Preying on Prey
He felt pinpricks of her teeth as her cry was muffled in his palm, sweet, tight warmth of prey engulfing half his length all at once.
Still the creature's deep eyes bored into her, mysterious, slitted with lust, frightening in their intensity, transfixing his sexual prey with their steady gaze.
"it will not be much longer now my prey. you are nearly at the end of your journey so don't worry". sammy nodded at this reply and closed his eyes.
Pre leaked out over his paw and he slipped his muzzle up to one of his prey's ears. "seems like you really need this, cutie..."
The Prey
John did know that wolves normally didn't view humans as prey, contrary to all the negative stereotyping in media and such.
Espio whispered to Mikemon, "Listen the governor plans on killing the people at the prison no matter what they do." Mikemon asked, "What?" Espio dragged her into the back of Tails' house. He led her to the vents above his secret chamber. Tails...
There'd been a time when we'd fought with them constantly, but we'd finally let go of our natural predator and prey situation with them.
That he was worried if he was no longer seen as a mate to the gryphon, he might be again seen as her prey.
Shrug one lion finds himself not as predator - but as prey. simon grumbled to himself as he glared at the carrots in their bin, as if he were daring them to either get up and dance, or to be something that they weren't.
Caged Prey
Caged prey © searska greyraven most people don't think themselves evil. at the end of the day most people believe, or at least _want_ to believe that they did the right thing. not me. i know what i am.
Bird of Prey
Being a dragon was surprisingly fun and frustrating at the same time. After what was supposed to be just one day as a dragon turned out to last a hell of a lot longer thanks to one of Andrew's acquaintances. The ghost disappeared into the air with the...
Prey Of The Wolf
# Chapter 1 ## 3rd of March, 5:13 PM ## Ezil International Prison, Death row * * * The white otter tossed and turned on the 'bed' he had been supplied with for the past month; it was hardly a bed and was no where near worthy of being called a...