Tales of Jasper II

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#2 of Tales of Jasper

It had been a couple of days since Jasper had the pleasure of tasting his mother, and he

returned to school on Monday, having been wondering what he should do, or say. His mother

worked the rest of the weekend and he did not get a chance to see her for the rest of his

weekend. He studied for his test, though his thoughts were all muddled in chaos, feeling that

there was something wrong with what he had done, though he could not place what exactly it

was. No one had ever told him it was a bad thing... and he had never been taught about

sexual abuse or molestation, not that he felt it was bad. Either way, he wanted to talk to his

mother about what they had done, wondering when he could have more of her taste.

Jasper rose slowly on Monday morning, dressing in his little suit, which was the school

uniform. It was a black suit, a white button up shirt, a black tie and he even had special shoes

made for his footpaws, which were the plastic shoes so they were always shiny. He had

attempted to study for the math test, and he was usually good at math, but his mind was all

wrapped in chaos. As he waited at the bus stop, he seemed out of it, one of his classmates

shaking his shoulder when the bus arrived.

Jasper lazily made his way onto the bus moving to take a seat next to Jack and Naila, who

shared the back three seat with him. Unlike a normal bus the bus had two rows of two seats,

then a three seat in the middle at the back and two emergency exits. There were furs of all

kinds, from almost feral, to completely human. Jack and Naila both instantly noticed that

Jasper was a little bit out of it.

"You okay, Jazzy? You seem a little down," Naila said softly, not teasing him as she usually

did in the morning.

The males were all wearing a uniform similar to Jasper's, but the girls uniform was different.

They wore long black skirts that extended halfway between the knees and the ankles, and

they had white under shirts, with white button up blouses, and black jackets over that. They

had a choice between girl's black dress shoes, or black heels of some kind to go with their

long stockings.

"Did something happen, Jazz?" Jack asked softly, placing a paw on Jasper's shoulder, calling

him from his little daze.

"No... everything is alright..." he said smiling to Jazz and then back to Naila, "So did you

guys see that meteor last night?"

"Yeah, it was totally awesome... mommy let me stay up to watch it," Naila said laughing a

little and Jack shook his head, blushing a little.

"My parents said no... and told me to go to bed," Jack said softly.

Naila and Jasper laughed a little, and with his friend he felt a little more at ease, wondering

why his mom told him not to tell anyone about the wonderful, sweet treat she had given him.

He reviewed a little with Jack as they made their way to the large school and he sighed. The

test was the first thing they had that morning and he was still a little stressed, even though

Jack had quizzed him on the most difficult problems and he seemed to do just fine, though

Naila had a different story, not being all that great at math. In fact, it was safe to say that in

exchange for her math skills, some divine power granted her talent in everything else. She

could barely add let alone multiply, and even worse long divide.


The bell for the first recess rang in the morning and Jack, Naila, and Jasper all made their

way into the building, taking their seats in the back of the classroom by the door. It wasn't

long before the teacher walked in.

Their teacher was a busty human woman who always seemed to wear a slightly larger

uniform to better hide her features, and she always tied her hair back with a black tie with a

skull on it. She was a blonde hair, blue eyed, pale woman with all the right curves, and the

usually target for sexual harassment in the school. The principal was particularly a bad guy

having several quirks such as liking, cat torture, vore, and suffocation. It was clear to

anyone that knew how to tell. He tended to come with red marks on his throat, his face

usually had a few red marks, and a couple of the guys noted teeth marks around his

midsection. His wife was a dragon though... and he was just a mere human.

The woman took roll, quickly, wanting to get the test over with. She gave her typical speech

about not cheating and having all of the kids place their phones in their cubbies before letting

the test commence. There was no calculator and as Jasper turned the blank sheet of paper

over he smiled. It was so easy... she didn't even put double digit multiplication on the test.

He completed the test quickly and the class ended up waiting on Naila to finish her test after

taking all twenty minutes to do so.

The day went by rather painlessly, and the rest of the classes handed out the homework and

each had its own test on a different day of the weak. They already had rotating teachers. They

stayed in the same room, but they had a math teacher, an English teacher, and a science

teacher. The day went by quickly and soon enough Jack, Naila, and Jasper would all get back

on the bus. Jasper's mind had been foggy most of the day, but he learned enough to get by. He

thought about asking Jack a question about getting a special treat from his mother, in such a

way that he would not reveal the secret.

"Hey, Jack, have you ever licked your mommy before?" Jasper asked softly.

"I give my mom kisses... why?" Jack asked looking to Jasper, curiously.

"Have you given your mommy special kisses?" he whispered.

"You mean like dad, when they leave for work in the morning?" Jack asked, a little confused.

"It was just a thought. I heard someone talking about it at school. Something about sweet

kisses," he said softly.

"Jazzy... do you kiss your momma like that?" Naila asked bluntly.

"What!?" he cried, "No! I was just asking..."

Both Jack and Naila laughed at him, as she had just been teasing and he blushed, rubbing

his ear. He sighed and shook his head and thought for a moment. He had not kissed his

mom like that, but he had kissed her somewhere that he thought was special. There were

some people who did not wear clothes normally... but at his school everyone had a uniform

so he never really thought much about why a human would wear it. He had never really been

interested in the human girls, unlike Jack who was absolutely dazzled by a girl in the class

across the hall.

As the bus pulled up to his stop, Jasper would gather his things and rise once the bus

stopped. He smiled back to Naila and Jack waving to them.

"Jazz, we should hang out sometime, the three of us. Maybe tomorrow after school?" Jack

asked looking to him.

"I will ask my mom, and if she says so, then sure," he said smiling back to Jack as Naila

blew him a kiss, drawing a blush from him as some of the other kids snickered.

Jasper slowly got off the bus and he went to the mailbox. He found something he had

definitely not been expecting: his report card, as well as some movies from the internet. He

opened the report card and looked it over, smiling a little. All 'Outstanding' except for his

spelling class which he got a 'Satisfactory+' grade in. He figured he was a pretty run of the

mill kid, and wondered if only the bad kids got less than S on their report card. He sighed

and he walked inside. He tossed his bag off to the side, knowing he should probably get his

homework done early, but alas... that was not something that crossed his mind.

In the kitchen there was the lovely smell of food cooking. It was definitely tuna and he

mewled with excitement, knowing only one person could be in there. He giggled a little to

himself going into the kitchen and seeing his mother seasoning up some food and making

a fancy supper. He had apparently managed to sneak in without being noticed and he would

hide under the counter, moving closer to her and once she didn't have anything in her paws

he thrust his arms around her and nuzzled his cheek against her happily.

Gliss was wearing simple clothing: a blue T-shirt, jeans and an apron over it all as she

cooked. She was also wearing her usual white ribbon and her favorite collar. Her tail swayed

with the joy of preparing a special meal for her son and she had chosen several strange

things to add to the food to make it unique, though mostly kept the lemon and garlic flavor.

"Momma!" he cried happily and he offered up his report card to her.

"That is a good boy, Jazz," she said petting over the top of his head and he nuzzled up into

her paw happily.

"Mom, why are you making such a big dinner?" he asked softly, blushing a little as he

nuzzled into her more, only to receive her full attention and petting.

"I had the rest of the night off, and I thought I would spend time with my precious kitten," she

replied gently, letting him go to get back to her work in preparing supper, "While it cooks,

you should do your homework."

Jasper nodded to her and he hurried out into the living room, picking up his bag, and leaving

the movies on the table as he went up to his room to change and do his homework. He

considered simply staying in his fur, and after a moment of thought he chose just that. He

did not have a lot of homework and he completed it quickly. He decided to play a game while

his mother prepared supper, and he stared back up on the game that Naila had gotten him.

After a short time, Gliss would knock on his door summoning him for dinner. He was excited

having his favorite food waiting for him on the table. He saved his game and shut off the

system to go downstairs and take a seat at the table. Gliss had served him up a plate

already, and there was a glass of juice and a glass of water waiting as well. She smiled

across the table to him and he would wait for grace before starting to eat his food. He laughed

a little, the sheer excitement also show in his flickering tail as it curled and uncurled about

the chair. His feet dangled in the chair and he would start eating the fish happily.

"Mmmm...." he said as a purr started to rise in him, "It is yummy."

"I am glad you like it, little Jasper," Gliss said softly, and she would start to eat her own

share of the meal. They did not say much, other than talking about school and after supper

Jasper would do the dishes for his mother while she went to change. It was not abnormal

for him to wander around with nothing on, since he was covered in fur, unless Jack was

going to hang out, because his family was all proper.

After the dishes were done, he went out to the living room and joined his mother on the couch

putting in one of the movies that they had gotten and he sat in her lap happily, purring and

nuzzling back against her. It was a typical day off for Gliss, and it was as if nothing strange

had ever happened. Jasper felt much more at ease and he leaned back into his mother,

laughing at the comedy of the movie.

"Jazz, I think you should go take a shower and get off to bed..." Glissa said softly, hiding

her actual desire for her son, which was built by his loving nuzzles against her.

"Mommy, I am not tired yet... I want to stay here with you. I don't get to spend much time

with you because you are out catching bad people," Jasper said softly.

Jasper nuzzled into his mother, who had started secreting her pheromones already from his

cute nuzzling against her. Gliss felt she had already crossed the border and did not deserve

her son's trust but there he was, being as loving as ever. Jasper giggled a little and leaned

up, purring against Gliss, his tail flicking behind him, and dropping to curl about her leg. He

sighed against her, thinking for a moment about the special kiss.

"Mommy, can I give you a special kiss?" he asked her softly. He had seen Jack's parents

lock muzzles and battle with their tongues on a very passionate level before leaving for work

and though it wasn't at all what he meant earlier, he assumed that if Jack thought that his

parents kiss like that was special then his mother would be able to figure out what he wanted.

Gliss tensed for a moment halfway hoping her experience with her sweet kitten the day before

was just a fantasy that remained in her head. She thought for a moment and looked to him

with an inquisitive look.

"What do you mean, my precious son?" she asked softly, blushing a little with his question.

"I want to kiss your lips..." he said softly, blushing and squiring a little with anticipation.

"Jazz... if you do that I don't know if I can hold back..." Gliss said softly, trailing her paws

gently over her kitten's chest and sides.

In all truth Jasper did not want her to hold back. He loved his mother, but then again he really

did not know the difference between lovers and the bond they shared. Deep down he had a

little crush on Naila... though he would never admit it, and that sort of crush felt different than

the love with his mother. It was a trusting relationship, but the way he meant the phrase "I

love you" was meant in the normal way between a mother and son. On the other hand Gliss

meant her "I love you" in a way that she wanted to be with her son forever.

As Gliss thought about giving him an answer, Jasper leaned up and lapped over her muzzle,

opening his a little and trying to slip his tongue between her lips. Gliss tilted her head to the

side, not wanting to get too involved with her son and make his life difficult.

"Momma?" he asked feeling a little defeated as she denied him the kiss.

"Jasper... I-I don't want to hurt you..." she said softly, and she gently pulled him against

herself, keeping her muzzle slightly out of his reach.

"Silly mommy... you won't hurt me... special kisses feel good. Just ask Jack's parents," he

said happily and he leaned up, nuzzling under her muzzle.

Gliss meant to start speaking and asking him questions, but Jasper was determined to show

her that the kiss was nice and he would open his maw rising up and forcing his tongue into

hers lapping at her tongue and she drew back gasping in surprise as her son mewled. He

liked the taste on her tongue, aside from the tuna there was a unique taste that he wanted

more of. Gliss could not hold back any more and she leaned back, laying down on the couch

and tugging her son up over her.

"Kiss me, Jazz...please..." Gliss said softly, her own want for his taste starting to fade to a

need to be satisfied.

Jasper giggled happily as he lay on his mother, rising up over her and he would tilt his head a

little to fit his muzzle more over hers and he lapped at her tongue more. He did not know

exactly how a special kiss worked so he figured after a moment he would follow Gliss'

example. She purred heavily, drawing up a deep purring from Jasper, making his stomach

flutter as he kissed his mother so passionately. She warred with his tongue, her tongue

overwhelming his, and she suckled against his maw to draw his tongue into her mouth. Jasper

did the same, suckling back against her, their teeth scraping a little as both put a little more

passion into the kiss, Jasper finally having to break it to catch his breath.

"Momma... I liked that... special kisses... are very good," Jasper panted against her

shoulder, nuzzling against her.

"Jazz... do you want to learn more about girls?" Gliss asked softly, a very light panting

coming from her, hot breath splaying over the top of his head.

"Yeah," he said giggling a little, his tail curling against his mothers and he purred on her

shoulder happily. She would sit up and she situated him next to her.

"You remember yesterday, where all of that yummy juice came from yesterday?" she asked

and he nodded dropping down in front of her and rising to his knees wanting more of said fluid.

"Well, that is where your pee-pee goes when it comes out of you, but today... I will show you

something else, since I am still dealing with a little bit of heat right now..." Gliss said softly

patting her son's head and rising. She knelt down and scooped him up into her arms,

carrying him to her room and he was set gently on her bed, actually taking a look around her


The place was pretty barren. All that there was was a night stand, a vanity, and a dresser, all of

which had a different picture of him somewhere. In the closet her uniforms and clothing was

hanging neatly, a couple pairs of shoes at the foot of her bed as well. She did not have a TV

in her room or an entertainment. Jasper waited as she shuffled through her drawers.

Gliss wanted her son to fill her with some seed, but she knew that he was still a little too

young to satisfy her normally, so she had to give him an alternative method. She wanted him

badly as he sat watching her. She could feel his gaze on her and she slowly returned to him,

setting a bottle of clear liquid on the bed. She took a seat next to him and rested her paws

in her lap.

"If you want to... I will let you put your dick in my tailhole..." she said blushing as she

reached out to hug her son. He giggled as he thought about it. It felt good in her mouth,

and he wondered a little bit about it. He tilted his head to her and thought for a moment.

"Do you want me to put it there?" he asked softly, blushing deeply.

"Yes, I would like that, Jazz..." she said softly, feeling a little embarrassed. She had not even

let her late husband do that. She had only recently found that she was sensitive there.

"Okay... mommy... but first how do I get it out?" he asked softly.

"Well... boys and girls usually play with each other first... Like putting your paw on my

boobs and rubbing or kneading... or putting your paw between my legs and rubbing. If it

doesn't come out after that...then the girl can rub it and it will get bigger," Gliss explained.

Jasper did not know how it had worked the night before, he just knew she made him feel

good and he liked the taste between her legs. Jasper took his mother's word for what she

said and he placed his paws on her breasts, starting to knead his fingers against them, his

soft pads turning her on as he rather erratically rubbed against her. She gasped a little just

from the touch of her beloved son and her nipples started to get hard. As they came through

her fur he would rub over them more, drawing out a soft moan, and just as she said his

shaft started to rise from its sheath.

Jasper wanted it all the way out and he would drop his paws between her legs both working

over her damp sex, his motion drawing out another stifled moan from his mother. She had a

burning desire to have him, his touch igniting her need. After she saw that his shaft was ready

she did not hesitate to rise to all fours and pour some of the oil over her butt. Gliss rubbed it

over her tailhole and the cool liquid drew a gasp from her as she worked it in a little. She

looked to Jasper with pleading eyes, rising to her knees and elbows, her tail rising up and

curling up over her back.

"Okay... son... put it in..." she said softly, and Jazz moved closer trying to push his penis

into her tight sphincter. He found himself gripping at her hips to force his way in, her body

resisting the entry. It was tight, and he felt a wave of pleasure run over him as his shaft

sank in as far as it could. Gliss moaned loudly as she felt her son penetrate her and she

looked back to him.

"Momma... I am feeling hot... It feels so good..." Jasper groaned as he sank in completely.

"I will make you feel even better, Jazz..." Gliss said looking back to him, "Just hold my hips

and try to stay in..."

Jasper listened and he would slightly dig his claws into her hips making the fire in Glissa

hotter. She would start thrusting back against him slowly at first, and picking up pace,

moaning out her love for him. He mewled, huffing and crying out lovely grunts of passion as

she worked against hi, his hips naturally starting to move.

"Just move in... and out... like that," Gliss panted and he started to rock his hips against her

she lowered one paw back between her legs and rubbed over her clit, drawing up her tension.

Jasper already felt like he was about to burst as he started hamming harder against her,

panting more with each thrust.

Suddenly, he found himself making several wild thrusts into her, his dick swelling as his

watery cum sprayed into her tailhole. Glissa moaned out with pleasure as she felt the pressure

in her anus. She thrust hard back against him, knocking him back a little as she tried to reach

her own orgasm, his cock sliding out of her tailhole and into her tight crevice, sinking in balls

deep on the first thrust. He felt her walls clutch around him, his shaft happening to hit her

sensitive part and shatter her.

Glissa screamed out to him her walls clutching at his rod and trying to draw out the prize.

A rush of fluid spilled over his penis and Jasper loved the feel of her body tightening about his

own. He dug his claws in deeper, and though she had made him come in her tailhole, her

walls created the true orgasm, drawing out a loud cry of love from Jasper. He loved his

mother's warmth and as she pulled away from him, he fell back on his bum, his tail patting

the bed. He was purring deeply, and his shaft was sinking back into the sheath.

"Mommy... I love that... it is so great..." he said happily, loving the wonderful feeling that

course though him as sleep already started to tug against him.

"Oh Jazz! My god..." she cried leaning over him and forcing him back. She demanded a kiss

and he mewled out with surprise as she forced her tongue into his maw. He threw his arms

back around her and squeezed her tightly, lapping into her maw, suckling and lapping wildly

at her tongue. She broke the kiss after a short moment and Jazz fell asleep on her bed

feeling exhausted. He had found a reason to participate more in PE now, so he did not fall

asleep after his first orgasms with his mother.

Gliss felt her heat fading and she was happy her son satisfied it. She was free from the

driving want to have some cock in her cunny, having never let any one other than her son and

her late husband have such a privilege. She had managed for a long time, suppressing heat

and going through pain to keep it away. She carried her son back to his bed and covered him up,

kissing his forehead gently.

"Grow up fast... my lovely son... I want you... so much..." Gliss whispered to him as he slept.

Gliss returned to her bed and lay down seeing spill of oil, her juices, and what leaked out from

her tailhole. She removed the comforter, knowing she need to wash it now. She lay down

relaxing and purring to herself, falling asleep quickly.