Discount - Chapter 6

Story by rhenthar on SoFurry

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(C)2016 Sinclair Diavante

Chapter 6.

An assortment of items from the shop were spread out on the mat, and as much as Colin wanted them to be random, and perhaps unrelated to his situation, the implication formed by their careful placement was unmistakable.

They were all going to be used on him.

A flip-top lid container, several foil packs of surgi-lube, and a new catheter, covered in tear-away clear plastic.

This one was blue, and looked larger than his current. It sat next to cream-colored rubber gloves.

Two spreader bars were placed exactly where his wrists and ankles would be, if he was down on his front paws and knees.

His heart started to race, and the massive claws gripping his shoulder dug in a little bit deeper, as if they existed as the solution to his hesitation. He had stopped moving so that he could stare, and the big cat behind him seemed to expect this reaction, pausing in movement himself.

A simple blindfold sat on the mat, almost as if it had been carelessly tossed there. It was the only thing not bolted down, and though there was nothing special about it, the reality was that it would do just fine, so long as he couldn't reach it.

Indeed he wouldn't, because thick eye-bolts poked out of slits cut into the mat, they were already secured to the spreader bars, he wouldn't be able to lift his paws at all.

A heavy metal rod, curved like a giant fishhook, stood tall at the end of the mat, tugging at his attention like a splinter driven deep into his flesh. What hung from its end caused a single grunt to escape from his throat: a bulky leather muzzle, and now he remembered seeing one like it. It had black rubber tubes facing IN, not out.

Those would go into his nose, and the shear length of them was difficult to accept as anything real, or even useful.

It was over-sized, probably large enough to fit over the harness he was already wearing, but he couldn't understand what purpose it served, if he already wore a muzzle and was unable to speak.

A thick scent of confidence and expectation drifted heavily in the air, and Colin noticed dark expressions from two well-muscled wolves, both leaning against the back wall in the shadows.

They were naked in their fur, and both colored mostly black, likely litter-mates from an innocent youth lost a long time ago.

"This can go easy or hard," the tiger behind him said. "Your choice." He pulled on the leash and made him turn to face him.

"If I were you, I'd just do what you're told, accept your reward, and leave.

"Fight us," he gestured at the wolves. "They'll get involved. You won't enjoy that, trust me. Although they're paid quite well, they have been instructed to extract a fee from your person, should their services be called upon. It won't be money."

Colin wanted to hit pause on this video game, shout CUT! in the production of this movie. There must be some way to stop this, to take a break. But the paw on his shoulder turned him back around and pushed him towards the mat, and the next thing he knew, he was standing above the arrangement, trying not to step on the bars or straps.

Like a large paving steamroller, the situation moved inexorably forward. The leash was unclipped from his harness, and his shirt was pulled up and off his thin body. His pants and briefs came next, and he took quick, short little breaths when he stepped out of them, watching a pile form off to the side.

"Hello, gorgeous," said one.

"Aww. C'mon, put up a fight, little fox..." said the other.

He felt embarrassed today for the millionth time, but a certain type of seriousness was setting up in his mind, turning thick like drying glue.

The firm pressure around his mouth and sheath, now tighter than ever, felt like... stuff owned by someone else.

The equipment he wore, it was all because others wanted it there.

Colin thought back to what Chris and Stacy had said, surprised to realize that this was, in fact, what he was getting involved with.

Like a fly caught in a potter plant, he could see no way out, though, and with every passing minute, he slid deeper into the trap.

These ideas made him shiver with all new levels of terror, but an infra-red heater in one corner blasted his body with a dull, constant warmth. That one aspect alone halted his mind, breaking the race into full-fledged panic, for it told Colin that his comfort was actually a priority. He surprised himself by taking a deep breath, calmly choosing to submit.

He got down onto his knees without further prodding, setting his ankles near the straps. Dave's grin softened, and he encouraged him with kind words.

"That's a good fox. See? I knew Joey made the right choice with you, he's always had an eye for good investments."

Tightness wrapped around his ankles, one after the other, and he stared at the muzzle hanging so near to his head, eyeing its confusing interior. Locks stayed that tightness, making his sheath alternate between feeling intensely painful or loose, mirroring his confidence as it waxed and waned. He had no idea what could come next, or what his reward might be.

Dave crouched down in front of him, securing his wrists with practiced motions; click, snap. Cool, dark flaps lowered over his eyes, and the last things he saw were green feline eyes, staring deeply into his, the leather sealing out the light... and strangely along with it, so left the rest of his fear.

Colin had thought that with the loss of his sight, abject terror would exponentiate... but instead, the opposite happened. His body relaxed... and his sheath filled out within the warm metal, one last time.

"Ok," he said. A container snapped shut, and wet squishing noises came from the tubes that were hanging inside the leather muzzle.

"Head forward, this is to keep you quiet. Customers are already in the store... and while we figure you'll do your best to avoid disturbing them..."

A finger hooked the strap at the front of his head harness, firmly pulling it forward, making it impossible to twist away.

Colin felt the rubber begin to enter his nostrils, both at the same time, and his quiet whimpers came quick, fear rolled back in.

"We can't trust you fully, not yet," he mused, slowly easing them into his sinuses, the sensitive passages complaining loudly.

"You remain effectively a high risk, unsecured loan, though that latter part will soon be rectified."

His eyes darted around from within the featureless black, as tears leaked from their edges. The over-sized tubes hurt going in, despite being as soft as the catheter filling his dick, and he struggled to pull his muzzle away, or his paws free, or anything that might stop the cold sensation from going any deeper into his head.

They passed behind his eyes, and surely went directly into his brain, only then curving down to snake into his chest... He whimpered again, and again, but all his noises ended abruptly with silence, as his vocal cords ceased playing a role with the air entering his lungs.

The muzzle came closer, covering his jaws, perfectly mating to the harness he already wore, and with one last shove, the tubing in his nose bottomed out at the end. A couple of buckles in the back cinched it tight.

He could see and smell nothing, now.

"All right, lets see how this thing is wearing. Your health is paramount to our situation." Colin felt a paw trail down the side of his body to his rear, similar to how a horse would be patted and reassured by someone moving nearby, he heard the rattle of his precious key, and felt his sheath tugged on and pulled. A sharp click, and the device suddenly loosened.

The steel pulled free, from both inside and out. He felt the catheter exit from his bladder, prompting a sudden relief from an intense ache he had apparently grown used to.

Now it was gone, and all the accumulated pre that had filled the space between his urethra and the tube, it poured out in a thick, endless clear stream.

He gulped, feeling his throat partially close over what was routed far behind the root of his tongue. He wanted to whimper... because he knew they'd be putting that tube back on, along with the blue cath. He'd seen that it was bigger, and wondered if it was a mistake.

What followed next was the quickest, hardest erection he had ever had. Almost as fast as the tube was pulled free, he was there, sticking straight out.

Dave chuckled quietly, and Colin heard one of the heavyweights snicker at the other end of the room.

"Looks like he's scared stiff," an anonymous voice said.

"Well, he certainly knows what he likes, and that's all of this," Dave responded. "Quite a find..."

Rubber stretched and then snapped, he felt his erection pulled down and then between his legs, pointing backwards, under his nuts.

"Lets see here... hmm. Ah." Rubbery fingers traced down his shaft, around his knot, touching a couple of painful spots. "Yes, that's a problem. Here, take this." Feet padding close, the jingle of his key. "Grind off the notch right... here, and there. When you're done, hit it with two-hundred, then eight. Also... I don't think the satin is good for him, its keeping his sheath back, and I don't want to shave his fur, so hone it out with two-thousand, wet. I want a full polish in there, use the semi-chrome when you're done.

"That stinky German paste stuff in the yellow tube?" One of the wolves asked. "Yeah, make sure to rinse it out real well after. Throw away that cath and attach this one, make sure it's locked."

"A Perma-Foley... He's gonna be, haha, pissed... when he tries to take that one out."

"Hey. You do your job, I do mine, clear?"

"Yes sir."

Colin heard crinkling plastic change paws. He so wanted to whimper right now, but all he could do was kneel there, listening, motionless, with every breath loudly coming through the tubes.

His erection defied all logic, he felt like his prick was traitorous, how dare it expose his darkest secrets like this? It was as if the fear itself was turning him on, now, and that made no sense to him at all.

"Time for your reward..." A container snapped closed. This time, when a rubber-lined paw gripped his shaft, it was cold and slick. It aimed him straight down towards the mat.

"Really, I'm rather glad that you earned this, because otherwise, what we have to do to get that thing back on you? It's not fun for any of us, you most of all."

The paw squeezed behind his knot, making his mouth water with tangible ecstasy, and then he yanked quickly, back and forth. The delicious sensation kick-started a process that had been waiting in his mind, it tipped past the point of no return and flared to life, with every muscle in his body tensing up in preparation for what was to come.


Only two more times, and it became so utterly intense, so completely mind-blowing, Colin felt his prostate explode with surge after surge of fox cum, spraying loudly onto the mat, shooting and splattering in a wide drizzle, at one point ricocheting off the mat to thump into the fur of his left thigh.

His body shuddered and quaked, he knew that if not for the tubes, he'd have howled and yelled at the top of his lungs, muzzle or no. Instead, his breaths came out in long, rapid hisses.

It was absurd, easily the best orgasm he had had in his whole life, all twenty years.

His knot grew painfully large, and he'd later scent blood from a few small surface vessels that just couldn't handle that kind of pressure.

For now, though, all the endorphins threatened to make him black out, and Dave suddenly spoke in loud, stern tones.

"Stay with me little fox, don't make me have to hold you up... hey, HEY!" The sounds seemed to reach him from across the room, getting quieter, quick.

The last thing he felt was weight hanging from his head, the kind of pressure that might have in fact been pain... but he couldn't be sure, and he certainly didn't care.