Tales of Jasper III

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#3 of Tales of Jasper

Jasper woke early in the morning, feeling like a million bucks. He shook with delight as he

stirred to a waking state. His tail pat the bed and he swung his legs over the edge, bouncing

a little. He knew that what he had experienced had not been a dream, even if it felt like it. He

quickly, showered, ate breakfast and changed into his uniform with an hour to spare.

Gliss had already made her way to work and Jasper suddenly realized he had forgotten to

ask her to go to Jack's after school. He decided to write a little note and he put it on the

refrigerator. He decided to play his game in the meantime then made his way to the bus

stop. Jasper did not look as depressed as he had yesterday, instead he was extremely

happy, and surging with energy, practically purring with each step.

Once the bus made it to the stop he would bounce his way onto the bus almost singing as

he made his way to sit back with Naila and Jack. They looked to him curiously and as he

took a seat Naila pressed her nose to his neck and inhaled his scent. She was doing that

just to make him mewl and blush, and she got her desired reaction, his tail curling up in his

lap as one of the kids in front of them laughed. While Naila's giggle was a friendly one, the

kid was not and Naila rose to her feet, the kid immediately shutting his trap and turning


"So Jazz, you gonna come over today?" Jack asked, sitting there coolly as he normally did.

"Yeah," Jasper replied.

"Jazz... you smell a little funny this morning," Naila said watching Jasper closely.

"I do?" he asked softly, blushing a little.

"I can't really tell, maybe..." she said shrugging her shoulders, "So Jack, what are we doing


"Well, I was thinking we could watch a movie and just play some games," Jack said smiling

to Naila.

"Are we going to play house?" Naila asked giggling.

"No! That is just you and Jazz making me do stuff..." Jack said blushing.

Jasper and Naila laughed a little, as they were usually the mom and dad, while Jack was

stuck playing the kid or the uncle. Jack had a rather large collection of stuffed animals, and

sometimes they were the children. Naila was always the mom because she was the only

girl, and she always chose Jasper as the dad. Then Jack would usually get stuck watching

the kids while Naila kissed all over Jasper's face and hugged him, always making him blush

and mewl, which was her plan from the start.

As they finished out the bus ride to the school they talked about things they might do,

ranging from playing some fighting video games, to going out to get some food and play in

the play area of one of the nearby fast food places. Once they got to school, they played

outside for a while, playing freeze tag with the other kids before school began.

First thing, they received their math tests back and surprisingly enough Jasper got a 100%,

Naila got a 75%, and Jack got a 97%. Everyone was stunned that Jasper had beat Jack, and

Jack simply blew it off saying he made a mental error in his multiplication. Either way,

Jasper was excited and wanted to show his mom his grade. Whenever he did good on tests

she made chocolate chocolate chip cookies.

The day in math went by quickly, and they just practiced their multiplication in groups of

three. Then English came along, and the old lady teacher came in looking like a nurse from

WWII. She was all prim and carried herself like a soldier. They reviewed for the spelling test

that was for the next day, and they did some grammar correction paragraphs. Also, they did

an hour of reading and Jasper picked up a new book from the library, wondering more about

the icky romance books.

All girls had cooties, except his mom and Naila, at least in his eyes, but now he was

curious, since girls liked to read them, slowly opening to the idea that he was finding girls

attractive, rather than not. Jack and Naila both took turns to poke fun at him, but deep down

Naila was just curious as to why a boy was going to read a love story. Nonetheless, Jack

checked the book out and read some of it during reading time.

Lastly, Jasper's favorite class came along: science. They were learning about plants and

bugs, each group having a caterpillar that was going to grow up into a butterfly. Jasper's

group had a huge green caterpillar with long fuzzies on it, but it did not seem to want to

make a cocoon like the others. So they simply fed it and wrote down observations. Also,

they were learning about gravity and whatnot.

Every hour they had a thirty minute recess and also had an hour and a half lunch, mostly

because the staff had complained about not having time to go out and eat. It made for a nice

schedule though. An hour of math, thirty minutes of recess, an hour of grammar and

language, thirty minutes of recess, an hour of reading, thirty minutes of recess, an hour of

spelling, an hour and a half for lunch, an hour of science, thirty minutes of recess, and

another hour of science, then they got to go home. Eight hours of school was rather fun to

Jasper, and he enjoyed playing tag and the like during recess, which sometimes turned out

to be PE in disguise.

Finally, at the end of the day, Jasper was happy to find that there was no homework and he

boarded the bus with Naila and Jack. They moved to the back and Jasper took a seat

between the two. He had thought the day couldn't get any better, things just getting better as

they day went by. In route to Jack's bus stop, which was the last one, they talked more

about what they were going to do, and about the classes that day, Naila praising herself for

getting such a good score on her math test.

Once they arrived at Jack's bus stop they said goodbye to the bus driver and started up the

trail to Jack's mansion. His house was immense, and there were unoccupied rooms all over

the place. He practically had a wing to himself. The mansion suitable to have seventy or so

people. There was a maid and butler team that waited hand and foot on Jack and his family.

His parents were not usually there, but they seemed to be home since their helicopters were

on the two docking pads on the roof. Jack had four older siblings, two brothers and two

sisters. Two of them were in high school, and two of them were in college.

"Welcome home Master Jack," a butler said as they approached the gate, and the butler

bowed. He was a large gray wolf, much bigger than any of the kids, and he had a scar over

his right eye.

"Urwal... it is good to see you," Naila said giggling a little and once the gate was open she

pounced on the wolf. Urwal did not move and Naila nuzzled into him with glee, purring,

knowing that he would not move while she was doing so.

"Miss Naila, please..." Urwal said softly, and she would let him be.

Urwal led them up to the door and several other wolves came to the door to take Jack, Naila,

and Jaspers things to Jack's room. Jack asked them to make a fish snack for them and they

would climb the stairs and go down a long passageway to get to Jack's room. The mansion

had red carpeting and the place was set up like a giant T shape. There was a passage

leading to the back, behind the stairs, which had a dance hall, the kitchen, a dining hall, and

indoor pool, an theater, and an indoor garden. The left wing on the third floor was Jack's

parents room. The second and first floor for his oldest siblings. The right wing having the top

floor for Jack, the bottom two for his younger siblings.

Jack opened the door to his room, revealing a jungle gym, a few beds, some hanging from

the ceiling, a theater area, and scattered throughout the room were help buttons to call the

service team to get him food and the like. Jack had a lot of unopened toys and more legos

than any kid would ever need. Also, scattered about the large table and on the beds there

were all kinds of stuffed animals. Jasper and Naila moved over to one of the hanging beds

and took a seat, dangling their feet over the edge. Naila hopped down and smiled.

"I want to play house..." she said and Jack shook his head.

"No way... I want to play video games..." Jack said pointing to his theater.

"We can play video games while we play house..." Naila said cleverly.

"But..." Jack said looking around then to Jasper, pointing at him "You just want to kiss Jazz!"

"Hey now, where did I come into this argument..." Jasper said, swinging his feet. He blushed

and his ears fell back a little, tail slapping the bed nervously.

"Maybe..." Naila giggled going over to Jasper and tugging him off the bed.

"You know, you are the only girl in school that does not think he has cooties..." Jack said


"I want Jazz to play the baby today... and you can play the older brother," Naila said giggling

a little.

"What, I am not a baby! I am only a few months younger than you Naila..." Jasper protested.

Naila tapped her chin, her wolf ears falling back as she thought, gazing around the room and

trying to come up with something for them to do. She shrugged her shoulders and looked to


"Plus Jazz can't be your baby... mommies feed their babies a lot and you are sort of not able

to," Jack said pointing to her chest.

Naila blushed and a sudden redness came to her face. At first it was like embarrassment,

but after a moment it revealed its true nature. Like a stuck if dynamite, Naila burst out,

yelling at Jack. She pinned him to the ground and growled at him, Jasper immediately rising,

not understanding her outburst. He would try to pull her off of Jack, though she was just

being intimidating.

"How dare you! You never talk about a woman's size!" Naila yelled in Jack's face, her tail

bristling behind her.

Jack looked genuinely scared and Jasper wrapped his arms around Naila's hips pulling her

back. She did not put up any resistance to the grasp and she would rise from Jack sighing

an angry sigh. Jasper looked to her and she still had anger written on her face, and he

looked back to Jack, going over and helping the leopard to his feet. Jack apologized to Naila,

not knowing that such a thing was a sensitive topic.

"Sorry, Naila..." Jack whispered again, and he moved over to her.

"Jazz... tell Jack that he has to play the dog and you get to play the daddy," Naila said

crossing her arms and turning from Jack and looking to Jasper.

"You have to play the dog..." Jasper said blushing and feeling a little weird being the


"Okay... I will play the dog..." Jack said softly, and he took off his uniform.

"Okay... I forgive you," Naila said giggling again and turning to Jasper and kissing his cheek

and squeezing him against herself.

Naila was much stronger than Jasper, her gray wolfess prowess stronger than his lynx

strength. He was faster than she was and he had a better balance than she did. He

squeaked as she squeezed him and he hugged her back gently. She let him go and

suddenly there was a ringing on someones phone. Jack looked to his uniform and he dug in

the pocket to get his cell phone. He answered it quickly.

"Hello? Oh! Hey mom!" he said happily his tail flicking behind him and Naila and Jasper just

watched Jack as he spoke with his mom.

"Ah, sorry guys, it turns out that my dad signed me up for violin lessons. I will be back in

about an hour, so you guys can just play up here for a while," Jack said softly, going to his

closet and picking out a suit to wear, and dressing quickly, leaving the room.

"Well... now what, Jazz?" Naila said softly, and she picked him up and set him on the bed,

hopping up next to him, both dangling their feet over the edge.

"I dunno," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"If you don't choose I am going to wrestle you," Naila said nonchalantly.

It would be a one sided wrestling match and Jasper did not stand a chance. He tried to think

of something, but nothing came to mind. He did not know Jack's password on his game

system so they could not play video games, and touching another man's legos was just

wrong. He sighed, knowing his fate already. He looked to Naila and hopped of the bed

attempting to get away from her.

Naila simply giggled and pounced off the bed, tearing Jasper down and pinning him to the

ground. He squirmed under her, his tail trying to tickle at her sides, knowing that she was

ticklish, and it made her loosen her grip as she laughed a little. He twisted under her turning

over and grasping her arms and trying to force them out so he could turn her over, his tail

smacking the ground as she recovered. She took his large paws in her own, her tail wagging

with glee as she looked down at him.

"Jazzy, you look so good, I could just eat you up," she said giggling and she lowered her

head and lapped over his face, splaying out her wet kisses over him, and he purred, though

he struggled agianst her.

"Naila, it isn't fair," he mewled and his tail smacked the ground agitatedly, as he tried to force

himself up, pressing against her.

"That is because the momma runs the house," she said, giggling and she nipped his neck

teasingly. Normally he mewled, when she did that, but this time it felt different. Sure it had

the same bite of pain, but something else stirred in him as he struggled against her.

"Naila... ah.... let me up," he whined and he laid back ceasing his pointless struggle.

"Hmm... I will let you up if you kiss me," she said giggling and her tail wagged happily behind

her, as she watched him distress.

"No way!" he cried out to her and he tugged at her paw, pulling his paw free to her surprise.

He thrust his paw around her neck and pulled her head down and against his shoulder.

Naila was surprised by his action and she took his large paw again, twining her fingers to his

and holding him back down, moving his paws up to the sides of his head. She murred a little

as she watched him struggle and as his body coincidentally nuzzled up against her, he felt

something stirring in him. He mewled with distress as she held him and she nuzzled his


"Just kiss me Jazz, and I will let you up," Naila teased and she peered down into his blue

orbs, her own emeralds glistening with happiness.

"Naila..." he whined, blushing and he shook, thrusting his chest up against her and he tried

to turn her back. He managed to pull his paws off the ground, but only for a moment. He

stopped struggling again and he closed his eyes, sighing. He had no other choice and he

leaned up and pressed his nose to hers.

"There I kissed you," he said softly, blushing.

"That is not a kiss... this is a kiss..." she said lapping over his muzzle and up against his

nose, as she pressed her body more against his, squishing him a little. He started to pant a

little as she hindered his air acquiring capability. She drew her head back only for a moment,

her breath felt over his muzzle, and he felt something inside him ignite. He suddenly wanted

to kiss her, he wanted to hold her, but against his own will his paws were pinned.

"Okay, Naila..." he said pressing his muzzle up to hers and he licked over her lips and along

the sides of her muzzle, his rough tongue scraping against her as his lapping grew a little

more wild.

"Jazz!" she cried with glee, and giggled, her murring rising as she forced herself against him

more taking his kisses. Jasper felt a sudden want for her, not knowing how to place his want

into words. He did not know how to satisfy the want he had for her, and he started to feel a

boiling inside of him. He panted more heavily, taking deep breaths and huffing sighs, since

she was squishing him so much, and his heated breath splayed out over her muzzle.

"Naila... you said you would let me up..." he said softly and she blushed nodding to him.

Naila rose from over Jasper and she sat back quivering from his sudden burst of kisses

against her. She did not know what to think, as he had always given her reluctant kisses

when she pinned him and demanded the kiss. As she sat and thought, she was unaware of

what Jasper was about to do. He thrust himself against her, forcing her back and she barked

in surprise as he lapped against her, taking advantage of her open maw, and lapping into it.

Naila did not know what to think and she jerked her head back and closed her maw, tugging

him down against her, rolling Jasper back onto his back. She pinned his shoulders to the

ground, his large paws petting over her back as he leaned up to kiss her, his face hot with

embarrassment. He looked away as she stare at him. She was bigger than he was, even if

she was only a little older than he.

"Jazz... what was that?" she asked through an involuntary murr.

"Sorry, Naila! Sorry! Don't bite me..." he cried out to her.

"Jazz, I won't bite you," she said softly, and she pressed her muzzle down against his neck

and nibbled against him, "At least not harder than that."

Jasper purred and pressed himself up against her, his body responding to her as he tried to

nuzzle his body up against hers. He was about to burst into flame he was so hot, panting

heavily as he nuzzled into Naila. She lifted her muzzle and leaned back down and lapped

over his muzzle, trying to force her tongue between his lips, to take the curious taste she

had only gotten a glimpse of.

Jasper opened his maw and lapped back against her tongue, sharing a special kiss with her

without even realizing it. His tongue wanted the taste, his body wanted to feel hers, and a

tent appeared in his pants, pressing up against Naila as he nuzzled his body against her.

She looked back to see what the strange poking against her stomach was. She tilted her

head curiously at Jasper and looked back to him for the answer.

"Naila... I want to put it in you..." he said softly, and she shook her head, wondering what he

was talking about.

Naila had no siblings and she hadn't really seen much of her father as he was always

working, not to mention she did not have the internet at home so she was a very sheltered

child. She drew back off of him and curiously pulled his pants off. She looked curiously to his

pink kittencock, and she grasped it in her paw, tugging against it a little, sending a jolt

throughout Jasper's body. He forced his hips up to keep her from pulling to hard, and he cried

out to her.

"Naila! It is sensitive," he cried to her, and she instantly released him.

"Sorry Jazz!" she said quickly and she drew back, allowing him to rise.

Jasper's body trembled with the desire to have some cunny around his cock. He looked to

her and he would strip off the rest of his clothing. She watched him curiously, her tail curling

up at her side a little. She could see the heat written on his face as he started moving closer

to her. She did not move and her eyes were locked on his kittenhood.

"Naila..." he purred out to her and he would wrap his arms under her shoulders, nuzzling

against her chest, "Can I put it inside you?"

Naila thought for a moment, wondering how to respond. She did not know how he was going

to put it inside of her at first and after a moment she blushed, looking to him and she

suddenly grew timid. She had never really thought about something going into her lower lips,

nor had she payed much attention to it. All she knew is it was where she peed and she

figured it was the same for boys.

Jasper's kittenhood receded back into its sheath as time passed, and Naila watched it slip

back into the furry sheath.

"Where did it go?" she asked softly.

"It only comes out when it is pet, or nuzzled against," he said softly, looking up to Naila as

she eyed him over, reaching down and petting over his sheath.

Jasper pressed his hips forward against her groping paw and he mewled out lustfully, wanting

her more and more with each passing moment, finally pinning what his want was. He had

asked to put it inside of her because that felt good, and that is where it was suppose to go,

or so he was taught. He finally realized that is exactly what his body wanted and his

kittencock revealed itself again after Naila pet over it.

Naila was fascinated with the display and she wrapped her velvety paw around his slimy

dick, rubbing up and down over it, making Jasper twitch with desire and he purred heavily,

thrusting his chest forward and against her. His large paws grasped at her uniform trying to

remove it and she released him forcing him back. She looked to him with shock and she

watched him.

Naila did not realize it but she was getting wet between her legs as she watched his

member. She felt the stickiness running down her thighs, making her a little uncomfortable.

She took off her pants, wondering what it was all about and a sudden burst of her

pheromones hit Jasper like a semi. He mewled out and he dropped smelling her strong

scent. He leaned forward and lapped at the inside of her thighs and up against her small,

tight pussy.

Naila cried out huffing and forcing his head away at first as her body deciphered the signals

his hot tongue sent through her. She held his head tightly in her paws and he pressed his

head forward to lap at her some more, finding her taste just as enjoyable as his mother's. As

his tongue pressed up against her sweet, burning pussy she pulled his head closer, his

muzzle pressing up against her, and his rough tongue slipping inside of her, caressing her

sensitive walls.

"Jazz..." she moaned out, feeling a delightful feeling running through her. She held his

muzzle close, not letting go even as he tugged back wanting to get air. He stagged a deep

breath of her scent sucking in her pheromones and some of her juices. He coughed a little

as he choked and the jerks inside of Naila made her moan out louder, though as she

suddenly realized what was happening she let his head go and he gasped for air, panting

heavily and catching his breath.

"Naila... you taste so yummy..." he said softly, and he pounced on her forcing her back

against the bed.

Naila smelled her juices on his face and she started lapping away the sweet, salty mixture

and murred against him. She wanted his kiss again and she slipped her tongue into his

mouth sharing her taste with him and demanding his tongue. Jasper purred into her kiss and

lapped frantically into her maw, his teeth clicking against hers as he forced his muzzle

against hers. Naila broke the kiss and pulled him back up on the bed over her.

"Jazz... I feel so hot..." Naila said panting against him and holding him tightly against her, as

he rubbed his hips against her, his kittencock enjoying the feel of her body.

"Naila... ah... please... please put it in you... it feels so good..." he whispered to her and she

rolled him over sitting up over him.

Naila was curious with his begging and she reached between her legs to snatch up his

member, her paw stroking it a little and she guided it up against herself, pressing it to her

greedy cunny. It wanted the kittencock and Naila gasped, at the mere touch of him against

her. She slowly lowered herself over Jasper, taking both of his paws and pressing herself

down against him as she felt the pressure building in her. As she met a sudden resistance

she wondered if it was in all the way, looking back.

"Jazz... it stopped... ah... make the heat go away..." she panted against him, his hips

bucking up agianst her, rather suddenly, piercing her young hymen and making her cry out in


"Jazz! It hurts! It hurts!" she cried as his rod hilted her and she forced her body against his,

squeezing his paws.

Naila did not want to move, in fear of it hurting more and her body grew accustomed to his

warm penis. As the pain faded she felt a little pleasure rise in her. Jasper was worried, as

tears streamed down Naila's wolf muzzle. He struggled against her as her body start to

move, and the feel of his hot shaft rubbing against her tight walls made her moan out to

Jasper. She slowly rocked her hips over him, riding his kittencock.

Jasper mewled with surprise as she started to pick up speed and his own hips bucked up

against her sensitive walls, his dick slamming inside of her. She was overwhelmed with his

movement and her vision fell to a crimson haze a dizziness overwhelming her as her body

trembled. Her walls clamped tightly onto his kittenhood and his eyes widened as his own

release came, his watery cum spraying into her womb and slathering her young walls with

his hot seed. She moaned out with deep desire, and he screamed out to her as she bucked

her hips wildly on his release, the milking his kittencock for all it was worth, moaning with

each thrust, her body spilling her sweet nectar over him, and dousing the bedding they were

yiffing on.

Naila fell over him, pressing her body to his and squishing him against the bed. She was

overwhelmed with the sheer pleasure that he had put her through and she panted hot breaths

over his neck, feeling rather tired. She did not want to crush him and she tried to roll over,

moaning as his kittenhood slipped from her cunny, more juices slipping out of her, and

drenching a spot on the bedding. Jasper and Naila were flying and they lay still on the bed,

both trembling in ecstasy.

Jasper felt sleep trying to tug him away, but he forced himself up so he would not fall asleep.

He could still smell their mixed scents and he knew he needed to wash the bedding.

Somehow he felt like it was a necessity, and he looked to Jack's bathroom. He did not think

that much time passed and he looked to the clock on the wall, finding it had been thirty

minutes. Which made him wonder how long he had been melting in ecstasy. Regardless, he

tried to pull Naila up and she slowly forced herself off of the bed and into Jasper's arms.

"Now we are like a real mommy and daddy," Naila whispered, lapping Jaspers muzzle and he

blushed, helping her over to another bed and sitting her down. He quickly gathered up the

comforter and took it to the bathroom getting a lot of soap and hand washing it in the tub. He

knew it would be suspicious but it did get rid of the scent, the musky scent still in the

bedroom as he came out of the bathroom. Jasper moved to open the windows in the room

and he put his uniform back on. He did not know why, but it felt like he had done something


Either way, he moved back over to Naila who had fallen asleep and he put her clothes back

on her, her body in a deep slumber. He could see the warm smile still across her muzzle,

and he thought back to her moaning out his name, making him feel good just thinking about

it. Was that how love was supposed to feel? He did not know and he shoved the thought


Jasper sighed and took a seat next to Naila, taking her paw into his lap. He brought it up to

his muzzle and kissed her paw gently, his large paw hiding hers as he held it. He sighed and

waited as the scent cleared out of the room, only a trace of it remaining on his and Naila's

body. On the bright side it was not on his face anymore so it would be at least a little

covered up. Once Jack returned he looked to Naila and Jasper sitting up against one of the

beds, noting that one of the beds was missing a comforter.

"What happened in here?" he asked laughing a little.

"I wore her out when we were wrestling... and sorry dude... she didn't let me up when I had to

go... so I sorta wetted your bed..." Jasper lied to Jack, blushing deeply.

"Aw... Jazz come on... we are in the third grade!" Jack said laughing and he bought the story


"Well what game do you want to play?" Jazz asked rising and letting Naila rest.

Jazz and Jack played a few games until it was time for them to eat and Naila would not

wake for anything. They ate up in Jack's room, having never received the snacks that he had

ordered. Jack's parents stayed in their room until it was time for Jasper and Naila to go.

Finally, Jasper managed to wake Naila and she purred as she felt him so close to her. She

lapped at his neck gently as he lean over her, Jack looking around and Jasper drew back

from Naila.

"Hey, it is time to go... you were out cold, Naila..." he whispered.

Naila was far from awake and she just wanted to have Jasper hold her. She staggered out to

the car and Urwal would tilt his head, easily picking up on the scent on the kitten and the

puppy. He did not say anything though, uncertain of it. He was suspicious, but he did not

call them out on it. He drove Naila home first, and Jasper walked her up to her door. Her

mother was a little sick, and her father was at work as usual. She invited Jasper in and he

helped Naila to her room.

Shortly after, he returned to Urwal and was driven home. His mother had not returned yet and

he went up to bed, dead tired and tossed his bag to the side. He crashed instantly and he

would sigh out, wondering how he really felt about Naila, a strange fluttering in his stomach

as he thought back to her words. "Just like a real mommy and daddy, huh?" he said softly to

himself falling asleep happily.