College Sucks: Part 1

Story by SlickAndSlenderWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of College Sucks

"Time for another long set of rock ‘n roll favorites for the ‘burbs. Here's Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers to kick off this classic rock block."

The opening chords of "Last Dance With Mary Jane" blared as the young wolf blindly reached over and dropped his heavy paw on the snooze button on the top of his clock radio. Nine minutes later, the wolf sprang awake to the harsh screech of an Eric Clapton guitar solo. The wolf groggily moaned as he grabbed some boxers off his messy dormroom floor and sniffed them. "Clean enough," he thought to himself as he slipped on the pair, sticking his bedfur-stricken tail through the hole in the back of the boxers. The wolf grabbed a comb and combed out his gray fur a little, just enough to make him presentable for class. He stood up and stared at his body in the mirror on his door. Running his paws down his chest and slender waist, he sucked in his gut a little. "Ugh, damn freshman fifteen," he sighed as he looked over his slightly trim 6'4" frame... now with a little bit of a tummy showing. The sleepy eyed wolf glanced at the clock.

"Meh... I still got ten minutes before I gotta book it," the wolf said aloud, to no one in particular. He grabbed his laptop off the floor and plopped back down on his cushy bed and pressed in the power button with his index claw. His eyes grew wide as the Windows logo faded and his desktop appeared. A shirtless buff husky lying on a beach blanket wearing nothing but a smile and a palm leaf over his crotch greeted him from his desktop background. The wolf felt his cock stir a little in his sheath as he clicked on the Mozilla icon and started to type his favorite website into the navigation bar. A slender white male bunny with a lustful backward stare appeared on the laptop screen. The bunny was bending over and spreading his cheeks apart to show off his little pink tail hole as other males of various species were standing around him holding their hard cocks, all with licentious looks on their faces. A smile crept across the wolf's maw as he pulled out his hardening furry sheath through the boxer's hole. The tip of his red cock appeared as he clicked play on one of the videos of the male bunny from the front page getting slammed standing up by a hung, muscular ‘roo in a do-rag. The ‘roo grabbed the bunny and flopped onto the nearby bed, letting the bunny ride him reverse cowgirl. The bunny moaned and bounced as his tail hole was obviously getting stretched to its limit by the large marsupial meat.

The wolf was living vicariously through the sexy gay couple, not even noticing his own cock had already emerged from its furry home. He reached down without even looking and felt to see if his dick was hard. He shuddered a little as he gripped it tightly and began to paw off his wolf meat. He watch the video intently, panting a little as the bunny moaned and groaned over the large marsupial inside of him, who had somehow wrestled the subby bunny into doggie style across the bed. The wolf's eyes were as wide as they could be as he worked his own cock faster and faster, getting in rhythm with the pumping ‘roo. The young wolf almost didn't even hear the doorknob on his dormroom doorknob begin to turn.

He panicked and clicked the "X" at the top of the window and slammed shut his laptop shut. He leapt up and blocked the door from being open with his body, still panting but his erection subsiding.

"Jeez Dan," the feline said from the other side, "I just wanted to see if you wanted to walk to class together, I'm out of smokes. Can I bum a square?"

"Uh, yeah, just give me a sec to get dressed, I'm totally naked," Dan retorted. He looked back down at his crotch and noticed his boner had totally retreated back into the thick furry sheath. "Damn," he thought. Dan hadn't cum in a few days, mainly because of stress due to finals time and he was so busy with papers all the time. He'd just have to wait until after class. Dan grabbed a shirt and his favorite Steelers hoodie and threw them on. He grabbed some socks but pulled them on too quickly as his foot claws shredded the material. He sighed and threw the shredded pair away in the trash and grabbed a new pair. A pair of dark relax fit jeans hung on the back of a chair as he grabbed them and stepped into the jeans. Dan pulled them up yelped a little as some of his white pubic fur got caught in the zipper. Slipping on some sneakers, he flung open the door and greeted the tabby with an annoyed frown.

"What?" the feline said defensively. Mike stood there, swishing his long black and gray tail from side to side. His pointy black tipped ears perked up. Mike had a nice multi-colored coat with soft grays, deep blacks, all highlighted by nice warm browns. His muzzle, chest, and belly were white, but they were covered up with an old track shirt and athletic shorts and sandals. Dan had been on the same track team with Mike in high school and peeked at him every now and again in the locker room after meets. Dan had only seen Mike totally naked once after a meet... and he always thought of that first whenever he saw Mike. His nice shaped package, dangling white balls, nice round butt topped off with a beautiful long sleek tail. Dan had a thing for Mike, but he could never tell him. Besides, they had both chased the same girls in high school and chatted about chicks endlessly. Dan didn't even know he was gay until college, and he hadn't told anybody yet, nor did he plan to.

"Nothing," Dan grabbed his pack of menthols and a notebook and headed out into the hall toward the elevator with the tabby. "Hey Mike, did we have anything due today?" the wolf asked, hoping not to hear the answer he feared.

Mike thought a bit, twitching his ears and flicking his long sleek tail, "No, nothing... other than those chapter summaries."

Dan slapped his forehead, "fuck, I hope she'll take those late."

"I doubt it," Mike said pessimistically.

The elevator rang and slowly opened. The friends walked in quietly and rode it down. When they got outside, Dan handed Mike a Newport and his Zippo. Mike lit up and passed Dan back the Zippo as Dan lit the cig hanging from his maw. The two friends walked to class and chit-chatted, taking long satisfying drags from their cancer sticks.

Dan and Mike arrived a little late to their Modern Middle East class as the teacher collected their homework at the door. Dan looked down and breezed past the heavyset older female Otter. She sighed in disappointment at Dan as Mike gladly handed her his typed chapter summery, his tail excitedly swishing from side to side. She mustered up a fake smile and waddled towards the lectern to begin the lesson. Dan and Mike took their seats in the back of the class where Dan instantly fell asleep. Mike shook him awake when the period ended and they both began to pack up. Dan noticed something wet in his lap. To his horror, he realized he had a wet dream in the middle of class, making his crotch fur all sticky and hard. Mike noticed and began laughing.

"Dude, what are you, 13 years old?" Mike couldn't stop himself from busting Dan's balls.

"It's been a while," Dan said quietly.

"Yeah, I don't even remember the last chick you did the horizontal Monster Mash with," Mike said aloud in emptying classroom, a few hotty girl skunks giggling as they walked by.

Dan pulled up his hood and pinned his ears to his head.

"Shhhh, shut up man," Dan growled, knowing full well he didn't even have any interest in girls anymore. In fact, the reason his crotch was wet was because he was thinking about that time he saw Mike naked in the locker room. In his dream, Mike beckoned to Dan, slowly undressing him. First taking off his hoodie and shirt and licking the wolf's chest. The feline kissed all the way down his front and tummy until he got to the top of the wolf's jeans, Mike's tail excitedly swishing back and forth. Mike undid the top button and zippered down the fly, letting the jeans fall in a heavy pile. Dan stood there in only his boxers, slightly panting and his tail excitedly wagging back and forth as his buldge grew. Mike stood up and kissed him long and deep, muzzle to muzzle. Dan looked down and saw Mike's paw on his junk, feeling the package sensually. Mike and Dan then locked eyes and Mike licked his lips, slowly dropping to his knees. That was when the real world Mike savagely shook the poor wolf awake.

The teacher looked curiously at Mike and Dan from the front of the room. Dan covertly slipped his notebook over his obviously wet crotch and rushed out, Mike in tow.

"See ya Dr. Bricillia!" Mike shouted as he hurried out, still smiling about the misfortune of his friend. Mike watched his wolf friend hurriedly walk in front of him, wanting to get back to his dormroom as fast as possible to change his pants and underwear and stop this embarresment.

"Mmmmmm, Mike thought to himself as he watched the wolf's buttock bounce up and down though his jeans, Dan's bushy gray and white tail swaying back and forth. The smell of Dan's musk was heavy in the air behind him as he walked because of his little sexual accident. Mike began to feel some weird feelings he never felt before as some taboo thoughts started to enter his head...

To be continued...