DFTMC - Virginity

Story by Malifa on SoFurry

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10 words or less

Kaa can't take Mowgli's virginity

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Mowgli looked at himself in the mirror once more. The swirling tribal tattoos on his rear looked quite nice, actually. Normally, they'd be covered up by a loincloth, but he didn't need it today.

Today was the day he became a man.

It was a jungle tradition, and now he'd be a part of it. Honestly, he was nervous. But he was also looking forward to it...he was just glad it would be Bagheera doing the deed and not some stranger.

Mowgli stepped out to the alter of the temple, still as naked as a jaybird. Laying himself down on his belly, he felt the ropes tie around his hands and legs, locking him in place for the ritual. He wondered who was tying the ropes, but decided that it didn't matter.

He heard Bagheera come it behind him. He couldn't quite crane his neck to look behind him, but he could tell it was the panther. The panther asked him, "Ready, Mowgli?"

"Of course I am." Mowgli answered. His body shivered with anticipation as he felt Bagheera come up over him, The panthers head came right over Mowgli's own, and Mowgli could see Bagheera's eager smile.

"Then let's get started...man-cub."

All at once, Mowgli felt something thick and hard press into his ass. He barely had time to register it before it pierced into him, creating a sharp twinge of pain. "AHHH!"

"Well, I'll be." Bagheera murmured. "It worked."

Mowgli gasped for breath as Bagheera pushed into him deeper and deeper until the panther's body was right on top of his own. The pain inside him was...starting to feel good...

"Ahh...ahh...ahhh..." Mowgli moaned as Bagheera started pounding into him, thrusting his body against the alter. This was it. He was becoming a man. Mowgli clamped his eyes shut to try and blur out the painful pleasure. His body wrestled against the ropes binding him as his body was pushed and thrusted into and...

Suddenly, it felt like something warm was starting to fill him up. Bagheera moaned loader and loader, but not before saying. "Mowgli, open your eyes!"

Mowgli obeyed, and was immediately greeted by tunnels of glimmering color. His mind faded away into nothingness, and a dopey smile spread across his face.

Kaa chuckled. "Finish up, Baggy."

Bagheera grunted out his release, filling Mowgli's ass with his cum. The hypnotized boy took it all in, smiling happily. He was a man now.

Bagheera quickly removed himself from the boy, but almost immediately Kaa thrusted his tail right into the boy's ass. The tied up man-cub could do nothing but moan in delight as he was fucked twice in a row.

"Had to squeeze a little bit of fun in before he became a virgin again." Kaa chuckled to Bagheera.

The panther smirked. "I'm amazed those symbols worked..."

"Oh, yes. Thanks to those tattoos, once he's had a little break, he'll be a tight little virgin again. And again, and again. Perfect for him, don't you think?"

"Oh yes..." Bagheera chuckled.

Kaa turned towards the helpless man-cub. "Well, Mowgli, the ceremony is complete. You are a man now, facing your destiny. It is a good destiny, don't you agree?"

"Ye-ye-yes!" Mowgli moaned.

"Of course, you'll have to be made a every day, sometimes more than once... but that's fine. The...process is the best part of your life. Isn't it?" Kaa went deeper and further into the man-cub's ass as he chuckled.

"YES!" Mowgli roared out. "Yes! YES!"

"You heard the man." Kaa laughed. "Now for your next request..."

DFTMC - Proximity

_'Kaa can't come within 5 feet of Mowgli'_ _ _ Mowgli stepped into the temple, making sure no-one saw him enter. He had to come here, but he didn't want too many people to know. This had to be private...for now, anyway. He had to prove a point. ...

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'Don't fuck the man-cub' - Introduction

You open your eyes slowly. The scene before is...strangely familiar. The man-cub, Mowgli, is sitting on the other side of the tree branch. His eyes are swirling with colors, his mouth in a broad smile, his body wrapped up tightly in the coils of a...

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Yet another Kaa/Mowgli story

Mowgli leaned his back against the tree branch, sighing miserably. He had just snuck out of the man-village, having seen enough of it to know that he was not going to be happy there. So he fled back to the jungle, hoping to meet up with Bagheera or...

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