having him kneel on the bed. It was much more comfortable that way anyway.

   Nuri stopped by the bed, reaching out with a dainty paw to stroke over her pet's ears, whispering softly to him, "So, tell me why you're in trouble, pet."

   "Because I was disobedient." Ildac replied with a murr of enjoyment, straightening his posture for her.

   "Mhmmm, but what did you do, exactly?"

   "I moaned when you told me to be silent..." It was hardly an offense, more of a game than anything else. A game that she held all the pieces, cards and dice to.

   Nuri's stroking paw moved down to the back of his neck, rubbing and scratching with a gentle caress that just made him melt in her hands, "That's right. I shouldn't have to hypnotize you to keep you quiet, you know." Her lips curled into a lusty grin, "Not that I would mind it... but I think some obedience training is in order. Maybe once you remember to follow my commands exactly when in a normal state of mind, I'll allow you the privilege of falling under my spell again."

   "Y-Yes Mistress..." Ildac swallowed hard and nodded, murring and moaning softly as that magical paw pet him in all the right spots. He had no idea what to expect from this, but one thing was for certain: Between staring at his scantily-yet-sexily-clad Mistress' lovely form and hearing those suggestive words, he was already feeling those tingles of arousal centered around his sheath. Had he been wearing anything at all, he would have pitched a massive tent within a few moments.

   Nuri was wearing a personal favorite outfit of hers: A black corset, tied tightly to fit and squeeze her form, pushing up her large breasts and emphasizing her figure. Her breasts and genital area were left bare, which would make one wonder just what the purpose of clothing was in the first place. That didn't stop it from looking amazing on her, though. Lower down her body, the delectable she-wolf wore long, thigh-high stockings, red and black-striped, and tall black, buckled boots that nearly reached her knees. She wore the Mistress outfit very well, indeed.

   She crawled up onto the bed with her pet, intentionally brushing past him, letting her fluffy tail tease across his bare chest as she moved over to the other side. She reclined against the large pillows there, resting with her arms behind her head, one leg crossing over the other, "Mmm boots off, please? Then my socks, too."

   "Does Mistress want her feet rubbed, too?" Ildac asked carefully as he turned around and sat himself down by her feet, not sure if he should be making any kind of requests or comments while he was being punished.

   "Ooh pet, you know the answer to that." she gave him a seductive wink, arching her back a little to emphasize, then relaxed and watched him with that same smug look on her face.

   His risk had paid off after all. Lucky him. Ildac set to work, unbuckling the first belt that held the boot on, and then the second. Next he untied the laces, moving quickly, but not too quickly. Goddess save him if he damaged her boot. Finally the fastenings were done, and the angel fox slipped the boot off. The sight of her stocking-covered footpaw was tempting, to say the least, but he had another boot to take care of before he would be allowed to touch her. His paws moved to the second boot and began to unfasten the belt, but he was shortly interrupted by Nuri's freed footpaw moving up and brushing along his shoulder, resting there for a moment before sliding back and rubbing gently against his cheek. Ildac let out a satisfied murr and continued to work with the belt buckles, trying his best not to get distracted by that lovely footpaw rubbing against his face. With a little difficulty, the second boot came off, and Nuri was two articles closer to nude.

   "Good boy. That feels much better." Nuri's legs fell back onto the bed, and Ildac went for one with his paws to start removing the socks. She stopped him, however, sandwiching his paws between her feet and shaking her head, "Mm, mmmh... Not yet. Show them a little love first."

   "What does Mistress have in mind?"

   "Anything... Rub, kiss, tickle them... If you do well, I'll give you a reward."

   Reward... Ildac liked the sound of that. Then again, he usually liked the sound of most things she said. He stretched out his hand muscles a little, cracking his knuckles and making sure his fingers were nice and limber, then took a stocking-clad foot and began to rub into the sole, fingers pressing in with a firm but gentle pressure, searching for stress points and rubbing them out where he found them.

   "Mmm-- Ooh! Good boy... Right there..." Nuri cooed, arching her back again and wiggling her toes, murring and moaning and even giggling occasionally when his fingers brushed over the bottom of her pawpads. Footplay wasn't originally one of their choice activities, but when she'd caught him staring at her bare paws one night, she decided to give it a try. Since that night, the two had really gotten into it, and having her pet drop down and worship her feet had become a regular part of their playtime.

   As Ildac's fingers moved their way up her foot, he brought his lips down to kiss and nibble at her toes, bringing little squeaks and giggles of pleasure from his Mistress. Soon her other foot was poking at his cheek again, and he switched his attentions to it accordingly. Again he began his massaging, kissing and overall worshiping of the lowest part of her body. People outside of the whole Domme/sub might not think much of it, but to these two (and many others, no doubt) it was very symbolic. It asserted that even the lowest part of her was still superior to his highest. To a devoted pet, it spoke volumes. The other foot came up and rested on his shoulder, giving him a peek between her legs at that lovely womanhood, where he hoped to later bury his tongue. Only if he was good, he thought.

   "Mmh ok, socks off now." Nuri giggled a bit, her voice little more than a soft gasp. Apparently she'd been enjoying this as much as he had. In fact, Ildac could smell a little arousal coming from his wolfy Mistress already. Probably nothing compared to how he must have smelled by now, and even had she missed the scent, the rock hard member between his legs would have given him away anyway.

   The horny fox wasted no time in obeying. One hand pinched the sock at the bottom, while the other grabbed at the top and began to slide it down. As the stocking slipped down her leg, more of her colored markings appeared from underneath, swirling and bending in patterns that almost seemed random, yet all flowed together in wonderfully mesmerizing ways. Everything about her was hypnotic. The stocking came off, and Ildac laid it to the side. He went for the other, but was once again interrupted, this time with a bare footpaw in his face.

   "Lick." Nuri said sternly, "Don't slow down, though. Get that stocking off quickly."

   Ildac's tongue went to work immediately, slurping and sliding across the bottom of that footpaw, his hands still fumbling with the other long stocking. It was impossible to see what he was doing, but he got it off easily enough for someone who had a big, sexy footpaw pressed against his muzzle. Once freed from its fabric prison, the other foot moved down to the bottom of Ildac's belly, pressing against his cock and rubbing it firmly, bringing a loud moan from the surprised fox.

   "You're lucky I'm letting you moan this time." Nuri grinned and pulled the other foot away, only to push it right back and force a toe into his mouth, which he obediently suckled, moaning and whimpering around it. The wolf licked her lips as she watched him squirm under her rubbing footpaw, which was quickly slicked up by the fox's precum, "You've done so very well, pet. You're not going to cum yet, though... No, that will have to come later. For now, I've got something else in mind." She pulled her feet away, popping the toe out of his mouth and stopping the teasing rubs to his cock. She then sat up and reached forward, tugging him toward her with a paw and having him lay down on the bed, which he did obediently.

   "What is it, Mistress?" Ildac asked, letting out a little ‘eep' when she sat herself down on his thighs, their groins so dangerously and agonizingly close.

   "Something I know you're bound to enjoy." Nuri smirked and leaned forward, fingers playing over her pet's nipples before attacking his underarms with tickles, "Now don't move, foxy... Submit to me."

   It was the hardest thing in the world, trying to keep himself still. Ildac was extremely ticklish, but this sensitivity came with a perverted twist. The fox took tickling to a fetish level. He couldn't help but get nice and horny whenever her fingers brushed against his fur or squeezed at those ticklish spots. Normally it would be an embarrassing fetish to have, but Nuri didn't find it strange at all. Quite to the contrary, actually. The sexy wolf used this particular interest of his very, very often.

   Ildac laid there, trying so desperately not to squirm, eyes squeezing shut as he was mercilessly tickled all over his upper body, the fox snickering and whimpering as he tried to keep himself quiet. If he allowed himself to laugh, he'd lose all control and start flailing around like crazy... and that would be bad. The longer she tickled, the more aroused he got, his already hard foxy cock dripping precum onto his lower belly. It only took a few moments for him to lose himself in giggles, and at first that was all he was going to allow himself to do. Her tickling fingers migrated downward slowly, finding new spots to tease and torment, the wolf's dull nails combing through his fur and raking across his sensitive skin.

   "Ooh, see? You have excellent self-control." Nuri giggled as she continued to tickle, watching with delight as her pet tried so desperately not to move under her. Her hands stopped before they reached his groin area, a sinister grin spreading across her lips. She hiked herself up, turning around and giving him a pleasant view of that plump wolfy butt, then sat herself down so that her already wet, hot sex was rubbing against his shaft, bringing a soft moan from the both of them. Nuri leaned forward, wiggling her tail at him teasingly before taking one of his feet in her hands and raking her nails across the soft, sensitive footpads.

   "N-NO..!" Ildac squeaked out before his words were drowned out in giggles and snickers. Much to his displeasure (in one part of his mind, anyway), Nuri was all too happy to hear just how tormenting this was, and did it again... and again... and again, slowly dragging her nails across the bottom of his foot, holding onto it firmly so the helpless angel couldn't pull away or shake it free of her fingers. It was impossible not to squirm a little, but thankfully there seemed to be a little wiggle room (literally) in this situation. Nuri allowed him to squirm and writhe, and that relieved some of the tension in his body... but not enough. He still needed so badly to buck and flail every time her fingers met his feet, giggling and laughing so hard that tears soaked his cheek fur. Her sex rubbed and teased against the bottom of his shaft every time she moved her hips, the two moaning softly with each little movement, Nuri's fingers moving faster and faster, seeming to match the level of her arousal.

   Finally, after an agonizing 'torture' session, a set of magic words finally left the tempting wolf's lips, after which she really let him have it with tickles, "You did well, pet... You may squirm to your heart's desire."

   Sweet release could not have come sooner, and this wasn't even an orgasm. That's how intense it was, and it showed when Ildac began bucking and flailing about, still keeping the one foot still as Nuri continued to tickle it, the fox's laughter ringing out fully and clearly now. It was such a rewarding experience, to have lasted so long for his Mistress, and to feel the reward that came from doing so. This was one of the many reasons he submitted to her... because she made it too amazing not to. The release of all that tension was as close to orgasmic as one could get without direct sexual stimulation. Only she could make something so simple, so satisfying.

   Eventually the tickling stopped, and with it Ildac's laughter slowly followed. Nuri smirked and grinded against his cock one more time before turning herself around again, reaching down and tugging on her fox's collar to have him sit up, "Good boy... I'm so happy you were able to hold out."

   "A-Anything... Anything for you, Mistress." he panted out, sliding back a little to lean against the headboard, paws gently stroking at whatever bits of fur they could reach, bringing soft murrs from the wolf sitting in his lap.

   "Oh, I know... You would do anything I asked, and that's what makes you such a good pet. You know what else makes you a good pet, Ildac?" the wolf smirked and leaned closer, breathing hotly against his lips as she awaited his response.

   His heart raced when she got that close, a shiver moving from head to toe, finding himself staring into those big blue eyes as his Mistress got so close to him. He swallowed hard and shook his head slowly, "W-What?"

   "What makes you a good pet... is if you look into my eyes..." Just as Nuri said it, her eyes began to glow with that familiar mesmerizing blue light, paralyzing her pet with pleasurable tingles creeping up and down his spine, "Look into my eyes... and submit to me..."

   If he hadn't been aroused already, he would have been now. Ildac froze immediately upon gazing into that deep blue glow, a soft gasp escaping his throat. This was the ultimate reward for him... being dominated by his Mistress, having every thought washed away by her mesmerizing eyes and falling under her complete control. He could do little but stare back at her and answer in a soft, meek voice, "Yes Mistress... Your pet submits..."

   "Goooood..." Nuri cooed and began to play with Ildac's nipples, pinching and rubbing and pulling them teasingly, enjoying the helpless little whimpers that it brought from him, "Relax... and submit. Let those troublesome thoughts just... drift away. Let Mistress think for you."

   "Y-Yes..." Ildac managed to whimper out, moaning again as the seductive wolf's fingers tugged at his sensitive nipples. His eyes were already beginning to show the telltale signs of entrancement, and she hadn't even gotten to the main event yet.

   Nuri began to slowly sway from side to side in almost serpentine movements, the glow in her eyes becoming brighter... No, not brighter. It was more like it was deepening... as if Ildac was falling further and further into that mesmerizing light. Her movements pulled the angel's eyes to and fro in perfect synch, never speeding or slowing the swaying motions, letting her body act almost like a hypnotist's pendulum, serving as another means of hypnosis, "That's a good boy. You're letting it all go now... every last worry... every last thought... you're giving it all to me, and in doing so, you're giving me every ounce of your will. Your mind is no longer your own. It belongs to me now, doesn't it?"

   The fox's mind and body were on fire with submissive pleasure now, barely even registering anything apart from his own existence and the woman sitting on top of him. He was getting so deep now, so thoroughly entranced by her words and her eyes, so utterly aroused and helpless. Her words echoed in his mind as undeniable truths and facts. He could do nothing but moan and murmur, "Yesss..."

   "That's right." Nuri's movements slowly came to a stop, and she leaned in so close that their noses touched, "Now surrender, my pet... my toy... my pleasure slave. Give into me." Those last three words, the very same three that she'd used the first time she'd subjugated his will, bored deeply into his mind, while the wolf's eyes blossomed into a maelstrom of swirling, spinning and entrancing spirals of colors, washing away the last of her angel's resistance and filling his mind with thoughts of submission.

   "I... wha... g-give..." Ildac mumbled that delirious response as those pools of deep blue light erupted into color, filling his vision and pulling him deeper and deeper into her eyes. This was the reward for his obedience. He had proven himself worthy of gazing into his Mistress' spiraling eyes, and it felt so, so good to just stare... to let them fill his mind and quiet his thoughts.

   "Shh, it's ok, pet... You don't need to speak." Nuri cooed soothingly as she rubbed her palms into his chest, the gentle massage relaxing him further, deepening his trance, "Just let my words soak in. Let my eyes bring you the pleasure you need so badly..." She concentrated on a particular pattern of swirls and colors, one that she had used on him before...

   Ildac's mind immediately registered that pattern, and he began to moan softly as her swirling eyes brought about the illusion of sexual stimulation. He couldn't tell that it was just his mind responding to her hypnosis, nor did he have the thought capacity to care at the moment. He could only moan and squirm a little, his eyes mirroring the spirals in hers, signifying his full submission to her will. The angel was hers once again...

   She wasn't done, though. Nuri grinned and intensified the swirling colors of hypno-sex, making Ildac moan and whimper louder, the wolf grabbing his cock and squeezing it firmly, "Don't think I've forgotten your disobedience, pet. You still have to work for your orgasm. You know I love to watch you squirm in pleasure, and how much I enjoy feeling you cum inside of me... but I can easily get off without being filled up with seed. I can just as easily make you into a living dildo. You know this, pet... and it makes you hot."

   "Y-Yes Mistress..!" Ildac whined and whimpered pleadingly, his entire body lighting up with pleasure when her paw wrapped around his shaft, the thought of being denied that orgasm so unbearable... yet so amazingly arousing. Anything could arouse him if she told him it did, and now he found himself actually wanting her to deny him of it.

   "Good boy." the mesmerizing Mistress snickered evilly, never slowing those spirals in her eyes, her paw sliding up and down his precum-soaked cock, teasing and stroking him constantly and without mercy, "Pleasure me, pet. Give my breasts the attention they deserve." She pushed them out to emphasize her point.

   Even with the agonizing pleasure coursing through his veins, Ildac was quick to obey. His nimble fingers went to work, rubbing around her sensitive nipples, pinching and tugging on them gently, bringing soft coos of enjoyment from the sexy wolf. His hands cupped her breasts, massaging them, rubbing, kneading the large, furry mounds, doing anything he could to please her.

   "Mmm that's right... You love to do this. You love to pleasure me... even though you know that I could easily deny you of anything in return." Nuri grinned, pressing her large breasts into his hands, starting to pant a little.

   She was right. It wasn't about receiving pleasure anymore, though he certainly was as he continued to stare into those eyes. It was about giving it... Giving pleasure to his Mistress, and worshiping her sexy body. At her prompting, Ildac leaned forward and began to lick her nipples, fluttering his tongue across the sensitive nubs and suckling on them gently. He could feel his Mistress' sex pressed against his belly, wet and hot, soaking his fur with her musky female essence, and he longed to be able to bury his tongue between her legs soon enough.

   Nuri slowed her stroking down considerably as her pet licked and suckled on her nipples, giving little coos of pleasure, her idle hand stroking at his hair, "That's it... Good boy. Just keep licking... Keep suckling. Mmh the last bit is coming up really soon..." The wolf grinned and took both hands away from him now, bringing a needy little whimper from the teased fox. She leaned to the side, forcing him to lean with her, and opened his dresser drawer. After fumbling around for a moment, still panting and occasionally moaning from his tireless attentions to her breasts, she pulled out two things: a large bottle of lube, and what appeared to be a two-ended dildo. The big false cock was jet black, one end being like that of a normal dildo, the other curving upward and ending in a rounded shape. Nuri giggled sinisterly and began to lube both ends up while her pet pleasured her, slowly starting to roll off of him, "That's enough, pet... On your knees."

   Ildac was, as always, quick to obey. He sat himself up, sitting on his footpaws, hands on his lap, and was immediately greeted with those spinning, swirling eyes again. His own eyes immediately began to swirl with them, and whatever level of willpower he'd managed to regain since he last looked was stomped out.

   "You know what this is, pet?" Nuri held up the dildo, even though she knew he wouldn't look... couldn't look. "You're my bitch, Ildac... Let that thought slip deep into your mind. You're a horny little bitch that's just gone into heat... and I..." the wolf grinned a Cheshire grin, lowering the dildo and pressing the rounded end against her dripping pussy, "I... am going to mate with you."

   "Y-Yes... Mistress..." Ildac's cheeks went red under his fur. How humiliating... degrading... arousing. The implanted thought immediately took effect, and before the helpless fox knew it, he was on his hands and knees, tail raised high in the air, gazing back at his mesmerizing Mistress. His entire body was on fire, burning with desire for that silicone member and the woman on the other end of it. He was her bitch, and he knew it.

   Nuri wasted no time. With the dildo nice and slick, she slipped the back end into her moist sex, murring and groaning happily as her tight passage was filled with that rounded bulb. She took a moment to adjust to the sensations, then crawled forward and mounted her horny pet, "Don't disappoint me now, foxy... I don't want you to even consider cumming until I give you permission."

   "N-No cum until... Mistress... says..!" Ildac whimpered and squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for what was to come. Nuri's paws took a firm grip on his shoulders, breasts pressed against his back as she pushed herself forward... and he felt it. He instantly had to relax his anal muscles to give that intruding sex toy room to enter, the fox's entire body tensing for one brief moment before he let out a loud yelp. He gripped the sheets like his life depended on it, caught off guard by her enthusiasm. She wasn't going to give him the trial run... It was all or nothing right from the start.

   At first, Nuri had a little trouble keeping up the pace. She'd done this to him before, but not with this particular toy. It was... different. Different and oh so wonderful. Eventually she got the motions right, to the point where she could buck and hump into him without falling over from the intense pleasure. She growled dominant words into his ears, nipping at them every so often to emphasize, "Who's my bitch? Tell me!"

   Ildac started to answer, but was cut off by a hard thrust that sent a jolt of pain and pleasure through his body, silencing him for a moment. She apparently didn't like that, as she gave him another good thrust and repeated her command, to which he squeaked out, "Me..! I'm your bitch..!"

   "And who is your Mistress?" She grinned and reached around to grab his cock once again, pumping it hard and without mercy, moaning hotly into his ear as she bucked her hips against his backside.

   "You!" the fox cried out, his knees nearly buckling. He was so close. So... achingly... close...

   "That's right!" Nuri giggled and slowed her pace, going way too slow instead of too fast now, "One more question, pet..."


   "Who is it that you obey, who you give all your devotion, your entire mind, your very existence?" the wolf practically stopped now, so close to her own orgasm, edging them both for as long as either could take.

   "You..! Mistress Nuri holds my very existence in her hands!" Ildac whimpered and tried to grind himself back against the dildo, teetering on the edge of release.

   All at once, the thrusting picked back up, the sexy wolf moaning and crying out loudly as she worked herself closer, closer, closer... until finally, there was climax. Her hot femcum flooded out around that round bulb and wetted his backside as she continued to slam her hips against him. Her paw squeezed at his cock, milking out the cum that now shot free from its throbbing prison, accompanied by the fox's own cries of ecstasy as he was given the release he so desperately needed. He couldn't count how many loads he shot into her stroking paw, nor could he really tell when she'd stopped her thrusting and collapsed on top of him. The angel fell with her shortly afterward, falling onto the little puddle of cum he'd left, and finally relaxed.

   "G-Good... pet..." Nuri murred approvingly and petted his ears, slowly pulling herself back and slipping off of the girl end of the dildo. When she'd fully recovered from that post-orgasmic teasing, she pulled the male end out of her pet's tailhole with the same gentle care as she'd used on herself.

   Finally relieved of that pressure, Ildac fully relaxed and rolled over onto his back, "Mistress... I'll be a good boy from now on..."

   "Oh I know you will." the wolf grinned, pushing him onto his back and snuggling up against his chest, "If not, I have something ready for next time."

   Ildac's eyes widened, and he was almost reluctant to ask. Still, curiosity was always getting the better of him, and he wound up doing so anyway, "What would that be..?"

   "Oh, you'll see." a few of those colorful spirals flowed through her eyes excitedly as she snickered, "You'll see..."

   The angel blushed, deciding to trust her word, and curled up with his Mistress in his arms. He would certainly try to remember, next time, who wore the pants... or dildo... in this relationship.