Darkfang's Sanctum

Story by Darkfang18 on SoFurry

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Darkfang the dragon has been living alone for thousands of years, when he meets a young female dragoness at his doorstep all that changes as he's forced to figure out if she's friend or foe.

(First Story!)

The massive throne room was held up by a series of large pillars, the grey walls depicted a series of great battles that had happened many thousands of years ago between the beast tribes and the dragons. This particular palace had been taken over by the a powerful dragon who had cast aside the beast folk without care. Though he wasn't a cruel dragon, Darkfang prefered to be alone.

He currently slept where a throne had once stood, now it looked more like a risen alter that Darkfang preferred to use as his bed. Though he himself hated it, it was to hard, to cold! Darkfang opened his eyes showing blue reptilian orbs. His black and red scales made him look rather intimidating, though he wouldn't harm anyone unless the dragon was truly provoked.

Darkfang sighed as he lifted himself up and shook off the dust from the ceiling. Behind him was a mound of gold and silver that rose high up around a burned tree that had once lived before he had taken the palace for himself.

Darkfang glanced at the sun that shined through the broken parts of the ceiling and sighed "I ought to really repair this place... Maybe hire someone to do it for me."

He stretched his arms and legs as he yawned and started to walk toward the door which had fallen off of it's hinges a long time ago. Darkfang often forgot how long dragons could live. It seemed like only a day ago that he took this place from some foolish wolf king who thought himself above dragons. The dragon smirked and shook his head at that thought... He'd turned the King to ash and taken his Queen as his own.

Although she had died long ago, she'd been a fun toy to do with as he pleased. The dragon could heal any damage he caused her but over time Darkfang had grown to adore her company, he had even apologised about the horrible things he had done to her. Darkfang had been much more arrogant then, something he was trying his best to never repeat again.

The dragon stepped outside and stretched again, frowning at the forest that was wrapped around the palace that he called home. The dragon remembered when this had all been a city, again that had been long ago. Darkfang was about to spread his wings and fly off to hunt when the sound of someone chuckling made him pause.

Darkfang frowned again and turned his head in the direction of the sound, a green dragoness with no horns stood just at the edge of the clearing between the forest and his palace. She had dark green scales and a white underbelly. Her eyes with a light purple and she held a smirk on her face.

Darkfang gave her a slight smile and shifted to fully face her "greetings."

"Oh good morning, your home is quite lovely."

Darkfang blinked and glanced at the palace then back at her and flared his nostrils "if you intend on challenging me for it then I must warn you I've torn apart dragons twice your size before."

"Oh do not worry, I have no interest in taking your palace from you Darkfang of Alberus."

"You know of me?"

"Of course! Your a legend among the younger generation." She said as she walked toward him slowly, Darkfang only now realizing that he was older then her. He blinked as she walked around him examining him closely.

She chuckled again and smirked "your strong, I can tell from how you stand. But you getting old aren't you?"

"And your quite young, maybe a bit inexperienced." Darkfang remarked as she stopped in front of him and locked her eyes with his. The older dragon could tell that she was testing him and trying to show her own worth.

"I was the best in the Dragon Academy, Lady Naxis herself sent me to you."

Darkfang frowned and thought back to the Dragon Academy, where every dragon learned to use their power and learn to survive and fight in the world. Recently they had started to allow the other racers in as well, such as the beast tribes and elves.

The female smirked at him and and leaned close "I got perfect scores on my exams."

"Oh? And How many of the professors did you have to blow to get that?"

Darkfang chuckled and she pulled her head back in an offended sort of way. She glared at him and shook her head as she tried to figure out why he was teasing her "you don't think I'm a worthy apprentice."

"Whoa! No one said anything about an apprenticeship! Don't tell me Naxis sent you here to be my student..." Darkfang turned away and sighed and the dragoness giggled as she nipped at his back leg making Darkfang gasp in surprise and shift around and glare. She smirked back and remarked "I bet I could hold you off easily."

"Oh and what are you willing to bet? Have you any treasure?"

"No, but I imagine it won't matter. An old dragon like you would be simple to beat."

Darkfang rolled his eyes and glanced her over before nodding "very well, but if I win your going to owe me."

Author's Note: A short story to show what I can do, please comment and suggest on what kinds should be included!