Sword of St. Michael #1

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#26 of Sampson and Devilah

The Sword of St. Michael

Continuation of the story of Sampson and Devilah, a Hero and a khajiit succubus who travel Skyrim. One seeking glory, the other seeking a good facial.

In this episode, watch your step! Exposition abounds. Don't get any on your shoes.

| Author: Sorry for the excessive exposition. I have to assume some may not have read Sampson and Devilah, so I need to catch them up on the background a bit.

Meet Sampson. Like Samson, he has the strength of ten men. Like Simpson, the wisdom of Homer. He travels the wilderness of Skyrim with his trusted Khajiit companion, Devilah, bringing law and justice to the land. Having successfully defeated the Assassin's Guild, he was led to the infamous Black Cat. Unfortunately the heinous villain, shunned even by the Assassins, turned out to be nothing more than a lonely Khajiit who actually left the Assassins because she couldn't kill anyone.

Now the pair has traveled to the town of Riften, known for its Thieves Guild (but even more for it's stinking 'river' that hasn't actually flowed anywhere for years). Their goal, to wipe out the Thieves as they had the Assassins. | image | | Little did Sampson know that his companion was, in fact, a succubus whose original intent was to seduce the hero which would bring fame and notoriety to both her and her hellish 'friend' from the underworld, seen only in flames. However, Devilah's plan was thwarted when she discovered that she kinda liked the big lunk and really didn't want to leave him.

After a mutually satisfying tryst, she reverted to her feigned appearance as a (somewhat) normal Khajiit and caused him to forget her true nature. Instead, she had guided him to seek out the Thieves Guild in Riften so that their travels could continue and she could stay with Sampson a little longer. | image | | Now, the pair sat in their room at the Bee and Barb, dejectedly, having returned from yet another fruitless day of searching for thieves in need of Sampson's brand of Justice.

"Devilah, I fear this quest is... not what we'd hoped. It's not like delivering Justice to Assassins is it?" Sampson stated flatly to his companion.

Devilah had to sigh in agreement. "No, not really." | image | | "Killing assassins is noble and just, but some of these thieves are little more than youths. And not all that evil really. I've not killed a single thief in the week that we've been here, and I don't think I will. They're just_poor_ people!"

"I think you're right. And the gold that we 'liberated' from the Assassin's guild is starting to run out too. I thought we'd be knee-deep in it by now. You'd_think_ a Thieves Guild would have some gold anyway!"

"Not here apparently," agreed Sampson before adding hastily, "...not that we care about such things mind you." | image | | "...and. This place stinks," Sampson said, curling his nose.

"Reeks," Devilah agreed.

"I've smelled better air at the bottom of a Draugr's pit."

Devilah laughed, suggesting instead, "...a Hagraven's tail feathers."

Sampson shook his head, smiling. "...a Giant's latrine!"

"The shit pit of the Eighth Circle, Bolgia 2!" | image | | "What?" Sampson's smile turned to confusion as he looked at the Khajiit's bright laughing eyes.

"I said the... Oh! Um... Never-mind. But anyway, I guess we need a new goal," Devilah said, quickly changing the subject.

"I guess I could become an adventurer. Or join up with some army or city guard."

Devilah looked at him seriously. "You will NOT become some faceless soldier Sampson. You are a hero. Such a fate is in no way destined for my... for you." | image | | "Well, let's sleep on it. Maybe something will come to us."

Devilah nodded happily. "You know, that whole vow thing... kinda pointless if we have no goal. Do you think, maybe just this once? At least until we have a new goal?"

Sampson shook his head in negation. "Nay my virginal friend. We've not_yet_ abandoned this noble pursuit."

"Just a little suck maybe?"

"No. But... you can sleep in this bed with me... if you want."

Devilah looked away and muttered, "prude" under her breath.

"Goodnight dear companion," Sampson said, laying back in his bed and closing his eyes.

"Goodfrump" said the succubus, frustrated yet again. | image | | Minutes later Sampson was sleeping soundly and Devilah pulled out her industrial strength vibrator, it's batteries still dead. "Fat lot of good you are, Mr. Sparky," she thought to herself.

The last time Devilah had communicated with her accomplice was before the revelation at Castle Kitty. The demon had promised to send some batteries. A promise from a demon? Yeah, right. But then Devilah had discovered that not only was Sampson carrying the famed Sword of St. Michael, but that she herself was destined to be Good. It still seemed incredible. How could_she_, a succubus, possibly be destined for that fate?! But the sword had rang off her body like it had hit an iron wall. And then she had taken the hero. Taken him a lot. Taken a lot of him!

But there had been a problem. It wasn't done for lust. In his eyes, behind the carnal hunger, was something else. Worse yet, she knew that something was within her as well. She couldn't name it, but it was there. | image | | She put the useless sex toy away and looked down at Sampson while thinking.

Her Flame-Girl friend would be furious. Agrat bat Mahlat by full name. But Devilah had negated any evil her conquest might have earned her by causing him to lose that memory. "No memory? Then it didn't happen." was the meme. Her assistance with the elimination of the Assassins guild had weighed against her too, though it would have been overcome had she got Sampson to break his vow. But now... Agrat was probably on the warpath. Literally. She would be looking for Devilah. Probably perform an Inquisition. The succubus figured her best course of action was to lay low for a while.

Since then Devilah avoided looking directly at any flames in hopes that it would prevent Agrat from knowing her whereabouts. Just for a while. It couldn't work forever though. There would come a reckoning, she knew. | image | | She left the room. Sleep was at most an indulgence that Succubus' didn't require. What she did require was sustenance.Male sustenance. As she walked out, she looked back at Sampson.

It wasn't cheating, after all. She'd certainly been more than clear what she wanted from him. And it was simply her nature. What else_could_ she do? She'd die without it. She didn't need much, after all. But she needed some. Even as a succubus she didn't quite understand how it worked, but she didn't need to understand it. She just needed it like a vampire needs blood.

Already she felt drained in both body and spirit.

Well, she had some draining of her own to do. She'd waited as long as she could, but now she could wait no longer. She wasn't even sure why she had waited anyway. Before... that day... she certainly hadn't hesitated! What had changed?

Well, no matter. She was hungry now, in the succubus way. Somebody was going to get lucky tonight. Damned lucky. | image |