Freedom Has a Price...

Story by Grimscale on SoFurry

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Freedom Has a Price...(2) ~ῳ~ Freedom Has a Price...(3)

He saw the Lapitaur chained and bound within a rusty cage. She was exceedingly beautiful despite her unkempt and disheveled appearance. Her fur was matted and caked, most likely from the slop the slave master threw at her during feeding time.

Her long ears were graceful and unmarred. Her sleek head was beautifully chiseled and her eyes were the most beautiful blue, it was as if the sky had fallen into them. Her nose was a brilliant yet soft pink. She had a mane of hair which was also unkempt and matted with the same mess as her fur. She was a beautiful and healthy hare.

"Is she a virgin?" He asked the slave trader, not expecting an answer from the beautiful Lapitaur.

"Aye, I am a virgin, sire." She replied, making no motion to meet his gaze nor did she move.

The slave trader quickly beat her cage with a staff in retaliation to her speaking. "You wasn't ah'dres'ted, slave!" He bellowed down at the creature, causing her to cringe in reaction to his uneducated banter.

Drawn by her sweet voice and then the bellows of the slaver, he turned to her and smiled, dismissing the slaver's reaction with his waving hand. She had a voice like the angels. She would be a perfect mate, if she would have him. "How much for these two, slave trader?" he asked, indicating the Lapitaur and the human slave with her.

"Me lawd, they are a mere and humble price of six plat'nums." The man said, holding up four fingers.

The Minotaur nodded as he clasped the man's hand and drew it down so that the palm laid facing up, fingers still extended, placing a platinum coin upon each of the man's extended fingers. "There, that is six platinum for the two of them." Then the Minotaur held up his coin pouch and upended it into the man's hand, the abundance of shiny white coins spilling freely from the man's grasp. "This is to purchase ALL of your slaves. Do you agree with this?"

The man could only nod his head vigorously as he watched the coins spill from his grasp. Then he began to scrabble upon the floor to reclaim all that had escaped his grasp before others would. "Yes, lawd, I agree to this!" The man finally proclaimed aloud as he retrieved the platinum coins.

"So be it." The Minotaur said. "General Charok..." The Minotaur said. Immediately thereafter another Minotaur entered into the tent followed by a contingent of six others.

"General Charok, remove the bindings from these slaves and free them from their cages. See to it they are bathed in private with only the finest of oils, fed with only the finest of foods and allowed whatever their heart desires. To those of you I have ‘purchased' I say this: if you desire freedom, we shall name the terms concerning this later. For now there are many ears listening and you will obey my commands." He received complacent nods from all of the slaves as they understood him perfectly and understood what it was he was implying; he turned to his General. "This one I shall attend to myself." He said, pointing at the humanoid hare.

His General nodded and began to bark orders to his contingent. Still more Minotaurs entered into the tent and began unbinding the slaves and freeing them from their cages. The slaves were ushered out of the tent, all save for one; the human that had been with the Lapitaur remained and would not leave willingly.

"What loyalty and devotion." He said with a smile to her. Then he knelt down before her, speaking so that only she could hear him. "Milady, I ask that you trust me. I assure you that no harm would come to this beauty. I would like her as my mate, if she would have me. I could do no harm to her. If you wish to attend her then so be it." He said softly, gesturing to the Lapitaur. The slave smiled at him and nodded, moving to the Lapitaur, pausing as she did to say to him "It is not that I do not trust you, sire. I owe her my life." With that she moved to the Lapitaur and began to pet her lovingly.

The tent was empty now save for the three of them. "Come, please. I would bathe you both and feed you well. You shall not have need nor want of anything any longer. YOU," He pointed at the human female, "Shall be her personal aide." He smiled as the lady smiled, for he had not used the word slave.

The Lapitaur was in no condition to move or no longer wanted to. She seemed to give up, as if waiting to die. He frowned at this as he gently scooped her up into his arms. Despite her stench and appearance, he nuzzled her lovingly and held her to his breast. She laid her head upon his shoulder and sobbed, wailing her sorrow into his ear. His heart lurched and he looked to the human female who was also sorrowful. It was the kiss he placed upon her cheek that ceased the Lapitaur's wailing and she drew her head back, looking into his eyes, trying to discern his intentions. Then she sighed softly and slumped in his arms, nuzzling into his embrace with a sigh of contented acceptance.

He carried her out of the stench filled pavilion tent and down the street. The slave trader was showing off his treasure when he spied them. He quickly glared at the man and shook his head. "I am not pleased with you! This one in my arms is too weak! I will take her as a mate but how will this be possible if she should perish! I would demand my money back but you are a wise merchant. You have bested me. Be gone from me before I change my mind!" The man nodded vigorously and scurried away like a rat. He smiled down into the Lapitaur's eyes and she smiled up at him in return, revealing perfect teeth.

That smile was like the sun itself upon him and warmed his heart. "It's all an act, isn't it, milord?" The beautiful Lapitaur said softly so that only he and her aid could hear.

"Aye milady, I would not force you to do anything you would not want to do. I will even let you go free but not at this time." He spoke softly so no others would hear that could betray them.

She sighed softly and closed her eyes, drifting off into sleep, a sleep that was welcomed and a sleep that would not be interrupted by cold slop being poured onto her or the sudden rap of a stick against her head, body or cage.

He carried her into his tent and moved to the giant basin in the middle of the floor. The basin was made of tin and filled with warm bathing oils. He gently laid her upon the plush pillows near the basin and then stood up.

His guards posted outside the tent as he began to undress, knowing nothing of modesty as he removed his armors and garments. He stood before them both fully nude, his reddish-brown fur gleaming brilliantly in the torchlight. The short fur covering his body did very little to hide the muscle tone of his body beneath. Even his hooves were well groomed and clean. Despite all of this, they knew he was not a soft and weak Minotaur. He was simply holding a station.

The Lapitaur drank him in as he stood for a moment before her. Her gaze lowered over his magnificent form, resting upon his loins where she could see the sheath that ensconced his phallus. Her loins quivered for a moment at the thought of that massive member invading her body. She removed her gaze from him, looking to a bowl of diced fruit.

"Yes eat, milady. I am sure that you are quite hungry. Savor it and eat slowly however for you may get sick. It is not wise to eat fast when you have been malnourished for so long." He said gently, stepping into the basin, his hooves clinking solidly upon the metal beneath the surface of the oil.

She nodded as she plucked up one piece of fruit after another, filling her other hand. Then she began to feed, her gaze once again returning to his loins as he had turned to face them. He lowered himself into the water and her gaze followed a glimpse of pink flashing teasingly at her as the pointed tip of his phallus peeked from within the sheath before it became submerged.

She chewed slowly as she ate, savoring each fruit. "What is this one, milord?" She asked as she chewed one she had never had before.

He smiled at her adoringly. "You like? It is a juicy berry from my lands, the only place that they flourish. I call them juice-berries because they are full of sweet nectar."

She smiled and nodded. The name was so obviously simple based on the fruit. It had meat with a hollow, juice-filled core. It was a brilliant name; fitting.

He submerged himself within the oily water and, as he resurfaced he began to cleanse his fur and flesh. She watched him as he did so, feeding and filling herself with the delicious fruits. She chewed thoughtfully as she watched him clean himself until he wanted to wash his back but could not reach.

She smiled as she rose. Her strength had returned to her and her belly was full. She stepped into the basin carefully so as not to slip. He reached out a hand to her in offering and she accepted, feeling his strength as he lent her stability and security as she entered the basin.

"Milady?" the human female asked, starting to rise.

"Nay, Eshera, I will attend to my mate. Fear not. I trust him implicitly. I want that you rest and feed. Fear not for me," she said with a grin and a wink over her shoulder as the Minotaur's hands clasped her hips firmly but gently, "I am in good hands." She giggled coyly.

Eshera nodded, grinning and returning the wink as the Lapitaur turned away, her attention now on the male. "I shall cleanse your back, milord." She said with a soft smile.

He smiled and turned about, presenting his back to her. She submerged herself first as he turned about, much of the grime and crust caking her body washing away, her fur even more brilliant. When she resurfaced, she began to scrub his backside, leaning her now wet body against his, her fur and his matted from the oils, making it feel as flesh.

"I am greatful, milord and I thank you for what you have done, for me and my people." She said softly into his ear as she lowered herself against his back, sliding her legs around his waist, entwining them with his as hers slid over them. Her arms wrapped around him then and her hands began to explore his form.

"I am happy, milady." He said softly, his voice now husky as her hands began to ignite the desires within him; her legs were seemingly silken as they swirled over then within his.

She continued to caress and pet him, cleansing him and her as she held him. Her naked breasts were pressed against his back, her erect nipples teasing his flesh beneath his fur. He slid his hands slowly up and down along her slender legs beneath the surface of the oily water, kneading them lovingly.

He was so very gentle to her for a massive beast. He could easily crush her head in his hand, yet he was so loving and gentle with her. She soon found that she loved his touch upon her and wished his hands would explore her more.

With that in mind she rose behind him and moved around him, standing before him, her hands placed lightly upon his shoulders as she straddled his lap. He lifted his head, his gaze finding hers and she captured him, held him with her eyes as she slowly lowered herself toward him. She felt his shaft nuzzle against her folds as she slid herself onto his lap, sandwiching him intimately between them; her legs then wrapped around his waist while her arms wrapped around his neck.

He leaned against her as his hands moved up to cup her breasts, causing her maw to part, exposing her perfect teeth as her heart raced beneath his loving touch. Their eyes held, seeing the love and passion within each other. She knew not when she had begun to grind against him, only became aware of it as he leaned her back gently and drew his legs free from beneath her.

Her legs loosed from around him, falling away, knees drawn up; allowing him the freedom to move, sensing his intentions as her thighs parted slowly and softly like the wings of a butterfly. She was fully exposed and open to him now as he moved against her, his lubricated phallus sliding pleasurably against her folds. Then she gasped as she felt the pointed tip probe her, seeking her yielding. She wriggled her hips beneath his, trying to guide his gentle stabs into her until, suddenly he was invading her.

She held his gaze with hers as he began to descend into her, her body tensing as he caused her great pleasure, feeling him stretch her to accommodate and fit him, her maw widely agape, gulping air as she cried out with his fluid entry. She gasped as the pointed tip suddenly brushed against her hymen only to have the gasp choked off as he pierced her, breaching her hymen with a sudden quick flick of his hips.

She gulped for air as he slowly and gently filled her, the pain of losing her virginity subsiding as the knot near the base of his shaft nuzzled against the rim of her sex. Her hands slid down his back to clasp his buttocks while her feet hooked beneath his buttocks, both working to draw him into her as she gyrated her hips against the knot, working it into her slowly, painfully until, suddenly it surged past her burning rim. Her eyes went wide with pain and pleasure as her body suddenly jolted and a feeling unlike any she had ever experienced washed over her in rushing waves. Her hips flicked rapidly as she climaxed, washing over him with her love and heat and she moaned aloud with her release and pleasure.

He grunted softly into her long ear as she climaxed, her body coiling tightly around his, her limbs tugging him suddenly and fully into her. She flinched violently as the pointed tip of his shaft breached beyond her cervix, exposing her womb to the tiny slit on the tip of his shaft. She rocked and gyrated beneath him, working him deeper into her still, her limbs remaining tightly coiled around him as she would not let him leave her in the slightest increment. By now the bulbous tip was lodged within her womb, held securely by her extremely tight birthing muscles.

Eshera watched the exchange at first as she would watch animals mating, taking no real interest. As moans and groans exchanged between the mating pair, she began to see it as erotic. She could not help but watch the two as they consummated their union.

They were ignorant to the fundamentals of privacy. Mating was mating and was to be done immediately, not at the first chance to be alone. Yet as she and the Minotaur mated, she could not help but to notice that Eshera was aroused by their copulation. She had thought to dismiss her but knew that Eshera would not leave her nor could she get the words to form on her lips to dismiss her. The only word she could form was the continual consent she gave to this beautifully magnificent Minotaur that was making her his. Soon she forgot all about Eshera and the world around. He became her world as they mated. She began sobbing uncontrollably, kissing him feverishly as he took her.

He returned her feverish kisses as best he could, his movements gentle and slow as he took her, cherished her. Despite his massive size, there was no more pain, only pleasure for her and for him.

He hauled them out of the basin as one, rolling onto his back, carrying her with him until she lay atop of him. She held to him fast and kept him deeply within her, her hips massaging his as she continued to grind and gyrate upon him, keeping him deeply nestled within her.

Then she began to move upon him, lifting her hips until she tugged at the knot near the base. The knot allowed for only a few inches of movement and as she tugged, Eshera could see her mistress's mound bulge outward from the bulbous ball within her as she tugged against it. They were tied together now and would not easily be separated.

Despite being a virgin, she responded with natural instinct. Testing the tie of the knot was a natural reaction to see if he would slide out. He could not even if he wanted to and she smiled weakly at this as she mated with him. She sat up upon him, her hands braced upon his rippling belly, feeling the play of muscles beneath her touch as she began to piston her hips, stroking his length while whimpering and moaning her pleasure to him.

His hands moved to her hips to feel their power as she took him, then slid to her taut belly where his seed would be injected deep within. Next his hands slid to her breasts to massage and knead them, tease her nipples as she moved upon him, his loving gaze ever constant, locked with hers.

Unable to withstand the separation any longer, she laid forward upon him, wrapping her arms around his neck while she moved upon him, her body sliding back and forth against his as she took him. Their hips pounded now from the force of their mating, resounded by moans, groans and gasps of pleasure, sighs of contented belonging. His hands swirled lovingly over all of her and she nuzzled him with her head, encouraging his touch upon her, needing it as much as she needed him, his love.

Freedom Has a Price...(2) ~ῳ~ Freedom Has a Price...(3)