The Pornstar's Son: 02 - The Thing That Should Not Be

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#2 of The Porn Star's Son

A big thanks to Meizushi for drawing a scene from this chapter.

Check it out here:

Chapter 2: The Thing That Should Not Be

For the rest of Friday and Saturday nothing was mentioned about the movie and it's proposed shoot. But as Sunday rolled around and Monday loomed off in the near future I really began to worry. I had been thinking hard all weekend about all the people at the studio and what we'd been through together. I thought a lot about Kyle and what he was going to do if the studio went under. I also thought a lot about my son. I loved him more than anything else in the world. The last thing I wanted to do was "exploit" him. But I had convinced myself that this experience could be beneficial to him. At the very least it would answer some questions he might have as he grew up. And since he was still young he wouldn't have very many pre-conceived notions about what he was asked to do. There was also the issue of all that money to be made...

I don't think that being in the Adult Entertainment Industry is something to be looked on with shame. I'm usually pretty open with people when it comes to my job because, in my mind at least, it's just as much of a job as a plumber or a scientist or whatever. It's not the first thing I'd want my son to be doing straight out of high school, but if that's what he ended up doing then there isn't much I can say to stop him. To be honest the whole video thing itself didn't bother me that much. I guess I had just grown use to people seeing me and my wife naked and having sex all the time. I was more concerned with the act itself which was a far more personal thing for me. I hadn't gotten any details from Kyle, but from my experience in the industry the bigger actor usually got to play the top while the smaller actor got to play the bottom. In this case the bottom was my son; it was almost a sure thing. I... I just wanted, no, I needed his opinion before I made any final decisions. He probably wouldn't know what he was getting into, but I didn't think I could give a 'No' to Kyle before I asked my son whether he was willing to do it. I was sure that if I took my time and went slowly with him everything would turn out alright in the end.

Luckily for me this Sunday my wife had gone out with a few friends to the beach which left me all alone with my son. Her voice was still vivid in my mind, 'You're not even going to mention this thing to him and that's final!' but I had to at least ask him what he thought about it. That was the only way I could face Kyle the following day.

I found some courage deep within me and slowly gave a knock on his door. He didn't answer right away, but I could hear bombs going off and machine guns firing. He was probably entranced by one of his computer games. I slowly opened the door to find him glued to his computer monitor with his headset on. He noticed me walk in and he said, "Hey dad," before focusing back on his monitor.

"Brandon," I said sort of weakly, "do you have a few minutes. There's something I want to talk to you about."

"My game will be done in ten minutes," he said quickly while not even taking his eyes off the screen.

"Okay," I replied, "once you're done I want to talk to you about something."

"Sure thing, dad," he responded as I walked back and plopped myself back on the couch.

In about fifteen minutes I heard my son put down his headset and slowly make his way out into the living room. I motioned for him to come sit down next to me, and he energetically hopped over the couch and slid into place. I gave him a small smile before my expression turned serious. I had been planning on what to say to him since Friday, but now that the time was here I had some trouble getting started. Eventually I managed to spurt out, "Do you know what daddy does when he goes to work?"

Neither me nor my wife had explicitly told him what we did when we went off to work, but he was a smart kid...

"You, um," he began shyly, "you have sex with people, right?"

I was a little bit shocked to say the least, but I somehow managed to continue. "That's right," I replied once my voice came back, "then we make videos of that and sell them to people. But lately daddy's work hasn't been very busy and we haven't made all that much money. In fact, daddy's close to losing his job. If that happens then things might start to get a little different around here. Your mommy's work isn't doing very well either, so we're not sure if we'd even be able to stay in this house or not. We might have to end up moving in with grandma and grandpa..."

I heard an audible moan from my son at the mention of my in-laws, but the feeling was more than mutual for me. Jill's parents aren't very... supportive of her career... or very supportive of me for that matter. They're only really supportive of Brandon because he's their grandson. Their house is small and, well, old-peoply to put it bluntly. No one has a fun time whenever we go to visit, however infrequently that is.

Taking Brandon's outburst as a good moment to change the subject I took a pause and said, "What do you think about daddy's job?"

Brandon kind of fidgeted a little bit before he said, "I don't know. I've never had sex before, but I learned about it a little bit in school."

His innocence pegged my heart in all the wrong places for what I was trying to do. I suddenly felt more like a monster than I had all weekend. But, determined to push forward, I took the next step. "Would you like to see what it's like for daddy when he goes to work?"

A naturally curious mind coupled with his childhood enthusiasm made Brandon's head nod a few times.

"Okay," I said back as I got up off the couch, "but you've got to promise that you won't tell mommy about this or I'll get in big trouble. Promise?"

"Promise!" he said with a curious enthusiasm.

I walked over to the entertainment center and kneeled down to unlock the "special" cabinet. In my business it's customary to give the actors the first copy of the video before it's released to the public. My wife and I have amassed quite a few movies in our day, and we kept them all locked up in a corner of the entertainment center so that our son wouldn't find them. I didn't really have a specific one in mind, but I wanted one that would represent what my son and I might be doing. My fingers finally landed on a recent one I did which was entitled "Lions, Tigers, and Bears... Oh My!" You can probably guess who the lion and tiger were played by, and we hired a freelance actor to play the bear. It was a gay porn movie with multiple good sex scenes and, going by porn standards, a decent story to keep my son entertained. I got up and popped the disk in the DVD player before sitting back down with my son on the couch.

His expression didn't change much through the movie even when the sex scenes started to happen. When I first showed up on screen he yelled out, "There you are daddy!", but other that that he was silent. His mind seemed to be absorbing every little detail like some kind of gigantic sponge. He even remained silent throughout the credits until I went to put the DVD back in it's hiding place.

"So," I said now in a sort of nervous tone, "what do you think about daddy's job now?"

"I didn't know that two guys could have sex," was the first thing out of my son's mouth. "I thought you needed a guy and a girl."

I wasn't sure whether to laugh or to feel terrible as I said, "Well, that was another way to do it. Normally, to make babies, you would need a guy and a girl, but two guys can have sex together if they want... and two girls can too. It's almost the same thing..."

"How can two girls have sex?" my son interrupted.

Not wanting to get too far off track I simply replied, "They need some help doing it. Be real good, don't tell mommy, and maybe I'll show you."

Brandon didn't seem too content with that answer, but after I repeated my original question he replied with, "I don't know. It looked like they were having fun, but it also looked like it hurt sometimes..."

"It can," I replied quickly. "It can hurt if you don't do it right. Some crazy people actually like it that way. But, if you do it right, then it is kind of fun and it feels really good."

After a short pause I began again with, "The reason I wanted to show you this was because daddy's work... is interested in making a movie with you in it."

He kind of perked up at the mention of his name. "Wow, really?" he said sounding surprised.

"Yep," I responded while not sure how to feel about my son's enthusiasm. "They want you and me to be in a movie together."

"Are we going to have guy sex together?" Brandon spit out.

I couldn't help but laugh at his choice of words. "Yes," I said once I stopped laughing, "we're going to be having guy sex with one another."

"Is it going to hurt?" Brandon said a bit reluctantly.

The smile dropped off my face real quick as I said, "To be honest... it might. But I promise that it won't hurt for long. I'll make sure that you're good and ready before we do anything."

Brandon's enthusiasm seemed to drain away when he heard that it might hurt. He just sat there quietly and stared at the floor. I didn't want to push him to do anything he didn't want to, and most of all I didn't want to hurt him at all for any duration of time, but there was no way around it. The thought of everyone losing their jobs quickly came back to me, and I knew that I needed to sell this a bit more to Brandon.

"Look son," I began in my serious fatherly tone, "I wouldn't have even asked you to do this if there was any way around it. You don't want to live with grandma and grandpa, do you?"

He adamantly shook his head.

"Then daddy needs you to do this for him," I replied feeling ashamed of myself. "It'll only take a day or two for us to finish the movie, and I promise that I'll do everything I can to keep it from hurting. You might even find that you like it."

I watched as my son continued to stare down at the floor unsure of what to do. I felt horrible having to resort to my next tactic, but I had no other choice. "If you do this for me then I'll buy you that X-box you've wanted," I replied quickly. At the mere mention of the word 'X-box' my son's ears perked up and he looked up at me once again.

"Really?!?" he said excitedly.

"Really," I replied, "and I'll get you all the games you want for it."

A look of pure bewilderment washed over my son's face before he said, "Okay, I'll try it."

Feeling like a huge weight was finally lifted off my chest I took in a good deep breath and let it out. I reached my arms over and wrapped them around my son before giving him a big kiss on the forehead. "That's my boy," I said while I squeezed him tight.

My grip eventually loosened and my arms found their way up to his small shoulders. I turned him towards me and in a very serious voice said, "There's only one condition. You can't tell anybody else, including mommy, about your movie or anything else that we're going to do to get ready for it. If anyone else finds out about it then daddy and a few other people will be in real big trouble... and things might get a lot worse for you than having to live at your grandparent's house. You've got to promise that you won't tell anyone... and I mean PROMISE! Not one word, okay?"

He enthusiastically shook his head.

"I need to hear you say it like you mean it," I added in with some authority.

"I promise," he replied quickly, "I really promise!"

Satisfied with his response (as satisfied as I thought I could get anyway) I took a look up at the clock.

"Mommy probably won't be home for a few hours," I said to no one in particular. I focused in my gaze on my son and said, "Do you want to see what it's like to have..." I held back a chuckle, "guy sex? You'll need some practice if we want to make the movie turn out really good."

Brandon thought for a short time before he slowly nodded his head.

"Okay..." I said thinking things over for a minute. After I ran through a few scenarios in my head I finally said, "How about you be the..." I struggled with how to explain this to him, "one who... um... uses his penis and I'll be the one who you put it into first. That way I can prove to you that two guys really can have sex together and that it can feel good. After that we can try it the other way around. That's probably the way we'll have to do it in the movie anyway."

Brandon simply nodded his head, most likely not truly understanding what I was telling him, but curious enough to do whatever I told him to.

"Alright," I said as I put my hand on his shoulder, "but first things first, we've got to get cleaned up." He was a bit confused as I lead him into the bathroom, but I think he understood everything pretty well by the time we were done. He had actually done very well for his first enema, but that's something I'd rather not go in to.

Once we were both cleaned out I led him into into my bedroom. I kind of hesitated a bit once we made it inside, but after forcing myself to continue I picked up my son by the armpits and gently placed him on the edge of the bed. I looked down at him compassionately and said, "Okay, here are a few rules before we start. Number one, if something starts to hurt or feel bad tell me right away. Number two, listen to what daddy says and do what he tells you to do. Number three, don't tell anyone about anything we're going to do. You got all those?"

Brandon curiously nodded his head.

"Okay," I said one last time, "here it goes. I'm going to get you ready just like those guys in the video did."

I kneeled down in front of my son and spread his legs out a bit. Since we had been naked ever since we cleaned ourselves out there was nothing stopping me from starting physically... but I froze right at that moment as I suddenly got an attack of 'what the fuck am I doing?'. All those emotions that I was trying to suppress came surging back out all at once. I finally realized that I was about to give a blowjob to my son! My own son! My mouth was only a foot away from his crotch! I shouldn't be doing this! This isn't the way it's supposed to work!

But there was one thing that pulled me through and gave me the strength I needed to start, and this time it wasn't my co-workers. As my body stood there paralyzed by uncertainty my eyes managed to make contact with my own son's. He didn't seem repulsed by what was going on, he just seemed curious in an inviting sort of way. He really did want to see what it was like, and he was anxious for me to start. But the thing that really put me over the edge was when he gently placed a hand on the top of my head just like the tiger had done to me in the movie. When I was convinced that he really wanted to start I pushed all of the thoughts out of my head (good and bad) and gave him his wish. I used all the "training" I'd received over the years to block out the thought of who I was having sex with and simply started to do it.

The first thing I always like to do before starting a blowjob is to get a good whiff of the male I was about to blow. It helped me to get aroused and to get me in the mood for what I was about to do. I bet over my body the rest of the way until my nose made slight contact with my son's balls. Once there I inhaled with a nice, deep breath and let his pheromones do the rest. His scent was a bit more mellow than many of the other men I'd blown, but it still had the desired effect on me. I very quickly forgot that I was about to give oral sex to my son. My only thought was to pleasure the male in front of me... and to make it look good for the non-existent cameras.

Before I moved my head slightly away from his balls I reached out with my tongue and gave them a few good licks. I heard my son let out a few short gasps as I made contact, and as I moved my head away I noticed that his breathing had gotten deeper. I didn't waste a lot of time as one of my hands slowly reached up and cupped the slightly moist scrotum in front of me. It was a bit smaller than I was use to handling, but the size made it easier to work it around in my hand. I gently massaged his sack, sliding the testicles around and in between my fingers for a few minutes until my mouth was ready to come back to the party.

While lightly keeping some attention on his sack with my hand I moved my mouth in to deliver a few more strategically placed licks. I could hear my son gently moaning above me as he received his treatment, and it only made me more determined to please him. After I had his scrotum nicely damp I moved my mouth closer and took one of his balls completely into my mouth. I made sure to apply a good amount of suction as I ran my tongue back and forth over it. At this point my son was really starting to enjoy it; I could tell simply by his breathing. It had quickened quite a bit ever since I had taken one of his balls into my mouth, and it showed no signs of slowing down if I kept it up. So, once I was satisfied with my work on that one I let it pop out of my mouth before taking the other one in and repeating the process.

After a few minutes of this I began to get ambitious. My son's balls were slightly smaller than I was use to working with, so I decided to try and fit his entire sack into my mouth at once. I simply had to apply a bit more suction once I had one testicle in my mouth and the other one found it's way in quite easily. I quickly went to work swirling everything together inside my mouth, and I could hear my son start to moan a little louder above me due to the treatment.

Ball-jobs are kind of my specialty (you can ask any of the guys I work with on a regular basis) and I tend to get carried away sometimes. As I was sucking on my son's balls I suddenly remembered that we had a lot to go over and not a lot of time to do it. I reluctantly let his wet nuts pop out of my mouth before quickly focusing my attention on the main event, his cock.

I had never seen a ten year old aroused before so it was difficult to judge, but at around three inches long I figured that he was almost fully aroused by this point. I wasted no time in giving his entire length a few good licks before wrapping my lips tightly around his tip. I then slowly proceed to engulf his entire length comfortably within my muzzle. This is where I heard my son let out his first truly loud moan of approval, and, once again, his pleasure only led me to work harder. I dragged my lips up and down his shaft a few times before I let it slip out of my muzzle. It had grown to somewhere around five inches, just enough to touch the beginning of my throat, which was a very nice size for someone his age. I guess he took after his father in more ways than one...

Once out of my mouth I waisted no time in teasing the tip with my slightly rough tongue. Over the years I had figured out some of the best patterns to use and I made sure to put them to good use with my son. My tongue danced around his shaft making sure to cover every single inch at least once before I took it inside my mouth again. I wrapped my lips tightly around it and slowly made my way down to my son's balls; even managing to give them a good lick or two with my tongue while there.

It didn't take long with this treatment until I heard my son say, "Daddy, I think I gotta pee!"

I weighed out my options, but I quickly decided to stop before he came. He might not be willing to be the top after his first orgasm, and I really wanted him to experience that before we went the other way around. I reluctantly let the throbbing cock slip out of my lips, but I made sure to keep a few bands of saliva still attached for the non-existent cameras to pick up.

After giving my son a few pats on the thighs for doing such a good job I began to stand back up. My son watched me get up with a very unusual expression on his face: a mixture of confusion, arousal, and maybe even a bit of frustration at not getting off. He looked almost like he wanted to say, "Get back here and finish me up!" but in a cute ten year old way. I was content to let him rest though. I knew he'd be finishing up fairly shortly anyway.

"Don't worry son," I said as I got back up to my feet, "you're not going to pee. Remember that white stuff the guys shot out in the movie? That's what's going to happen to you. It's called semen, and it's what adult guys use to make babies. But don't worry about the whole babies part; you'd need a girl for that to happen. For now it's just there to feel weird inside you and to make a mess. In order for it to feel really good when it comes out you need to hold it back for as long as you can, okay?"

As I was talking to my son I made my way over to the nightstand beside my bed and pulled out a large tube of lube. As I turned around I noticed my son staring very curiously at his now throbbing cock. It was almost as if he was saying to himself, "I didn't know that you could do that..." But the moment he wrapped his hand around it I quickly said, "Wait a second there kiddo. We've got more fun stuff to do before you... let everything out. You need to take a rest and catch your breath first so that you can really enjoy it."

He looked at me like I was the craziest person in the world, but nevertheless he reluctantly removed his hand.

"That's better," I said as I opened the tube and squirted some out onto my fingers. "Now, since people's butts don't make their own lubrication we're going to have to provide our own. If we didn't then it would be very painful if we tried to have sex." I reached back and gently began to apply the lube to my tailhole. It had been a while since I had bottomed for anyone else, and, to tell you the truth, I was ready for a good pounding at that point. Once I was satisfied with my lube job I walked over to my son and applied any excess lube to his cock with a few up and down motions. I gently patted my son on the head with my other hand and said, "You ready to go kiddo?"

He simply nodded very enthusiastically.

"Alright," I said as went down to my knees and bent myself over the end of the bed, "just do what you saw the people do in the movie. You'll quickly learn a lot more as you do it, but getting started is easy."

I watched him bounce off the bed and come up behind me. It was then that I had a little twinge of guilt. "You know son," I said as he stood behind me, "this is going to be your first time having sex. This is an occasion which you should only share with someone you really love."

"Well," my son said in his cute ten year old voice, "I love you daddy."

My heart instantly began to melt once I heard those words. There was nothing I could say back to him to show him how much that meant to me, but I didn't really have much time to say much of anything really. As soon as I didn't give a response he lined up his cock and unceremoniously inserted it all the way into my rectum in one shot.

I felt my entire body tense up as I let out a quiet hiss from the pain. It was well hidden from my son's ears by his own loud moan though. I didn't want him to know that he'd hurt me a bit. I just wanted him to enjoy the experience. "Ugh," he said in surprise, "this feels so good!"

"Just wait until you start moving," I said without letting any of my discomfort out in my voice. I quickly wished that I hadn't opened my mouth. Without giving me any time to adjust my son quickly began doing what I told him to.

It hurt a bit, yes, but it wasn't anything I haven't experienced before. Although my son was well endowed for a ten year old I had worked with some of the biggest cocks in the industry, and I was well use to their punishment by now. The initial pain of penetration passed fairly quickly, but my son's barbs continued to be a nuisance. We didn't have barbs to the same degree that feral lions had, but they still could be very noticeable if they weren't handled properly. But, thankfully, the bottom had more control over then than the top did so I was able to minimize the discomfort.

This whole session wasn't about me though. My main objective was to make it as pleasurable for my son as possible. And, even though I still considered myself straight, I had picked up quite a few tips throughout the years which would help me do just that. As my son relentlessly drove himself in and out of my tailhole I made sure to give him a good cock massage for his trouble. I sucked him in when he pulled out and I pushed him out when he wanted back in. Even though he really didn't need any help I also tried to match his thrusts in all of their youthful inexperience. When I began to hear him moaning and groaning behind me I knew that I was doing a good job.

The wet slapping of flesh on flesh and the smell of anal sex filled the room as my son let his instincts take over. Having someone that "small" and that young pounding into me was an incredibly different experience for me. Instead of simply feeling that tremendously full feeling that overwhelmed everything else I was able to take a step back and truly enjoy the subtleties of my son's cock inside me. I actually enjoyed the way that he only managed to hit my prostate occasionally. It was like a small burst of pleasure instead of the long but relaxed flow I got from bigger cocks. I enjoyed the sporadic nature of his thrusts as well compared to the unchanging rhythmic thrusts of most of my co-workers. I just never knew what to expect on the next thrust, and I kind of liked it that way. I also really enjoyed his small set of testicles slapping up against my larger ones every time he hilted himself inside me. It constantly reminded me that I was being dominated by a smaller creature, which for some reason seemed oddly arousing to me. Before long I could feel my own cock began to work out of it's sheath and push it's way into the bed.

I knew from the start that this wasn't going to last long, but I was slightly disappointed when I felt my son give a few sporadic thrusts before ramming deep into me one final time. He let out a few unintelligible noises, and then he finally released his first ever load deep inside me. It wasn't much (I was surprised he released anything at all actually), but it was still his first load.

The room grew somewhat silent as the sounds of sex ground to a halt. All that I could hear was my own slightly aroused breathing coupled with my son's pants of pleasure. If I hadn't known any better I'd have said that we just finished a marathon mating session from the way he was breathing, but I couldn't be too hard on him. I remembered how I felt after the first time I had sex all those years ago...

Once his cock stopped pumping it's seed into my tailhole he simply froze in that position. Not wanting to ruin his first afterglow I simply lay there quietly as he did what he wanted to do. After a few moments had gone by I felt him begin to lean forward and collapse onto my back. His softening cock slowly began to make it's way out of my ass as his panting began to turn back into normal breaths. I waited until I felt the now limp cock finally slide out before I decided to make my first move.

I twisted my back very gently and slowly helped him fall down onto the nice soft bed. He seemed content to lie on whatever surface was beneath him at the moment, so once he was completely off me I slowly began to stand back up. As I stretched out a little bit I noticed that my son was slowly shifting to find a more comfortable position on the bed.

"Looks like you had fun," I said as I walked up next to him.

"That... was... amazing," he said with short pauses between the words. "No wonder you like going to work all the time."

I could only laugh as I said, "I wish work was always that fun, but there's a lot more to it then that. You'll see soon enough." I took a pause before saying, "You ready to try it the other way?"

Even though my son was still recovering from his exhaustion I watched as his head slowly nodded up and down.

"Don't worry," I said with a smile, "you're barely going to have to move. Just get up on your hands and knees like the tiger did in the movie and I'll take care of the rest."

I heard my son lazily roll over and position himself on top of the bed while I was busy searching under it. At last I found the big plastic bin that I had been looking for. I pulled it out with one hand and placed it on top of the bed next to my son. He gave me a curious looking face when I appeared from underneath the bed, but I waited until I had grabbed the lube and sat down next to him before explaining.

"What we're about to do isn't going to be very easy," I started off. "It's going to be uncomfortable at first, but I'm going to do everything I can to make it bearable for you. Since this is your first time we've got to start small and work our way up. You've got a long way to go and not a lot of time to do it. We've got to shoot this movie soon or else we might not get to do it at all. That's why I'm going to start you off with some of these." I lifted the lid off the box to reveal my wife's (...okay, some of them were mine too...) sex toy collection.

My son got very curious as he looked over all of the various colored and shaped dildos, butt-plugs, vibrators, and numerous other kinky things we had in there. As I reached my hand in and began to dig around for something to start with his eyes searched over the various shapes and colors like he was in a toy store. After searching for a few seconds I found the perfect thing, a five inch long smooth vibrator that had to be no more than 3/4ths of an inch wide. My son looked at it with wonder and awe as I removed it from the box. "We're going to be starting with this," I said giving the vibrator to my son to inspect. "It's nice and small so it shouldn't hurt too bad. Once you get use to this we'll start moving up in sizes... until we get to this." At that moment I yanked out the big molded dildo that my wife had made of my own penis. I was around seven and a quarter inches long with two and change inches in diameter. It wasn't the biggest cock in the world, but it was decent enough to keep my pornographic career going for more than twelve years.

My son's eyes grew wide at the big floppy dildo I placed next to him. Letting out a small laugh I finally said, "Don't worry, we're not going to try it until I'm absolutely sure you're ready for it."

He looked a bit nervous as I placed the big dildo back into the plastic bin, but I gave him a few pats on the head as I said, "Remember, we're going to go nice and easy. This one doesn't look so bad, does it?" I said referring to the one in his hand.

He took a good look at it before hesitantly shaking his head. I reached out and took the vibrator back from him as I said, "You'll do fine, don't worry. It's going to feel really weird for a little bit, but that feeling will go away eventually. We've got a long way to go, and the only way to get there is going to involve a little bit of pain. If it gets to be too much for you then let me know and I'll stop."

We both fell into silence as I popped open the tube of lube and squirted out a generous amount onto my fingers. "This might feel a little cold," I said as I gently touched my fingers to my son's tailhole. I watched him twitch a little when I first made contact, but as I began to disperse the lube around his hole he didn't seem to mind very much. After I had the outside lubed up I gently applied some pressure with my pointer finger and it slid in without very much resistance. As I began to coat his insides with lube I could feel my son begin to tighten around my finger.

"That's not a good idea" I replied to him as I squirted out a bit more lube. "If you tighten up like that then it's going to be harder to get something inside you. The best thing to do is to relax and simply let it slide in on it's own. I know that it's kind of a natural reaction to clench like that, but you need to relax or we won't get anywhere without it hurting a lot."

After a short moment I felt him relax his anal muscles and my finger slipped back and forth almost effortlessly. "That's better," I said giving him a few light pats on the back, "you're doing great!"

Content that my son was graciously lubed up at that point I pulled my finger out and said, "You ready to start?" I watched him slowly nod his head (which he had lazily laid on the bed at some point) as I lubed up the vibrator. I gently placed it against his tailhole and said, "Here we go," before I began to apply some pressure. It didn't take all that much for the dildo to spread open his pucker and force itself an inch or two within him. "You okay?" I asked at this point.

"It feels kind of weird," my son replied with a little bit of discomfort in his voice.

"It's going to feel a bit weird for a little bit," I replied as I pushed another inch inside of him, "but then you'll get use to it, and you won't even be able to feel it."

"I think I have to go to the bathroom again daddy," he said suddenly as he began to fidget. I stopped the dildo's advance and said, "It only feels like you have to. Remember that we cleaned your insides so that there's nothing there, so nothing's going to come out. It's a natural thing to feel the first few times you do this. Once it's all the way inside you I'll let you rest and get use to the feeling, okay?" My son weakly nodded his head as I slowly pushed another inch into him.

I made sure to go slowly, but eventually I reached the end of the vibrator. "There we go," I said as I rubbed the top of my son's head, "good job! It's all the way in! How does it feel?"

"It still feels weird," he said slowly, "but it doesn't really hurt."

"You want to feel something really weird?" I said getting a little ahead of myself. I didn't even wait for my son to reply before I twisted the base and felt the vibrator begin to vibrate.

I watched him perk up when he felt the vibrations deep inside. "Ooh, that feels funny," he replied quickly.

"Well watch this," I said as I slowly began to pull out the vibrator while constantly swirling it around his inner walls. When I hit his prostate I could definitely tell by his reaction. Lining the vibrator back up I proceeded to grind it into his most sensitive area over and over again. My son was awash with sharp breaths and slight moans as I battered his prostate for a few moments, but I didn't want to spoil him just yet. After a short amount of time I pulled the vibrator back out of his tailhole only to shove it in again with a bit more speed than last time.

My son looked back at me with a bit of disappointment when I stopped massaging his prostate, but I had to reply, "There will be lots of time to play around later, but right now we need to focus on stretching you out." Eventually, he just turned his head around and became quiet once again.

I continued to oscillate the vibrator back and forth for a while, slowly ramping up the speed, until Brandon told me that it wasn't feeling weird anymore. At that point I gave him one more good prostate massage before pulling it out completely and turning it off. I gently laid it down on the far side of the bed as I began to look for something a bit more... "challenging".

"Now that you know what it feels like it's time to start doing this for real," I said as I dug around in the container for something I could use. As soon as I found it I lifted it up for my son to see. It was a six inch toy that had several bumps (or knots if you prefer) along it's length which slowly increased in diameter as you went down the toy. The first one had to be no more than half an inch wide, but the bottom one was probably a good inch and a half across. This was always the toy I reached for when I needed to get stretched out initially, so if it was good enough for me then it would be good enough for my son.

His eyes looked curiously at the toy before looking back up at me. "I'll go slow, I promise," I said as I began to lube up the first section of the toy. Once I was satisfied I lifted it up and placed the tip at my son's entrance before gently applying some pressure.

The first bump slid in almost effortlessly, but I met a slight resistance on the second one. It wasn't anything too serious however, and with a bit of extra pressure I felt it pop into my son.

"How you doing up there?" I said as I let my son adjust to the slightly larger size of the second bump.

"It felt really weird when that second one went inside like that," he replied calmly. "It kinda felt good actually...

"Glad you're enjoying it," I said back as I worked the second bump in and out of his sphincter a few times so he could get use to the size. "Here comes the next one," I said as I began to apply some pressure to get the third bump inside him. This is where my son finally hit his natural limit for size and the stretching began.

Due to the amount of lube I had applied the toy seemed to almost effortlessly glide into my son's hole, but I could tell from his sharp breaths that he was is a bit of pain. Thinking fast I held the dildo in place for a few seconds before slowly releasing my pressure and letting it slip back to the notch in between the second and third bump. When it had reached it's equilibrium position I gave it a gentle tug and the second bump easily popped out. I worked the second bump in and out a few more times before I once again tried to apply some pressure to the third one. It made it in farther this time before my son began to tense up once again, but one more round of that treatment was all it took to get the third bump in.

I gave my son a few moments to rest before slowly began pulling out the third bump until it was at it's maximum width. I held it there for a few moments before I began to repeat the process I had done for the previous bump. Within a few more rounds he was able to take the fourth bump fully, and the final bump eventually went in after a bit more work.

"You did it!" I said shortly after the fifth bump popped into him, "all of them are inside you now! How do you feel?"

"It still hurts a little bit," was all he said in reply. I gave him some time to rest before making sure that he was comfortable taking the last bump. Once he seemed to be able to take the last bump without any problems I began to make a few passes using the entire length of the dildo. I knew how good it felt to take in all those bumps, so I wasn't surprised when I heard my son began breathing a bit heavier than usual. I also noticed that his sheath was beginning to swelling up once again...

When I pulled the dildo out completely and didn't thrust it back in for a few seconds my son turned around to look at me with an almost disappointed look on his face, but I had other plans. "You're at the size now where you're ready to see what a real penis feels like inside of you," I said as I placed the stretching toy down and began digging through the plastic bin once again. In no time I had found what I was looking for and I dragged it out. It was a seven inch long replica of a dragon's cock. It had a nice pointed tip to start out with, but it expanded to about an inch and a half in diameter rather quickly to make it a nice solid toy. The real nice texturing on it didn't hurt either. I quickly showed it to my son before lubing it up and pushing it in.

Since my son was well stretched from the previous toy it didn't take much force to get it wedged about halfway inside him, but this wasn't about stretching him out any further... on the outside anyway. "Since you've been doing such a good job so far I'm going to let you relax from all the stretching for a little bit," I said a bit mischievously. "But before we do that I need to see how deeply you can take something. I'm going to begin pushing it in all the way, and if it really starts to hurt inside let me know, okay?"

My son gently nodded his head before I continued. "Make sure your back is straight to start with, and then you can bend it around a little bit if you need to find a better position." I watched my son reposition himself before I slowly began to push the dildo deeper. There was a bit of discomfort from him as the dildo spread his insides wider than anything had before, but just as I was reaching the very end of the dildo I heard my son say, "It hurts daddy! Pull it out!" I pulled it out about an inch before I heard him quickly say, "It felt like someone was hitting me in the stomach."

I just gave him a few pats on the back as I said, "It's alright son. That's what it feels like when you reach your limitations. You can learn to take things deeper inside you in time, but for right now you're actually doing really good. You've got quite a bit of depth for someone your size."

I swear that I noticed him begin to blush a bit, but he quickly hid his face from me. "So," I said after giving his cheeks some time to lose their color, "you ready to see what I felt while you were having sex with me?"

He curiously nodded his head and I began to withdraw the dildo from him. Once only the tip remained inside I applied a good deal of force and drove most of the cock into him with a fairly quick burst. I heard him grunt as I stopped right before his limit and quickly pulled it out again. He turned his head around as if he wanted to say something, but my second thrust caught him off guard. All that he was able to get out was another unintelligible sound. He tried to speak a few more times, but at the rate I was going he barely had time to breathe let alone speak. He eventually gave up the task and just began to enjoy the artificial pounding I was giving him.

I steadied my pace at somewhere around an "average" fucking speed, but for my virgin son it was still too much to handle effectively. After every single thrust inward he let out a quick gasp as the artificial cock forced the air out of his lungs. Sometimes this was accompanied with some sort of noise, but other times it was just a rush of air. I could tell that he was beginning to get overwhelmed by all of the new sensations when he dug his face into the bed and began to zone out. His gasps still came at regular intervals, but his cognizant mind had all but shut down due to his sensory overload. He was only aware of the sensations coming from his rear end; everything else was a distant memory at that point. I could've suddenly stopped moving, and he probably wouldn't have even reacted for a good thirty seconds or so. But I wouldn't have done that to him; I had other plans.

When I felt my arms begin to tire and burn I knew that I couldn't keep up the pace for much longer, but instead of stopping I did just the opposite. It took a few oscillations for me to ramp up the pace to what I liked to call "finish up" speed, and it took a few more oscillations before my son consciously noticed the difference. His gasps could no longer keep pace with my thrusts, so instead he simply fell into a pattern of long moans and breaths which were broken up by my continued assault on his rear end. The sounds of silicon slapping against flesh and the sound of the bed springs squeaking mixed together with the moans of my son and my own tired breaths to create a symphony of pleasure like no other. My arms burned, my son's tailhole burned, the bed springs burned... but it didn't matter. We were all in the moment together, and the only thing that mattered was achieving as much pleasure as possible.

That moment was short-lived however as my arms really began to burn. I just couldn't take the punishment anymore, so I had no choice but to bring everything to an end. I roughly and sporadically issued a few last thrusts before ramming the artificial cock all the way into my son one final time. The symphony abruptly came to a halt with one last loud moan from my son before the only sound still lingering in the room was our heavy breathing.

I was as much absorbed into the moment as my son was, so it took me a while before I noticed that I had exceeded my son's limits in the depth department by forcing the dildo all the way inside him. Concerned, I quickly said, "Are you okay son? Does it hurt anywhere? I'm so sorry; I got a little carried away."

I watched as my son slowly began to turn his head towards me (it was still lying flat on the bed). He took a few more breaths before he said, "My butt feels like it's on fire... but it's a good fire."

"Do your insides hurt?" I quickly responded, "You've taken the entire thing inside you which hurt you before..."

My son seemed to think about it for a second before he said, "It doesn't feel that bad. When you started it pushed me into a different position, and it didn't hurt as much anymore."

I reached over with one of my aching arms and gently gave him a few pats on the back. "You're a trooper kiddo," I said with a sigh, "a real trooper..."

My son took a few more breaths before he said, "That was... I can't really describe it, but that felt cool. Can we do it again?"

"If you think that was fun wait until you actually try the real thing!" I responded with a smile. "When you get stretched out enough to take me inside of you then I promise we'll do it again. You don't have that much farther to go before you're ready, but this will be the toughest part. Are you ready to give it a shot?"

He nodded his head enthusiastically... almost as if he was trying to shake some sense back into it.

I quickly began to dig back into the box in search of some suitable toys. I eventually pulled out a large sized butt-plug that had to be at least three inches around at the widest part.

My son visibly winced at the sight of the large cone-shaped butt-plug, but I quickly chimed in with, "You don't have to take all of it." I gave the butt-plug diameter a rough measure with my hand and stopped at just over two inches. "You only have to go up to here," I said as I showed my son the point where my hand was wrapped around. "You can do it," I replied with a bit of motivation in my voice, "you're almost there already."

His look of discomfort quickly turned into a look of eagerness as I began to lube up the butt-plug. I carefully pressed it against his slightly gaping tailhole and applied a little bit of pressure. The first half slid in very easily, but it was obvious when I reached an inch and a half in diameter. I could feel my son's hole strain against the size, but I kept a gentle pressure applied throughout. Slowly the butt-plug began to work it's way into my son stretching out his sphincter as it went. After a minute or so of pressure I could hear him begin to wince as his breaths grew short and painful. I relaxed my pressure just enough to hold the plug in place without driving it forward while my son grew accustom to the size.

During that time I thought about what my next move would be. I could continue to stretch my son out this way until he was ready to take me, but that could get pretty uncomfortable for him pretty quick. Since he'd done such a good job throughout this whole ordeal I eventually decided to give him another small reward instead. After a minute of holding the plug at that depth I pushed it in just a slight amount more before letting it fall out of his hole on it's own. As my son began to turn around to see what had happened I quickly reached back for the dragon dildo. His eyes met mine just as I had lined it up with his tailhole, and with a quick push I watched his eyes roll back in his head before he let out a small moan. Satisfied with my non-verbal answer to his non-verbal question he swung his head around and buried it into the bed once again.

I worked him up to the point where he was just beginning to get into it before suddenly stopping. I then replaced the dragon cock with the butt-plug before pushing it in gently passed the previous limit. I repeated this process four or five times before my son was almost stretched out to where he needed to be. At that point I began to consider entering him for real.

While keeping the same amount of pressure on the butt-plug that I had been using the whole time I gently slid off the edge of the bed and made my way fully behind my son. Up until this point I had been sitting mostly beside him on the bed, but now that I was fully behind him the full gravity of what I was doing dawned on me once again. My ten year old son was on his hands and knees on my bed with his cute little butt held high in the air. His tail was draped over his side and his tailhole was stretched perfectly to accommodate my size. I pulled out the butt-plug one final time and just gazed at his gaping tailhole. It was almost as if it was calling for me to stick my cock in there fuck it. His small but tight furry sack of balls was also dangling not far below just waiting to be smacked into by my own. And his swelled sheath was right on the edge of arousal just waiting to feel some more pleasure.

I never really thought about my son in a sexual way, but he had a damn nice body... for a ten year old. All that exercise he gets from being on the school's soccer team has really kept him toned... I knew that those pervs in Asia were just going to eat him up, and I felt jealous of all his future girlfriends (and maybe boyfriends as well.) I couldn't help but exploring him for a bit before we got down to business. I gently placed a hand on his butt cheek and noticed that it was nice and round but also nice and firm as well. His thighs were solid and his muscles clearly shown through giving him a very nice toned look. His hips were also nice and firm, and even his abs and pecs were starting to develop.

Being in porn as long as I have you get to see some really good backsides, both male and female. But, after all the years, sometimes I still need a little bit of extra help to get an erection no matter how good someone's backside looks. It's never really a problem since I can give myself a boner on command (another porn business necessity), but in this case I was fully hard before I even had time to realize it. I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about popping a boner so fast because of my son, but at that point I really didn't want to think about it. He was ready and waiting for me, and I was ready for him as well.

I was almost in some sort of daze as I grabbed the lube tube and generously applied some to my rock hard cock. "Scoot closer to the end of the bed," I suddenly said to my son. He waisted no time in carefully scooting backwards until his knees were just balancing on the edge of the bed. I walked up to him and gently placed both my large hands around his hips. I wasn't sure if he was just so small or my hands were that big, but I almost completely covered his pelvis with my soft and gentle grip. Without saying any more words I softly placed the tip of my cock against his pucker. We lined up so perfectly that it was almost as if we were designed to do this. I gave my son's hips a few gentle squeezes to let him know that I was starting before I slowly began to impale my son on my cock.

At first things didn't go very well. The tip of my cock easily slipped inside his gaping tailhole, but as I got close to my maximum size I could feel my son put up a fair amount of resistance and his breaths became full of pain once again. I was very "in the zone" and ready to pound him into submission at that point, but I quickly remembered that my ten year old son was underneath me and not some experienced porn actor. Reluctantly I pulled myself out and reached for the butt-plug once again. After a little bit more stretching I was ready to try again.

I still felt some resistance this time from his tailring, but I was so close that I didn't care anymore. Slowly but surely I began to slide my way in, and before I even realized it the pressure lessened and I quickly slid most of the remaining way inside my son.

I heard him let out a wince of pain as he was stretched farther than he should've been, and all I could do was pat him on the back a few times to comfort him. "It hurts a bit daddy," he said with labored breaths.

"Sh," I said soothingly, "I know son, I know. But this is the last time it's going to hurt, I promise. This is as wide as I get. In a minute the pain should start to fade away. Let me know when you're ready to continue. You're doing an excellent job so far. I'm really proud of you."

He probably began to blush again, but he had dug his face into the mattress once again so I had no way of knowing for sure. But, true to my word, in a minute or two the pain had gone away and my son gave me the go ahead to continue.

Instead of trying to pound him right away I decided to take it easy. I gently began to rock my hips back and forth so that my shaft only moved in and out an inch or two at a time. Even though I wasn't anywhere near my normal pace I was still feeling more pleasure than I had in a good long time. I was use to fucking experienced guys and girls who, although they knew some tricks here and there, were still fairly predictable. Their insides had been well worn over the years and, although they still felt good, they just felt... dull. They were use to my size, and they knew how to adjust accordingly to handle it with the least pain for them and the least pleasure for me.

My son was incredibly different though. He was a virgin, or at least he had been a few hours ago, so his ass was at it's peak of perfection. While I had given him a good stretching, his tailstar was still incredibly elastic. It didn't matter whether my tip or my full shaft was intruding his ass, I still felt a tightness that I hadn't felt since I was a teenager. And his insides felt like they were made out of pure spongy velvety softness. They wrapped around me so tightly and so fittingly that it was amazing that I could move at all. Parts of my penis that I didn't even know existed were stimulated by his soft velvety walls, and I was loving every minute. It was like his ass was trying to trap me inside and never let me go... a thought which at that moment I would've liked very much.

My son wasn't having all that bad of a time either. It's one thing to have a cold lifeless dildo inserted into your ass, but it's totally another thing to have a real cock, a massive real cock, inside you. You can feel every pulse of the person's heart. You can feel the heat coming off their cock and working its way deep inside yourself. And you can feel every little warm squirt of pre as it slowly begins to lube up your insides. My son was enjoying his treatment just as much as I was enjoying giving it to him. His face was buried deep into the bed, but I could still hear his moans and gasps every time I plunged into him.

Tiny little beads of sweat were beginning to form on his back and on his butt as our mating slowly intensified, and I'm sure the same was beginning to happen to me as well. I had slowly gone from moving two or three inches within him at a time to nearing five and six fairly quickly. And as my depth increased my speed also began to increase. By this point I was delivering a series of long and slow but powerful thrusts into him, and my son was having trouble staying quiet. He had grabbed a pillow off the end of the bed and had wrapped his arms around it with his head smashed into it, but his moans were still incredibly audible.

I took this time to begin exploring my son's body even more while I still had the chance. My hands traced slowly down from his neck and across his back until I reached his ass cheeks. There they turned and made their way up his sides before moving on to his chest. I focused in on his nipples for a short time before running my hands down his stomach until I reached his sheath. There I was met with somewhat of a surprise. Not only was his sheath incredibly swollen, but his pink member stood at attention simply bobbing up and down with every thrust I made.

My son let loose a loud gasp as I grabbed onto his stiff cock and slowly began to work it up and down. I thought that he was loud before, but after getting both his ends serviced he took it up another notch. The noises he was making turned me on greatly, so before long I began to lose my concentration and my thrusting began to speed up to a "normal" pace and a "normal" depth... which happened to be my entire length.

We were both enjoying the experience immensely, but there was one thing I still wanted to see. My son had been in the doggy style position ever since we started, but I wanted to see the other side of him. In particular, I wanted to see his face when he came, and I wanted to watch him splatter his young seed all over his body. Without warning I quickly grabbed a hold of my son's stomach and spun him around. I had learned to do this move effectively for a movie I was in a while ago, but I still enjoyed pulling it off every now and then. My son winced a bit as his sweaty back hit the bed (I had caught him with my barbs a bit awkwardly), but there was no time to apologize. After a few more quick thrusts he began to forget about the pain anyway.

Since both his legs had ended up in the air I grabbed a hold of them to keep my thrusting stable for a while. I leaned them up against my chest for support, but that position made me have to bend my knees almost painfully far. Instead, I quickly let his legs fall to their respective sides before leaning over my son. I placed both my hand on either side of him and stared him right in the face as I continued to relentlessly pound away at him. His eyes were closed at first and his mind was probably still recovering from being flipped, but eventually he opened his eyes to see mine staring right back into them.

In that moment that our eyes met we said more than we could've said in a whole day full of talking. It was at that moment that I realized just how much I loved my son. I don't just mean in a sexual way, although that was undoubtedly a part of it at this point, I mean a real true love... a love that, other than with my wife, I had rarely seen while having sex. He was my son, my own flesh and blood. I would do anything I could to make him happy. And to see him being subjected to what I was doing to him made me feel that he felt the exact same way about me. I knew that he had been in pain and had done some very unnatural things in the past few hours, but he never complained. He had done them all for me... simply because I asked him to. I couldn't ask for anything more from him. He was the greatest son a father could have.

Still eye locked with him I did something that I very rarely do on my own. I leaned down until our muzzles were touching and I gave him a big, real kiss straight on the lips. He was confused at first, but he'd seen enough kisses in his life to have a basic idea of what was going on. He eventually returned the kiss, albeit weakly, before we both needed to break it to get some air. I usually hated kissing other guys, especially intimately like that (I told you before that I'm straight, remember?), but at this point I didn't really care. If there was one other guy that I loved enough to kiss like that it was my son, and no "social rules" were going to stop me from doing it. "I love you son," I said as I slowly began to pull back.

"I love you too daddy," he said between his gasps and moans.

As I got back into my desired position my body quickly reminded me that I was unfortunately close cumming. I had learned to hold it in almost indefinitely if need be, but I simply didn't want to at this point. This moment was pure nirvana, but I was also aware that it could become just another fuck if I drew it out too long. I was ready and my son was probably ready to finish up, so why prolong the inevitable? But there was no way in hell that I was going to get off before I got my son off.

"Son," I said between my deep breaths. He looked up at me with a sort of dazed expression. "Grab a hold of you penis and do what daddy was doing before. It'll feel really good. And when it feels like you have to pee just let it go."

I hung my head in between our bodies and watched as my son grabbed a hold of his cock with a paw, and then slowly began to stroke it up and down. I could tell that he was close to cuming from the moment he started, so I dug my arms into the bed and ramped up my own speed to as fast as I could go. Both of us started to moan and grown with a wild passion as our mating entered it's final stage. Even experienced old me was having a hard time controlling myself. And then, all of a sudden, I saw my son's eyes shoot wide open as I felt his tailhole clamp down on my cock. That was my cue to finish up as well. The increased pressure from my son made it far too easy to finally release my load inside him.

We both let out loud roars as our orgasms washed over us. I rammed my cock as deep into my son as I could before exploding with shot after shot of cum. It was one of the most powerful orgasms of my life, and I quickly began filling my son with seed while my claws dug deeply into the bed. I continued to release my cum into his anal passage for a good minute before I finally became too dizzy to support myself anymore. Taking care not to fall on my son I gently rolled to the side until I was on my back and sprawled myself over the bed. My cock had popped loose from my son in transit, and now it was a semi-erect, cum and lube covered monument to our mating that stood up between my own legs.

The only sounds in the room at that point were the heavy breathing of my son and I, and it remained that way for at least a few minutes. Once my head stopped spinning enough for me to remember how to speak I said, "Did you enjoy it, son?"

I lazily rolled my head over to look at him as he lazily looked back at me, unmoved from his original spot. All he could do was nod his head weakly a few times.

"I'm glad to hear it," I said regaining a little more of my ability to think. "So, do you want to be in that movie with daddy? We'll get to do this all over again."

He nodded his head weakly again a few times.

"That's great son!" I replied as enthusiastically as I could. "You just saved daddy's job."

He smiled weakly and I smiled back. I gave a good long sigh before I finally said, "now we both need to take a shower, and your mom could come home at any minute..." I thought about it for a second before I said, "You go first and I'll clean up in here. If mommy asks why we needed to take a shower just tell her that we were playing soccer together, okay?"

He nodded with a bit more control of his head at this point and slowly began to lift himself off the bed. "Make sure you wash your butt very well inside and out. It's going to hurt a bit tomorrow probably, but it'll be a whole lot worse if you get some kind of infection. You're not bleeding are you?"

I shot up and checked my softening dick for traces of blood. To my disappointment there was a small amount mixed together with the lube and cum. I looked back over to my son and said, "it doesn't hurt a lot right now inside, does it?"

He shook his head as he sat on the edge of the bed and stretched out his legs.

"Okay," I replied somewhat calmer, "just be sure to clean yourself out kind of like we did before we started. And try not to get any of daddy's semen on the floor on the way to the bathroom. Keep it tightly within you; I don't wanna have to try and explain that to mommy." My son nodded a bit before I went over to him and embraced him in a hug. I gave him a kiss on the top of his head as I ruffled his wet hair a little bit. "You did an excellent job today," I said with a lot of pride in my voice. "There are a lot of people who can't fit daddy inside them even when they're twenty years older than you. And you did it on your first time. I'm so proud of you!" I know it's a weird thing to be proud of your son doing, but that didn't mean it was any less of an accomplishment.

I gently released the hug and gave my son a playful slap on the bottom. "Now, go get cleaned up before mommy gets home. Remember, you can't tell ANYONE about what we just did. Not your friends, not your teachers, not even your mom, okay? If you do daddy's going to be in BIG trouble, and bad things are going to happen to everyone. You promised, remember?"

"I remember," he said weakly as my son stumbled out the door on the way to the bathroom. All I could do now was start cleaning up the mess we'd made. It had taken us a few hours of work, but in the end I think we both had one of the most amazing experiences of our lives. It was all worth it so far.