Sex, Lies and a DVD

Story by VederJuda on SoFurry

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"Sex, Lies and a DVD"

by Veder Juda

This is a lemon fan-fiction story based on the Mario Bros. video games from Nintendo. First of all, this is a fan work; I do not own or claim any rights to the characters within. Second, this is an adult story, so it should not be ready by minors. Third, this is something that came out of my twisted imagination, so please don't try any of this yourself; especially if you are not a fictitious turtle species.

Sex, Lies and a DVD

A lone paratroopa flew towards Bowser's palace, lugging a huge burlap bag that was so heavy it threatened to bring the flying turtle crashing to the ground. With a diligent effort, he eventually found his way to the top of the mountain and the large red steel door to the castle, where someone was waiting for him.

"About time you showed up! You're late!"

"Sorry, Your Highness, but the mail was heavier than usual."

Roy was fuming over the tardiness of the postal worker, and was unimpressed with this show of regret. "I don't care. I have half a mind to beat the snot out of you. Or should I have king dad blow up the whole post office?"

"N-n-no-no sir! It won't happen again. I promise."

"It better not." Roy grabbed the bag. "Is this all?"

"Just one more; I need you to sign for this."

"What is it?"

"Registered mail. It's a royal message from Princess Peach politely requesting that King Bowser not cause as much destruction the next time he tries to abduct her. Shall I presume to return the usual reply?"

"I don't care." Roy took the letter and signed the ticket.


Inside the large steel door, Roy opened the bag and sorted through the mail; of course, "sort" was a rather questionable term, "rummage" would be better. He pushed around the letters, and started to identify the parcels and packages in the mess.

Roy pulled out a medium sized box. "Here's one from Ludwig's music club; more classical crap most likely." Roy tossed the box over his shoulder, yielding a plastic crack sound when it hit the stone floor.

Roy pulled out another box, about the same size as the last one. "Wendy... clothes, or make-up?" Roy shook the box and tried to judge the weight.


Roy threw the box in the general direction of Ludwig's, which hit the ground with a glass-shattering crash.

"...and a mirror."

Another much larger box was pulled out; this one had "FRAGILE" in red letters plastered all over it. "And this is for Iggy; pretty heavy, probably more science junk."

With both hands, Roy hefted the large box over his head; when it landed, an explosion of fire and smoke filled the area.

"What idiot would get something like that mailed to them?"

Roy went back into the bag and pulled out a much smaller box, about the size of an encyclopaedia volume.

"A ha! Here we are."

Roy left the bag there for anyone else looking for their mail to get it themselves; he got what he was looking for. The koopaling headed towards his room, punching one of his claws into the box to tear open one of the ends, and slid out the contents: a small plastic box with a decorated cover.

"Oh yeah. 'Koopas Gone Wild 3'; two hours of girls showing off their scales, tails, and everything else."

"Roy! What did you do to the mail?!"

Roy looked back and saw Iggy coming down the hall, and turned his body to hide his video. "What?"

"The mail. I come down and found the mail strewn about, and my package suffered some pretty severe damage, coming just shy of total annihilation."

"And why are you blaming me?"

"You've been doing this for the last three days."

"It's not my fault. Besides, you should be the one apologizing, having dangerous explosives sent through the mail. I could've been hurt."

"I needed those supplies for my experiments. I'm trying to build a better Bob-omb."

"Wasn't much of an explosion if ask me."

"You're lucky that those chemicals were only meant for the detonator; had it contained the full explosive charge, you would have been immolated for sure."

"Oh yeah, lucky me."

"So what did you get?"


"What came in the mail that was so important? It's obvious you got whatever you were waiting for since on previous days all the mail was tossed around the floor; this time most of it was still in the bag, so you must have found yours and left the rest peacefully. Besides, I'm guessing you're not standing sideways like that for no apparent reason."

"None of your business."

Roy turned and walked away.

"And what happens when I tell dad about the mess you made in the hall."

"That was your package that blew up, so don't blame me."

"Tell that to everyone else waiting for their mail. I noticed Wendy's package got the same treatment as mine, and you know what she's like."

"Like I care what that baby cries over."

"You will when her bawling gets on dad's nerves."


Roy started walking again.

"Damn it, what did you get that was so important?"

Iggy ran up to look at Roy's package, but the burly koopaling twisted to keep Iggy's spectacles away.

"Lemme see, lemme see."

"Back off."

Roy tried to avoid Iggy as best he could, but eventually the smaller koopaling got around him. "'Koopas Gone Wild'?! Can I watch?"


"Come on Roy, I want to see it. You owe me one after what you did to my supplies."

"Why don't you get your own copy? Or maybe it's time you went out and got a girlfriend, or kidnap one."

"I guess watching all that porn is why you don't have a girlfriend either."

Roy was getting pissed off. "Go away Iggy."

"Either you can let me watch, or I'll tell dad about the mail and your video, and then you'll have some explaining to do."

"Or I'll have to explain why you're dead."

Iggy was a bit startled, but he was used to Roy's threats, and he knew how far Roy was willing to go to carry them out; he didn't think Roy would kill him, but breaking half his bones was certainly in his nature. Iggy was sure that any such damage would only make Roy's situation worse, so he gambled that Roy wasn't dumb enough to do so; he hoped.

"Fine, then you'll have to explain why I'm dead."

Iggy took a deep breath and was about to shout all throughout the castle. Roy planted his hand over Iggy's mouth.

"Alright, alright, come on. And you better not make a mess in my room."


Iggy and Roy reconvened in the latter's room; when both were inside, Roy locked the door while Iggy took a look around. It was a grimy, messy abode with dirty laundry scattered everywhere?a sure oddity for someone who doesn't wear much in clothing other than black sunglasses. Scattered around were pieces of gym equipment, which Roy used to keep himself in peak form, and to intimidate everyone around him. In the far corner were a large TV and a couch.

"And you were worried about me making a mess?"

"Not that kind of mess."

Iggy didn't quite catch the remark.

"Just sit down, and keep quiet."

Roy grumbled as he opened the case and put the disc in the player, while Iggy leapt over the couch and sat down. Roy would've preferred watching this by himself; he'd take off his shell, pull his cock out of his boxers, and masturbate the whole time. He grabbed the remote, and pressed play as he headed for the couch.

"You don't seem to be anticipating this as much as I thought considering how vehemently you've been treating the mail."

"I'll anticipate it later, when I can watch it without sharing with a little snot-nosed kid who doesn't know the first thing about women."

"I know about girls; they have shiny scales and lovely curves, our sister notwithstanding."

Iggy never told anybody about his other little hobby. A few years ago, Bowser finally bowed to pressure to allow women in the koopa troopa army, primarily because of the defeats that Mario kept handing his forces, and he was desperate to fill the ranks anyway he could; of course, this would lead to problems unless the women had their own facilities, so the castle and various fortresses needed some remodelling to accommodate the fairer sex. Iggy, being the most technologically savvy koopa in the castle, orchestrated the upgrade; but in the process, he secretly hid video cameras in the washrooms, and at any time could watch the latest recruits undressing and showering. Despite his intimate knowledge of every female troopa, from choice of panties to the locations of birth marks and body piercings, it was ultimately pretty boring. The shower was used for getting clean, not dirty; there were no girls eating each other out; and no wild 20-plus lesbian orgies. Iggy had a feast of strictly softcore inaction, and now he wanted to see some hard girl-on-girl perversion.

Iggy stared intently at the screen as the intro for the video started, featuring several hot koopa girls, and girls of other species, but mostly koopas. The intro consisted of girls in various stages of dress: some were in their shells, while others were in the middle of removing them, revealing underwear or swimsuits; more were showing already without their shells, and more where flashing their breasts or behinds to the camera. The display was not all that impressive to the brainy one; the scenes were not much different than the shower scenes his cameras caught, and the cheesy CG title screens overlaid on the action were far behind even a cheap Goombawood production. Iggy could've put something like this together in his sleep.

After the title sequence finished, the scene switched to four koopa girls sitting in a hot tub at night, lit by bright patio lights, and surrounded by an audience of swimsuit wearing partiers; beer was being passed around in the background, and one of the girls on screen was noticeably drunk. The cameraman, as well as the partygoers were egging the girls on, enticing them to do something. After a moment, the redheaded girl on the right reached down and pulled off the top of her swimsuit, releasing her breasts; as she started to play with her boobs, earning howls from the crowd, the over-served blonde next to her followed suit, removing her top. The two girls where playing with themselves, and the other two girls were looking on, when an arm came in off camera and played with a strap on the far left girl's top; she shrugged it off, and the attention of the camera focused on the two topless koopas who were sharing a kiss.

"Now we're getting somewhere."

"Shhh." Roy didn't like noisy people in movie theatres, and he especially hated it when his porn was interrupted.

Back in the tub, the second girl on the left, who was wearing a more conservative one piece swimsuit, joined in with the others and pulled the top of her suit down; but instead of showing off her breasts to the world, she one-upped the other girls by pushing her suit into the water, and removed it completely. Now nude, the brunette tossed her purple suit behind her, and one of the spectators grabbed it, considering it as a souvenir; she was initially shocked that her suit was swiped, but laughed it off in the party atmosphere. Continuing on, the girl stood up in the tub, and sat down on the edge of the sunken pool; she split her legs wide open, and gave the camera a good look at her pussy as she started to stroke it with her right hand.

The girl with light brown hair done in a ponytail, the last girl still dressed, moved closer; instead of showing her own equipment off, she reached over and started probing the nude koopa's vagina. The brunette laid back and pulled her hand away to allow the girl full access. After a few strokes and a few giggles, she moved between the brunette's legs, and leaned in. The camera swung around to get a better look as ponytailed girl was licking the brunette's mound, before plunging her tongue into her vagina. The brunette started moaning like the dead, and catcalls were coming from the crowd.

The two girls who started it weren't about to be upstaged, and moved forward to the pussy eater. Sitting behind her, the redhead lifted her ass out of the water, pulled down her bikini bottom, and massaged her cheeks; the blonde moved to the side opposite the camera and motioned the redhead to move her hands; with the ponytailed girl in a very vulnerable position, the blonde brought her hand about a foot away, and started to spank.

Iggy was mesmerized by the picture, and was totally turned on by the pictures of the girls getting it on. Roy noticed, and was worried that his younger brother was going to start coming in his shell, and leaving a mess on his couch; but Iggy's attention was drawn away by a sharp shrill heard outside the door.

"ROY!!! What the hell did you do to my make-up?!"

Despite the large door, the boys could hear Wendy's scream; and the lock proved useless when the irate koopaling kicked the door into a crumpled mass of metal now rocking on the floor.

"Roy! Look at this!"

Wendy stormed up, carrying her box of make-up that Roy unceremoniously threw to the floor earlier that day.

"There was over 200 gold coins of make-up in here, and you ruined it! There are two compacts with cracked cases, one of which has a broken mirror; the atomizer on a bottle of perfume is snapped off; and a large jar of scale lotion completely shattered, and spilled the contents over everything else!"

"200 coins? I think you got ripped off, sis. And do you really need a jar of lotion that big? It's more than Morton could eat in a week."

"This is high quality stuff; you can't expect a princess to go around with dried and dull scales, I have an image to preserve. And I had to import this from Petalburg; you just can't get good stuff like this from Dark Land."

From the TV came a giggle and a howl, drawing Wendy's attention to the screen for the first time. "What are you... watching?"

The blonde koopa girl from before was now out of the hot tub, and completely naked. She was mumbling something, but Wendy didn't really care what she said, all she noticed was the lack of clothes.

"Porn?! You cause a huge mess at the front gate, and now you're in here watching porn." Wendy then turned to Iggy sitting on the couch. "And you; are you his accomplice or something?"

"No, he wrecked my package to, so I'm getting my payback."

"By sitting here and letting him rot your brain with filth?"

Wendy looked back at the screen to point out the depravity Roy and Iggy were indulging in; the blonde definitely had too much to drink, and was now facing one of the consequences of her indiscretion, other than the lack of self restraint.

"Is that girl peeing into a glass?!"

Roy glanced back at the screen while Iggy's attention was soon locked on the perverse public act.

"I can't believe you two, watching that crap. If you like naked girls so much, why don't you go out and get girlfriends or something, instead of watching some ditz using the bathroom in public."

Iggy was watching the act, and the act that followed. "Oh shit, she's drinking it."

Roy and Wendy turned their attention to the screen; Wendy really didn't want to see it, but it's one of those things where someone points it out and you subconsciously look out of disbelief.

"Oh that's... that's disgusting!" After the sight of the girl drinking her own urine, Wendy felt a burning in her throat, and thought she was going to throw up right there. She took a moment to compose herself, and held up her hand to block the screen should any other twisted acts appear.

"Do you guys like watching that stuff."

Roy was also a bit put off by water sports, but he was getting a kick out of his sister's reaction. "There's nothing wrong with girls becoming total sluts on camera."

"I can't believe I'm related to a couple of horn dogs who like watching a bunch of whores exposing themselves on camera."

Iggy's eyes were still transfixed on the screen. "Like this girl here, who looks... like you?"

The three of them immediately focused on the koopa girl now on screen, an orange scaled girl distinguished by a pink and white-spotted bow on her head and thick red lipstick who, like the other stars in the video, wasn't wearing her shell, or clothes of any kind. The girl on the screen was dancing around in a sultry swaying motion, while caressing her right breast with her right hand, and masturbating with her left. All around her were onlookers, each of them dressed much more than she was; all of them, male and female, ogling her performance. Occasionally, someone from the audience would spray something on her, either water or alcohol, causing a shine on parts of her nude form; but between her legs was another shimmer that was caused by neither.

Wendy's heart fell into her stomach, which had fallen to the floor. She was watching herself acting like a total slut, completely drunk?at least she had to be drunk to get into that situation?and showing off her pussy to a live crowd; and to a camera, and therefore to anyone with a VCR or DVD player?like her two brothers.

"wha... what... huh... ?"

Wendy was totally flabbergasted, she couldn't believe what she was seeing; that she, Princess Wendy O. Koopa, was dancing nude, and playing with herself on camera. The thoughts running through her mind where a mile a minute.

{No, this can't be happening; it's a bad dream. That can't be me on the screen, an impostor? Is that really me up there? When the hell did this happen?}

Iggy loved watching his sister dancing on the beach, while Roy loved seeing all the color leaving the scales from the real life version.

"Hey sis, isn't this when you went to Delfino Island for spring break? That looks like Gelato beach."

Wendy didn't feel like answering Iggy, she felt like she was going into convulsions.

{How did this happen? Sure there was a lot of partying, but things never got that out of hand. There was that one night I had a bit much to drink, but... nothing happened, Cathy said...}

Wendy recalled the one night where things did get a bit out of control, but her friend, whom she went to Delfino Island with, told her that nothing happened; when she woke up the next morning with a hangover, she feared the worst, but Cathy reassured her that she didn't do anything stupid.

"Hey, isn't that Cathy?"

Wendy looked at the screen; she was now with a pink birdo who, just like Wendy, was wearing a pink bow and nothing else. Cathy was down on her knees, and her snout was locked on Wendy right breast, trying to suckle milk from the koopaling; her right hand was now teasing Wendy's pussy, continuing where Wendy herself left off. Wendy's left hand was now massaging her left breast, while her right was on Cathy's back for support. The dancing had stopped, and the koopaling's motions took on a more vulgar cycle; instead of a drunken belly-dance, her body was rocking in a string of orgasms. And while the birdo's mouth was tied up with Wendy's breast, her mouth was wide open, and moaning with each seizure of her body.

Unsatisfied with the lack of lactation, Cathy left the breast and slinked down to Wendy's crotch; enticing her to open her legs, the birdo planted her snout over the vagina, completely covering it. Cathy's head bobbed in and out of Wendy, her snout contracting and stretching like an accordion. The sex was driving Wendy crazy, almost causing her to lose her balance, so she placed both hands firmly on her lover's shoulders; her moaning had stopped, but now, Wendy screamed out with every earth-shattering orgasm.

Roy had a huge smile on his face. "She eating you out good, isn't she?"

"You idiot, where were you in biology class? Birdos are hermaphroditic, and their sex organs are in their mouths. They don't have tongues; that's her penis!" Wendy paused a moment for the implications of her statement to sink in with her brothers. "She wasn't eating me out; she was filling me with her cum! She could've gotten me pregnant!"

Wendy wasn't too concerned over the probability of a birdo getting a koopa pregnant, as any chance at all was too terrifying to even think about; however, the event was several months ago, and Wendy was definitely not with child. Her thoughts were now on how her best friend could have betrayed her like that.

"How could she do this to me? I'll kill her! I tear her snout off and make her wear it! I'll rip out her spine and use it for dental floss."

"Or you could kidnap her and make her your sex slave."

"Right, that'll be a fitting punishment... ROY!!!"

Roy snickered. "Just trying to help."

Wendy reached her hand out. "If you want to help, you can give me that disc."

"And what will you do in return?"

"What?! You expect me to pay you to keep this quiet?"

"I don't need any coins, but you could do me some favours. You can be nice to me, or you can do my chores."

Iggy liked where this was going. "Yeah, mine too."

"I will not; you give me that disc or I'll..."

"Or you'll what, tell dad? The moment he finds out about this disc, is the moment he tans your hide. If you're lucky, he'll just disown you; at the worst he'll use you for bullet bill practice."


Roy smirked. "That's right. Now, there are many things you could do for us, but if we check the video..." Roy pointed the remote at the player, and skipped back a bit on the video to where Wendy started the nude dancing. "...I think you are quite capable of other forms of payment."

"Other forms? You don't mean."

"I always wanted to be woken up in the morning with a blow job."

"No way, get four-eyes over there, not me."

"Come now Wendy, if you don't be a little more submissive, there's going to be a lot of trouble. And speaking of Iggy, he needs a girl; he's locked away in his workshop all day, and not getting any. He really could use someone to fuck every now and then; it doesn't have to be vaginal, you could let him in behind."

"Yeah sis, stop being so greedy."

"I'm not doing any such thing! Besides, you can't show that to dad, he'll kill you first. I'll get that disc from you, yet; then I'll get those jerks at the movie studio, and then..."

It dawned on Wendy just how futile her quest would be, there'd be thousands of copies of that disc, in addition to all the people who were there watching it live. She'd never be able to erase this moment from history.

"How many of those videos are there?"


"Dammit, how many of those videos are there?!"

Roy normally didn't like being helpful, but when he realized he wouldn't get much out of blackmailing Wendy, and that she was really on the ropes now, he felt sympathetic for her. "I don't know, they're kind of underground, but they sold enough to get to the 3rd iteration."

If Wendy was sick before, she'd be mortally wounded now. "Everyone in the world is going to see that disc, and I'm going to be in all the tabloids: 'KOOPA PRINCESS SEX ROMP!' And then... daddy will find out..."

"Dad won't find out, the guys who filmed it didn't know who you were or they would have promoted it; people will probably think its some wannabe."

"Actually, they did." Iggy held up the box for the video; on the back, mixed in with other depictions of nude girls, was a sample image showing Wendy in all her glory, with only a few black bars covering her naughty bits, and the caption: "Witness the royal coming out party of Wendy O. Koopa".

It was all too much, and Wendy slumped to the floor. {I'm dead, I'm dead.}

Iggy looked over the back of the couch. "Come on sis, we'll think of something; maybe we can take the Doom Ship out for a spin and blow the movie studio to smithereens."

Roy turned to him. "Are you kidding? That's no good."

"You're right, that doesn't take care of all the sold copies of the disc."

"No knuckle head, they've got a new video coming out next month, and I won't get it if we blow the place up."

"Sheesh. I think this is way over our heads, we need help. Maybe we should ask Kammy for help; maybe she can use her magic to make Wendy look different, so that everyone will think the girl in the video is a fake."

"We're not going to that old ratbag for help."

"Fine we'll ask Kamek, he isn't totally senile... yet."

"Alright, whatever; let's just get this over with. Hey sis, we're going to get some help."

"No, no one else, I don't want anyone else knowing about this."

Iggy got up off the couch and came over to his sister. "C'mon Wendy, if we don't do anything, this will only get worse; and we need help. Kamek will help."

"Yeah, let's go over there before dad finds out."

"Before I find out what?!"

Bowser was just entering the already broken door as Roy made the seemingly self-implicating statement, dissatisfied that he didn't get to put his own foot through it, and locked on Roy.

"Roy! I come out to the front hall looking for the mail, and find a blast crater the size of Aunt Glenda's butt mole! What were you doing, playing soccer with a bob-omb as the ball?! If you're going to be that reckless and destructive, I'll send you to the Mushroom Kingdom. Now what do you have to say for..."

Bowser froze like a solid block of ice as his eyes drifted away from Roy and towards the TV.

"Wendy Orlean Koopa! What the hell are you doing on TV?!"

Wendy didn't need to see, but she looked over out of respect for her father's query, to see herself, still naked, in a very passionate embrace with Cathy. She was too ashamed to answer.

"Well, what is that?!"

Wendy started to cry, not her normal bawling and screaming, just a quiet sobbing.

Bowser turned his attention to Roy and Iggy. "Where did you get that?"

Roy and Iggy turned very quiet.

"Well? I'm waiting."

"I bought it."

"You dare bring this smut into my castle. When you have your own kingdom to rule, you can have all the porn you want; but while you're under my roof, I won't tolerate this. That's a week in the dungeons for both of you."

Iggy tried to protest. "Roy's the one who bought it; I'm just here because he ruined my package."

Bowser could have exploded, but instead considered Iggy's defence. "Alright, Roy will do one of your days: 8 days in the dungeon for him, 6 for you."

Roy grumbled at getting the extension, and Iggy wasn't pleased with how short his exemption was, but neither was about to complain.

"Sound fair? Good. Now give me that tape!"

Iggy took the wrong time to play "Mr. Know-it-all". "It's a DVD."

"Would you like me to make that a year's imprisonment?"

"N-no sir."

Iggy took the DVD from the player, fumbled as he put it in the box, and handed it to Bowser; pulling his arm away as the king snatched the case for fear of his dismembered arm going with it.

"Now, to the dungeons with both of you."

Roy and Iggy walked out the door like they were being led to the slaughter. With the boys gone, Bowser was left with a distraught Wendy.

"Alright honey, I'll take care of this; whoever created this video is going to pay. That girl in the video; that was that birdo you hang around with, wasn't it?"


"I'll take care of her, too."

Wendy knew what kinds of things her father was capable of, and even though she wanted to bring fiery death to Cathy some moments ago, Wendy didn't want her father's fury to brutally snuff out her friend. "No. I'll talk with her."

"I don't think you should be seeing her for a while, but I'll leave it to you. In the mean time, we're going to have a long talk, little lady. Now go wait in your room, I'll come and get you shortly."


Wendy was lying on her bed, crying into her pillow; it was almost three hours since she saw her sexual romp in the video, and got a chewing out from her father. She had no idea why Bowser was letting her stew like this; she wanted to get this whole mess behind her, knowing that it would probably dog her for the rest of her life. Her father wasn't leaving her to languish as punishment, he had to take care of her brothers, and a few other things that came up in regards to that days' event, such as telling everyone to mind their own business, or else.

Wendy heard a knocking on her door.


"It's me." Without waiting for a response, Bowser let himself in.

"Daddy, I..."

"Come with me." Bowser immediately turned and started to walk out.

Wendy picked herself off her bed and walked out the door. When she was outside, Bowser was standing over her, and he pulled her door closed. He pointed her in the direction to go, and she led him through the eerily empty halls. She wasn't about to ask, but Bowser ordered everyone away from that part of the castle. Their silent walk left the hall where the koopalings slept, headed upstairs, and ended at the large double doors to Bowser's bedroom; he opened one of the doors and motioned Wendy inside. The koopaling didn't resist, and walked in; Bowser followed and locked the door behind them.


Wendy turned in shock. "What?"

"You heard me, strip, just like you were in that video; you can keep your bow, but everything else goes."

Wendy hesitated, she had already been humiliated by the video, and she certainly didn't want to go around naked again.

"Now, young lady."

Wendy shivered as she grabbed the sides of her shell and pulled it over her head, revealing a set of pink underwear with white spots, panties and a bra that matched her bow. She laid her shell on the ground, and stalled again before taking anything else off; knowing her father was impatiently waiting behind her, she took off her jewellery first. Wendy slid her gold rings off her wrists, then took of her high heels, and finally undid the clip on her necklace. Carefully laying all the items next to or on her shell, Wendy stood up and reached back to the clip on her bra, before stopping again.

"Daddy, I don't want to do this."

Bowser growled. "Take it off."

Wincing at her father's gruff voice, and his order, Wendy undid the bra and pulled it off. She dropped it on top of her shell, and went for her panties, pulling them slowly down her legs; she stepped out of them and laid the undergarment on her shell. Now nude, except for the bow on her head, Wendy turned around slowly, to see that her father had also stripped, wearing only his studded armbands; his gigantic shell was lying on the floor. Though she really didn't want to see it, her eyes drifted towards Bowser's nether region; she had never seen a male in the nude before, but she knew what kind of equipment they had, and what they were supposed to do with it. There it was, her father's cock, a shaft of orange-scaled meat that was larger than her arm; and on the end, a large pink bulb, about the size of her clenched fist.

"No, daddy..."

Bowser heard, but seemingly didn't listen. He reached over and pulled the covers down on his bed, the grabbed Wendy by her arm, throwing her on the mattress.

"Please, daddy; I know I made a mistake! It won't happen again! I promise!"

"I know you feel sorry, and I'm sure you're being sincere; but I have to make sure you've learned your lesson properly. And this is the only way to make sure it gets through that thick skull of yours."

"No! Please don't do this!"

Wendy desperately tries to crawl away, far too terrified of the punishment her father has planned to even consider the consequences of resisting. Bowser didn't get upset over his daughter's refusal, even he thought the punishment might have been too harsh, but he was going to go through with it. He reached forward and grabbed Wendy by her ankle, holding her in place while he climbed onto the bed and almost on top of her. Grabbing her shoulder, Bowser flipped Wendy over, and pinned her down.

Wendy was now looking straight into the face of her would-be rapist. She wanted to see something deep down in her father that suggested he still loved her, that he wouldn't dare go through with it, that he still had doubt over such an extreme punishment; but when Bowser was set on violence and mayhem, mercy didn't exist, and he had already spent his time arguing with himself to convince himself that this had to be done. She couldn't bear to look at his crazed face any more, and turned her head away. Bowser leaned in, and gave a fairly big kiss on Wendy's cheek; the carnage was about to begin.

After the kiss, Bowser put out his tongue, and licked the side of Wendy's head, starting from her neck, past her check, and towards the top of her head, leaving a thick stream of saliva along the way.

As he passed her ear, he growled. "I'm gonna make you scream."

If Bowser was doing this to anyone else, Wendy would consider the taunt a bit over the top; but with herself as the intended victim, it only terrified her even more.

Bowser moved down a bit, lining up his head with her torso; again his tongue came out, and licked a line going up right between her breasts. Wendy shivered at the disgusting feeling of the tongue on her chest, causing her breasts to jiggle a little bit. If there was one thing Bowser enjoyed, it was seeing his victims squirm; seeing the motions of his daughter's boobs turned him on. Opening his huge mouth, Bowser took in both glands, suckling on them; if there was any chance of getting her to produce milk Bowser was going to do it. Wendy could feel her breasts being inhaled into the warm and wet void, her nipples were hardening in her father's mouth, and she could feel that long slimy tongue as it prodded and stroked her chest. She remembered seeing herself in the video with Cathy sucking hard on her right breast; she knew that her father couldn't possibly compete with a birdo for sheer vacuum power, but he had one thing she did not: a set of huge gaping jaws. Wendy could feel the points of his sharp teeth as they grazed her breasts; arranged in a slightly imperfect arc, the singular points felt like they were tearing through her flesh by just touching the surface. The girl was now more scared than humiliated; having your father suckling your boobs is one thing, but if he got too excited, she could end up with two large, bloody holes in her chest.

After playing with Wendy's breasts for a while, Bowser continued down his daughter's form, leaving a series of kisses on her stomach en route to her legs. Once he got there, Wendy was now mostly free of her father's grip, but he still held her by her legs, and she could sit up; but it would do no good, she knew what was next, and there was no way Bowser was going to give her any freedom anytime soon.

Bowser was tightly gripping her shins, and pulling them apart. Wendy could have resisted, but with how strong her father was, it would have been futile; instead of trying to keep her legs closed, she brought her free hands down to cover her sex.

"Daddy, please."

Bowser was not about to stop, and squeezed on her legs as a sign to move. Wendy winced with pain, and moved her arms to the side. With the path clear, Bowser leaned into Wendy's crotch, reaching out with his tongue to lick her mound; tracing the contours of her labia, testing but not entering the gates to her core, teasing her clit with a series of short soft flicks. She could feel her flesh being coated with a layer of saliva, but inside, things were churning; her scales were crawling with the shame of being seduced by her own father, but her vagina was pulsating in enjoyment, becoming as moist inside as the flesh outside.

{No, it can't be; I can't be enjoying this.}

Wendy was getting wetter, and hotter; and Bowser could tell as he smelled her scent wafting from her sex, tasting her sweetness as his tongue passed over.

"You little bitch, you're actually enjoying this; it seems you're not learning."

By now, Bowser was forgetting the whole point of the exercise, and was losing himself in the act, treating it like foreplay; instead of torture, it was becoming sexual domination. The large koopa wrapped his lips around Wendy's and plunged his tongue into her muff, probing all the way in. Wendy could feel it entering, and moaned loudly as the long appendage made it all the way to the door of her womb. It stroked her walls while the end tried to pierce the tightly locked door; and it drove Wendy crazy, making her pant and moan and burn. But while Wendy herself was heating up, she could feel something else; between her legs, she could feel her father's breath over her mound and in her sex. That breath was a disaster waiting to happen; normally it had the soothing warmth of a sauna, but when he was angry, it turned into a plumber-incinerating inferno. Sure, koopas could tolerate extreme heat, as a reptile they had incredible regenerative powers, and Wendy herself had a lava bath thanks to Mario on one occasion; but Bowser's breath was like nothing in this world, and could make her experience in the magma seem like a warm summer's day. What better way to put an end to any future impropriety than to roast her vagina like an inside-out sausage. Unfortunately for her, Wendy's body responded to the heat by trying to douse the flame with her juices, producing more of the sweet nectar, turning her father on even more.

Now aroused by his oral treatment, Bowser felt it was time to formally introduce Wendy to his cock. Bowser removed his mouth from Wendy pussy, and sat up; he pulled on her legs to bring her close to him, and pulled up on her arms so that Wendy found herself sitting up with Bowser's massive member right in front of her. His left hand reached around to the back of Wendy's head, holding it in place, while his right was stroking his huge member; she tried to fight her father's grip, but he pulled her in closer until her face was right in front of his erection. The koopaling tried to turn her head away, but Bowser kept her head locked in place, and pushed forward with his cock, right up to her mouth; he ate her out, now it was her turn. Bowser pushed further, splitting Wendy's lipstick-caked lips with his cock, and tried to force it through her clenched jaw; she wrapped her hands around the staff of meat in a desperate attempt to pull it out.

"Take your medicine little girl, or I will really make you suffer."

A squeeze to the back of her neck was enough to convince Wendy to take the cock in her mouth and to stop resisting altogether; she opened her mouth, and took in the top of Bowser's cock.

"That's more like it. C'mon, suck it; show me what kind of slut you are."

Wendy lowered her head further to take in more of her father's penis, to the point where it hit the back of her mouth; having her mouth so full, she thought she was going to choke on it. She wrapped her tongue around the obstruction, and started to inhale; with her lips tightly encircling the shaft, Wendy pulled back to stroke the short length she could fit in her mouth; and upon reaching the head, opened her mouth to take as much of the cock as she could to repeat.

Bowser was enjoying his blowjob; it wasn't the best, Wendy was still pretty small and unable to take even half his penis, but she wasn't bad. With a bit of practice, he figured Wendy could give really good head, but she was doing alright so far, and Bowser could feel the fire burning in his loins.

"Oh yes, honey; that's a good girl."

Up to that point, Bowser had done little more than force Wendy to do all the work, but now he was starting to bob up and down a bit, pushing his cock in and out in sync with Wendy; it was exciting him faster than just the girl's mouth alone, and he was approaching full boil. Wendy knew her father was about ready, not only was he pushing into her, but he was starting to growl like a wild animal.

{Oh no, here it comes.}

The spray came hard and fast, filling Wendy's mouth with thick, sticky fluid; the girl choked as the molasses-like koopa cum blocked her mouth, and was almost impossible to swallow. Wendy yanked her head back to spit out the large glob of cum and to take in a deep breath, but Bowser held her in place, forcing her to take even more cum, until he had dispensed his full load. In a panic, Wendy was forgetting to breathe, and tried to force as much of the salty solution into her belly as possible. As it traveled down, it felt like it was clogging her throat, slowly oozing down, allowing nothing to get through, especially not more cum; unfortunately for Wendy, it also meant no air was getting through. After a moment of being forced to wait, her lungs demanded a breath; she tried to stop swallowing and get some air through her nostrils, but the cum was blocking the route to her windpipe. Wendy was now in absolute terror, unable to breathe, she tried combinations of swallowing and holding back the flood with her tongue to try and clear out the path; after a series of violent contractions, she was able to breakthrough, and got a whiff of air in. The relief was minor, but at least she was breathing, though she still had a mouthful of her father's cum; she tried alternating with swallowing and breathing, but with each gulp came the risk that it would block her windpipe again, and another struggle to clear the way.

Bowser saw that Wendy was having trouble breathing, and let her go. In an instant, Wendy pushed herself away from his huge cock, spat out as much cum as she could by opening her mouth, forcing it out with her tongue like a bulldozer, and took a huge gasp of air. After that came some coughing, some more cum that dribbled out of her mouth, and a lot of heavy breathing as her system tried to make up for dozens of lost breaths. Bowser looked down, somewhat amused at the sight of the huge smear of cum dribbling down Wendy's front and covering his privates; he considered punishing her for not swallowing it all, but seeing how much trouble she was having, he decided to show some mercy... this time.

The koopa king looked as his little angel, watching and listening to her staggered breathing; oddly enough, seeing Wendy like this turned him on a lot. It was like looking at wounded prey, like he was a mighty predator hunting his next meal, and bringing down his kill; looking at his catch, admiring his work, while the last drops of her life fleeted away. He wondered why he never did this before; he was king of the koopas, and if he wanted to seduce his own daughter, he was going to do just that. It had been a few years since his wife passed away, and his loneliness was part of the reason he tried to capture Princess Peach; perhaps it was time for him to remarry, and if the Mario brothers continued to rescue Peach, why not take Wendy as his bride. A few thoughts of him and his daughter walking down the aisle went through his greedy mind, not giving her away but promising to love and to hold her until the day they die. He pushed the thought aside for now, a silly notion that only came up in the moment; right now he was to focus on punishing Wendy for her previous transgression, and if he was going to want Wendy as his bride, he'd need to make sure she could handle him.

By now, Wendy recovered enough to sit up slightly and look at her father.

"D-daddy, please; no more."

"Don't worry, I won't do that again."

Wendy was thankful for the promise, but when Bowser crawled over to her, she had the feeling that it wasn't over yet.

Bowser took the folded over bed sheet and used it to wipe the excess cum from Wendy's chest and face, though she was still pretty sticky. When the goo was gone, Bowser flipped her off her side so she was face down on the bed. He moved behind her and sat up, then reached forward and grabbed Wendy by her hips.

Wendy knew what was next.

"Daddy, you're not..."

He was. Bowser's meat was erect again, and he was aiming it for Wendy's cunt; when the head touched her lips, Wendy gave out a light squeal, more out of fear than anything, but certainly justified. Bowser didn't waste time, and stared pushing through her tight passage. As the head pushed through, it stretched Wendy's walls and was a pretty tight fit. She figured something that large would have hurt to take in, but it was uncomfortable more than painful; if she was making out with a boyfriend instead of being raped by her father, Wendy might have enjoyed it.

Bowser continued pushing his huge cock into the koopaling, until he reached the end of the road, bumping up against her cervix like his tongue had done before. Wendy could feel the huge meat trying to push through, and it was a lot worse than his tongue; while Bowser's tongue could do little but tickle Wendy, his cock threatened to rip right through into her womb. When the king reached the end, he pulled out a bit, and forced his way in again, striking Wendy's core.


Bowser pulled out and rammed again.

"OW! Daddy!"

The pattern continued for several more shots; each time Wendy felt the pain, it seemed to get worse, and left a longer lasting sting in her pussy until the pain was constant. She wondered if her cervix was weakening under the pressure, and would soon burst; Bowser didn't care, he continued to assault it, feeling the intense pleasure of Wendy's tight pussy and the impact on her gate; it didn't take long for him to start firing cum again. She could feel it, the same sticky fluid in her mouth was filing up her vagina, but with Bowser's cock already filling the space nicely, the only place for the cum to go was out the way it came in.

Past her labia, Wendy could feel the ooze leaching out, streaming down her legs, and leaving a sticky trail; with the impacts of her father behind her, some of the cum splattered around, covering her underside, and some even reaching her belly. Wendy's attention was shifting, and although she wanted this all to end, she was thinking to herself about a disturbing possibility and an even more disturbing compromise.

{Please, you can rape me, beat me, fill my mouth up with cum and make me choke on it; but please, I beg you, don't get me pregnant!}

Bowser continued to fill Wendy with cum, which only dribbled out down her legs and to the sheets; Wendy was praying to every god she's ever heard of so that her cervix would hold, and keep her father's cum out of her womb. After a few more squirts, Bowser's meat went limp, and contracted under the squeeze of Wendy's vagina, though still pretty large in its softer state; he pulled it out, emerging with a wet "shlurp" sound. He released Wendy's ass; tired and humiliated, she collapsed to the bed.

It was almost a minute before Wendy budged; she tried to lift herself up with her arms, but found herself too weak to get off the bed. Instead, she rolled herself to her side; after another minute to compose herself, she was able to push herself up and sit up, partially facing, partially sideways to her father.

"Daddy, I'm sorry; I'm sorry all this happened." Wendy was crying. "I know it was wrong what I did, and I'll never do it again. Just tell me you're done with me; tell me that you won't rape me anymore."

"Oh no, we're not done yet."


Wendy shrieked as Bowser grabbed her and pushed her down, forcing her to lie down flat on the bed.

"You've still got one hole left to fill."

Wendy's eye opened wide in absolute horror. "No Daddy! NO!!!"

Bowser wasn't listening, and pried Wendy's butt cheeks open with his hands, revealing her anus; holding her steady, he leaned down to place his cock at the tight entrance, and pushed.

At first, the feeling wasn't too bad, not much different than a trip to the bathroom, but nothing that ever came out of that hole was as big at what was going in. Pretty soon it was starting to hurt, a lot; her asshole was being stretched to its limit as the head of Bowser's penis pried the gate open.

"Ah! Aah!"

The feeble cries from Wendy weren't going to dissuade Bowser; he was here to punish her. Lifting himself up a bit, slightly relaxing Wendy's behind, he let his arms and legs falter, putting his whole weight on his cock, pushing the entire head into Wendy.


Wendy's scream was deafening, and even through the stone wall, it would have been audible to anyone passing; it was as if someone grafted a jet engine to her face. The pain Wendy felt in her behind was savage; an intense ring of fire where the cock penetrated her rear, surrounded by a sea of flames burning through her body, turning her entire backside into one large inferno of mind-numbing pain. The pain was so overwhelming that the rest of her body ceased to exist; her legs, arms, body and head suddenly didn't feel anything at all; all of her strength, all of her energy, was focused on a point in her ass.

Bowser pushed Wendy down, and pulled his cock from her ass; he couldn't see the internal damage he did, but the blood streaming from her hole and covering his head were clear enough indications. He then checked to see how the rest of Wendy held up; the torture was too much for her, and she swooned in agony, lying deceptively quietly on the bed. Bowser got off the bed and went to his private bathroom for a quick shower.

10 minutes later he comes out carrying a towel, and checks on the still passed out Wendy; confident that she is more or less alright, Bowser wraps the towel around her lower region like a primitive bandage?a rather pointless gesture as the bleeding had long since stopped, and the bed sheets already had a large red stain.


It was almost two hours before Wendy finally revived; she might have slept for hours more, but Bowser woke her up.

"Wake up, precious."

Wendy didn't want to get up, as her ass hurt like someone set off a stick of dynamite in it.

"What is it? Time for more punishment?"

"Time for supper."

Wendy was worried, after what happened to her today, she figured he was going to feed her more cum; this time he'd make her eat all of it, no spitting out what she couldn't handle. Reluctantly, she looked up to see what Bowser had in store now.

"Your favourite: honey garlic Triclyde with a side of Pokey hash browns, and a can of Koopa Kola."

Bowser laid the metal tray next to Wendy, who was appreciative of the meal; of course, her favourite was teriyaki Triclyde and extra-sugary Koopa Kola, but at this point, she wasn't going to argue.


Wendy fought the pain and sat up, placing the tray on her lap. Picking up the fork and knife, she cut a piece from a steak and ate it, and washed it down with a gulp of cola; the combination of meat and drink almost erased the foul aftertaste of cum still in her mouth. She followed it with a bite from one of the hash browns.

"How is it?"

Wendy turned towards her father, whom she was relieved to see was wearing his shell again.

"It's good."

"I'll be back in a bit; I have to go check on Roy and Iggy."

Wendy paused for a moment; after the punishment her father had unleashed, she had forgotten the events earlier that day which led to her rape. Being seen in that video by her brothers was the most embarrassing thing ever, and she wanted them dead; watching herself on the video making out with her best friend, made her want to hunt her down and kill her too; and the realization that anyone in the world could be watching that video, made her sick to her stomach, and she wanted to destroy the whole world. Then her father saw it, and her whole life came crashing down; as much as she could wish the destruction of everyone else in the world, she could never see herself as above her own father.

She wondered what kind of punishment her father was unleashing on Roy and Iggy; she hoped it was something nasty, or better yet, that after her own punishment was over, that she'd get a chance to grill them. But as cruel as her father was, he was fair in his punishment, and it was mostly her fault for this whole mess, not theirs. Wendy was also worried that Bowser might hunt down Cathy and punish her in some way, even though she told him that she'd deal with her friend; of course, not only did she have to consider what her father might do, but what was she going to do the next time they met? And then there was the video itself, and the people who created the bloody thing. Sure, Bowser could launch an all out attack on it, and with his personality, that was probably what he'd do; but that would only draw a lot of attention to the issue, and anyone who never heard of that video would find out that his daughter was in it. Wendy could only hope that she could stop her father from doing anything of the sort, and to enact revenge using subtler, less alarming methods.

The koopaling wondered how long her punishment was going to last, and if her father had anything else planned for her. Wendy looked around, noting that her shell and other clothes were missing?Bowser hid them while she was asleep, to make sure she didn't try to leave if she woke up while he was gone. With nothing to do, little chance of escape, and nothing to be gained by worrying about it, Wendy continued to eat her meal.

After a few minutes, Wendy was almost done when Bowser returned. Wendy made up her mind about what she was going to ask her father about regarding Roy, Iggy, and the video: nothing. She didn't say a word, and focused her attention to the last bits of meat on her tray.

"If it makes you feel any better, Roy and Iggy are getting what they deserve."

Wendy didn't want to hear anything about her two delinquent brothers; she didn't want to know how they were punished, figuring that nothing compared to what Bowser did to her. Of course, it was possible that he would punish them the same way she was punished; but that was something so horrible she didn't want to think about it.

"And tomorrow, I've already planned how to deal with the video company."

Again, Wendy didn't care. At this point it wouldn't matter if everyone in the world saw her drunken lesbian adventure; it would be just as well that she spent her whole life from this point forward as an inebriated slut.

"You finished?"

Wendy had stopped eating; she didn't feel like eating anymore, so Bowser took the tray from her, laying it on the night table. Wendy looked over to her father, who was once again without his shell.

"We're not going to do more, are we?"

"We're going to finish what we started."

"No, daddy! That hurt so much the last time, and it still hurts, and all the blood."

"It only hurt that much because the muscles were too tight; it will be a lot easier to get through now that they're torn."

Bowser really knew how to terrify people, to talk as if ripping her behind apart was normal added to the sense that he was totally ruthless?which he was. Wendy was so terrified that she tried to run for it; what ever other punishment Bowser could conceive of just couldn't compare to being anally raped again. Heading for the door, Wendy wasn't even concerned about running through the castle halls completely nude; humiliation was nothing compared to the pain.

Bowser wasn't about to let Wendy escape, and cut her off before she got to the door; instead of grabbing her, he swung around and slammed her small form with the bulk of his tail, knocking the wind out of her, and sending her crumpling to the floor. Bowser walked over and picked her up by grabbing her throat, nearly choking the life out of her as he carried her back to the bed. The giant koopa crawled into bed and sat up. He grabbed Wendy's right thigh, and only released her throat when his grip on her leg was secure, then grabbed her left thigh; tightly holding her legs, he pulled them apart until they were spread 180ø, fully exposing Wendy's underside. To the girl, it was like he was trying to snap her in half like a wishbone.

Using her legs to guide her torso, Bowser moved Wendy's behind right up to his cock; she could feel the large head poking through her cheeks, and towards the opening. She winced and braced herself as the large head started to slide through the door, expecting terrible pain like before; but the previous assault had already savaged the muscles, and the head slid through the opening. There was still a lot of pain, but it was the soreness from before instead of any new damage inflicted on her ass. Bowser didn't stop with the head like before, this time he pushed further in, probing into her rectum, stretching the narrow canal as he went. For Wendy, it was far worse than her pussy, her ass was a lot tighter, and unlike her vagina, it wasn't stretching to accommodate her father; instead, it felt like it was trying to crush her father's cock, or more specifically, that it was going to be torn to shreds by the oversized staff.

Bowser pushed it in as far as he could, and just like her vagina, his cock could go no further than the end of the rectum, leaving most of his huge member outside. His daughter was now completely pegged, and with her tight grip on his cock, she wasn't going anywhere; so he removed his right hand from her leg, and started to poke his fingers into her cunt. Wendy's attention shifted to what Bowser was doing in her box; he was poking around with those large fingers of his... those large clawed fingers. If he got the least bit out of control, his long sharp cuticles could rip her insides to shreds. Screaming wasn't going to help, she knew her father wasn't going to be swayed by anything she said, no matter what the volume; so she sat there, impaled on his huge member, hoping that those claws would behave themselves as Bowser stuck another finger in her.

Bowser put his third finger inside, poking around, rubbing his claws against her soft walls without damaging them. After teasing Wendy for a few minutes, Bowser put his fourth finger in, and then formed his hand into a spearhead, with his claws making a very jagged tip; he pushed it in, forcing all five fingers through, and his big hand stretching the tunnel. Wendy could feel it forcing its way in; Bowser's hand was much thicker than his cock, and was extending her vagina as much as his rod was her ass. Wendy thought about his previous two attacks, each one reaching all the way to the end of her pussy, rubbing up against the barrier that separated it from her womb; his tongue and his penis did not have the strength to break through, but his claws would.

She never had time to consider the consequences of his claws reaching her cervix when she felt something else rubbing her labia, something hard, and cold. Wendy's eyes shot open when she realized that throughout the whole experience, Bowser removed his shell, but never any of his bands. One of those bands was on his right wrist, trying to enter her vagina; it was thick black leather, covered with a row of sharp metal studs, each one as sharp as his claws.


Wendy reached down with both hands, gripping Bowser's arm just above the band, trying with all her might to pull it out before the dreaded row of metal spikes entered her door.


Bowser ignored his daughter's plea, and continued to push his way in. First the edge of the leather pried her lips open just a bit further, and then the sides of the studs pressed up against her scales; Wendy could feel the cold metal up against her mound, and could feel all six studs pressing against her flesh.


Time seemed to stand still, Wendy could only hear her own heart beating, and nothing outside her body registered anything; with one push, Bowser plunged the entire band into her cunt, and all six studs where now inside her, pressing against her walls. She couldn't tell if they had punched right through, or if her pussy was wrapped around them, firmly hugging the contours of the metal. From this point forward, Wendy wanted everything to happen slowly, careful not to disturb the precious balance in her sex; but Bowser did not play along.

With one sharp wrench of his arm, the studs twisted inside Wendy, and there was no doubt in her mind what they did; with a horrid feeling of pain and heat, she knew that all six tore into her soft walls, leaving several large bloody gashes.


Bowser twisted his arm in the other direction.


Bowser reversed direction again, and gave Wendy another jerk.


Wendy's pussy was severely damaged now, with each of Bowser's six metal studs leaving a gory zigzag pattern inside. But the king wasn't done yet, his hand was now firmly embedded in Wendy's pussy, and it needed to come out, studded wristband and all. With one mighty tug, Bowser pulled the whole lot out of his daughter, further ripping her pussy apart, splattering blood and even some torn shreds of flesh around.

Wendy's wailing and crying was incessant.

Bowser grabbed his abused daughter by her hips and pulled her off his cock; somewhere during the fisting, his cock had torn Wendy's ass again, though she didn't notice it while her pussy was being ravaged. Bowser took the previously discarded towel and wrapped Wendy in it, again in a futile attempt to contain the blood. She didn't look at him while being "dressed", but when he finished and hovered over her, Wendy stopped crying long enough to look up.

"I'm sorry pumpkin, but it had to be this way."

"Daddy, how could you do this to me?"


After filling the tub, Bowser placed Wendy into it; he then untied her pink bow, revealing a small shock of blonde hair. It was something that so few people ever saw; Wendy was ashamed of her nearly bald head, and the little bit of hair that grew was hardly enough to satisfy her vanity, so she tied a large pink bow to it that covered it completely. It was only in rare cases, such as taking a shower that she ever took it off, and even if this wasn't one of those cases, after what happened today, it really didn't matter.

After rending Wendy totally nude for the first time, Bowser slipped into the tub behind her. The girl didn't care anymore, and wasn't concerned over what would happen next; a sentiment that was a bit late as Bowser had punished his daughter enough, and had brought her to the bathroom for the innocent purpose of cleaning her up.

In the tub, Wendy was basically dead, she didn't respond at all while Bowser bathed her; washing the blood, cum, and filth off her scaly body. For all she knew, her father was revelling in great pleasure at having a bath with his little girl, but she was in too much pain to care.


Bowser brought Wendy back to her room; like before, the hallways were cleared, so no one saw the state Wendy was in. When Wendy was inside the door, Bowser headed out, and closed it behind her; she turned and locked it, then went to her bed. Wendy laid face down, not bothering to pull the covers back, merely lying on the sheets, folding her arms under her pillow, and burying her head in it. Her whole body was sore, not bruised, just hurting; but the pain from down below, being raped by her father in both holes, was only overshadowed by the embarrassment of her submission.

How could it be, how could the most powerful girl in the Koopa kingdom be betrayed, taken advantage of, and humiliated so badly; first her best friend, then her brothers, and finally her father. Perhaps that was the great joke in all this, far worse than the pain and abuse, was that she had been reduced to the world's sex toy. Who else would be coming to have their way with her? Her other brothers? Their minions? How about their enemies? The Mario brothers? Princess Peach? Toads?

Wendy wanted to be alone for the rest of eternity, to never see another living soul, to live in an isolated world where no one knew her as a victim, where there would be no reminders of her suffering; and she would eventually forget everything?not just the video, not just her brothers ogling her, not just her rape?everything. But there was no way to find such a magical place, she was in the here and now, and the only place that could possibly give her the solitude she wanted was in her own bed.

After about 20 minutes, Wendy was feeling very uncomfortable; after the abuse she had taken, her shell felt heavy as opposed to protective. She debated taking it off, but being naked again terrified her. She kept her shell on, lying there with a chill running through her body, but her shell continued to weigh heavy on her; she decided something had to change. The koopaling sat up, and reached down; a last good shake of terror ran up and down her spine as she started to move her shell. Slowly, Wendy pulled her shell over her head, again revealing her pink and white-spotted underwear; she leaned over and laid her shell on the ground. Trying not to think about it, she took off her jewellery and laid it on her dresser, followed by her shoes going to the floor; a brief image of bring in her father's bedroom in the same stage of undress flashed in her mind, but this time she would not remove the last scraps of cover.

Pulling away the covers to her bed, she climbed in, returning to the position she was in a few minutes before, and pulled her sheets over her, covering her almost completely. For the rest of the day and through the night, this was her shell, a shell that would protect her more than her hard, spiked covering.


Wendy was hurt, she was hurt bad; and while her reptilian regenerative powers would eventually heal the physical scars, the emotional scars would never heal; she would never be the same again.


Several months later, in an isolated area of the castle, a cracking sound is heard.

"I'm the baby, gotta love me!"


"And that's the truth, kid."

"You mean sis, is my mama?"

Roy folded his arms. "'Fraid so."

Bowser Jr. was dumbfounded. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

"Of course it is, that's why no one could ever tell you the truth before; its such an embarrassment that we had no choice but not tell anyone, so dad made up that junk about Peach being your mother until you were old enough to understand. Frankly, if he tried, he'd probably rip her apart."

Junior was sitting in his bed, totally stunned. "This is the last time I get you to tell me a bedtime story."

Roy walked away. "Works for me."


The next morning, by a stroke of luck, it was Wendy who came into Bowser Jr.'s room to wake him for breakfast.

"Hey sprout; wakey, wakey, it's time for breakfast."

Junior tossed in bed before fully waking up and looking up at his sister.

"You look like you had a terrible night, did you sleep O.K.?"

"I can understand why no one told me, not even you."

"Told you what?"

"That you're my mama."

Wendy felt like she was punched in the gut; she had no idea how Peach reacted when Bowser Jr. told her that she was his mother, but Wendy figured it couldn't possibly hit as hard as this. "What did you say?"

"That you're my mama. I know it's a pretty dark secret, and why you'd want to protect me by keeping it quiet, but..."

"What?! Who told you..." A wave of realization came over her face. "Oh ho. ROY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


In the kitchen, the other koopalings were already sitting down and eating breakfast. Larry, Iggy and Ludwig were trying to have a nice quiet meal, while Lemmy was trying to draw silly images in his oatmeal. Morton on the other hand was stuffing his mouth one second, and spewing out a boring monologue the next.

"I'm telling you the Shellackers are going all the way. They've got a great pitching roster led by Koopstein, currently with a 0.91 ERA, and backed up with good relievers. And their infield game is solid; they've pulled a lot of double plays and even a triple play when they put Kipper and Kalamity on second and short. Add to that the mighty bat of Kasey, who had 47 homers this season, and an average of .493, and they're unstoppable. The Hammers can barely muster a complete game out of their starting pitchers, and the Kuribos have had more errors than any team in the league; I can't believe they even made it to the playoffs. Last week Kermit fumbled a catch to allow the hitter on base, then threw the ball over the catcher for a run. Don't even get me started on the Whomps; I suppose filling the team with dry bones was a good idea since they have the recovery time of your average cartoon character, and scare the stuffing out of their opponents; but hit a hard line drive to one of them, and they go all to pieces trying to catch it. Now their second pitcher, Dusty can fire a mean fast ball, but..."

Morton's ranting was interrupted by the sounds of battle, or more specifically, a potential slaughter in waiting.

First in the chase was Roy, laughing as he was running. "Hey, it was only a joke."

Roy was followed hotly by Wendy, wielding a battleaxe far larger than even Bowser would use.


Following Wendy was her little brother/son.

"Come on, mama; I was going to find out eventually."

Once the chaos had passed, the other five koopalings were left totally dumbfounded.

Lemmy looked around at his brothers. "What was that all about?"

Iggy stopped looking in the general direction of where the trio disappeared, and returned to his breakfast. "I don't know, but if it gets 'big mouth' over there to shut up, then I'm all for it."