Desert and Mandy: A Night Together

Story by Desert Mutt on SoFurry

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(The following story is dedicated to my girlfriend. The story is a mix of actual events, though may have been altered, and fiction. Mandy is copyright to herself. This story contains, bondage, spanking, oral, and vaginal sex.)

The motel room was dimly lit, with only one lamp and the television on. Although the TV was on, it was not being paid attention to however. The attention of the two who had checked into the room for the night had there thoughts more on other matters.

The door to the bathroom opened, the feminine form of the panda woman stepping out and turning out the light. As she walked into the main part of the room, a pair of arms reached out and grabbed her from behind, pulling her back some.

Mandy jumped as someone took a hold of her, relaxing almost instantly after as she knew who it was that had a hold of her. She smiled and shifted to turn with the pull to face her playful attacker. She felt the body press close to her and saw him before being kissed.

Desert smiled as he hugged his panda girl to him, looking at her pale blue eyes through her glasses before leaning in and giving her a firm kiss on the lips. The male's muzzle opened, the tip of his tongue sliding out of his mouth to slip into the panda girl's.

The feminine arms wrapped around the masculine torso, gripping at the back and returning the hug. The smaller tongue shifted to play with the one that had slipped in to explore, the two appendages pressing against each other.

The masculine grip slid up to the small of the back, pushing the shirt up slightly, before slipping down into the back of the jeans to grip the feminine rump and squeeze through the panties.

Mandy's own arms moved, her hands pressing into the shirt and the flesh and fur underneath it more. She started to breath heavily as they kissed, feeling her excitement growing as the two of them pressed together.

The kiss finally broke as the canine pulled away, panting some himself. He slowly eased his grip off her and started pulling away some.

"Don't move," he said before stepping away and going to his bag. He looked inside a moment before pulling out a blindfold, a collar and a leash.

The panda woman stood where she was like he requested, shifting slightly as she already felt her excitement. She pressed her own arms to herself some as she waited. Her pale blue eyes watched the canine, studying his form for a moment. The gaze slowly shifted to his bag. She looked at the satin mask soon to be over her eyes, the leather collar for her neck, and the chain leash to attach to it.

Desert came back over to where they had been, reaching up with one paw to stroke his finger pads across her cheek before taking a hold of her glasses and setting them down on the side table. He then reached up, bringing the blindfold down over her face.

Mandy shifted to lift her head up and help get the mask in place. As it was set, she closed her eyes regardless of not being able to see. She felt a quick kiss and returned it before feeling paws grip her shirt. The feminine arms raised above her head, helping to let her shirt get taken off.

Once the shirt was off, the panda fem started pulling her arms down. She had to make a bit of an effort to pull them up over her bra and breasts. She felt self conscious and a little uncomfortable being even this naked in front of a male. But some part of her was well aware he liked her body and to look at it, so she made an effort not to try to hide it from him so much.

The male mutt studied the half dressed female a moment before moving toward her again, the leash and collar in hand. As he moved closer, he head leaned down and forward and jaws opened. The sharp teeth bit down gently on the fur covered skin of the neck nibbling gently at a spot that would soon be covered by the band of leather in his grip.

The young woman took a deep breath as she felt the nipping at her throat, tilting her head back and to one side to give him access. She reached out to grip him again, her hands balling his shirt some as she held onto it tightly before he started to pull away.

The band of leather went around feminine neck, the treated material pressing softly against her fur. It was adjusted carefully, so that it would be somewhat close to her all around without being overly tight or hard to remove when they were done.

With the collar in place, the leash was next. The clasp was quickly attached to the D-ring. The chain was let go, the metal falling to press along the front with some of it against her chest with a spot protected by her bra.

Desert moved forward and kissed her again, enjoying the feel of their muzzles pressing against each other. His paws moved to the hips giving a small squeeze before sliding around to the back and up along it. He took a hold of the bra, feeling along the strap for the clasp.

Mandy let out a small laugh before pulling back to break the kiss.

"It unsnaps in the front," she said gently, smiling with a little amusement.

The canine looked at her a moment, then back to the bra. He let go of the back and reached around to the front. His paws stroked across the underside of the 36c breasts before feeling at the material, trying to find and undo the clasp. He focused on the spot he believed it was for a moment, trying to figure out how it was done. This was something he had not actually seen before, much less had to undo.

"Want help?" the panda fem asked after feeling his uncertainty. Once she got a yes, her paws reached up, taking a hold of the front and undoing the clasp in a single movement with incredible ease. Mandy pulled the bra open further, exposing her soft mammary mounds before moving to slip the last upper garment off and letting it fall to the floor with her top.

She was able to do it so quickly, the mutt was not even sure he saw how it was actually done, much less know how to do it himself next time. He would try though. As the bra was removed, the male's brown eyes focused on the soft breasts now fully exposed and the nipples poking out some.

As Mandy pulled her bra off, Desert took a hold of his shirt. He pulled it up over his head and off, exposing his chest and stomach. He moved toward the blindfolded female, grabbing her hips again. The canine head moved down some, his mouth taking a hold of a nipple. The male bit down gently as he started to suckle on the sensitive flesh.

Mandy gasped sharply as she felt the male mouth playing with her nipple. Her paws reached out to grab him again, running through the canine fur of his neck and back. The feminine mouth fell open slightly as she breathed, headed tilted back a little and her chest pushing forward against the pleasurable sensation.

One masculine canine paw reached to grip the leash, running along the still cold metal before gripping the leather handle and holding it firmly. The other slid around to the small of the feminine back, tracing down along the spine. It stroked over the small ursine tail before slipping into the jeans and panties. He gripped the rump cheek, squeezing and massaging the soft flesh.

The feminine panda's own grip shifted as well. One move up to the male head at her breast, rubbing the back of it as fingers curled some to rub at the base of one of the floppy puppy ears. The other ran over his shoulder and around to his chest before sliding along the soft fur leading down over his stomach. She moved lower still, pressing her palm against the male hardness pressing through the denim jeans and cotton boxers. The soft female paw squeezed as best it could through the clothes, stroking up and some along the length.

Desert released the nipple, blowing across it before pulling away, his crotch pulling away from the pleasure the soft paw had been giving him. He flexed his fingers before pulling his own grip away from the soft bottom, running the dull canine claws along the soft fur covered flesh as he reached toward the front of her jeans. He undid the fly of her pants, gripping them and pulling them down. He stroked along her thighs gently as she stripped her last garments off.

Mandy relaxed her grip as she felt the canine pulling away, letting her own paws stroke gently over the soft masculine form that was moving from her softly. She shifted some as she felt him take a hold of her pants and pull them down. As the paws stroked along the legs, the panda felt goose bumps form as she felt a tingle of pleasure at his gentle teasing touch. The girl took a step forward as the garments reached her ankles, stepping out of them fully exposed and nervous.

Soon the male paws slipped into her own, holding them together for a moment. She felt the firm but gentle grip in her own and gave a squeeze. Her thumb stroked gently across the base of his as she felt him tug, leading the blindfolded fem around the room slightly to a spot closer to the foot of the bed.

The canine smiled as he led his girl to the spot he now wanted her, letting go of her grip as he went to his toy bag once more. The dog tail wagged as he found the leather and chain wrist cuffs, pulling them out. A smile passed over his muzzle as he took the leather cuffs, snapping them in place around the feminine black wrists.

The black and white furred female had a bit of a punk/metal streak in here, even her normal clothing did not show it. She actually had a fondness for leather and metal, although they were things that she tended not to wear. It turned out that her puppy had a similar fascination, and it was one he liked to use with her.

Not that she minded of course. She was quite willing and actually found she enjoyed it. Her arms shifted, feeling the tug of the chain as it reached its limit of distance and the soft grain of the interior leather rubbing against her fur covered skin.

Desert undid the fly of his jeans, gripping the waist of them and taking a hold of his boxers. He tugged both of them down before stepping out. The male now stood fully nude, his shaft standing firmly and fully erect from the sheath. He moved toward her again, one paw moving to cup the feminine sex as the other stroked up along her stomach.

Mandy let out a small gasp, her breath catching in her chest slightly. Her legs shifted, spreading some to press against the explore digit. She reached out to grip her lover as a finger pushed up, spreading the warm wet folds of her fem-hood and started sinking into her depths. She felt his muzzle next to hers as the exploring digit sink into her as deep as it could reach. She kissed him hard as her body shifted, starting to rock and grind to feel his paw against her groin and the appendage buried inside her shifting around.

The canine closed his eyes some as he kissed her on the mouth again, letting it slip open slightly. He shifted, trying to keep from pulling her closer as it would make it difficult to play with her soft folds and teasing her inner walls. He stroked his palm across the hood and over her pubic mound as he slipped out to the tip and slid along the opening before pushing back in again. His other paw gripped a hold of her leash, holding it firmly.

The panda woman shivered as the male finger slipped out of the female sex, a shudder of pleasure surging through her again when she felt the finger pad stroke over the sensitive nub of her clit. Her fingers clenched some, finding nothing to grip for the moment. She felt a gentle tug on the collar from the leash being pulled straight down, and moved to sit on her knees.

Desert pulled the leash some, watching as his girlfriend and some time pet did as he wanted. He kept a hold of the leather grip at the end of the chain. His free paw moved to the top of her head, stroking through the soft hair and teasing around the base of the round ursine ears. The male took a step forward pressing the tip of his male hood against her muzzle.

Mandy smiled slightly as she felt the shaft near her mouth. She reached up, the chain connecting her wrists shifting as she moved. One paw moved to the male sac, stroking to tease the orbs inside, as the other grabbed at the base. She wrapped her fingers around the base of thick firm flesh.

With the malehood in her grasp, she smiled as she could feel how it was. The feminine head moved down some as her tongue slid out, pressing against the underside of the shaft just above her thumb. She slid up, licking along the underside before running up over the tip and across the opening.

The panda woman gave the top of the canine cock a kiss before opening her mouth. She pushed forward, slowly working the length into her mouth until she had taken as much as she could. She started to suckle gently on the portion in her maw.

Desert closed his eyes some as he felt the warm wetness of the female mouth take in the first few inches of his cock. He shifted to brace his legs more, one paw keeping at the top of the head, stroking through the soft hair and around the base of the ears. He let out a growl of pleasure as she started to move, the length twitching as it released some pre-cum.

Mandy stroked the length with her fingers, pulling up toward the tip as her head pulled back. She felt the twitch of his length and got the faint taste of his pre-fluids against her tongue. She stopped before letting the length slip from her maw and started pushing forward, stroking back down to the base as she took her puppy's bone as deep into her mouth as she could.

The canine hips started to rock gently in time with the feeling of the warm wet mouth sliding along his length. He opened his eyes, watching her a moment more before pulling away. He reached down, pulling her up some.

"Turn around and bend over," the he stated firmly, "put your paws on the bed."

The panda girl let the shaft slip free of her mouth as she said. She gave a lick of her lips before complying with what she was told. She turned around and bent over, placing both her paws on the bed. She turned her head some, out of habit and curiosity as she was blindfolded. She thought she knew what was coming next, but some part of her was curious all the same. Her body shifted slightly, attempting to raise her butt more and give it a small wiggle.

Desert let out a noise of pleasure and licked his lips. He reached out, gripping the back of one of the soft black fur covered thighs and stroking up to the white rump cheek. He pulled his paw back and swung.

Mandy gasped and jumped slightly as she felt the smack to her bare bottom. It did not actually hurt, but despite knowing it was about to happen, it still seemed to catch her off guard. She shifted, getting more comfortable and waiting for the next one.

The canine did not swat her again right away though. Instead he kept one paw on her thigh, stroking up along the back of it and over her rump cheek to just below the small nub of a tail. He stroked gently as he moved away some, reaching for his bag. The black furred tail wagged some as he took a hold of the paddle, pulling it out.

The thumb and forefinger slid over the tail before pulling away, leaving the panda woman untouched for a moment. The television was the only thing that broke the silence for a moment as the male moved behind his submissive pet panda of a girlfriend.

The leather paddle arced through the air silently before hitting the soft feminine bottom. Black and red leather struck the white furred bottom with a small but clear thwack as it struck the fleshy cheek.

The panda woman jumped again as she felt the impact of the paddle against her backside. It stung enough for her to feel it and notice a tingling sensation on her bottom, but not enough for her to cry out or for it to actually bother her.

Desert pulled back and swung the paddle more, striking Mandy's butt several times more. Each swat was in the same area, but slightly off from each other as he kept shifting as he moved. The blows were hard enough to sting and cause the soft white flesh to turn pink beneath the fur as well as sensitive and tender.

With the last swat, the spanking with the paddle stopped being used to strike the sexy feminine backside. With its purpose fulfilled for the time being, it was set aside.

Mandy moved her head as the paddling stopped, her ears trying to pick up the sounds of the male as he moved around the room. She heard the slight groan of the springs as more weight was put on them, then felt the sinking near her arms as the source got closer to her.

She felt a tug on the chain between her wrists and a grip on the leash to lead her onto the bed. Mandy crawled up onto the bed obediently as she was guided, thrown off some for a moment as she was still being pulled forward by her lover, but could feel that he was more beside her now.

"Lay on your stomach," Desert said softly as he watched his pet panda girl do so. He studied her body some as he moved back around, getting behind her. The male mutt lowered his head to kiss the back of one of the soft black furred legs before shifting. He reached out to her rump, giving the cheeks a squeeze. His soft cheek rubbed along the inside of her leg, moving closer to her private parts.

The submissive panda girl shivered as she felt the tip of the muzzle pressing at her private parts. A small moan of pleasure escaped her lips as she felt her feminine folds being pushed apart by the tip of the canine tongue. Her paws clenched into the bed sheets as she felt the long slow licks along her sensitive parts. The shapely female hips raised and tried to push back, wanting to encourage the pleasure and get the exploring appendage to probe deeper into her body.

The canine tongue pulled away as he lifted his head up and away from her feminine sex. He leaned back down, giving a gentle nip on the cheek of her bottom that he had not spanked with the paddle. He moved his body up further, getting pressing against the panda girl underneath him. A small growl of pleasure escaped his throat as his shaft pressed against her soft feminine rump.

One paw reached out to take a hold of the wrist restraints. The headboard was a solid piece so there was nothing to link them to. Instead, the chain was just pressed to the headboard, being held in place for the moment. The other slipped down between them, moving to adjust the shaft to line the tip up with the feminine opening.

Mandy let out a moan of pleasure as she felt the malehood part her nether lips and start sinking into her body. She shifted some as the masculine form pressed against her back. Her legs spread apart a little more to adjust to the sensation. Her muscles tensed as she felt the two of them coming together. Her depths squeezed tightly around the length buried inside her, fitting perfectly to the only shaft to have been inside her body.

Once he was fully inside the warm wetness, Desert shifted, letting his other paw take a hold of the cuffs to hold them in place. He leaned down and straightened some, pressing his chest against her back. His fingers pushed her long wavy hair aside to expose her neck and face.

The panda woman tilted her head toward the touch, pressing up against the warm firm body above her. She smiled as she felt a kiss on her jaw, then let out a gasp as the canine teeth took a hold of the skin of her neck above the collar. She submitted to the dominating male as she felt him take a hold.

The male pressed tightly to the female as he started to move. The thick malehood tugged at the walls of the feminine depths as it started to slip free, pulling out to the tip slowly. The movement stopped and reversed, pushing to sink back into the warm wetness once more until it was buried as deep as it could reach.

Mandy started to breathe faster as she felt Desert moving above her, sliding his hardness back and forth inside her depths. Her own body started to move as best it could in her current position, trying to help him get deeper before slipping apart again. Her breasts pressed into the sheets, her hard nipples rubbing back and forth against the cotton sheets with each movement.

Desert shifted up, moving one arm to her shoulder to brace himself some as he adjust his position. He watched her paws as he held them in place a moment before looking down along her arm and at her back and face. He started to speed up the pace of his movement, the muscles in his backside and legs flexing and unflexing as he pulled back to slip out most of the way before pushing forward to sink back into tight muscles encompassing his rock hard member. The canine increased his pace, his hips slapping against the white furred ursine rump with each forward thrust.

"Right there," Mandy cried out in pleasure, "Just like that." She writhed in pleasure as she felt rapidly herself reaching her climax. Her body grew tense as she felt herself building toward her release that seemed to be coming on her faster than usual. Toes curled as her legs straightened more, trying to kick out. Her arms grew hard as her fingers tensed, the sharp ursine claws digging deep furrows into the head board.

She cried out in pleasure as her orgasm coursed through her body. Her body tensed fully, her depths squeezing down on the malehood inside her to try to pull it deeper or milk it for the seed that was not yet coming. Jolts of pleasure coursed through her sexy form as sparks of pleasure flashed before the darkness of her eyes.

Desert leaned close as he saw his panda going through her climax. He pressed against her once more, kissing at her cheek before nipping at her jaw line. He let go of the cuff, running the dull claws along the soft arm before moving to brace himself. He buried his muzzle against the feminine neck and shoulder, growling slightly as he starts to adjust his movement, trying to reach his own release.

The panda woman panted as her orgasm started to subside. She felt the canine head against her and turned to kiss him and give a small nip of her own. Her body felt the change in his position and movement and adjusted itself to help give him access and encourage him to cum inside her.

The male canine pumped more firmly as he worked for his own release. He moved to grip his pet, holding her soft form tightly against his own as he continued his motion. He adjusted the angle, improving the angle of his legs while forcing the tip of his malehood to rub along one of the walls more with each movement. His dull claws slipped through the soft bear fur to dig into the smooth supple skin.

Mandy felt another climax building up inside her as her canine continued to take her, to claim her, to pleasure her. She bit onto the pillow some as she gripped the sheets, moving to push back more and try to reach the second release she felt and wanted to have.

Desert pushed up one more time, sinking the erect member as deep as it can reach. The knot of his length inflated, growing to full size to lock him in place inside his panda girl. He pressed against her more, growling out as he felt him reach his climax. The canine shaft twitched inside the tightness containing it, firing thick ropes of warm sticky fluid deep into the depths.

Mandy cried out again as she felt the last thrust, setting her off into her own second climax. She pushed hard against the male as her fingers dug deep into the bed. The jolts of pleasure were stronger, the flashes brighter than before. The vaginal walls squeezed hard on the male length, stroking it to pump every drop of seed from the male and draw it as deep into her as it could.

As the climaxes subsided, the two collapsed onto the bed, breathing heavily in exhaustion from the pleasure they had shared. The two moved to press against each other.

Desert looked at Mandy a moment, seeing that the blindfold had been pushed off her eyes during their time together. It had gone unnoticed because Mandy had closed her eyes when the mask was put on and both were too caught up in their pleasure to notice. One male arm moved around the feminine waist, pulling her with them as the two rolled onto their side.

He then reached up, taking a hold of the blindfold and pulling it off to toss aside. He next took a hold of the collar, undoing the buckle to release it from around her neck and take it off. Once it was set aside, he leaned up and reached for her arms, undoing the leather cuffs around her wrists.

Mandy watched a moment as the bondage equipment was taken off her. She moved to lean up and gave the canine a kiss on the cheek before pressing back against him more, still feeling his length inside her.

"That was great," she said with enthusiasm, "I never had such a strong orgasms before. I think this was the best sex we ever had." She pressed against him more, smiling as she felt him shift and swell with pride. She knew she did not have to say it for him. It was true though, and he had asked about her climaxes before because he actually cared that she had pleasure and enjoyed the time together as much as he did.

The two cuddled until the knot deflated and the length started to soften, slipping from the tight folds. The canine moved onto his back, laying more comfortably. The panda fem rolled over and hugged her canine, her chest pressing against him as she laid her head onto his chest. She gave the spot a kiss as he kissed her on the head.

"I love you," Desert said gently, almost inaudible were they not so close.

"I love you too," Mandy replied, cuddling into him more.

The two laid there cuddled up for a moment, watching the tv while enjoying the afterglow of their time together. During a commercial, Mandy looked up at the canine. She took a deep breath and blew gently, causing a light wind to tickle some of the canine fur. Desert shifted slightly at the tickle and rubbed at the spot, causing the panda girl to smile with a small giggle.