Genetic Children-Log 17- Wade's second deception

Story by Korm on SoFurry

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#17 of Genetic Children

Korm and Emu are getting in quite the pickle....maybe the next story will actually involve pickles....or some more yiff, its hard to tell where the story will go next but it will keep going on as long as Korm, Tacita and Layla are bright in my mind. I hope to have another update tomorrow as well becuase I also have the day off so here we go some more action and a few questions.

Korm swore quietly, but didn't dare to move just in case the setting sun glinted off of his rifle sight, the troops had moved into town and set up two blockades at either end of the street. The T-84, that huge monster was sitting in the middle of town looking as comfortable as a bird in its nest. Occasionally a group of three men would patrol from one side of the street to the other, but all the rest, all twenty one of the soldiers from the jeeps, were all digging in. They hadn't started searching the buildings but Korm knew they would soon.

Emu still hadn't woke, her vitals were all good and her leg was bent alongside her other, apparently she had moved a little in her sleep. He had found a pen and scribble the same note down three times, he stuck on to her chest, put one on the table, and stuck one on the wall beside the bed to ensure she saw them. All the letters said the same thing.

"Emu, Our car rolled, the driver is dead and our position is surrounded."

Korm's knee was starting to cramp, and a bead of sweat was crawling down his face. It had been three hours since he wrote the letter, the sun was setting and he was sure they would search the buildings and the surrounding area before the light died.

They men in the town had just started their next patrol, and the tanks barrel was slowly rotating around to the other end of town, when a shiny, black car rolled up to the road block on the bridge end of town.

Korm put his left hand over the front lens of the scope, and slowly inched the rifle around to the right to face the bridge again, then he slipped his hand off, millimetre by millimetre. Until he was presented with a clear view of two jeeps, a black car with tinted windows, and five men in combat uniforms standing around a young blonde haired man. The man was standing facing away from town talking to the soldiers, he had his hands clasped at the base of his back in the 'stand-easy' pose of a soldier. Unlike the soldiers, he wore a dark suit and had no holster on his hip, but Korm thought he recognized that hair cut.

Korm heard movement from the bedroom, and took his eye away from the scope. He turned his head to the room and spoke quietly.

"Emu in here be quiet." A few seconds later Emu hobbled into the room, supporting herself on the door frame.

"Korm what's going on?" Korm pointed to a plastic cup that was sitting on the table near the door, and Emu went slowly to it, and then brought it to him.

"Thanks, our situation is not good, the car rolled. Your leg got dislocated and I think we are about to be found out, I called the Lab but the phone was encrypted and I have no idea where we are, it looks like their commander has arrived as well now. They have four jeeps and a T-84 in town, and they have the bridge covered." Korm took the cup and put it over the scope and then tilted it back and pulled it into the room.

"Last thing I remember is heading to the second facility and the driver took a wrong turn. Then I knew he wasn't one of us so I punched him in the nose, and then I woke up screaming on the road." She paused for a few seconds, then continued gathering her thoughts.

"Well the Ivf is in Kyiv, and we were on our way to Lubianka, the driver took a turn towards Liutizh. The only town I know of along that road that has a bridge is Demydiv." She brushed her hand through her hair, and then fiddled with her necklace a little.

"I know you have questions for me Korm." The awkward silence filled the room.

"I have a few but they can wait, first we need to get out of here."

"I may have a solution there Korm, do you still have the phone?" Korm nodded and passed it to her.

She unfolded the aerial and pressed recall.


"Five, Six, Nine, Five, Charlie, Bravo, Hotel."


"I need extract from Demydiv ASAP for two, town is heavily defended by four jeeps and a T-84." Emu waited while they took in this information.

"Emu, we have an agent in the area that may be of assistance, transport is coming. We will contact him immediately, base out." Emu folded the aerial and passed it back to Korm.

"Ok so, Niel is sending backup and apparently there is an agent of the Lab somewhere around."

Korm took this information in and sighed. How could life go from working on his dream project to getting captured and surrounded in the Ukraine in just a few days?

He took the plastic cup off of the scope of the gun, and took a peek outside. The blonde man was moving through town now still flanked by his guards but his face was clearly presented to Korm.

"Umm Emu, I do have one pressing question at the moment. What the HELL is Wade Connors doing in the Ukraine?"

Genetic Children-Log 18- The mother helps the daughter

**BACK! From my training and stuffs and I have for you a sample of the mischief still to come in my little story. Enjoy as something breaks, something lives, and something new happens.... (also dont read the naughty bit if you have eyes that arent old...

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Genetic Children-Log 16- A T-84 and a busted Leg.

Korm awoke in the car, but something immediately struck him as wrong, the sky seemed to be where the ground usually was, the sun was going down, or up depending on how you see it and the last thing he remembered was being knocked out in hospital. ...

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Genetic Children-Log 15- Blow that Shit!

**A**** s always Korm is mine, and don't be here unless you are here or something.... **** Google wins and so does yiffstar. The yiff will be back soon and sorry about all the's jsut that I'm enjoying writing it :D** _"Uh...

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