Playing for the Right Team

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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This next one is a silly little story that I wrote as a result of a podcast (The Dragget Show) asking for porn of the FIFA mascot and since I can't draw this was the best I could do. This also may be my first non-transformation related story, so enjoy that. :P

Zabivaka is copyright FIFA

"Keep your knees up!" The coach yelled as the players hustled down the indoor soccer field, the carefully controlled climate and loud florescent lighting a stark contrast to the cold, dark winter that blew around them. For most of Moscow's citizens it was a time for people to stay warm in their homes and either go to sleep or rest on the couches in front of the television. For the Russian FIFA soccer team though it was a chance to get in all the practice they could, especially with the world cup looming so close the horizon. Once such player, a young wolf named Zabivaka, had taken up the head of the drive as he dribbled the ball expertly between his feet.

"Defense, stop the drive!" the coach, a middle age brown bear that had once played on the team himself, shouted as several of the team that played the defensive side of their team rushed forward. Zabivaka feinted left and dodged the husky that had tried to take the ball away from him before he passed it to his teammate, the tiger expertly took control of it before he began to go down field as well. "Ride the line Alexei!" the wolf shouted as the rest of the team continued to press the defense.

Alexei continued to kick the ball down until he saw an obstacle of his own, the red-furred panther with his hands up that stood between him and the goal. "Nowhere to go now Alexei!" the feline taunted as he slapped his gloves together. "I got the bead on you, no way are you going to get past me!"

"Bead this Ivan!" the tiger shouted before he rushed forward, only to side-kick it back to the middle of the field where Zabivaka had managed to pass up his defender and break straight down towards it. The wolf grinned as he could see the realization in his goalie's eyes, but by that time his furry foot had already connected with the ball and shot it straight into the goal. The panther gave a valiant jump to the left in order to try and block, but the only thing his gloves touched were the artificial grass as the ball soared past him and straight into the net.

"Wonderful!" the coach proclaimed as Alexei and Zabivaka met in the field and chest bumped each other. "Alright, I think we have had enough for tonight. Everyone go and hit the showers, you should be very proud of yourselves. The other teams in the World Cup aren't going to even know what hit them."

Zabivaka shared some congratulatory high-fives towards each other as they walked towards the shower, only for the wolf to stop when he noticed the bear motioning for him to come back. "Ya Coach?" He asked as he took off his goggles. "Did I do something wrong with my technique?"

"No Zabivaka," the coach quickly replied as he shook his hands in the air to dismiss the notion. "Your form was flawless as usual, you and your team are going to do Mother Russia very proud. If your progress keeps up you will be all-star, perhaps even a national hero, and that will mean that you will be thrusted quite squarely in the media spotlight. I'm just wondering you are going to be able to handle it concerning your... other extracurricular activities."

The wolf could feel a hard lump form in his throat that he tried to swallow, knowing exactly what the bear was talking about. "Do not worry Coach," Zabivaka managed to reply. "I know what my duties are, I will make sure that we do not disgrace Russia with our antics."

"That's a good boy," the bear complimented as he started to walk back towards the locker room. "Now go on and be with your friends, I'm sure they are waiting for you." Zabivaka nodded and began to jog back to the locker room before he heard the bear bellow out his name once more that caused him to turn around. "By the way I know you like to get some extra practice in so I told the maintenance man that he can go home for the night, which means that you will be responsible for locking this place up after you are done."

"Thanks coach!" Zabivaka shouted back before he ran off the field, now even faster with a grin on his muzzle. By the time he had gotten back towards the locker room he had found it mostly empty, most of the other players opting to go home and rest their sore and tired muscles. He could hear the showers on though, and when he looked around the corner his grin widened even more as he saw Alexei humming to himself as he lathered his striped fur. The wolf slowly padded his way into the communal area, keeping low to the ground as the feline continued to shower unaware.

"Why are you still here?" the wolf said as soon as he was close enough, laughing as the feline jumped off the ground and twisted his entire body around to see the cause of the sudden noise. When he saw his friend there laughing his frightened look turned into a mock frown and he pushed the laughing canine back. "I'm so sorry, I couldn't help myself!"

"You scared me half to death!" Alexei shouted as he went back under the water and washed the last of the soap out of his fur before he turned it off. "So what did the coach have to say?"

Zabivaka shrugged as they moved from the shower to the locker area, the tiger grabbing a towel to dry himself off. "Oh the usual," he replied as he sat down on the nearby bench and watched his friend. "We're about to be thrust into the public spotlight, watch out for what you're doing, that sort of thing."

"You know he's just worried about us," Alexei stated. "Going to the World Cup, being surrounded by all those foreigners, he thinks we might lose ourselves. You know what would happen if word got out, not being able to play soccer would be the least of our worries at that point."

Zabivaka just sighed and nodded, then looked around once again before he turned his attention back to the now mostly-dry tiger. "Speaking of such things, Coach has allowed us to stay late for some extra practice time." he informed Alexei, whose muzzle turned to a smirk as big as his own. "Where is Ivan? Don't tell me that he decided to go home after practice, we mentioned that we were going to see if we could get the field late tonight."

"He's walking out with the other players to make sure that they go," Alexei responded, tossing the towel aside as he looked at his teammate. "Once they are out and he has the door locked we'll be completely alone tonight, quite possibly for the last time before the World Cup finishes. You know there was no way that he would miss this for anything, but I don't see why we can't get started while we wait for him."

No sooner had the sentence left the mouth of the tiger then Zabivaka closed the distance between them and nearly knocked the other male over as their muzzles met in a warm and familiar embrace. They had known each other ever since they started in the soccer league together, though neither of them knew about the other's preferences until they shared a room on an away game and the canine stumbled upon a secret cache in the tiger's laptop. After that they grew even closer, and though they still maintained their friendship status it was something they could confide in, and explore, with each other. With the charged climate that they lived in such things as dating or hooking up with other males was scorned, even punished, so the two were more than content that they found each other as their tongues presently wrestled in one another's mouth.

"You know, you have yet to get out of your uniform," Alexei stated after they broke their embrace, their chests heaving slightly. "Here I am all naked and vulnerable and you still have your goggles on."

"I thought you liked it when I had my goggles on," Zabivaka shot back with a grin.

"Oh I do," Alexei purred as he grabbed the tinted lenses and put them back over the wolf's eyes. "That isn't the part of your uniform that I have issue with."

Zabivaka just chuckle and got back onto his feet, slowly putting his white-furred hands into the waistband of his shorts. He turned around and waved his tail in Alexei's face, who batted it away with a laugh as Zabivaka slid his shorts down slightly to expose his crack. Just as he was about to continue with his strip tease he felt his teammate's hands reach over and grab the fabric by the waistline before he pulled them down with a sharp yank. The wolf gasped slightly at the interruption and at his sudden exposure, his toned, tan-furred legs completely bared as Alexei stood up and pressed the slightly smaller wolf against the cool metal of the locker.

"Hey, isn't the forward supposed to take the lead when a drive starts?" Zabibvaka joked as he felt the hardened muscle of the tiger's form pressed against his back. "Plus I thought we were doing this on the field."

"Oh don't worry little wolf," Alexei whispered into Zabivaka's twitching ear as a pair of hands squeezed his chest. "There is plenty of fun where this comes from." Before the wolf could reply he felt himself get spun around and was able to see the lustful tiger straight in the eye. Though it appeared that he wanted to do more Alexei backed away, his maleness already rock hard as he gave Zabivaka a wink. Despite all the hours running down the field the wolf found himself out of breath as he followed the domineering male out of the locker room and back out into the field.

The stadium was completely empty as Zabivaka walked out onto the synthetic grass once more, a thrill of excitement running through his entire half-naked body. It was something that they had talked about doing for a while, and though they had their trysts in the locker room before it never got out into the public space. The main reason was their coach, who had caught them once in the showers with the tiger's muzzle buried in the wolf's crotch when they thought that everyone had gone home for the night. Thankfully the bear was more than reasonable when it came to such a thing, especially when it concerned two of his star players. That buried any ambitions they had when it came to doing it out in the field, but now with FIFA coming up and this being their last chance they decided to take a chance... with extra precautions of course.

This time as they got near the goal post it was Zabivaka who pounced the tiger, which caused the naked feline to fall forward from the force as they rolled on the grass. When they stopped the wolf was on top and Alexei found himself on his back, the two smirking at each other before they began to rub and explore each other's bodies. Years of training on the Russian soccer program had made their bodies athletic and lithe, something they thoroughly enjoyed on each other as their gropes became more passionate. The fear of someone somehow walking into a locked practice field on them dissolved from their minds as their focus became on each other.

"Not too much now," Zabivaka reminded as he turned himself around, "Ivan would never forgive us if we went on without him."

The wolf could feel the tiger nod between his legs as he felt the other male's hot breath on his member, which caused a shudder of pleasure to run down Zabivaka's entire body. His focus shifted to what was in front of him though, the tiger's meaty member throbbing mere inches away from his nose. Though Alexei was a little shorter than his own it made up for in girth, the wolf's hand almost unable to touch his fingers together as he wrapped them around the sensitive flesh and guided it forward. Just as he did he felt a similar grasp on his own cock, his knees buckling down slightly and bringing the tip of it even closer to the tiger's maw.

It wasn't long before the two males had taken each other into their mouths, both groaning as Zabivaka could feel the hot, slick maw of the male below him slide the tip of his cock into his mouth while he did the same to the one in front of him. The pleasure that the wolf felt was exquisite as he felt every muscle in his body tense from the hard throb of his member inside the tiger. At the same time he used his tongue in every manner possible to try and get the feline beneath him to wiggle and squirm, though slow enough also to make sure that his climax built as slowly as possible. Eventually both males grew bolder and slid more of their muzzles down on each other while Zabivaka's free hand reached down and rubbed against the tiger's sack.

"I believe you get a penalty for handling the ball like that," a sudden voice caused both males to stop mid suck and look up, seeing a grinning panther with a sizable hard-on that tented the fabric of his soccer shorts. "Tsk tsk Zabivaka, I thought you were trained better than that."

Zabivaka had to pull his muzzle of the tiger's cock as he scrambled to his feet, though he nearly fell when he felt the male beneath him give one last lick to the wolf's member before they got up. "Damnit Ivan," the wolf cursed at the still smiling feline. "What took you so long? We thought that our little threesome was going to just be the two of us."

"I wanted to make sure that no one was straggling in the stadium," Ivan replied in a matter-of-fact tone as he set down a small duffle bag. "The last thing we need is to be interrupted and have our names and faces in the paper just because we wanted to have one last screw on the field before the world cup. Plus don't forget that was exactly why the Coach brought me to you guys in the first place."

"Amongst other things," Zabivaka scoffed. The wolf remembered back to when they first met the panther, their coach bringing a shy, timid feline up to the two of them and informed them that he had the same 'situation' that they had. He and Alexi had been more than happy to include their goalie in on the fun, who was also security and surveillance minded enough to help protect the three of them from being exposed or harmed due to their action. The panther also turned out to be a passionate lover with a bit of a kinky side, which was expressed as he pulled out a pair of padded handcuffs and a length of rope. "Yuri, what on earth is that?"

The panther just continued to smile at them and motioned for them to follow him up to the goal posts. As Alexei and Zabivaka moved across the grassy field Ivan tossed the rope over the top bar of the goal and attached both ends to the handcuffs. "I thought since this was a day of firsts, us fucking out in the middle of a soccer field for instance," Ivan stated bluntly. "I thought we could try the goalie passback. I mean, this will be the only time that we have something like this, why not go for broke? I borrowed these from my sister, she has so many pairs she's not even going to notice that they're gone."

"You know we came up with that position while we we're drunk," Alexei interjected as he crossed his arms. "If we dislocated someone's shoulder or something because of this we're going to all get kicked off the team, World Cup or no."

"Oh don't be such a baby Alexei," Ivan taunted as he held the open handcuff in the air. "It would be just like we discussed, goalie in the middle and the offense on either side."

"Perhaps Alexei is right," Zabivaka said sympathetically as he walked up and put his hands on the panther's shoulders. "If you lose the ability to move your arms in any way the coach is going to know it, even if it's a small chance we can't do that to you."

The panther looked down for a second, his lips twitched a bit as he looked at the handcuff in his hand. "You know what, you're absolutely right," just as the wolf was about to nod and walk away there was the flash of metal as the panther struck, followed by a slicking noise as the cuff locked securely on the stunned Zabivaka's wrist. "Of course you don't need to use your arms as much, so it'll be much less noticeable for you.

"You crazy cat!" Zabivaka said as he darted back and kept his other wrist in the air, only to feel a strong grip attach to his bicep as he felt Alexei bring it back down in range of the other cuff. "Gah! Traitor!" the wolf shouted as he felt the padding get secured around his other wrist as well, which left his wrists completely shackled together as his two friends giggled like idiots. "You had this planned all along, I'll get you both back for this."

"Only the best for our star forward," Alexei explained as he ran his hands underneath the wolf's chest, tweaking his nipples and rubbing his pectorals. "Besides if there was any way we were going to get past that stubborn alpha dominance you seem to have this is the way. Trust me, you'll thank us.

Zabivaka growled as he felt his legs get lifted up from beneath him, but part of him was extremely excited for his current predicament. The rope that had been tied to the handcuffs had been perfectly cut by Yuri to let him hang right at the level that allowed the two males access to him while they continued to stand. "Yuri, I've already had his mouth before, do you mind if we switch?" The tiger asked just as the panther applied a large dollop of lube to his palm.

The panther nodded and Zabivaka yelped slightly as his head was allowed to swing freely for a few moments while Alexei took Yuri's place between his legs, a hiss of pleasure escaping from the tiger's jaws as Yuri slathered Alexei's throbbing cock with a liberal application of the slick substance. Once the wolf had wrapped his hard thighs around the tiger's waist Yuri moved back around and positioned himself at Zabivaka's head. The panther's soccer shorts had long since been discarded from his body and when the wolf looked up he saw the feline's cock as it rubbed against his muzzle. He could also feel Alexei throb against his inner thigh, inching ever closer to his tailhole as the wolf could do nothing but swing there with is body in control of the two males.

A loud grunt filled the air as the rope hanging from the goal post tightened, Zabivaka's back arching as he felt the tip of his friend's maleness begin to push against the tight ring of muscle under the fluffy tan tail that hung in the air. Yuri gripped the wolf by his shoulders to hold him steady as Zabivaka's muzzle was twisted in a brief moment of pain followed by pure pleasure. It hadn't been the first time either one of the felines had used the wolf's tailhole before, though usually his body was anchored to something as his head was pressed against the black-furred thighs of the male next to his head. Yuri continued to massage Zabivaka's chest and neck as Alexei slowly eased himself into the wolf, his lubed cock spreading open his teammate's tight walls as Yuri watched every inch of the thick cock disappear between Zabivaka's legs.

"Beautiful," Yuri commented as Alexei finally hilted himself, his striped groin rested against those furry cheeks as the two males panted while Zabivaka got used to the insertion inside him. Just as his breathing returned to normal however those strong hands that had been caressing him suddenly slid up underneath his jaw and tilted his head back. The canine soccer player felt his goggles nearly fall off of his face as he saw the heavy sack and muscular thighs of the other male, though as he opened his maw to speak any words were interrupted by the head of the cock that was pushed past his lips and into his maw.

Zabivaka's legs twitched against Alexei's sides as he felt the tiger begin to slide out of him at the same time that Yuri pushed himself in. The canine tried to move his tongue around it as it pushed open his maw, a trail of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth and down his cheek as the restrained wolf could do little but relax his maw and let it slide in even deeper. With Zabivaka hanging upside down it made it easy for the panther to go all the way to the back of his throat, though it quickly withdrew just as Alexei made another push from the other end.

As the soccer star hung there getting spit-roasted by his teammates all he could think about aside from the mind-melting pleasure of the two males using his orifices was how lucky he was. Zabivaka had his soccer career, his nation, and two of the best friends in the world that he can share their particular pleasures with. He could see the matted fur of their heavy pectorals and washboard abs begin to heave up and down as the wolf merely rode the pleasure, though his suspended hips did buck up when he felt the tiger wrap a hand around his member and begin to stroke while the other continued to bury its fingertips against the flesh of his backside. The three continued this rhythm for quite a while, Zabivaka unable to determine how long as he felt waves of ecstasy wash over his body while his maw and tailhole continued to press against the sensitive flesh of the two males.

As their thrusting intensified Zabivaka could tell that all three of them were quickly approaching the edge, even the hand around his own cock moved faster in pace with the cocks buried deep in his tailhole and mouth. Despite the looks of intense bliss on their faces the canine detected... a smirk?... on their faces as their breaths came in short, shallow gasps. Zabivaka gripped his hands on the rope as tightly as possible as his thighs squeezed against Alexei, his entire body tensing up before his hips thrusted up and he came hard.

"GOALLLLL!" Both felines shouted before they let out gasps of their own, Zabivaka feeling their throbbing cocks grow ridged before they sprayed jet after jet of hot seed down the wolf's throat and inside his tailhole. By the time they were all finished with their shared orgasm Zabivaka was a sticky mess of his own and his teammate's fluids, matting down his fur as all three of them trembled, unable to move much due to the pure lustful warmth that radiated through their bodies.

As the three recovered they unshackled Zabivaka and gently moved the still twitching wolf down onto the ground and laid on the grass panting. "I can't believe you guys actually shouted that..." the wolf mocked as he slowly closed his eyes and smiled to himself, basking in the afterglow of his climax and in the companionship of his fellow teammates. The three males continued to cuddle against one another, Zabivaka feeling the soft breath of their chests rise and fall against him. He knew that no matter what, whether they won the World Cup, or got exposed, or even had to flee Russia that these two would be the ones that got his back, no matter what.

When Zabivaka no longer felt the presence of the other two anymore he opened his eyes again and looked up to see Ivan handcuffing Alexei, who just grinned at him. "What, you thought you were going to have all the fun?" he asked as he motioned for the wolf to join. "I hope you didn't put everything out on the field yet, the night is still young and we have a lot of fun left before the World Cup."

As Zabivaka smiled and hopped up to join his teammates none of them noticed the figure in the booth near the ceiling of the stadium, his form cloaked in shadows with only the lit end of his cigarette visible as he watched...