Discount - Chapter 8

Story by rhenthar on SoFurry

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(C)2016 Sinclair Diavante

Chapter 8.

Chris was a little worried that Colin was awake on a Wednesday morning. This was usually his sleep-in day, one of only two without any classes.

"Want some breakfast? I can scramble up some eggs," he offered. "Put some cheese in it, how you like."

He stared at Chris, like there was something he wanted to say, but then he shook his muzzle.

"No, thanks. I'm... not hungry. I'll be back, just. Need to return something I bought."

Chris did not miss him rubbing the crotch in his pants, he did that a lot, lately, when Colin thought he wasn't watching. He was almost worried that he caught an STD, but his scent of arousal was impossible to miss. It wasn't that.

No, he had just been getting laid a lot, and good for him.

Colin abruptly grabbed his bag near the door, it looked heavier than usual, and he walked briskly out.

"Well, bye..." was all Chris managed to say before the door quietly shut.

Poor guy, he'd seen this before, a few times over the years. Someone was breaking his heart, but it would eventually be OK. Chris would always be there to piece him back together.

Colin walked up the street, angry, feeling like he'd been taken advantage of. Not being able to paw was really bringing out his aggression, along with frustration and confusion.

He had to set this situation right. Maybe he'd go to the cops, if he had to. It would be embarrassing, but he'd do it!

He couldn't even imagine how that conversation might begin.

Traffic was light, it was a half-hour after most classes started, and since the town's activities were centered around the University, for a brief moment it quietly dozed, waiting for those classes to let out.

He crossed the street after looking both ways. Speaking of cops, Colin thought, watching a huge black police truck cruise by. It was one of those new ones, laughably designated as an "emergency rescue vehicle," but with all that armor plating, bulletproof glass, and probably a pop-out mini-gun up top, capable of taking out a tank, there was no mistaking the militarization of today's police force.

That's an armored personnel carrier under all that black and white paint, and what a colossal waste of money that thing represented.

Colin stared in disgust, and almost as if it responded to his thoughts, the truck screeched to a halt right in front of him, all six massive tires doing an ABS-assisted stop. Blue and red LED strobes kicked on, outshining the sun in a stunning, epileptic display.

Barn doors in the back opened fast enough to bounce off their stops, and two helmeted officers wearing full combat body armor, adorned with large white lettering: SWAT, they rushed out and crashed onto him like a tidal wave, weapons and gear clattering with heavy steel-toed boots striking the ground.

He had just enough time to take a half step backwards before one of them threw a thick black hood over his head, cinching it tight around his neck, while the other bodily picked him up by the legs.

He whimpered in disbelief, only weakly struggling at first, in shock, and as one they threw him into the back of the truck. Its padded interior was the only thing that saved him from receiving a concussion, as his head bounced off of the floor.

His claws began to scrabble furiously at the hood, trying to pull it off, while his terrified, rapid breathing came loud in his ears, amplified by the close confines of the tight weave.

Amidst being shoved around, they climbed in behind him, but he couldn't find the opening to get his fingers under.

Both doors slammed shut, and he heard the truck's engine roar, wheels directly under his head peeling rubber to spit small rocks up into the wheel wells with a machine-gun rattle of clicks and chinks.

"Stupid fox, talking to the cops was a baaad idea!" said a familiar voice.

"Beyond dumb," said the other. "Now we get to have some fun."

"I... I haven't talked to the cops!" Colin yelled, his voice loud in his ears.

The truck slammed on its brakes, lurching hard as it once more skidded to a halt. One of them yanked off the hood, staring directly into his eyes.

"Seriously?" he said, yellow eyes distrustful.

"Shit!" said the other, pounding an armored fist on the wall. He raised his voice to reach the driver. "He says he didn't talk to 'em!" He ripped his helmet off, looking confused and disappointed, slamming it onto a holder built into one wall.

"I swear, I swear!" Colin yelled. "I never talked to them!" He whimpered quietly.

Near-silence, only the powerful engine idling with a heavy lope. Then the driver up front started chuckling, and that laugh sounded... familiar.

"So you never met up with 'em? That what you're saying?"

Colin nodded quickly.

"Our bad, let him go." He couldn't believe what he was hearing. THIS was what they'd do if he went to the cops?

"Yeah, let him go." He, too, set his helmet onto a holder, but then he suddenly turned around and lunged forward, grabbing Colin by the neck, he swung him sideways to slam him up against the wall of the truck, pinning him there with gloved paws. Colin yelped, eyes wide, he tasted blood from biting his tongue, ears shaking in fright.

The wolf first stared hard into his eyes, then his expression softened, and he proceeded to rub his muzzle all over Colin's, almost lovingly, growling in ecstasy.

"I'm soooo sorrrry, little fox," he murmured. "Cuz you're talking to 'em right now!"

All three broke out in laughter.

Colin folded his ears flat with shame.

Handcuffs hanging from the ceiling, possibly for just such a purpose, ratcheted tight around Colin's wrists, keeping him upright.

"We only show up, when you fuck up." he said, shrugging. His smile turned sharp and white.

"Definitely fucked up," said the other. "He knew this was coming, knew it all night." That one unzipped his book-bag and dumped the contents out on the floor. "Well look at that. Just what we expected to find. Ain't that his tracking harness?"

The truck accelerated forward.

"Sure looks like it. And his muzzle, too. Think we'll skip that, now. Situation's moved way past it. Little fox wanna tell us why he ain't wearing his harness? Maybe... where he was going with it in that bag?"

Colin held his ears flat, looking the closest one right in the eyes, the one still holding him against the wall.

"I don't... want to wear it," he said quietly, swallowing. "You can't... make me wear that, I'm not your property!"

The wolf wrinkled his muzzle.

"Are you hearing all this?" he asked in disbelief, loud enough for the driver.

"Yep. This one's got memory issues. So teach him a lesson, something he won't forget." That was Joey's voice, and Colin swallowed hard from the realization. The truck made a turn and accelerated down an on-ramp, gaining speed rapidly.

"Flip for him?" The nearest wolf flipped a coin behind him to the other.

It rang in the air, was caught and slapped onto the back of a paw.


"Heads, I win." Yellow eyes locked onto his like sidewinder missiles, his grin growing wider.

"Tails, you lose," the other said.

"Fox," the nearest growled. "You can't even imagine the hurt I'll put on you if you bite my dick. So watch them teeth, or I'll have to pull 'em all out."

Colin suddenly realized what was going to happen, and he whimpered, shuddering in fear. His traitorous dick ached as it struggled to rupture the steel holding it in.

"Get this shit on him, first. Makes for nice handles. Woah! You smell that?"

"Good idea, ruhh?" A huge muzzle sniffed deeply into his fur. "He's turned on? Joey-- are you fucking kidding me? Did you dose him yesterday with party favors?"

"Nope," from up front. "He's sober. Told you he was perfect."

"Well all right, then." The wolf behind him produced a single-edged combat knife, and began slicing off his clothing with long, quiet rips.

Each cut brought Colin a little closer to the realization that the severity of his situation was rapidly getting worse.

He watched the wolf in front of him tear Velcro free near his groin, he peeled off a padded steel sheath cup. It dropped to the floor next to him with a hollow thunk, and his crotch emitted a warm scent that made his cheeks redden under his white fur, turning him on even further.

Colin was naked in just moments.

Cold steel braided cable found his legs, thick loops sliding up as the X's sought out his back and chest.

"Fox, it's high time you realized all them papers you signed? That thing locked around your dick right there? Believe me when I say, we own your ass."

"No! His ass is mine, you get the front, we flipped for it!"

The black wolf standing in front of him smirked. "Ignore my brother's single-minded nature, for just one moment. I'm gonna do you a solid, watch. Joey?"


"You got his stimmer up there?" Silence, the truck accelerated to highway speeds, equipment in surrounding locking cages rocking back and forth. "I kinda like the little shit, gimme it."

"Well, your truck, your show, Terry. Hang on, lemme dip it." Black chrome flew, and the wolf caught it out of the air without even looking. He held it in front of Colin's nose.

It was small and shiny black, knob-shaped with a flashing red light at the top, it had a threaded protrusion down at the base, from which dangled a length of shiny purple tubing. That had two black sections, running down in a straight line, ending at a black tip. A drop of something clear and thick slowly dripped from it.

"Ready for some fun?" he purred, holding it so close, Colin had to go cross-eyed just to see it. Whatever the liquid was, it smelled like sharp, acrid chemicals. He hoped to dog that thing wasn't going up his nose. His wrists ached from the tight metal holding them.

The wolf behind him finished pulling his harness up onto his body, grunting hard to pull it through his thick fur. The side straps hugged his rump, with the last part tightening around his neck. It became a little tighter even still, then snapped. He felt the harness and collar both pressing in on his body evenly, all over.

The collar snug around his neck, most of all.

Colin realized he could not remember a keyhole or any other means to unlock it, just those two bulges, one at the front and back of his neck. He didn't look very hard, because he hadn't been planning on wearing it at the time, but now he wished he had looked a little bit closer.

Something about this situation screamed super-long term, and that sensation was actually exquisite, as if all of him now belonged to someone else, marked as theirs, inescapable.

Once more, he felt like he was in way over his head, but an underlying emotion was stretching out its limbs, as if freshly woken up in his mind, coaxed forth like a small exotic breed of tree, growing up inside an old, tall forest.

That tree represented his submission, and despite all the efforts of normal society, that was the rest of the forest canopy, doing their damnedest to squash and smother those feelings, now he had his very own ray of sunlight.

He basked in the warmth, drinking it in.

His eyes went wide when Terry slid the purple tubing down into the threaded hole of his chastity device.

"Yikes, ow ow ow... hurf..."

A strange tingle pulsed with the same speed as that red light, not very intense, yet, but threatening.

He twisted it until it was secure, then rose up to stare. "You'll leave that in if you want to enjoy this. Remember, the first one's always free. But the next one's gonna cost ya." They both laughed, but he added some more.

"C'mon, Stout, get yers before I start. I'm not touching his muzzle 'till you tie. I seen your knot yesterday, and we sure as fuck ain't twins."

His paws were unlocked, and Terry backed up to watch, fondling his sheath, huge by Colin's standards.

"Can't believe you're gonna stim him," said Joey up front. "You're breaking the rules, but that's between you and Dave." The truck changed lanes and accelerated hard, engine howling.

Terry's ears were sideways, he shrugged under his armor, yellow eyes refusing to look elsewhere.

Colin felt Stout push him forward, down onto his paws, he craned his neck around to stare back at him, but Terry clipped something heavy to his collar, that attached to a recessed hold-down in the floor, it was a short length of chain, almost too short to keep him on all fours.

Stout lifted Colin's tail and cold, slick fingers felt under it, pushing deep inside. One, two, then three, each pulling a gasp from the both of them.

"You got the shit end of this stick, trust me," said Stout. "I'd fight you for this, if I had to, yes siiir."

Colin's ears flipped around, he looked up at Terry with a whimper, but all he did was squint and cock his head, as if deciding on something. He reached sideways and flipped a switch.

That tingle Colin had felt earlier? It ruptured like a dam, and his body tensed up in a bewildering pattern that reminded him of those LED strobe lights he had seen, earlier.

He gasped multiple times, not least of which when Stout growled and yanked his fingers out, he grabbed him hard from behind, mounting him like a dog, to shoved his burning hot prick as deep inside as he could.

"Oh, fuck ," Stout groaned. "What did I do to deserve this..." A big bump at the base of his shaft pushed in and out, each time Stout thrusted.

Colin could barely even pay attention to it, his body enjoying its own internal fireworks display, occasionally lining up with what he needed to cum, only to dance away, out of sync, too weak or strong to be useful.

It finally matched up with Stout's thrusting, either by coincidence or design, and Colin couldn't help but to clench down on that massive wolf-cock, trying as hard as he could to hold him inside, feeling an additional involuntary tightening down as the device in his dick delivered current directly through his prostate, and all the surrounding muscles...

Stout's knot just happened to be right next to it at that time, and he froze up, drawing in a huge gasp. He twined his body around Colin's, even curing his tail under him, Colin's small frame almost disappearing under all that black fur. Stout just stared at Terry with an accusatory expression, almost motionless as he came his brains out.

Terry couldn't hide his smirk. He walked past the two lovers and yanked Stout's tail up, smearing in some lube..

"Kinda enjoyed this yesterday... didn't realize how much fun it would be, or I'd have tried it sooner." He lined his sheath up, red tip dribbling and squirting pre at Stout's pucker, it was still rhythmically going at it as his orgasm had a long while to go.

Terry fully expected to take advantage of that kneading, squeezing effect. That meant he would be much tighter than yesterday.

Stout let out a sharp whine.

"Call it paying it forward, not just back, bro." He sank deep, past his knot, and just rested there, feeling his brother's ass milk his shaft for all it was worth. He shut his eyes in pleasure and rocked with the vehicle as it drove.

Stout whimpered loud into Colin's ears.

Colin couldn't move, hot black fur surrounded him tight, the tapered burning red lodged deep. His breaths came sharp and quick, and without even being able to touch himself, his whole body shook with an orgasm that rivaled even yesterday's.

Colin eventually collapsed under the wolves, he didn't pass out, but all that weight came down on him, and that briefly drove Stout in even deeper.

Eventually the truck stopped, and limbs and dicks disentangled themselves from their ultimate destinations, for they had arrived at a last one.

The chain was detached from Colin's collar, and a leash took its place. Although he wasn't made to walk on his knees, his short size almost made it the same compared to the tall wolves walking him.

The three of them entered a tall concrete building. Other officers passed through wide hallways, some with inmates of their own held firmly by their elbows, handcuffed behind their backs. The only difference, of course, was that Colin was naked.

SWAT badges hung from thin chains around necks, and nods came their way, a few high-fives and fist bumps. Everyone ignored Colin for the most part.

Something alarming was finally spoken in their direction.

"Another one so soon? That one's gonna be fun..." He craned his head back to see, but couldn't make out who had just said that.

They shoved him into a narrow cell with a short door in the back, open. He saw a fenced enclosure outside, past it. They locked a long chain to his collar, it was permanently welded onto an eye-hook in the floor.

He couldn't help but notice the smell of German Shepherd, and other K9 units, all over the floor.

Or the stainless steel bowls in one corner, full of fresh food and water.

"You did the crime, now you do the time. In the real world, just one day in here is a long time. Think on it, little fox. Next time we tell you to do something?" The other wolf spoke up.

"Do it."

The door to his cell slid shut, locked.

His name was Tom, and there was a particular something he was looking for. He had finally mustered the courage to walk to the counter of "Eventful Beginnings," relieved by the welcome expression of the big gray wolf standing behind the counter.

"One of my friends bought this sort of... leather muzzle, but it was all open... just straps. You guys got anything like that?"

Joey produced something from under the counter, and it looked quite familiar when his eyes recognized it. He saw the price tag on the side, though, and shook his head.

"That's too much, I can't spend that."

Joey shrugged. "Maybe I can offer it to you at a discount..."