Ruined Oasis Part 1

Story by SovietPikachu on SoFurry

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#1 of Oasis

An RP me and a friend did where i was trying for the first time to be a dom and a pred (in terms of vore). I obviously play the part of the Fennec and my friend plays the mouse. As always first part is more or less story and the second half is smut n' shit. If you feel the need to add more tags please feel free to do so.

It had been a gruelling week of trekking and travelling but Felix had finally done it, he'd made it to the fabled oasis; he could practically taste the water from this distance. The oasis also served another agenda, food, and by the gods was he hungry after that trek.

For as long as he could remember, Izzy lived on that oasis. It was his little piece of heaven in the desert with few predators to look out for and enough food and water for a colony of mice. Today, like any other day, the small rodent walked out of his small enclave to have a drink by the lake near his burrow; or at least it was a lake for him.

Felix trotted his way down the large sand dune that protected the place from sand storms. He hoped there was some meat here at the very least; eating more plants was not what he came here to do. Luckily his nose told him that there was meat nearby, a rodent perhaps? Whatever it was Felix's stomach growled and he felt drool start to gather in his maw, he could not wait.

Preoccupied with his base needs, Izzy drank his share of water. After he was done, the mouse took a moment to climb down and submerge himself in the cool water. He closed his eyes and enjoyed both the warm sun and the refreshing water against his light brown fur. Breakfast could wait five more minutes.

The transition to the lush green surrounding the oasis from the dry dead sand was a welcomed one, Felix even managed to snag a berry on his way to where his nose told him the water and meat was. It only took a few scant seconds to break through the foliage surrounding the water, his arrival as quiet as a whisper on the wind. There, lying on the water's edge without a care in the world was a large juicy dusty brown mouse. He had to will himself not to pounce on it then and there. Instead he felt he had to wait for a better opportunity in case the mouse got wind and ran off.

Izzy's stomach growled and he decided it was time to leave the lake. He walked out and shook his fur, splashing water on the golden sand around him. He stretched under the sun and slowly walked back in the direction of his burrow, making his way into the foliage. Berries or insects were the two things he looked for, but grass would have to do if he found neither

Felix watched with predatory eyes as the mouse got up and out of the water, Felix's moment of strike was soon, he could taste it. He came out of the foliage and slowly stalked the mouse, his noise muffled by the soft sand and predatorily instincts. He could just reach out and kill the mouse as he stood, get it over with, but he wanted more than that, his stomach could wait. With that thought in mind instead of pouncing on the mouse he instead quickly dashed forward and grabbed the tail in his maw before hoisting the large mouse into the air. He grinned at both himself and the mouse.

Izzy's walk was interrupted by a noise coming from behind, but before he could even turnaround he was upside down, being held by the tail. Already in panic the mouse looked around and saw four yellow legs and a furred body. It didn't take long for him to understand what had happened, or to imagine what would happen to him soon. The mouse struggled with his whole body, flailing around wildly.

The temptation for simply lying down and devouring the mouse then and there was great, but Felix wasn't about to starve to death anytime soon. If anything the mouses struggles and squeaks only fuelled his desire not to consume it, it made him feel all powerful and strong. With those thoughts in mind Felix cracked a wicked grin; maybe he could use the mouse for his own agenda. Through a mouth full of tail he pushed out, "Tell you what mousey, you get me something else to eat and I _might_reconsider eating you. Might."

The mouse's flailing continued while he listened to the fennec, but when he finished talking it died down. The mouse was breathing fast. "F-feed you? W-wi-with what?" He stammered out with a scared and faint voice. Luckily there weren't any other mice in that oasis, so having to feed one of his own to the fox was out of the question. Still, that was his chance; Izzy could try to run from the fox if it released his tail. He didn't know if he could outrun him, but to him, being near a fennec was already certain death, no matter what it said. He tried to play the fox's game, careful not to sound too eager and arouse suspicion. "W-will you really let me go?" The fear could still be clearly heard in his voice, but he was a little calmer with the idea of maybe being able to flee.

"Suuuure." Felix purred, his grin still residing on his face. "But don't go thinking you can outrun me or god forbid escape from me." Felix chuckled darkly and turned around and started to trot back to the berry bush he had passed earlier. "All I want is a nice, plump, meal after my journey. That means either you bite the dust or a couple berries do."

Izzy swallowed hard and his cockiness with it. The fox sounded serious, did the fennec know about what he planned? Or, what scared the mouse even more, had that happened before? Panic started to settle in again. He had to consider this well or he'd be long gone before the evening. He wasn't too used to running on the sand. His legs were built for it, but his large stature and lack of practice didn't help. It would go against his every instinct, but he'd have to trust the mercy of his predator. His plan was foiled before it had even started. "How do I know you won't eat me anyway?" He said frustrated. There'd be nothing more humiliating than serving breakfast for a fox just to become lunch.

"You don't, but what other choice do you have? Maybe, if you behave, I can give you a treat of my own." Felix grinned again and blushed slightly at that, a small amount of blood rushed to his member momentarily, forcing it to slightly poke out before snaking back in. Maybe the power over the small mouse was going to his head? Nah, this was nature, not killing the mouse was going against that so in a way, he was doing him a favour.

That wasn't too reassuring, but the fox was right, it was either trust the small chance that the fox would skip an easy meal or being sure to become breakfast. While the mouse thought about this he glanced at Felix's retreating member. Was he getting a kick out of all of this? This didn't help the mouse's fears in the slightest. This time a rush of helplessness washed over him and a few tears rolled down his face. Izzy was dangling upside on the fox's mouth, he was nothing more than a toy now. Quickly the mouse tried to recompose himself, if he was going to go, at least he wouldn't make it pleasurable for his predator. "Your teeth are hurting my tail... I can... I can walk on my own." He said, in the hopes of regaining some sort of pride.

"Nonsense! We're almost there anyways." True to his word he pushed through some bushes and found the berry bush he had taken from before. Felix stopped just before the bush and made a small hole in the sand for him to lay in. He then spun around in spot before lying on his stomach in the hole, the mouse's tail still in his mouth. "Look I was even kind enough to bring you to the berry bush. I think 5 or so should do the trick before you don't look so appetising." With that he released the tail and watched the mouse with hungry eyes.

The mouse dropped on the sand next to the fennec that looked awfully comfortable now. He glanced at his eyes and instantly diverted his gaze. The black eyes, the thin muzzle, the big ears... Everything terrified him, and it didn't help that the fox looked at him the way the mouse looked at insects just before lunch. Shivering a bit, the mouse slowly walked up to the bush, stood up on his hind legs and plucked a fat berry within reach. His stomach growled once more at the sight of the berry he held, but that was the least of his problems now. Waddling back over to the fox with the berry in his hands, he stood in front of the Fox as it stared back down at him. "Y-you need to open up." He said with difficulty, he never thought he'd be asking a fox to open its mouth.

"Oh so eager~!" Felix commended as he lent down and took the berry and the mouses hands into his mouth, suckling on the later before pulling away with only the berry in his mouth. He chewed it loudly and swallowed, the small lump visible on his gullet on its trip down. "So tasty too, I'm sure you're going to love your reward."

Izzy turned his head away as the fennec sucked on his arms. He waited for the moment where Felix would either clamp down his teeth or pull him in to follow the berry. To his surprise, none happened, and the mouse turned his head around. His fur on his arms was covered in thick drool, but he didn't mind, as long as he still had his arms attached to his body. Next the mouse watched the fox noisily chew and swallow the berry. Fear hit him again and he promptly turned around. Before he moved to the next berry, Izzy listened to the fox. He knew his surprise would not be something pleasant, he just hoped it wouldn't kill him. The mouse walked back to the bush and reached for another berry, slowly returning to the fox. He both wanted to get this over with and prolong the feeding for as long as possible so he didn't have to find out what the surprise was.

Felix looked at the mouse as he stood there in front of him with a berry in hand, he could get used to this but that probably wasn't going to happen. This time instead of sucking the berry he decided to show off his teeth in case the mouse got any funny ideas. He reached down with his head and just before he reached the berry he exposed his teeth for the mouse to see, picking the berry up with two deadly sharp canines. This time he bit down on the berry, making sure the mouse was watching as it split and was easily cut in half. The juice ran down his chin while half of it fell uselessly to the ground below landing in the sand and ruining the berry. He was enjoying this far too much.

The mouse released the berry as Felix picked it up with his teeth. Izzy could clearly see all the sharp fangs and the slimy red carpet of a tongue behind them; it scared him to no end. How many mice had that as their last sight? As expected the berry was split easily by the ivory, the mouse noticing that the fox made a point of showing that off to him. The berry being cut in half, the juices flowing down the maw... Izzy could only think how his head would have a similar fate if the fox wanted. "F-fox... what is your... surprise?" He asked shyly, already walking away to grab another berry.

"The surprise?" Felix felt his member swell out of sight as if it's mere mention held the power to do so. "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now would it? Besides I'm sure you're hungry as well and I have just the treat for you." Felix's member was fully erect, waiting to be used. It couldn't be seen from the outside yet due to how Felix was laying in the small hole but when he shifted onto his side he felt it grind along his fur and sand. It felt good in an odd way but he didn't want to start just yet, he needed food first.

Treat for him? Izzy had no idea what that meant, but he was sure it would get him stuck in an uncomfortable and possibly deadly situation. He grabbed another berry on the bush and started to walk back. Izzy was choosing the biggest berries to hand to the fox, in the hopes he'd be full enough to let him go. He couldn't get the image of the last berry being destroyed out of his head, that it could be him in a few minutes if the surprise was unpleasant enough. As the mouse got closer, he noticed the fox's member again, this time completely erect. "Just a toy." He whispered to himself as he held the berry in front of the fennec's face for the third time. "L-look Mr. Fennec, there are some really tasty bugs around here if you'd like to eat them too..." He offered, his intentions were clear, but he could only hope the fennec liked the suggestion.

"I think the berries will do for now." This time Felix once again took the mouses hands into his mouth along with the berry. Once again he suckled on them as the mouse looked worriedly at him. He'd never admit that this was a major turn on for him, but then again no one had to know, well no one important that is. After brushing his teeth against the mouse's hands he withdrew his maw and took the berry with it. This time however he did not eat slowly and instead ate it near instantly. "You know, I thought 5 would do the trick but it seems I thought I could handle more than I could. No matter, you earned you're treat." With that Felix rolled more onto his side and lifted his leg to expose his red rocket, the message he was sending was painfully clear. "Don't try anything funny, I don't usually give ways for a helpless mouse to repay their debts. Either way, I do hope you're hungry."

The mouse felt his paws brush against the fox's teeth, and again they were fully covered in drool. This time, the berry eating spectacle was a lot faster. The fennec swallowed it quickly, seemingly anxious to move on to the next thing. "T-treat?" the mouse stammered out before the fennec shifted a bit and exposed his member to Izzy. Now he understood what the fox meant by treat, and how that would solve his hunger. The mouse took a step back. "Yo-you can't be serious!" he said in disbelief.