Malice, From fear to love.

Story by MaliceTheWolf on SoFurry

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My first story. Nothing "adult" here. I'm pretty well a first-person-view writer, if I can put it this way. My first language is French, and not English, so a weird grammar is expected.

Believe it or not, I visualized the whole story as I wrote it. I tell you. i really DO have a very strong visualization skill.

Hi! I am Malice. Nothing but Malice. This is my first story. This is how I am implied to have met my fursona.


It was a cold, cold night. I live in the countryside near a large forest.

I was already in bed, and it was about 1:00am in the morning.

I just kept tossing and turning in bed. I simply couldn't fall asleep.

I made myself a cup of tea, tried to go back to sleep, I still couldn't manage to.

So I got a little upset about it.

I decided to go outside. It was 2:00am now.

So, I unhooked my jacket off the coat hanger downstairs, put on my big boots, and I opened the front door.

The wind was very strong, it was still snowing. It was howling like a blizzard.

I made sure to pull my keyring out, and I quietly locked the door, despite my keys jingling in the wind.

I didn't feel like walking on the street. It's too much in the open. I wouldn't want to get People nearby too worried if they see me. And I don't like striking up a conversation that early. I was pretty tired.

Therefore I began heading out towards the woods. I was hesitating because it was pitch black, and woods at night are... slightly scary?! Especially in the dead of winter at 2:00am in the morning!

While I was in the woods, it was pretty windy. I should probably have brought my flashlight. But this should be a relatively short walk... Even though the woods are pretty big around here. It's easy to get lost.

Since I'm in the countryside, there is barely any light in the sky. No reddish hue in the sky. Nothing. It was pitch black.

I heard a noise that sounded a bit... different? The wind is blowing, but the leaves are gone. It IS winter, after all. It couldn't have been the wind. I turned around, took a few steps, tried to sure I was actually alone. I assumed everything seemed okay, but what was that noise? It sounded... like a growling sound? Definitely wasn't the wind. I'm sure of it.

As I turned around, I realized. It was so dark that I didn't even know which direction I came from nor where I was going. But it was cold enough outside and I wanted to get home!

I heard the noise again. Louder. It was definitely a growling sound. And it sounded deep. Like a large creature. It was coming from behind me. Or was it? I couldn't even tell. Your senses aren't the same when you can't see!!!

I was sort of freaking out. I started walking faster this time and started hearing very quick footsteps behind me. I was clearly being pursued by someone or something. Whatever it was, it was big. I didn't expect this night to turn out like this. It was hard to run with my big boots and the strong wind. I knew this thing was going to catch me, and SOON, too. I wish I could find shelter, but that wasn't likely to happen.

I was running out of breath. I stopped. And the sound of running stopped.

It touched me. I felt someone, or something, touch me. Whatever it was. And that felt like a hand. It was a very large hand. But I couldn't even turn around. I was too scared of what I'd see. I just didn't want to see it. Whatever it was. I heard it breathe. A deep breath. I felt the "warm" air on my neck. As much as I hate to say, that breath sounded exhausted. And yet it was slightly comforting. Just for the warmth. I was just standing there, with some who-knows-what behind me. It wasn't hurting me. I was still scared, but I wasn't going to hurt it. My morals tell me not to. Anyways, if it IS bigger than me, and was able to run that fast, I'm sure it could hurt me a lot if it feels the need to.

I tried to move forward. The hand didn't let go. And neither did I move at all. It just kept me there. I tried to crouch down to get out of its grip, but then I heard my coat rip a bit. I paid so much for that thing!!! But at the same time, those claws can rip ME apart too. I didn't know how to react. What did this thing want? And still, what was it?

Suddenly I felt another hand on my other shoulder. And claws. They ripped my jacket apart on both sides. This thing was ruined!

The hands got lower. I was getting pretty uncomfortable but I was too afraid to resist. I tried jiggling out of it, but now the claws touched my skin! And it hurts! I had claws in my arm! I yelled as loud as I could, but being in the countryside, I doubt anyone would hear me.

The creature roared at me, put one of its huge paws on my face and another on my stomach and just picked me up. Never mind "heaving" or "lifting". It was effortless to this thing!

I tried to yell but that paw were muffling everything I tried to say. And I couldn't even try to punch it or anything. It was holding my arms while it was picking me up. And it seemed like trying to kick it didn't do much either. This thing was so strong! And I couldn't see anything either. Not only was it still pitch black, but that giant paw or hand was also covering my entire face! Never mind the mouth, my whole face. And this thing was faster than a bear. Definitely not a bear. At least it was keeping my face warm. Just about the only thing going for me!

The creature stopped running. I heard shuffling noises. Was it foraging for something? What was it looking for? I heard it... grunt? Did I hurt it or something? I heard a... door open? And keys? That was the sound of my keyring! Why was this my keyring? My keys are for my door!

Unless... This was my house? I thought this thing was going to kill me or something?! Wasn't I supposed to be prey? Why would it have hunted me down otherwise?!

I felt the grip on my face loosening. I could see now. The light I left on. This is my house. How did it know? Was it my scent or something? I could see something very furry. All black and grey. What the hell was this beast?!

It let me go. It gently put me on the ground. I was lying down in my own living room with a total intruder leaning on top of me. It was a wolf. But a wolf with arms? A wolf with hands?

As much as I was a little bit afraid (and tired), I realized it was 4:00 am. Whoever this was, had met a horrible curse. I sort of felt bad for him!

"You're a werewolf, aren't you?", I asked.

He nodded in approval.

"Don't worry. As long as you don't hurt me, I welcome you here. As afraid as I was of you earlier, bringing me back home was a nice gesture. Feel free to stay." I told him.

His head dropped on my chest and I saw him... shake? Like a crying motion. Maybe the poor guy just needed a friend and scared away everyone else. Not that I blame them, but I would likely have frozen out there all alone. And... him too, most likely.

I gently pet him on the head, and he looked at me as if he were worried. But in my house, he has nothing to worry about. I slowly got up and went to the door. He looked at me and I looked back.

"Don't worry. You don't have to go out there again. You can stay here as long as you like. Just don't hurt me, and you're welcome to stay." I said, as I shut the door and locked it.

"Come with me", I told him, as I coaxed him upstairs with me.

He reluctantly followed. He seemed a bit worried. Maybe he's just not used to other people accepting him in their houses.

He stopped in the corridor as I went to my bedroom. He looked confused. So, I went back out of my bedroom and tried to get him to come in. Maybe he doesn't like my smell?

"Hey there, you're welcome to stay! You can come sleep up here! I can't take all these blankets for myself! You need to rest and warm up a bit!", I told him.

I took a blanket, went up to him and covered him in one. Then I managed to get him to come up to my bed.

I went to lie down beside him.

"You know, I'm starting to warm up to you. I really like you. You have a sense of humbleness. Being welcomed in my house and not wanting to sleep over. You can stay as long as you like. You being a werewolf is fine by me. Don't be ashamed.", I told him.

He pulled me in towards him and turned me around. I was back to him. He put his paws around me and held me nice and tight. It was actually getting warm. I think he likes me. I couldn't really move but he let me jiggle a bit and get comfortable. He put his snout on the side of my head. The sound of his breath and his chest on my back brushing against me every time he inhaled and exhaled put me to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, He was still sleeping. And he was the same. And those paws were so comfortable. Despite the claws on the ends (I'm not kidding, they were about an inch long!) I can see why he was so embarrassed last night. He might never be the same again, but I love him just the way he is. He doesn't have to change. I'm sure he wishes to change back, and I'll be happy for him if he does. But there is no obligation. He can stay just as he is and I'll be fine with it.

I felt his snout move a bit. He licked my cheek and I laughed a bit because it tickled. I guess that's just a way of telling me he likes me? That's sort of... adorable, actually!

He tightened his grip around me. And I heard him yawn nice and loud beside my ear. This big guy sounds like fun! I feel a bit... small, beside him, of course, but coming from the beast that could have eaten you for late supper last night, it's a rather cute form of affection!

He let go of me, and I turned around towards him too. I slid one arm under him (That was heavy!), and one over him. I gave him a big hug. He saved me last night, even though I was pretty scared, I was grateful for it. He returned the favor too.

This is how I met him. I think he'll stay. He's always welcome to stay, after all. I do enjoy cuddles once in a while. I'm sure he provides those very well. I'll name him Malice.

He doesn't seem malicious, but I'm sure he can be if he wanted to. *Hugs Malice*