Sixam’s Razor, A Christmas Tail II: Warm-Up

Story by Sixam on SoFurry

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#2 of Sixam’s Razor, A Christmas Tail

Sixam's Razor, A Christmas Tail II: Warm-Up - By Sixam

Yet another chapter based on an RP done with my mate. This chapter does have yiff so...This story contains homosexual love between an adult male and an underage male. If you don't like this or you are not allowed to read this because of your age, please stop here. If not, please continue and enjoy.

Sixam (c) Me

Razor (c) My Mate

Sixam's Razor, A Christmas Tail II: Warm-Up

Razor got up and pulled Sixam up, nuzzling him.

Sixam murred as he is nuzzled and then pulls away from Razor. "We can do more of that once we get upstairs," he said slyly and smirked as he started to walk towards the house.

Staring at him for a moment, Razor laughed and nodded, following him closely, his tail batting back and forth behind him, clearly happy. "Fine by me." Sticking close, he was just content following his mate around. The nice view was the true definition of an added benefit.

Making his way upstairs and to their bedroom, Sixam went to the balcony and turned on the hot tub. He then turned to his mate. "You get in first."

Always being the free spirit, Razor nodded and jumped in, his tail thrashing so much, he would take off if it were going any faster.

Laughing at how the werewolf just jumped into the tub. Noticing his tail, he asked, "Well you're really happy aren't you?" He stepped into the tub as well. "Okay, now sit down."

The werewolf grinned and laughed. "Yes. I always am when around you." He sat down as commanded.

Sixam sat down between Razor's legs with his back against his mate's chest. Smiling, Razor wrapped his arms around him, closing his eyes slowly. Sixam leaned his head back and murred. Holding his mate close, the older male just stroked the boy's chest gently, relaxing in the hot water.

Sixam looked over the expanse beyond the balcony. "Isn't beautiful?"

Smiling, Razor leaned against him. "Almost as beautiful as you."

Sixam giggled sweetly at Razor's comment. His ears started to turn red. He didn't know how to respond to his mate's remark.

Smirking, the werewolf pulled is mate into his arms, holding him close and gently. "Aww...I didn't embarrass you did I?"

"No...well...maybe a little. You're always so loving. I'm lucky to have you as my mate." He blushed a little more and looked down.

Smiling softly, older male licked his mate affectionately. "I have my moments..."

Sixam murred as he was licked. "You sure do."

Smiling and holding the fox close, Razor enjoyed their time together a lot and was not able to think of anything better.

Sixam leaned back in his lover's embrace. "So what do you want to do after this? Go to the den and dry off by the fire?"

The lupine male smiled and nodded slowly. "That sounds like a great idea." He snuggled up with his mate in the warm water. The only thing that felt wrong was that he was constantly wet. It was like sitting in a bath. He didn't mind bathing but it was slightly unsettling for him to just sit in the water. Looking at Sixam, he smiled softly. "How about we go now before we forget?"

Sixam sighed. "Okay." He reluctantly got out of Razor's embrace and stepped out of the tub, shivering as the cold air hit him and hurried inside.

Razor also got out and shook off the excess water before shivering as well and bolting after his mate after closing the balcony door.

Sixam went downstairs to the den and turned on the fireplace. It was one of those fancy kinds that start with the touch of a button; one of the benefits of living in a house owned by rich parents. He stood in front of the fire shivering. Coming up behind him, his mate got near the fire and held Sixam to help him warm up as he was warmer than the younger male.

Once again in Razor's embrace, the red and white fox began to warm up. He leaned back in his mate's arms. "It's always nice and cozy in your arms."

Razor smiled as the was helping dry them. "I'm glad...I want it to be." His tail brushed across the floor behind him as he let off a sigh of contentment snuggling up with his smaller mate.

Sixam murred as he continued to warm up and dry with Razor holding him. He always cherished these close moments with his mate.

Closing his eyes, the dark-brown male relaxed in the pleasant moment and let off a happy sigh. " nice."

Sixam looked up at his mate. "This is very nice. Why don't we sit or lie down on the rug?"

Looking at the rug, Razor nodded and smirked, crawling over after letting his mate go, laying on his back, sighing and getting comfy.

Following his mate's lead, the teen crawled over to Razor, lying next to him with his head on the werewolf's chest.

Smiling as he was snuggled upon, Razor started stroking Sixam's long blond hair idly, eliciting a moan from the younger male. Soothed by the murring, he started to drift off slightly. The warmth of the fire and being snuggled up with his mate all helped him to relax.

Sixam yawned and closed his eyes. "This is turning out to be my best Christmas ever and it hasn't really started yet."

Razor smiled and nodded. "I'm glad..." he nuzzled him playfully and murred softly. "I'm having a great time too." He nipped at his ears for a moment

His ears twitching as they were nipped at, the fox murred and nuzzled his mate's chest.

The lupine male carefully ran his claws down the back of his vulpine lover. "So nice."

Sixam twitched and giggle a little as he was tickled by the claws. "Very nice."

Razor pulled the fox on top of him and bit at his neck before rubbing against him. "I think we've rested and dried long enough."

He murred again as he felt the werewolf's teeth at his neck. Looking down into his mate's eyes, he asked, "Okay...what should we do now?"

Flashing a grin, Razor rubbed against his mate some more. "Just play?"

Sixam nuzzled his chest. "What do you want to play?"

Razor just chuckled. "The organ," he said as he gently gripped Sixam's foxhood.

Sixam made a sort of squeaking sound as his ‘organ' was unexpectedly seized.

Razor grinned and rolled them over to where he was on top of the boy. "Well?" He grinned and looked him over slowly.

Sixam giggled. "Play away."

Growling, the werewolf nodded and began rubbing the area slowly.

"Mm," the vulpine male sighed as his foxhood started to swell, the tip poking out of his sheath.

Growling faintly, Razor nipped at his mate's chest while giving his lower parts attention. Sixam closed his eyes and shivered slightly, giving in to the sensations of Razor's attention to his body. Growling a little more, the larger male slowly nipped down Sixam's body causing the fox to murr and his foxhood to began to unsheathe. Grinning as what he was waiting for happened; the werewolf slipped down and slid his tongue over the pink mass slowly.

Sixam took in a sharp breath as he felt his mate's tongue on his member which fully came out of his sheath. This being the reaction he wanted, Razor growled and lapped at his once hidden prize eagerly, his tail pounding the air.

The boy murred in pleasure as his foxhood was lapped at. Smiling, Razor slid his mouth over the vulpine member carefully and started to suck causing Sixam's mind to explode with sensation and grip the rug. Seeing that all was going well, the werewolf grinned slightly as his tongue explored the treat in his mouth, his eager paws sliding up the fox's sides slowly. Sixam moaned in extreme pleasure as he started panting.

Razor growled, sliding his mouth off. "Well...What now, hmm?"

Sixam looked at him, panting. "You decide. I picked what we played outside."

Razor laughed slightly and nodded, growling and pouncing him. He rubbed up against his mate teasingly. "And to think...I haven't done anything to you yet."

Murring, the fox asked, "What exactly do you mean by ‘yet'?"

Biting at the boy's neck, he grinned. He was being gentle and playful, but it was a very predatory act. "I mean...I'm a male in my prime." He smirked.

"So what does a male in his prime need?" Sixam inquired.

Growling again, Razor laughed. "Attention...and lot of mating." He nibbled at his mate's neck.

"And how do you plan on getting that?"

"Well...I was hoping you'd do it willingly as it's more fun that way," the werewolf said slowly sliding himself between his mate's legs.

"Well all you have to do is ask."

Razor licked at Sixam's neck, nodding and rubbing against him, "Will you mate with me?"

Sixam murred as he was rubbed against. "Of course I will. Why wouldn't I? You are my mate after all," he said giggling.

Panting happily, Razor's tail started to thrash behind him as he nuzzled his mate cheerfully. Just hearing those words put him on an instant high.

The fox giggled again. "Looks like someone is excited."

The werewolf growled before laughing. "Oh you have no idea..." He pushed his normally hidden member against Sixam's hole, grinning slyly. "Well, maybe now you do."

Sixam felt a familiar sensation at his tailhole and murred. "Yes I do."

Looking to his mate for a moment, Razor actually smiled sweetly before kissing Sixam passionately, pushing himself into his vulpine lover. The boy wrapped his arms around his mate's neck and moaned a little into the kiss as he was entered by his lover's lupine mass as he been done many times before. Razor allowed his mate to adjust to him. He just enjoyed their kiss for now. He wanted to start thrusting but knew it would be better if he waited. When he felt enough time had passed, he began to thrust slowly, Sixam moaning as he did so.

The werewolf slowly opened his maw, smiling slightly as he did so. Feeling his mate's maw open, Sixam did likewise. Razor growled faintly and slid his tongue into the warm cavern, pushing himself a little deeper as he did so. His tongue explored his mate's mouth a little, rubbing against the fox's tongue. Sixam murred as his mouth was probed, moaning as his mate pushed deeper inside him. Growling and moaning, Razor settled into a steady pace, the fox holding on to him a little more as he did so.

Stroking his mate's sides, Razor broke the kiss and looked down at him. "Good?"

Smiling up at his lover, Sixam responded, nodding. "Yes. Extremely good."

Nodding, the werewolf held his mate and quickened the pace a little causing the fox to moan in ecstasy. He closed his eyes and held onto Razor a little tighter. Razor started to breathe a little heavier as he began to thrust harder, Sixam panting as he did so. The smaller male's moaning was getting quite loud now as he was getting close to climax.

Razor nibbled at the side of Sixam's neck, growling happily as he did so. Sixam tiled his neck to give his mate more access to his neck. Nibbling eagerly, Razor's thrust began to get hard and fast. He left Sixam's neck alone and braced himself.

Sixam was quickly getting close and was panting up a storm as he squeezed his mate tightly. Gasping slightly, Razor gripped his mate, taking him like the animal he was, clearly getting close as well. He slid one of his paws down and ran it over his mate's mass, stroking it in time with his thrusts.

Sixam couldn't last anymore. He threw his head back and let out an intense howl as he erupted in his mate's large paws, his claws digging into the werewolf's back as he rode the intense waves of pleasure from his orgasm.

Whining slightly, Razor's eyes flashed open and he let off a howl of his own, much louder than the fox's, filling his mate and panting heavily. He looked down at his mate and smiled weakly, he leaned in and nipped at his neck.

Murring as the werewolf nibbled at his neck, Sixam just panted, living in the afterglow of his orgasm. He loosened the hold on his mate's neck but kept his arms in place.

The wolf was hot. The fire and their workout was overheating him. Shaking his head a little, he pulled his mate up and carried him to a cooler area so they could cool down a little. Sixam nuzzled Razor's chest as he was carried. He was glad to leave the den as he too was hot. Razor went to the living room, walked over to a window and opened it, letting the cold air in, sighing happily he sat in a recliner with Sixam in his arms.

Continuing to nuzzle his mate's chest, Sixam looked up at him. "So did the male in his prime get what he needed?" He asked with a slight giggle.

Growling faintly, Razor looked down and nodded. "Yes...What I wanted is in my arms right now."

Sixam made a small embarrassed giggle and looked down, his ears turning red as he blushed. "I...uh..."

Smiling at him, Razor held him close and licked him tenderly. Sixam murred as he was licked sighed, nuzzling Razor's chest again, his tail slowly waving. The werewolf began cooling down and relaxing, nuzzling the boy gently. Continuing to murr, Sixam just closed his eyes and allowed Razor to nuzzle him, letting off a small yawn.

"Someone's tired," Razor said getting up to put his mate down.

Sixam smiled up at his mate. "Just a little tired. All this playing has made me a little exhausted.'

"Then it's naptime." Laughing, Razor nodded and headed back to the den, after closing the window of course. He lied down on the rug again as they had had time to cool off. He just caressed his lover's chest gently.

Sixam murred as his chest was rubbed. "I wouldn't mind taking a long as it's with you," he said yawning again.

The werewolf smiled and nuzzled his mate. "Of course I'll rest with you."

The fox closed his eyes and murred as he was nuzzled.

Smiling to himself, Razor relaxed with him. "Always so nice."

"Yes...very nice," Sixam murmured as he drifted off.

Smiling, Razor closed his eyes and just relaxed in front of the fire with his mate in a state of contentment.

Lying with his mate and in front of the warm, glowing fire, Sixam fell asleep very, very comfortable and at ease.

That one is done. WOO!! Can you feel it? Can you feel the power? The raw pulsing the power. THE POWER TO CONTROL ALL OF THE...sorry. I get a little carried away with my energy sometimes. Wasn't that a fun chapter but it doesn't have to be the last one. You can do your part of making sure there is another. Just give me some good feedback and I'll handle the writing. Only you can prevent this series ending here. Send feedback and comments to Sixam (dot) Canoscan (at) yahoo (dot) com. Are you getting tired of this part?. I hope you have enjoyed this as much as we have. Ciao.