Bucking Broncos

Story by DarwentheOrca on SoFurry

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#2 of Green Weres - collab with Howler Werewolf

Steve and Lance drove along an old logging road with their survey equipment. The boss was having them survey an old log site for a construction company. They could guess what they wanted it for, but they had no real opinion. All they were doing was mapping it out. When they arrived the found a grassy pasture punctuated by old stumps.

The two began to setup their equipment when a whinny pierced the relative silence. The turned an noticed to stallions grazing the pasture, an Arabian and Appaloosa. They approached them in an attempt to drive them away. They tried hooting and hollering at them, waving their arms trying to wave them away. But as they approached new thoughts began entering their minds.

A strong sent played with their noses and minds, a strong pungent odor somewhat spicy and musky.

The two surveyors dropped everything and closed their eyes for a brief moment, the two massive stallions making a remarkable transformation while the two men were occupied. Four legs became two with strong muscled legs and massive chests with athletic bodies that shone in the sunlight.

"What the..." Steve started to blurt out before a strong hoof like hand shushed him.

"Be still young ones we have much to show you and even more to share with you!" A massive Arabian stallion man bellowed.

Lance stared the huge beast man up and down his excitement seeming to burst within him. "What do you want with us?" He asked the stallion nervously.

"On you knees boy!" The stallion commanded.

Lance did as he was told, these creatures were just like the ones he had seen on his favorite web site a living dream in the flesh!

The two men watched as the horse-men's cock began emerging from their sheathes. The appaloosa pony's a mottled black and white, the arabian's a pure black. Soon the two horse shafts were fully erect. They were a good 24" each and three inches thick. The cocks drooled pre from their tips, the flared heads bouncing with each heart beat.

Lance was in heaven. He had always fantasized about anthro-animals. Much of the porn on his computer was of this nature. Steve was still in shock. His mind reeling at the current situation. The two were-horses looked at the two humans and chuckled.

"Couple'a winners here, eh," the Arabian uttered, a big grin stretch across his muzzle.

"Oh my, yes," the Appaloosa answered. "Looks like one is a fan." He pointed to Lance's groin, where his erection was tenting his pants.

"Oh my. He seems to like you," the Arabian joked.

The Appaloosa approached the amazed Lance.

"Indeed he does, it would seem this young one has found the man of his dreams." The appaloosa replied snickering and making loud whinnies and he stomped his right hoof across the grass.

"Your beautiful, just as I always imagined you would be!" Lance stammered out.

"Have your way with him, he seems like he won't be much trouble." The Arabian stallion laughed aloud.

"Don't think that will be a problem brother!" The appaloosa chided.

Lance gasped as the huge horse-man's giant cock was thrust and rubbed into his face, the boy moaning and tasting the thick rod with his tongue.

"Come boy taste and see what you have been missing in your over complicated human life." The appaloosa spoke softly to the trembling boy at his feet.

Lance licked and groaned his excitement to the well endowed man beast above him, the creature towered over him in comparison. Quickly he stripped off his shirt and got to work on the horse's shaft. He stroked up and down the shaft, squeezing the medial ring every so often. Each squeeze brought a hoof stomp from the pony, and a squirt of pre-cum from his tip. He licked and lapped up the pre as it flowed, the taste and smell invading his mind. His face began to feel funny, pressure building up in his jaw and nose.

Steve watched in continued shock as he watched his friend's sexual frenzy. A stomp brought him out of his zone. He looked up and the arabian stallion towering over him. He was stroking his own shaft, a sly look on his muzzle. Steve gulped as he and the horse locked eyes.

"Now my little friend," the horse started, "It seems your partner there had some hidden thoughts. But you are going to require some work."

"Please no!" Steve shouted. "What do you want from us?"

The Arabian leaned down and whispered in the human's ear, "That should be obvious by now."

"Lance, what's this thing talking about?" Steve shouted, Looking back at his friend. "What's happening to you... Oh God!?"

Lance's face had begun to stretch and expand. Every second that passed his face became more and more equine.

"My you really have no clue do you well let me explain, your friend seems to love the cock but more than that. He seems to love animals I mean REALY love animals, they're called furies I believe! He's gay and a good sport but you on the other hand need some...coaxing." The Arabian horse male smirked.

Steve's eyes widened. "NO... Oh fuck no! You want me to... lick that huge thing!, You're crazy!" Steve gasped out horrified.

The large equine creature pushed Steve down to his knees with a strong hoof hand, the young man began to regret ever taking this damn job.

"Sniff it boy! Taste my seed and know what you have been missing in life, feel that empty part of your soul restored as your connection with nature is reborn!" The Arabian whinnied loudly causing Steve to jump.

The massive jet black horse-man snorted his tremendous breath hitting Steve square in his face, the young man felt the creatures large package brush against his mouth and nose and tried to pull back slightly.

"I don't think that will be possible young one," the stallion snorted, three fingered hand grabbing the human's head. "You chose to server yourself from nature when you took this ghastly job in helping your fellow man to destroy this forest, now we will bring you back into it one way or another boy!" The Arabian stallion man blared, his flared cock head tracing lines of pre across the human males forehead and cheek.

As the musky scent invaded his mind, a lusty haze began to fall. Steve's eyes began to glaze over, staring at the big black cock dancing in front of him. He took the shaft in his hands, and took a tentative lick. Any voice in his mind screaming to stop was instantly silenced as he took his first licks.

Lance was finishing the first stage of his change. His head had finished changing into it final shape. Cream colored fur finished its covering it, his ears coated with brown fur. The appaloosa pulled his cock from the new horse muzzle. Steve looked back with love at the one gifting him.

"Remove your human trapping young one," the appaloosa whinnied. "We must finish what was started."

Lance gave a wide grin with his new muzzle. Quickly he removed his boots and jeans. He stood in his briefs and socks, his underwear tented out a proud six inches. The pony stuck a hooved finger into the waistband and pulled.

"We'll have to work on that," he chortled as he pulled the briefs down. "Now, on all fours."

Lance eagerly went down on his hands and knees, spreading his legs out to give the horse easier access. The horse knelt down and massaged the humans butt cheeks. The then rubbed a finger in his pre and slowly pressed it into his pucker. The human groaned and whinnied as the appaloosa stroked his finger in and out of his rectum.

"First we need to fix this booty," he said.

The appaloosa stood up and began to stroke himself. Standing over the human's backside, pre-cum drooled from his cock tip onto the changing human's butt. Slowly fur began to sprout out from his cheeks. His bottom was covered with a coat of cream fur, brown fur splotches on his butt cheeks. His hips spread more, revealing a black horse pucker. A brown hairy tail quickly sprouted from above it.

"Much better," the appaloosa said. He lined up his cock with the boy's new brown eye.

"Take me stud!" Lance whinnied back at his new lover, the changing male enjoying every tiny detail about his transformation.

"As you wish, my pretty little pony," the appaloosa cooed softly to his young ward.

The large horse thrust in hard wasting no time with his newest conquest, tears of joy filled the changelings dark eyes as his back arched to give his mate better space to move freely in and out of him.

"You're doing it boy. Revealing your true self to the world. The man you've always wanted to be is coming to life before you're very eyes!" The appaloosa moaned licking his partners back as fur swept along Lance's spine, the changing boys hair to a brown mane of fur waving and shimmering in the breeze.

"Thank... you... s... so much!" Lance sobbed happily between the stallion's thrusts.

"No love, thank you for being so open to our lessons," the appaloosa replied to the bo,y nuzzling his shoulders as thick fur swirled over them. "You've made this moment so wonderful to experience, this is your new rebirth enjoy it all!"

Lance's ribcage barreled out and his muscles tensed bulged to new levels, his tail playfully smacked the appaloosa's chest softly. Lance's body grew longer as the pony fucked him, adding another foot to his height. His toes began to merge together, toenails melding and thickening, turning black. His fingers merged, too, leaving three digits topped by black hooves.

A tingle focused on his genitals, turning to an itch. His balls began to inflate, his sack becoming black and leathery. His cock began to lengthen. His glans flattening into a flare, medial ring bulging. Black spots joined the pink flesh coloring his cock leaving it a mottled pink/black. His cock finally stopped expanding, a good three foot long and four inch thick. It slapped his abs as he was pounded from behind. A new tingle began to emanate from his loins. He knew he was close to the edge and his new life.

"Fuck, pony I'm close," he moaned, pushing back to meet the thrusts.

"Then let go," the appaloosa whispered. "Come and show the world what you were meant to be."

The appaloosa began long hard thrusts, angling them to stroke hard against the pony boy's prostate. Each thrust caused the new horse to whinny and kick back a bit. Finally the flood gates opened. Lance's balls bunched up, a load of semen traveling down his shaft. It erupted on the ground with suck force it dug a small crater beneath him. This sent the older horse into orgasm. Shot after shot was blasted into the new pony's colon.

With each shot a part of Lance's human life vanished from his mind. New memories took their place as part of the herd, the collective of were-creatures that protected this forest. Several minutes went by before they were finally spent. The older appaloosa laid back, pulling the young one to his chest. They cuddled as the last of their cum dribbled over them.

The were pony that had once been Lance looked over at a large black Arabian horse male over a changing human, the former man looked back over to his Appaloosa mate.

"Go on boy help your fellow equine along won't you dear?" The elder appaloosa said with a playful smack on the younger ponies rump.

"Yes the black one needs help... I will go to him." The younger cream appaloosa spoke softly.

Steve lapped and suckled at the ebony horses thick fleshy cock, the former Lance strode behind the changing human wrapping two strong arms around him firmly. He ripped off Steve's shirt, them pulled down his pants. The young buck quickly lined up his tool with the human's pucker, then plunged his impressive new tool deep into the moaning Steve.

"Gah! Mmmm... Ooh!" Steve groaned briefly before retuning to the black horses thick shaft.

"You see boy? Your friend here has become quite comfortable with his new form, you will too one way...or the other." The Arabian laughed looking over the two boys.

All three beasts rocked with wild abandon. Steve's mind was reeling from the pleasurable sensations emanating from the two dicks he was currently taking. He could sense something happening and was eager for it to start. He felt his body getting warmer, the heat permeating every muscle, every fiber of his being. His face began to expand and stretch. Black fur sprouted over it, a white furry star on his forehead. As his snout grew longer, more of the arabian's shaft began to fill it. His throat and neck expanded, allowing the horse cock down his throat.

At his ass, the young appaloosa pounded away. He felt his friend's ass change around his cock, causing him to whinny in pleasure. As his ass morphed, black fur spread across it. A tail sprouted quickly, whipping lightly against the young horse. The appaloosa started pounding harder, the changing human's muscles began to bulge and grow. His finger merged along with his toes. He clenched his new hooved fingers in the soil and kicked his new feet out of his boot. As his legs grew his pants ripped apart. Black fur spread across his body, a dark brown mane growing down his neck.

Finally the changes centered in his groin. He felt his balls inflate, the skin becoming tough and leathery. His skin pigment turned black, spreading up his erect cock. As it moved up his shaft began to grow. His glans flattened into his new flared head, medial ring bulging out. It stopped growing once it reached 20 inches long, and two and a half wide.

With a final grunt and hoof stomp Steve blew wads of roby thick horse gizz on to the grassy ground below him, his chest barreling out to newer more powerfully built proportions.

"Wheeesnawww!" Steve whinnied/moaned.

Each pulse of his thick powerful horse dick sucked memories from the former human's mind for good, large quantities of hot stallion spunk steaming in a puddle on the ground. It didn't take long for the cream pony to feel an intense tingle within his low hanging testicles, long strong jets of pony spooge shot deep within the black and brown Arabian's bowls.

Finally it was the elder black Arabians turn for release, the massive horse ejaculated the biggest load of them all!

"WEEsnawww!" The black beast moaned stomping his massive ebony hooves proudly for the two young horses to see.

The young black and brown Arabian's muzzle filled with warm salty cum, the thick load dribbling our from the corners of the young buck's long muzzle.

The three beasts collapsed together onto the grass panting heavily, the appaloosa walked over chuckling quietly eying the lovers.

The young appaloosa pulled out of the new arabian's ass, cum leaking from the dark pucker. He stood up, now a good seven and a half feet tall. The elder arabian pulled himself from the new one's muzzle. And finally the new arabian stood. It was clear the the new appaloosa pony was the largest of the four.

"I see you found a willing one," a voice said from behind them

The two alpha wolves padded from behind them, and up to the new ponies.

"Yes," the elder appaloosa stated. "Of course the willing ones receive the full benefits of the gift." He walked up and hugged the younger, taller horse. They made a long, loving look into each others eyes.

"Excellent work, you two," the female wolf began. "These new members shall complement our others greatly. Now we must gather with the others."

The four horse men dropped down on hands and knees, tails waved around contentedly swatting the flies away. The horses hoof hands twitched and balled into fists, the remaining fingers melding into full hooves as well as the toes that fallowed suit. The creatures rears lost roundness as the sexy bubble butts became hocks, the strong back limbs bucking as the changes finished.

"Let's move out everyone!" The elder appaloosa whinnied clomping his hooves as a sign of leadership to all present, the creatures clomped and padded off to meet up with the rest of the woods were population eager to make their stand.

The two new ponies hearts beat wildly in their chest's, this was their moment and they would be damned if they had to miss a second of it.

The younger appaloosa trotted up to the elder. The two nuzzled each other and trotted off, following the wolves. The two arabians followed. The six were-creatures galloped across the pasture and entered the forest. They finally came to the spring waterfall clearing, where they resumed their bipedal forms.

"You look so beautiful!" The cream colored appaloosa whispered softly into the older stallions ears.

"No, it's not about looks. It's about what's in here." The elder creature replied, gently poking the pony boys chest.

The beasts rubbed their hoofed hands into each others fur sniffing and drinking in every male scent, they grunted and hugged rubbing muzzles together. Slowly the pair of were-horses sank below a willow tree. Their hands roaming along one another, petting their long luxurious manes, waiting for the others to arrive.