
Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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After years of living as a happily out and proud gay man, Louis is forced into admitting a painful truth. He's not gay after all. Thankfully, he has a close friend who is willing to stand by him every step of the way on this belated sexual re-awakening.

This story commission was written for Greywolf19. It contains M/F sex acts between consenting adults and themes of bisexuality. :)


"Damn, she's cute..."

Sarah nodded her head towards the bar, the golden lab giggling as Louis glanced up mid-sip from his beer, following his friend's gaze. He looked at the woman Sarah had identified. A tawny coated mouse with lush curly hair of either the most naturally vibrant copper or dyed with superb attention to detail in making it seem natural. She was wearing purposefully tight jeans, and a red strapped top which showed off the fact that her modest but perfectly formed breasts were constrained by no bra whatsoever. Lowering his beer to the table, the slightly plump otter opened his muzzle to respond. Before he could do so though Sarah snorted with laughter, slapping the palm of one hand playfully against her own forehead.

"Sorry, Lou. Not really relevant to your interests, huh?"

The otter shrugged, continuing to gaze towards the mouse now leaning against the bar, pink tail swinging back and forth behind her back and rump swaying to the background bass of the music flooding through the building.

"It's fine. I mean, c'mon, most gay guys aren't like those ones you see online screaming like they've had acid poured on their faces if someone shows them a picture of tits. We've talked about how pretty actresses and stuff are, right?"

The taller, curvaceous canine woman leaned back in her seat, sipping on her own beer as she considered this. She nodded, but there was a slight curiosity in her gaze as she looked at the younger male seated before her. They'd barely been friends six months, introduced by a mutual friend at a party, but had hit it off like crazy. Nowadays they saw one another way more than either one of them saw the friend who had brought them together, but only in the last month or two had their relationship reached a point where they had begun to feel comfortable enough to get more deep and real with one another. To progress from a warm and casual friendship to something deeper. To the point where they might even consider calling one another best friends in more than that that cute, kindergarten sort of way. And it was that comfort, that confidence that the question she was about to ask wouldn't be taken as any sort of insult, which allowed Sarah to speak her mind.

"Yeah, but... that was more like, I dunno, clinically pretty? Like I'd say how beautiful Grace Kelly was in her day. But, if I was gonna get down with a woman for a night, it wouldn't be her I'd go for. Is it... am I being the biggest moron on the planet for thinking that you won't be able to get your head into that space, being gay?"

Still the otter found himself staring at that mouse. Watching as she reached over the counter to teasingly caress the cheek of the bartender, lifting one pink footpaw off the floor and raising her ass even higher into the air. His eyes widened as a blonde furred hand waved in front of his eyes and snapped its fingers, and his cheeks flushed as he turned his gaze towards Sarah, her own muzzle twisted into a stunned smirk.

"Okay, forget what I said before. Maybe this is me being the biggest moron on the planet. You... you are gay, right? Like, one hundred percent sausage meat only?"

Louis' eyebrows shot upward, and he snorted with laughter.

"What? Of course I am. Come on. It's not like a gay guy can't appreciate a woman's beauty."

Sarah leaned forward in her seat once more, still smiling but now with a little more sincerity behind her curious gaze.

"Sure. But... are you sure that's all you were appreciating? Her beauty, not her... hotness?"

The otter blinked a few times, trying to figure out what he was being asked with genuine confusion. He felt his cheeks reddening beneath his deep brown fur, realising that like Sarah he was going to have to ask a potentially deeply foolish question in order to clarify the situation.

"I... is there a difference? I mean, sure, there are beautiful guys that I might not be attracted to, and I know it's the same for anyone regardless of their sexuality. But... I don't think someone can be hot without being beautiful too, right?"

The simple fact that it was proving so difficult to get a straight answer out of her not straight friend was baffling to Sarah. Unless she had been wholly misinformed multiple times, Louis had been into guys his whole life. His first kiss had been with a guy when he was just twelve years old. He'd lost his virginity to a guy. He'd dated guys. He'd loved guys. Even lived with a guy for a few months before getting cheated on and dumping his unfaithful ass on the side of the road when he found out. He was the absolute paragon of a gay man. And, surely... surely that meant he was indeed gay.

"What about me? Am I beautiful to you, or hot? Bottom line, are you attracted to me, sexually?"

That was the kind of question which should never have been asked. The kind of difficult, dangerous question that could tear a friendship apart regardless of the answer. And had neither one of the two friends involved been three beers into their night out together, such a question would almost certainly have never slipped so carelessly from Sarah's muzzle, or indeed been answered so swiftly and instinctively by Louis.

"You? C'mon, don't be dumb. Sarah, you're one of the most beautiful, and one of the hottest women I've ever known. Of course I'm fucking attracted to you! Who the hell wouldn't be?"

It was roughly the length of the labrador's question and the otter's answer combined which the beer in their systems gave before the common sense filters in their brains switched on. Both friends fell deathly silent, and eyes that had been wide and staring deep into their friend's own stunned, curious hues suddenly fell to the table between them and the half finished pints resting upon it. Cheeks reddened, and though neither one spoke both their minds were filled with a thousand angry self-flagellations and newly desperate, searching questions all at once. Minutes passed. Awkward, anxious minutes, before Sarah lifted her head just a little. And though he maintained that he was staring down at the table and nothing more, Louis' peripheral gaze must at least have been raised enough to notice that motion, for he too looked up in fearful anticipation of what the labrador was about to say to him.

She opened her muzzle to speak, then closed it again with a frustrated whine. A deep sigh escaped Louis' muzzle, and abruptly the otter's slightly plump figure rose up from its seat.

"I... I should probably just..."

A hand snatched out, grabbing him tight around the nearest wrist. His eyes widened, and he found Sarah staring up at him, shaking her head sharply.

"No. You're not going anywhere Lou. Not till we've figured this out. Fuck. Fuck. Forget what I asked about me. Forget all that. What you said... what you meant when you said it. Louis, you're... you're not gay, are you? Why the fuck would you tell people you aren't into women, if you are, even just a little bit for some small number of ladies?"

Louis remained standing, but made no effort to pull away from Sarah's touch. He stared down at her, his eyes blazing with a frustration and fury that was wholly unfamiliar to his normally rather casual, quiet demeanour. Shaking his head and rolling his eyes, he half whispered, half hissed back at the dog.

"Because... it's easier just to be gay. Because it's all I've ever been to people. When I was twelve, and Johnny DeSante asked me if I wanted to kiss at Brad Williams' party, do you think we wanted to get caught? To have people see us, and have the whole party whispering about how we were fags, then the whole school by the start of the summer term? No. But... when I tried to tell them I wasn't gay? When I tried to tell my parents that I wasn't gay when they heard about it from one of the other parents who'd been at the party? Do you think they listened? I was either told to stop lying and go suck a cock, or told that I didn't have to hide what I was. That it was okay to be gay, and I should be proud, not ashamed. That if anything was wrong and disgusting, it would be disrespecting myself and any woman I might pretend to be interested in by lying just to try and fit in."

The otter trembled with anger as he spoke, Sarah able to feel his anguish shaking through the hand still clasping tightly at his wrist.

"All through middle school and high school, especially after Johnny and his family moved away, I was_that_ kid. The one who was out right from the start. The one who the teachers knew to keep an eye out for in case any other kids tried to make trouble. And the one who the other LGBT kids knew to come to for a quiet word of advice. They started up a fucking gay straight alliance around me. They gave me a diversity award at an end of year ceremony for raising awareness of LGBT needs. And... fuck, I made so many friends. Good friends. Real friends. But friends who might not have come up and started talking to me if they didn't want to prove something. To let me know that they were good, supportive people, not just willing but happy to be friends with the gay guy."

Louis finally sat back down. He remained tense and upright within his seat though, and tugged his hand away from Sarah as though ashamed to still have her holding him, and looking at him with such dismay.

"By the time I got to college, I had an identity. A personality. A sense of self. And... I knew I could have broken the mould. I could have started over, and just told people that I liked girls and guys right from the first day. For the first time I was in a place where LGBT meant something more than just a more disconnected way of saying gay. Where it meant everything the letters stood for and more. The 'Q'. The 'A'. All the pluses that get ignored way too often. But, by then I guess I'd been the gay one for so long it just felt natural. I'd dated guys. I'd lost my virginity and taken the virginity of other guys. Sure, I still looked at women. Still thought they were... beautiful. Hot. Whatever. But, it never felt like an option worth pursuing. And then, as I lived my life and people got more and more okay with me just being me, the fact I was gay just became a part of that identity rather than the whole thing. It became so fundamental to who I was that no-one batted an eyelid at it. And... neither did I."

He snorted with laughter, realising just how long he had been talking. How much he had said, and how little chance Sarah had been given to respond. Before he could fall silent though, one last thought; one final memory sprang to the forefront of the otter's mind.

"When I was just heading into high school, they arranged an appointment with me to see the school counsellor before I'd even had a single class. And... I dunno why, but when he asked if I was comfortable in my sexuality? I said no. I said I don't see why I have to choose one gender to find attractive. Why gender is even relevant in deciding who you want to feel for. And the counsellor looked at me... and he smiled, and he said something that I had never considered before that moment, but couldn't stop thinking about for most of the next four years. Wanna know what he said?"

Sarah swallowed, pretty sure that she really didn't want to know given the otter's tone. Nevertheless, she knew that Louis had to get this out of his system. God knows he had held it back long enough already. Thus, she nodded, and the otter put on the sort of stuffy, know-it-all voice that perfectly defined the high school counsellors she had known as he repeated verbatim the words that had been rattling around in his head since his most formative years.

"Now listen, Louis. I understand that you might still be trying to find yourself, but consider carefully before trying to play both sides of the field with your sexuality. Straight and gay, these are things people understand. Things I understand that you cannot choose. Different sides of sexuality for you to come to terms with, and find your place within. But, seeking both? Don't you think maybe that's less about what you feel you are , and more about what you want? A teenage body is full of hormones, and eager to accept any affection that might come its way. So, maybe when you say you aren't sure if you're comfortable, ask yourself if that's really what you mean. Or if you are just hoping that by keeping your options open, you double your chances of finding someone willing to... indulge whatever you might be hoping to happen. And isn't that... isn't calling yourself bisexual for those reasons, really just admitting that you're being greedy?"

The labrador looked stunned. Appalled. She stared into the otter's eyes, and whined in anguish as she watched her dear friend's hazel hues fill with tears. Leaping from her chair, Sarah darted around the table and dragged the now trembling, sniffing figure of her friend from his own seat. She wrapped her arms tightly around him, and held him; hugged him close, face buried in her ample chest, as he began to sob openly.


Almost an hour later, Sarah and Louis sat on the stoop of the golden lab's suburban home, watching the rear lights of the cab that had dropped them off disappearing round the corner of the street. The dog's hands were clasped tightly around one of her friend's own, and his head was leaning gently against her shoulder. They sat in silence. Silence that from Sarah's side was meant to be warm and reassuring, but which to Louis hung heavy and threatening in the air as a thousand thoughts raced through his mind. It had been so long since he had acknowledged the feelings that had now been stirred up. So long since he had even considered a woman, any woman in anything but the most joking of contexts or the deepest recesses of his subconscious. It wasn't that he had hidden all of this from Sarah and the rest of his friends. It had been just as hidden from him, and now that he was thinking about it all... feeling all these things he hadn't truly allowed himself to feel since his earlier teenage years, he felt like he had been lying to everyone that mattered to him most. Especially to Sarah.


He muttered under his breath, clenching the fist not clasped tenderly between the dog's own paws so tightly he could feel the entirety of his body trembling with the focus of keeping those muscles so fiercely taut. His head snapped back, and with a louder, strangled howl the otter wailed in frustration.

" FUCK! I've messed up everything."

Sarah whimpered softly, upset for her friend, sympathetic to what he must have been feeling right now, but ultimately confused more than anything else. He had so many good reasons to be angry right now. But with others. With those who had assumed his sexuality. With those who had so selfishly shaped his perceptions without actually listening to what he had already known about himself right from the start. No, it might not have been as common to be railroaded into feeling like gay was the only option, rather than straight. But if it wasn't the right answer, being railroaded that way was still just as horrifically wrong.

It was those who had forced him into this situation that were in the wrong. Not himself. And yet, apparently that was exactly who he intended to blame.

"Shut the fuck up with that, Lou. If anything, I've fucked up. I should have seen it. You haven't messed up anything. You've just... you're starting to fix things. To fix what other people screwed up for you. "

The otter gave a dry, humourless laugh, and raised his head from Sarah's shoulder.

"No. It's not that. I know most of that crap isn't my fault. Jesus, I'm not deluded."

Tilting her head and cocking her ears, the labrador peered at her friend expectantly.

"Then... what?"

Louis nodded towards her, and painfully he pulled his hand free from her comforting grasp.

"This. I know overall my sexuality is only a small part of my identity. I'm not just the gay one any more, even before this. But... there are friends who I bonded with over my sexuality. Women I started chatting with because they felt safe talking to me, knowing that I wasn't going to hit on them or anything sleazy like that. And then there's you. Now you know how I feel... what I've said. Fuck. You have a boyfriend. I know that. And I respect that. I respect him. But how the fuck am I supposed to look at you the same, or you look at me, knowing how I really feel?"

Sarah giggled. She knew she shouldn't have, but she couldn't help it. It was adorable. Like a cub admitting that he had a crush on his teacher or something.

"Oh, Lou. It's okay. Really. If you find me attractive, if you really meant it when you said it earlier? That's fine. I don't care, and I promise you that my boyfriend won't either. Really. Besides, if it helps? I think you're cute as all hell too. I probably would have asked you out when we were first introduced, if I hadn't already been told you were only into guys."

The otter's eyes widened slightly, and Sarah's cheeks flushed as she realised that was probably more of an overshare than was necessary. She shook her head dismissively, and tried to pass it off casually with a wider, even more friendly smile.

"No, there's no way we're gonna let this mess with our friendship. You're the same amazing guy you've always been. I'm the same woman I've always been to you. Plenty of friends have found each other attractive without going all Ross and Rachael on each other."

Louis sighed, and his tense body relaxed slightly, much to Sarah's relief.

"Yeah. I... I guess you're right. Sorry for freaking out. It's just, this... it's a big deal, y'know."

The labrador nodded. She knew. It was a huge deal, and she was so glad she could be here for Louis as he went through it. Even if what he was saying was making her face red, and her heart race as the otter continued to think out loud.

"It's like... I'm second guessing everything. Everything I've told myself I felt for every guy and woman I've known in the last decade. And I guess with you being the first... I mean, the first woman I'm aware I've been attracted to, the first woman I've let myself admit I find hot as hell in so long? I'm overthinking it. Overthinking what it means. What I should let it mean to myself."

The pair fell silent for a short while longer, Sarah letting Louis think whatever he was thinking, lost in a great many thoughts and feelings of her own. Of all the thoughts that crossed her mind in that time however, and all the things she could have said based on those thoughts, it was perhaps inevitable that what she chose to finally say to break the latest silence was perhaps the least appropriate of all.

"So... does that mean if you're gonna be jerking off as a bisexual guy now, I'll be top of your list for fantasies with ladies?"

Louis' eyes bulged. He stared at the labrador for a second or two, absolutely unable to believe the words that had come out of her muzzle. She stared back. Then, at the exact same moment, they both burst out laughing.

"Oh my god, Sarah. That's so messed up!"

Squealing with mirth, the dog nodded gleefully.

"I know, right. But it'd be kinda hot, right? I mean, I'd be honoured! The first female fantasy you cum to for a decade? That's the kind of jerk off you won't forget for a long time!"

The otter flailed his hands at his friend's grinning face, howling in continued laughter.

"C'mon, stop it! My god, I don't need any more fuel for this fire, or I won't be able to think of anything else!"

Grinning triumphantly, Sarah prodded sharply at the plump otter's belly.

"More fuel?! So you're already thinking dirty thoughts about me? What am I doing? Am I naked? Am I grinding all over you? Do I moan sooooo loudly that you can't hear anything else? Ooooh... kiss me, Louis. Kiss me. Let me teach you just how fun it can be to be with a woman!"

Leaning over, giggling and snorting helplessly as Louis tried to lean away, flailing and crying out with frantic mirth of his own, Sarah pursed her lips and made loud, exaggerated smooching sounds towards the otter. Her face was red. Her heart was pounding. She poked at his belly again, then higher, and higher still. Her hand was pressing flat against his chest before long, and she could feel his own heart thundering along at a volatile pace.

Their laughter reached a critical peak of mutual glee, and then trailed off as they realised that neither one of them were really telling jokes or over-exaggerating the situation any longer. Resting on the stoop of Sarah's front doorstep, the labrador was practically straddling Louis' trembling body. Her lips were hovering a mere inch or so over his own muzzle, and one of her hands was not just resting over his heart, but had popped open a button of the shirt he was wearing to press itself against his bare fur. They were staring deep into each others' eyes, and both their gazes were filled with the same combination of fear, hope, and desperate anticipation.

The otter trembled. His hands rose from where they were resting flat against the stone stoop and the garden's concrete slab path beneath them, and ever so gently came to rest on Sarah's curvaceous hips. A soft whimper escaped the labrador, followed by a louder, more urgent one as he whispered to her pleadingly.

"Ask... a-ask me again. Dare me to kiss you, one more ti-mmhh..."

Sarah grabbed at her dear friend's face, dragged it down against her own quivering lips, and kissed him. He kissed back. Fiercely. Deeply. Their lips parted just seconds later, and together the two friends let slip the most gleeful, desperate moan of shared longing.


Minutes later, after navigating a front door lock that had never felt more impossible to simply fit a key into and trying to remember where the hallway light-switch was even though it hadn't moved for the four years that Sarah had lived here, the golden lab found herself leading Louis into her bedroom. She guided him step by step, giggling as he grasped tightly at both her hands, looking around the room in wonder, It was as though he hadn't already seen it once earlier that very same evening evening, hanging out seated on the edge of her bed while Sarah finished getting ready. But of course, he hadn't been wholly himself back then. A few hours ago this never could have happened, yet now, all of a sudden, neither one of them could consider letting anything else but this happen.

"Take off my clothes."

He wanted this. She could see it in the otter's eyes. But he was scared too. He'd never been with a woman. For the longest time he hadn't even thought about possibly being with a woman. He was almost thirty, and when it came to ladies he was even further behind the curve than a virgin who might well have jerked off to videos and pictures of women on the internet every single night. He needed guidance. Support. He needed someone who understood, and was willing to be there for him.

He needed her.

The otter's trembling hands unbuttoned Sarah's shirt, and peeled it off her shoulders. His fingers ran down her bare arms, then slid over to her stomach, sliding up but stopping just before he encountered the underside of her chest's substantial, mountainous rise. Sarah giggled. She placed her hands atop his own, lifted them away from her smooth golden fur, and placed them back upon it further up. She guided his fingers slipping underneath the fabric of her bra, and shivered as she saw his eyes bulge, feeling soft, quivering fingertips meeting with the smooth bare skin of her already erect nipples.

"Just like every guy... every woman is different. Do you like having your nipples played with, Louis?"

The otter's cheeks flushed. He shook his head.

"I... I don't mind I guess. But, it's not a... a turn on, or anything."

Grinning, Sarah leaned in and kissed him gently on the tip of his nose.

"I'm the same. But... if you like my breasts? If it turns you on to play with them, I don't mind if you want to touch them, or suck on them a little. Just so long as you spend more attention elsewhere."

It was the labrador's own hands that removed her bra, opting not to force the otter to navigate the treacherous waters of straps and clasps on this first and rather high profile occasion. She moaned as she watched Louis' gaze reverently exploring her bare breasts, and was surprised by how pleasant it was to have his hands roaming across the ample mounds, not squeezing and tweaking like her boyfriend had a tendency to when he got worked up. He didn't overstay his welcome however, and his gaze soon returned to her blushing face and wide, eager blue eyes. With a giddy gasp, he begged to learn more with a sincerity that made Sarah's whole body quake with just how much it turned her on.

"Tell me more. S-show me more. I... I want to know how to make you feel good. How to make you..."

His voice trailed off, and in a husky growl the dog finished off his sentence for him.

"Cum? You want to know how to make me cum?"

Louis nodded. Sarah groaned in delight. If his eager enthusiasm was matched even slightly by his skill, she was in for one hell of a night.

"I think you know exactly how to do it. It's really not that different from fucking an ass. Only... when you give a reach around, the target is a little smaller."

The otter blushed, and grinned at Sarah's obvious suggestion. He shook his head though.

"No. N-not like that. I... I want to... to learn other ways first. I want to do this right, no matter how much I need... h-how much I want to be... with you. If... if you like it other ways, I mean."

The already burning inner workings between Sarah's legs turned to molten magma as Louis clarified what he wanted to do, and yet still she probed for more detail, feeling her clit throbbing, begging for him to fuel her arousal to even greater extremes than were already true.

"How about you tell me... what ways would you like to please me, assuming I enjoyed them all equally."

A deep, lingering groan escaped Louis. His already crimson cheeks burned brighter still, but he nodded eagerly. He stepped closer to Sarah, their arms encircling one another's upper bodies as her fingers teased open the last button of his own shirt, rendering them both topless. They could feel his arousal pressing into the labrador's left thigh, and before he could speak a lustful grunt escaped Sarah as she began to gently grind her leg against his crotch.

"I... aaah..., I'd like to try eating you out. Using my tongue on your... on you. Tasting you. I'd use my fingers. Learn what makes you feel good before we do anything more. I'd just hold you, our bodies grinding up against each other, moving my hands wherever I could to get you more and more worked up. I... I love waiting until the guys I'm with are dripping. Begging. Crying out for it. I'd love to be able to do the same with... w-with you."

The dog growled. Loudly, passionately. Her hands ran up and down the length of Louis' back, fingertips dragging against his skin, and both their spines arched; pressing their bodies against one another. Sarah lapped tenderly at the slightly rounded, rosy cheeked face of her friend, and practically barked at him in what was half a plea, half an urgent command.

"Take off your clothes. T-there's a lot you want to learn... and I want to be able to teach you all of it."

Louis did as he was asked, and groaned happily as he watched Sarah doing the very same before him. It had been so long since he had even thought to look at a woman's naked body, and as it was revealed to him in all its glory the otter couldn't help but reach out and touch it. With Sarah mid way through tugging her jeans and the black panties that lay beneath them down her legs in one hurried motion, and his own trousers pooling awkwardly around his ankles, he boldly slid one paw forward and cupped between the labrador's legs.

Stumbling backwards, Sarah giggled and whimpered excitedly as she fell down onto the bed. Louis may not have ever done this before, but his touch betrayed his experience with sex in general. He was gentle, not too rough or presumptive that anything he did would be positively received. His fingers grazed between her warm, damp lips, and as his eyes widened at the feeling of a small, protruding nub that could only be one thing, he was almost too delicate in the touches he applied around but not directly upon the dog's swollen clit. Kicking off her trousers, rendering herself wholly naked as she lifted herself up on her elbows to watch Louis' exploration, Sarah shuddered as she moaned encouragement and guidance to him.

"You can... oh, you can touch it, Lou. Not too rough, but... you can stroke it, h-head on. It's how I do myself a lot of the time. Rubbing my... aaahyes..., my clit, with a vibrator inside."

The otter moaned happily at the explanation. He bit his bottom lip, and a few moments later grinned as Sarah wailed in bliss, two of the male's fingers probing into her pussy slowly but steadily as his thumb took up its station on her clitoris.

"Ohhh... mmmmhh, yeah. Don't... a-ah... don't get caught up thinking you have to thrust. Fingers aren't a cock. Everything has its strengths. Things they're best at. Fingers can rub. Apply t-targeted pressure. Use that. Explore. S-see what you... ohh god, see... aaaaahhh yes... r-right there!"

Falling back, hands covering her face not in embarrassment but through sheer uncontrolled arousal as Louis' digits rubbed, teased and within seconds found themselves grinding perilously close to the labrador's g-spot, Sarah only then realised just how worked up she was. And if after all he'd been through up to this point Louis was as turned on and needy right now as her, no matter how much either of them wanted to play and tease and learn, there was one thing they would both appreciate more than all the foreplay in the world.

"Nnnhhh... ahhhyes! Louis... f-fuck. I want to teach you. I want to show you so much... so many things you can do to make a woman happy in bed. But, jesus. Jesus fucking christ, Lou. I'm on fire. I'm... I just want you inside me now. Are you... are you ready?"

Without a word the male's hand withdrew from between the labrador's legs. He took a shaky step back, and bashfully stood upright rather than where he had been leaning forward across Sarah's trembling form until now. His hand, damp from the dog's arousal, grasped his cock and seemed to hold it almost nervously out towards the woman lying exposed and needy before him. Like he was offering it to her, as if somehow it wouldn't measure up to what she had expected.

But it did. All seven inches of the plump otter's equally plump cock certainly measured up, and he gave a happy groan as Sarah's legs locked around his buttocks and dragged him forward once more.

"You know what to do. You know exactly what to do."

Sarah whimpered with encouragement as Louis lined himself up, and leaned forward across the labrador's beautiful, voluptuous golden body once more. She dragged herself up onto her elbows, and their muzzles met in a mingling of panting lips quivering tongues and ragged, giddy moans as Louis pushed forward with his hips just as they were begging him to. Their kiss deepened, and Sarah gurgled in bliss as she felt the otter's thick shaft twitching and throbbing in pleasure of its very own within her. She watched his eyes widening, glazing over, and broke their kiss to whisper to him feverishly.

"Tell me. Please, Lou... tell me how it feels inside me."

The otter gurgled senselessly for a few seconds, shuddering and fighting for breath as though he was about to cum right there. He regained at least a measure of control soon afterwards though, and as he sank to the hilt within Sarah, filling her with barely room to spare, he gasped the only truth he could coherently put into words to the beautiful woman before, beneath and around him.

"Wet. Hot. Fuck... fuck, it's nothing like a... a guy. The texture, the... god, I can't. It feels like you, Sarah. Everything you've made me feel tonight. Everything I've wanted... that's what it feels like. Ahh. I... I thought I might be pissed off I'd missed this for so long, if it felt even half this good. But I'm not. I'm... almost glad."

Clenching. Squeezing. Quivering around Louis, barely able to hold on an restrain herself from starting to buck and grind against the otter's manhood within her, the labrador whimpered in curious longing.


Louis nodded. He stared at his friend. At the first woman he had ever been with. At the one who was even now taking his virginity oh so willingly.

"Because... if I hadn't waited. If I hadn't only just figured it out, it wouldn't have been you. And... t-this feeling, Sarah. God, this feeling. Your... our bodies, together. It had to be you. It couldn't feel this good... this natural, e-even after so long thinking it wasn't what I wanted... it couldn't have been this amazing with anyone else but you."

The labrador's cheeks burned brightly beneath her golden fur, and once more she tenderly licked Louis across the length of his face. Nuzzling against the otter, whining happily as their bodies rested together, his cock straining but otherwise unmoving deep inside her, Sarah almost considered asking him just to stay there. To remain still, and to let them relish this sensation. To make their first time... his first ever time with a woman, last. But instead, she asked the very opposite. Because no matter how long or how briefly this lasted, it was all building towards one moment. One thing which they both longed to see and be a part of.

"Lou. I... I want... w-will you, please..."

She was supposed to be the one in control here. The one guiding. Teaching. But she barely managed to begin asking what she wanted of her new and inexperienced lover before he began to move his hips. Instinct was a powerful and wonderful thing. Once he began however, and they began to whimper and moan at one another in delight as they realised that they were actually doing it; fucking one another, Sarah began to guide the whimpering, red faced otter.

"Aaah.... aaaaahhhyes, longer... deeper strokes. Mnnhhh, feel how my... ahh, my muscles are pushing? Follow them. Pull back when I squeeze, a-and when I relax, push... push deep. Faster. Harder. Oh. Oh god, Lou!"

His own slightly chubby thighs slapped against hers, a sound that rang out around the labrador's bedroom almost as sweetly as their intermingled cries of pleasure. Every time the otter's actions drew a moan or yelp of excitement from Sarah, he called back in gleeful pride. Soon he was taking the initiative. The dog lay back flat upon the bed, and he nipped and nuzzled at her throat as he had with some of his male lovers. He ran his hands up and down her flanks in time with the motion of his thrusting, building the association between the two, before suddenly changing speed with hands but not hips. Louis groaned happily as she wailed in instinctive expectation, but it was only when her flushed face rose from the bed and she realised that nothing had actually changed that his cock began to match that increased pace.

Their cries built. They rose to ever greater extremes. Still Louis had his underwear and trouser hanging round his ankles, but finally he dragged himself all the way up and onto the bed with a strained squeal from Sarah. No longer standing against but instead lying across his lover, and with the same fevered pace he had shared with male lovers in the past, the otter hunched down over Sarah with knees spread out wide. His plump stomach pinned her trembling body to the bed beneath him, and he began to fuck her without instruction, taking only her wild and gleeful shrieks as a sign that his jackhammer pace was oh so very welcome.

"Cum with me, S-Sarah!"

He begged, pleading with the first woman to whom he had ever made love as she writhed and howled beneath him. She yelped back, eyes bulging and face stricken with an almost pained ecstasy.

"I will!"

Despite her assent, he cried out again.

"Cum with me!!"

She sobbed in rapture, and he felt a hot gush of liquid like nothing he had ever known spray against the already sodden fur of his crotch.

"Aaaahhhhyes! I... I am!"

Her muscles were convulsing. Her pussy milking him as it squirted and fuelled her thrashing figure with renewed energy and vigour. She was cumming, and she was cumming hard. And then, as the otter let loose one last desperate, mindless cry of his very own, so was he. Deep, deep inside of her. Into the woman's clutching, incredible pussy, he was pouring himself out. What felt like endless floods of his own hot cum, alongside an unfathomable ecstasy that while akin to that he had known alongside his most intimate and beloved male companions, was as new and as different as anything else that Sarah had shared with him thus far.


That first night the otter and labrador spent together was long and full of new experiences for Louis, not to mention a few new ones for Sarah too. There was one aspect of the night that continued to repeat itself however, and one which no matter how often it occurred Louis could never get enough of.


With the top half of her body exposed, and a large lump quivering under the sheets that covered the rest of her naked form, Sarah howled her way through another intense climax. She clawed at the pillow she had grabbed at this latest pleasurable adventure began to rise to its apex, clutching it to her chest as though substituting it for the absence of a living body to embrace. She arched her back, yelping as several strong surges of pleasure rose above the plateau of the already ongoing climax, prompted by further motion and deep, satisfied grunts from beneath the sheets. Her feet kicked out, emerging from the lower end of the bedding and flexing in pure elation at the force of her latest orgasm.

The pleasure began to fade all to soon, but the stimulation continued until with a desperate groan Sarah pushed at the highest point of the large, living lump resting between her legs, forcing Louis' sheet clad head to withdraw from where his tongue was lashing her clit in tandem with the furious motion of his fingers against one particular sweet spot inside her. He tried to move back into place though, and it was only when Sarah pushed back the sheets and exposed his panting, fluid-stained muzzle that the otter relented in his efforts. He pouted playfully, a world away from the eager but inexperienced man he had been when they first tumbled into this situation. The labrador giggled, and whimpered giddily as Louis scrambled up the bed and flopped down beside her. She licked his damp muzzle, her already flushed face burning brighter still as she tasted herself on his fur.

"So... you believe the g-spot is a real thing now, right?"

The otter seemed to consider the question seriously for a moment, and Sarah whined with excitement as he shook his head, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm still not sure. Maybe I should experiment one more time, just to be sure..."

Sarah grabbed at him weakly as he pretended to duck down towards her still trembling thighs again. He let himself be drawn back up and into a warm embrace, one he returned all too eagerly, grinning as the dog addressed him with fire in her eyes.

"D-don't you dare. If you test me there any more, and the g-spot is down there? It's gonna fall off the way you keep going at it."

Louis chuckled, and Sarah whimpered as she felt the otter's hands kneading the soft cheeks of her rump in a way that just an hour or so ago she had confessed drove her crazy no matter how tired she may have been.

"I can't help it. I have a lot of missed time to catch up on. And there's no woman I'd rather be with. No woman I can even imagine sharing this with, but you."

The labrador whined in adoring anguish.

"Ohh fuck, Lou. Don't say that. You... you'll get me going. You'll make want... need, to feel you inside me again."

The otter moaned, and rolled over onto his back with his arms still wrapped around Sarah, dragging her over to lie astride him. Her legs slid down over his own almost instinctively, and the dog whimpered back at her lover as she felt her wet, swollen pussy's outer lips resting against the plump, semi-stiff length of Louis' cock as it rose from fatigue once more. Sarah didn't know if Louis always had this much stamina, or if she wasn't being at all vain to think that it was in fact her who was responsible for his abundant excitement and rapid ability to reload. Truly though she was fine not asking. Not knowing.

Though, as she shifted her weight just slightly and began to rock back and forth along the length of his increasingly rigid and swelling shaft, whimpering and gasping as Louis was rendered slick with her natural fluids and she felt her well worked clit grinding against the otter's cock, Sarah almost hoped that he was this abundantly eager with all his lovers. After all, she did have a boyfriend. A boyfriend who she had already told Louis was not the type to get jealous about other men showing her affection... at least, not so long as she told him every detail of the fun they'd had. And a boyfriend who was just curious enough that if she found the right guy; the right eager, willing and bisexually guy, might well have expressed interest in the idea of one day joining her and another guy together for a three-way.

Particularly now, after all she knew that Louis had been through, Sarah was all too eager to encourage both sides of her partners' sexuality. Her boyfriend's burgeoning desires to possibly be with a man as well as her, and of course Louis' continued delight in experiencing female companionship. It would make her immensely happy to know that she was able to help both these men find some satisfaction and contentment with who they were and what they desired. And if anyone felt that she or either one of them were greedy for who they might choose to be with, for what they might do together, or how much they might feel while sharing their passions for one another? Those people could go straight to hell.

This wasn't about greed or lust or anything so selfish as that. It was about making people happy. But... even if she did want to be greedy, and even if Sarah's desire to be with these two men had been purely because of how hot it would be, and how many times she could imagine them making her cum, rather than how much she cared for them... perhaps even loved them both, then so fucking what.

This was her life. It was her boyfriend Jake's life. And it was Louis' life, to do with exactly as they all wished. Free to care for whoever and however many people they wished. Free to feel as much or as little as they longed to feel for one another. And free to indulge in those feelings to as much sweet excess as they dared.

"Cum for me again, p-please, Louis..."

Already sliding up and down the length of her lover's cock, the labrador began to bounce upon it. To ride it with greater pace and passion as she felt her recently and repeatedly satisfied body somehow yearning yet again for greater stimulation against the touch of the otter's rampant hard-on.

"Cum for me, and... a-aaahh... make me... oh... oh god. Make... ahhhhhyes. Make me...! _Louis! Yes _!"

By Jeeves

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