Spring in My Step: Chapter 1

Story by RedSkunk on SoFurry

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#1 of Spring in My Step

The first in a multi-chapter series I have been writing off and on for a few years and finally had the courage to put online.

It was spring time, around late April. I had just finished planting my first garden in my backyard. I wanted to try a few simple vegetables to start, pumpkins, peas, and carrots. It took a bit of work to get the earth tilled and the make-shift fence erected around the garden to keep out the critters, but I finally got it done. It was time for a tall glass of cool water and a smoke. The leaves were swaying in the breeze and, to my liking, the sun was obscured by the passing clouds. It was definitely shaping up to be a good weekend.

In the distance, I noticed a cute light-brown bunny rabbit eating some grass at the edge of my property. It was comforting to know that nature was still alive and well in my backyard, nevertheless in the back of my mind I also didn't want that rabbit eating my vegetables. I thought to myself, "I put up the fence, so it'll be fine."

The following day, I went out to water my newly minted garden, and sure enough, the rabbit I had just seen yesterday was in my backyard again chowing on some grass. When it finally glanced at me to see what I was doing, it hopped over. Seeing such a cute bunny enticed me to go inside and grab some lettuce that I was going to use for a salad that night. I broke off a few pieces and handed them to it. It ate the lettuce so rabidly I just dropped the entire head of lettuce on the ground. While it was distracted, eating all it could, I reached for it and pet it. Its fur was soft and thick. The outer color of the fur was brown but as I rubbed it more I noticed the fur at its roots was pure white. It was truly a gorgeous creature. This sequence of events continued for the next month, needless to say my stockpile of lettuce, carrots, and other fresh goodies I had was completely exhausted.

The next morning, the bunny made its way to my house yet again, only this time there were no fresh vegetables waiting for it. Once I saw it through the window, I decided to step outside. "Sorry but I ran out of food..." I told it.

"That's ok I just came here to see you again!" it said, in a clearly feminine voice. I just stood there in shock! An evident contradiction to the laws of nature was looking up at me, waiting for a reply.

"What did you just say?!" I exclaimed in a whisper, hoping that I was just overheard a conversation from down the street.

"hehe I came back to see you again. What's wrong?"

"Everything! You talk! This is unreal!"

As I tried to consider ways this may be possible, she said, "I can leave if there's a problem."

"No! No! its ok, I just.. I just never knew this was possible. Can all rabbits talk?"

"No, it's a bit complicated, but I'm running short of time, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?"

"To where exactly?" I asked.

"You'll see when you get there!"

Far be it from me to decline an invitation from a talking rabbit, luckily no murder stories involving cute bunnies came to mind. Before I had a chance to accept she was already hopping away towards the woods behind my house. I picked up a slight jog to catch up. She turned back to make sure I was still following her as we made it to the tree line. Still in a state of shock that a bunny can talk, I thought to myself, "What does she want with me anyway?"

After an hour long trek into the forest, that, up until this point I had never wondered into, I took a gander to a clearing and saw a small field of untouched cabbage. That damn bunny cleared me out of house and home when there was an obviously better source of cellulose for this varmint. Of course I can see why she was always so hungry; this rabbit is a lot bigger than I've seen on TV, she must be about two feet long and a lot slower than most rabbits I've seen. Or maybe she is just taking it slow for my sake.

We finally arrived at her burrow at the base of a horse apple tree. Then she spoke again in that cute voice that could have only come from a talking bunny, "We're here! We're here!" She was so enthusiastic she couldn't sit still.

"Yes, it's a lovely...err... hole..," I said confoundedly.

"Would you like to come in? I have something I want to show you!"

"I don't think I'm going to fit in there..."

"Oh don't worry; it's a lot bigger inside than you might think. Come in! Come in!" At that point she rushed in, assuming I would trail her. I struggled in thought as to whether I should go in with her or not. Ultimately, my disdain for closed spaces won over, so I stayed above ground. Thinking she would come back out, I stood there for a few minutes, but without her return I headed back home. What she wanted to show me beneath the tree I did not know. It didn't matter though; there was no way I was going to climb into that burrow.

When I arrived home, I stewed over all the possible things she wanted to show me, "Was it a huge carrot?" I thought, and then chuckled. This was a more serious matter than my chuckle could give credit. A talking animal, behind my house every day for the past month, was surely worth a bit more trust than I had given it. I actually started to feel guilty about my choice to stay terra mesa. It took me a little bit longer to find sleep that night as I puzzled over the things I had witnessed. Sleep did eventually find me however.

The next day, I got home from work a little excited. My furry friend had been to my house every day for the past month so I was hoping that I could reconcile with her when I got home. I tossed my keys on table, pulled some lettuce out of a bag I got at the grocer after work and made a bee line for the back door. As soon as I opened the door there she was staring up at me, as if she knew exactly what I was going to do. Her ears were standing tall and her eyes were wide and trained on me with a giant little smile.

"How long have you been waiting here!?" I said full of surprise.

"Oh.. just a little while" her eyes darted to the ground. Her gestures lead me to believe she had been out here for hours.

With a bit of hesitation I told her, "I'm sorry for yesterday, it was all so fa.."

"No its ok I understand! It's my fault, I didn't tell you what was going to happen!"

"Happen? What's going to happen?"

"Well I can't tell you silly it's...umm... it's kind of a surprise! Trust me you'll like it!" she said as one of her hind feet begin patting the ground. Her anticipation over the "thing" that was going to happen was palpable. "I'll explain along the way! Please come with me!"

"Alright, and I really am sorry for befo.."

"It's ok really! Let's go!"

Yet again I followed her down the same path as before. The only difference this time was that there was some severe weather coming in. Storm clouds could be seen on the horizon to the west. The wind was picking up from the west and the trees in the forest were all dancing in unison. The subtle distraction granted by the atmosphere made the trip seem shorter and before I knew it we were at the burrow at the base of the horse apple tree. I asked her, "Ok before I climb into that hole will you please ease my mind and tell me what to expect at least?"

She finally gave me a hint and said, "Well, I can tell you this. This is my home and I live here with my family. We actually need your help but you will be rewarded with the surprise I told you about!"

"Help with what exactly?"

"You know, you ask too many questions! Are you really that scared of bunny rabbits? Besides, the storm is coming our way, it's not safe out here anymore." she said with hint of laughter.

"Can I at least get your name before I take the plunge?" I pleaded.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt, it's Nyanni. What's yours?"

"It's Colen" I told her.

"OK Colen, after you!"

This time she wanted me to go in first. Apparently I had lost some credibility by standing her up the first time. The hole was just barely big enough to accommodate my six foot frame. I crawled in head first with my elbows digging into the floor of the tunnel. I could feel her behind me as she was rubbing against my legs. I could hardly imagine that she was trying to push me since I was so much bigger than her, but I appreciated the thought. I crawled and crawled until my arms started to give out. Nyanni wasn't lying about the size of this burrow, once I reached the end of the entrance tunnel, the inside was quite large. The exit of the tunnel put me on the floor of a large underground room. No sign of life to speak of; she scurried out from behind me and took the lead. Luckily it wasn't completely dark as there were a few candles lighting the corridors. Small holes at the base of the corridor could be seen every so often. She lead me to a cramped room with what looked like a bench made out of dirt. Undoubtedly left over from when the room was excavated. She pointed with her paw to the bench and asked me to have a seat. "I'll be right back ok? And don't leave! Haha... "

"This feels like I'm waiting for a doctor at a hospital." I grumbled. She was so enthusiastic before and now I was waiting for god knows what.

"A little peak outside shouldn't hurt" I thought as my impatience grew. I looked out of the archway and didn't see anything, but I did hear voices that sounded like they were a mile away. Concentrating as much as I could I hear Nyanni's voice and what I thought to be two more voices. "More talking rabbits!?" I wondered; this was definitely going to be one for the science books!

The voices dwindled to silence. Conversely the glow emanating from the hallway got brighter. A husky scent filled the air and what was once silence became a series of repetitive 'jingles,' much like a set of car keys. The corridor brightened and the jingle sounds got louder. Something was approaching but there was no way to tell what. With the apprehension mounting I stood up and backed against the wall of the room facing the archway-entrance. A sigh of relief came from the only thing familiar in this place as Nyanni charged in. She was where some type of ceremonial garb. Shining sparkles of gems dotted her clothing that included a beautiful headdress wrapped around her cheeks, up to head that finally pierced between her ears to a fine point with a crest dangling to her forehead. "This is it!! Don't stand up sit down sit down!" Nyanni cried. As I sat down her paws reached over me to position my arms in a somewhat passive position over my lap.

"What's going on?! I shouted in a whisper.

~~~~~~~To be Continued~~~~~~~

Spring in My Step: Chapter 2

"Shhh! There's no time to explain, please just stay calm!" A squad of Rabbits wearing similar attire as Nyanni and roughly the same size marched in in a ceremonious fashion. There were four in total, all walking on their hind legs with two servant...

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