Ten, Nine, Eight...

Story by Equusaz on SoFurry

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Its a few days before New Years. There's going to be a count down. Can you make it all the way?

The music thrummed in my ears. A persistent thumping beat a primal force that seemed to drive the furs on the clubs floor. So many delectable treats greeted my eyes. Soft tawny fur on one form helped accentuate the lines of the male's oblique and pectorals, the soft down on another gave the ample butt a succulent cuddliness, and the dappled markings on another finally drew me in. Another equine? I would consider that a solid ten out of ten score!

He was bulkier than me, and in every way the absolute stallion. Oh how I lived for these farm-bred studs, coming in from the sticks to the big city, their innocent muzzles gaping in a grin, and their eyes flashing with hunger and desire. He was dressed well, the tight blue shirt hugging his hulking frame. The black slacks were also a little tight on him as well. To an untrained eye he looked like the persistently confused yokel who had come to the big city on his first outing while prepping for the new year and the spring semester.

I licked my lips. I could read him like a book. To the untrained eye he may look like your typical college athlete, but I wasn't untrained. Hammered on the anvil of life, tempered in the fires of passion, and honed by the stone of experience I knew him for what he was. Blue collar. Working class. Out for a little fun. Kicking those iron shod hooves up a bit since he had a little cash. Probably came here to see if he could hang with the popular furs getting ready for the upcoming new year's weekend. A trial run to see if he could make the grade.

I chuckled into my bourbon. Ah yes, a perennial favorite of mine. Inexperienced. I knew as soon as my brown eyes locked on his form that I would be in for a treat tonight. Oh my tastes run the gamut. Sleek felines, obedient canines, savage lupines, the works, but I have a soft spot in my withers for other studs. I'd made certain before stepping out that I'd be able to snag who I wanted that evening. I was dressed to the nines. I have to admit I'm quite the show horse if you'll forgive the old joke. Hours spent in the gym ensure my muscles are plump and defined. A careful diet (not too many apple muffins) makes certain there is very little 'extra' padding to my build. Then of course careful grooming, the application of specialized equine products, and a tasteful wardrobe completes the trousseau. Dark, handsome, sophisticated, and confident. Oh yes, very confident.

There were a clutch of guys around him. A few had caught my this evening before tall dark and grey here had entered. There was a nice muscled wolf there chatting him up, and the poor uneducated hoss seemed intent on whatever the lupine was telling him. I could see his ears twitch once or twice in excitement. His lips curved in a smirking smile. Who knew if the colt had brain one in his skull, but he seemed to be interested in whatever the guy was saying. What was his name again? Ah yeah, Frank. That was his name. Late 20's to early 30's graduate if I recalled from our single dalliance a few months ago. Such a good little subby wolf too. So out of his league with me though. Oh he dressed well. White dress shirt, grey slacks that matched his smoky grey pelt, and he had a little diamond white spot in his fur between his eyes. I sauntered a little closer.

"Nah, I'm just here for the weekend." Mr. Stud answered some unspoken query from Frank. I just made casual eye contact with the hoss. Frank noticed. I could see a bit of a smirking snarl in his lips, but that was it. The little bitch was good at hiding whatever it was he had planned, or so he thought. No one pulled anything over on this hoss. I could care less. I'd stuffed myself up that tail once already. No need to try again.

"Bourbon, neat." I kept my voice clear, steady, and strong and the elk bartender saw to my needs quickly. The big grey draft watched me order my drink. I wasn't too surprised we were the only two equines here. We weren't exactly common. Plus stallions can be a bit territorial. Fighting off encroachments, and any other would be suitors to members of their herd. Hey baby, I'd rather make love not war!

I looked him over appreciatively. If anything else he was more ruggedly handsome up close. Muscular, yes, a few straggly chin whiskers clinched the background of 'working hoss.' Cool blue eyes, and a slight smell of sweat. Probably didn't have time to shower before heading out. And his eyes were blue. Kind of rare in equines. I smiled at him lifting my glass after paying my tab.

The world stumbled and wobbled a little for a moment when he didn't smile back. There was no diffidence in his attitude, no shuffling of hoof. Just a cool dispassionate stare as he measured me. Instead he turned back to Frank. Fucking Frank. Stupid Wolf! It wasn't as if the lupine was a catch or anything. Oh sure, I'd been there already, and yeah, he's a good looking wolf or I wouldn't have bothered with him, but come on! Horse on horse! How can you go wrong with that?

Frank asked him a few questions as I stood there. Nothing important. Then a classic.

"So, going to school?"

Really Frank? That's what you came up with? How fucking original. Ok, so maybe it's a question I ask of my marks too. But still. It's not like it's original or anything.

"Eh, next semester maybe." Their conversation seemed strained, and slightly stilted for some reason. His voice was deep and rough. Dare I say hoarse? Heh, yeah I do. Puns are fun.

"Nice. Where from?" Yeah, my contribution. Might as well play it cool right? No need to go in full hog after all. Just a nice innocent question.

No response met my ears. The ass ignored me. That fucking country bred bumpkin ignored my question.

The horse smirked at the lupine. "What about you Frank?"

"Oh, I'm done with school, just finished this last semester. Just got a new job too." I had to admit Frank seemed unruffled. I chuckled. "Yeah, that's the line you used with me a few months ago."

No response from Frank or the hoss.

What the actual fuck!?

"Hello?" I had a smirk on my muzzle and waved my paw a bit turning on the charm. Finally the grey draft looked at me.


"Hey, I'm Silver." I held my paw out to shake convivially.

Apparently good manners were not on order at the bar tonight. Yeah no 'Conversation Special' two parts vodka, one part cranberry, one part apple liquor, and three parts good manners for $2. Yeah. Not at all. Just a big tall glass of 'Who the fuck are you?'

He gave my paw the look someone would give a cockroach found scuttling about in a salad.

He looked down his muzzle at me from his considerable height, his eyes boring into mine. "Silver? Really? Who names their kid fucking 'Silver?' Oh, that's right. No one. I bet it's Bill right? It's really Bill. It always is."

"What?" I found my lips wouldn't work properly.

"Yeah, you heard me douche. Or should I say Bill? Fuck off Bill. I'm chattin' with Franklin."

I felt my muzzle work a few times and could feel my ears flatten. I was absolutely flummoxed. How had he known my name? Bill. I hated it. Nah, not William. Nothing cool like that. Bill. Fuck you dad.

I hoofed it then. Casually. Or as casual as any equine spurned can. I glared at a giggly little lapine who had noticed the exchange. Finally I took up residence a ways down the bar and ordered a second drink. The crowd was getting thick now as the clock neared one thirty. My mind whirled. That pony had just dissed me. I got fucking dissed. What kind of a loser turns down a Tennesee Walker!? A grey Walker at that!? Hey asshole my nickname in college was Silver. Because I was so smooth.

I watched as the stud leaned against the bar casually, his blond tail swishing gently and his strong hand brushing absently at the back of his head and mane, scratching it. I caught the nickering laugh from where I was as the dumb brute found one of Frank's jokes funny. I bet it was the one about the horse in the bar. It always was. It was my joke too. Fucking Frank!

I made a fatal mistake that evening. Something I never did. I ordered a third drink. Oh it's not like I can't hold my liquor. No, I can just fine, but anyone who orders a third drink is fooling themselves. They're just trying to make themselves think they were here to have a good time, not hook up. Yeah! That's it. It's not like I didn't have a nice bottle of wine back at my place for a little more loosening of inhibitions once I'd gotten someone back there. And I definitely didn't have a bottle of EqUM™ brand lube next to the bed, pre-warmed in a special container. Nah, none of that. No. I was here for fun.

The bourbon was really crap.

Fucking Frank.

Finally the clock struck midnight, time for the princess to flee home. Well, if this were a ball. But it wasn't. Two AM, or a little before in all reality. Yeah. Last call, followed by lights on and the dreaded walk of shame. Time for those who haven't hooked up to slink home. I glanced around. Tall dark and hunky had left with shorter, fuzzy, and slutty. Fucking Frank. Fucking horse. Ah fuck all of this, I'm out.

The cold hit my muzzle sharply. Only a few days before new years. Mid winter. My least favorite time of the year. That time sandwiched between 'I have no family to spend the best time of year with' followed by the night known everywhere as 'It fucking sucks to be single.' Fucking Frank!

I'd gone out the back way. The alley was dark and usually reserved for those who's looks could be described as 'mature.' Not like I was 'mature.' Far from it. No, I just didn't want anyone to see I'd struck out. So fucking sue me, I have an ego, and I'm not about to deflate it even more than it has been by not going home with some fucking 'fresh from the sticks hick' who has no idea what he's missing.

I'm also a responsible hoss. No driving while drinking, and I was lucky in that my stable was close by. Heh, stable. Funny one Bil...Silver. Nah, nice condo here downtown. Only a few blocks away. Heh, let that poor stud go find out where Frank really lived. Yeah. With his fucking mom in the suburbs. That's what he said that night when I picked him up. Too embarrassed to be seen bringing a guy home. "Lets go to your place instead.' That's what he'd said. I smirked at what the wolf would probably have to say tonight. What line would he give Mr. Stallion? Oh what would be a good conversation to eavesdrop on!

At least the chill in the air was distracting me from the sting of rejection. My hooves clopped gently on the concrete of the sidewalk as I made my way down the narrow streets, the metal clink of my shoes reminding me it was time to see the farrier again.

It was so late it was early, and the only traffic on the roads and sidewalks were furs heading home from the bars. I kept my ears perked and eyes wide taking in my surroundings, ready to dodge a weaving car or heaving drunk.

That was probably why I heard it. The soft groan from the alley mouth.

"Oh yeah...."

Now, being a city hoss, I usually let sounds like this wash over me, but with this there was that certain tone. That little vibration there that triggered something in my primal brain. Someone was having a bit of fun.

"fuuuuuck..." The voice was deep and heartfelt and trying to be quiet.

They say curiosity kills the cat. They never say what it does to the horse. Ah fuck. Just one little peek right? Just a casual glance. Maybe some good jerkoff material for when I get home.

The alley was dark. Very dark. Nothing was really visible, so I slunk as quietly as I could down into the depths of one of the city's clogged arteries. Nothing like a little civic thrombosis to give the horny furs a place to screw once the bars close.

The sensual sounds pricked my libido gently, goading me further and further in. Tentative unintelligible whimpering and muffled harsh whispers.

"That's it, come on, open that throat up for me you little bitch."

I felt my teeth clench at that. Someone was getting ready to really let loose. And in an alley no less. I felt a little jealousy at the prospect and anger rose up from the pit of my stomach, my groin tight now, a breeding instinct taking root. Someone else was going to get lucky. Should be me instead! I snorted a little involuntarily.

"Ah....come on...just a little more...you know you can take it....ah....just a few more seconds....."

Ah fuck. Whoever it was, they knew exactly what they were doing. I could hear the wheezing breath of air coming out of a straining muzzle. There was a bit of a moaning groan to the sound as well.

Finally the shadows began to resolve themselves as I drew nearer. A light snow began to fall at the same time. Talk about a fucking winter wonder. No land, just wonder. I felt my eyes widen and my breath catch.

There was my hoss. Standing proud, his back to me, his muscular glutes twitching with barely controlled restraint. His back muscles scrunched tight. He was still as a marble statue. The grey fur of his pelt shone in the winter light, his dappling mingling and blending against the softly falling snow. But why was the stud so motionless?

Then the other shadow resolved itself, crouched in front of the hulking hoss.

"Ah that's it pup....right.....yeah.....come on....."

Frank was on his hands and knees like a supplicant to the equine God in front of him.

Fucking Frank. That Gods be damned lupine slut! And he was impaled mouth first on stallion cock, only the base of which was visible, just a tiny bit of the dark black and pink mottled skin showing.

I froze. Anger and lust filled my mind causing my vision to tunnel for a moment. Fucking Frank!? With this stud!? What is this fucking poacher doing with MY equine? The pup struggled for a moment as I watched fascinated. The wolf's pelt was a little shaggy from the winter coat he was sporting, but it made him look soft, more vulnerable than he did in summer. His front paws scrabbled against the broad thighs of the horse in front of him as he desperately tried to push away.

Finally the horse snorted and bucked once more into the lupine throat in front of him, the large right equine paw holding the wolf tight to his crotch as the other stroked the tuffed ears gently.

"Ah yeah....seven...come on little slut you can do it....six...."

Oh fuck it was hot. He was so dominant. So studly. I couldn't tear my eyes away. Fuck stroke material for later. This here was a live show! How often did I get a chance to watch a tableau like this? Never. Well, ok online on furtube or something, but not in real life. Not fur on fur. This was real, where fang meets meat, and boy was it a lot of meat. This was one predator who was getting his fill of horse for sure!

"Five..." Frank choked a little around the meat, tears coming to his eyes, but he stopped struggling and turned pleading eyes upwards to the invisible eyes of the horse in front of him.


A single count. A marker of time. I shuddered as my flare slapped my belly. I'd pulled my slacks down as quietly as I could and now shuddered as my own paw squeezed the base of my throbbing cock imagining it was a certain wolf muzzle locked there. I groaned as softly as I could imagining the power this stud had. Sure I'm a dominant hoss, don't let my pathetic moment fool you, but hey, game recognizes game, and this hoss had some serious skill and patience here. I realized I should have been taking notes, but there was no time, and the rod in my paw was no pen.

The wolf's paw slapped the horses thigh three times sharply.


The last word was throaty, and less harsh. The horses voice smoothed out for a moment into a clear bass. I felt my eyes widen as I watched. He slowly pulled himself away and on automatic Frank jerked back at the same time. I could see the wolf's throat narrow as the huge flared head passed. The wold suddenly inhaled deeply through his nose, the sound combining with a whimper.

Fucking Frank! He never whimpered like that with me! My other paw joined the first and I toyed with the coronal flare, fingering each bump fondly like the friends they were.

"Damnit pup!" The horse didn't sound happy.

Yeah equines are big. Congratulations, you got it. I'm very familiar with the subject. But I was still amazed at this studs length. Sure he was thick, but not overly so. What this stud lacked in thickness he made up for in length. In spades. Well, the handles of spades anyway. Ok, a large shovel really.

Finally the long horse flesh was pulled from the lupine maw and I had to stare again. Vascular. Angry. No. FURIOUS. It was, by far, the most stunning example of masculinity I'd ever seen. In fact I felt ashamed for once. I couldn't come close to him in size. I also realized something else. While I had dismissed his thickness before I forgot how large of a horse he was. Even though his cock looked thinner than mine, in reality it was probably thicker.

Damned draft studs!

Frank scrambled a bit, the flare popping free of his muzzle."Ahhh more...please Dillon....please....more...."

The wolf reached down to his own throbbing red cock and I finally realized he was naked. Entirely naked. His clothing was folded neatly on a crate next to him as if it was ready to go on sale at a department store.

Equine-cum-stained shirt, sale today $29.95.

Dillon, the horse, fucked with me then, or he would have if he'd known I was there. But he didn't. That didn't mean what happened next didn't rattle me a little.

"What was that little puppy? I couldn't hear you. Sounded like you wanted more of this..."

He slapped his cock into the side of Frank's head. Hard. It probably hadn't hurt, but it drove home his size.


I wasn't ready for the brutal paw slap. The equine's back muscles tensed for a second just before Dillon brought his meaty paw around and caught Frank a hard slap across his muzzle causing the poor guy to scramble to stay on his pays.

"Slutty little bitch. I don't know if I should. Seems like you know Bill a little too well. Get around do you?"

Frank whimpered. Not some sick sexual slutty whimper, but a real whimper with emotions and shit behind it. I thought he was going to wuss out. I was wrong.

"Bill? Fuck Bill. That ass sleeps with everyone, and....and he's nothing compared to you....please...I.....I just...."

One tear slipped down the furred face. I froze as I listened, both hands motionless on my raging cock.

"You just what?"

The harshness was back, and Dillon raised his paw again.

"You can back out at any time you sick little fuck. Just slink away. You have that option. No one begged you to come in here. No one made you get on your knees. No one made you swallow this."

He hefted his cock, laying it over the wolfs shoulder. Frank closed his eyes.

"But if I hear of you fucking with that broken old nag, so help me, you'll never get another piece of this again. This'll be the LAST time! Hear me boy!?"

Oh yeah that hurt. It hurt a lot to hear those words. But it was hot. So fucking hot. I felt pre leak down my shaft as I held it, the liquid coating my own paw, the slightly milky liquid coating my grey fur next to my left thumb.

"Please....yes sir....please...."

There was a chuckle, and a surprised gurgle as the horse forced his cock between the canines of the wolf and slid himself inch by inch into the warm muzzle.

I felt my breath pant in my chest as I watched. Dillon's hoof slipped a little on the pavement, a grunt of impatience from his lips. A few sudden inches slipped into Frank's muzzle. He closed his eyes for a second and shuffled. My view was blocked a little as they moved. I moved a little, my hoof slipping in the snow beginning to accumulate on the ground.

Ah fuck.

"Hrm....good boy Frank." I heard the purring bass of the equine as he continued to slip into the hungry mouth. "Just like last time...now....big breath boy....and if you're lucky I'll coat your guts with my foal cream before I pull out, so be prepared.....I'm in this one for the long haul..."

I had to admit so was I. My grip was vice-like, my horniness was the new anvil that my soul was being reshaped on. Top? Check. Dom? Check. Into spanking? Check. Into cock and ball torture? Check. Voyer? Hrm. Not checked before. Now? Big fucking check.

I could hear the raspy inhale the wolf made before Dillon slid deep into his throat. I watched with wide eyes as I saw the lupine throat expand to accommodate the flared head of the equine in front of him. The horse hissed.

"Damnit teeth!" One hand clenched around the scruff of Frank's neck. Both figured relaxed.

"Ahhhh better."

Finally the horse impaled himself fully. It was with growing admiration that I realized the horse was a good way down the wolf's gullet. Damn! Way to fucking go Frank! I had to admit I was impressed.

"Ah yeah....and now...ten..."

I realized the horse had begun a countdown as he thrust tightly against the muzzle filled with his cock. I slowly began to let my paw slide against my own meat, shuddering at the feeling, imagining Frank's throat tight around my own flesh.


It wasn't a word. It was a proto word. I hadn't meant to let it out. I froze.

"Yeah pup..."

There was a soft chortle to the horse's statement.

"Hear him pup? Fucking worthless shit that he is can't even bother to watch us openly."

I stopped as fear flooded my soul. He knew I was here. He fucking knew!

"Ah....so hot.....nine..."

At that moment I saw Frank's yellow eyes lock on mine. How could he see me? Fucking wolves and their night vision. My skin crawled, but my hands remained on my cock as fear flooded my senses. Fight or flight? Fucking FLIGHT! But there was nowhere to go!

I felt cornered, trapped in my own little prison. Too embarrassed to get up and run, and not calm enough to just hitch my pants up. Worse of all?

I had nowhere near enough guts to step out into the open and begin to jerk off.

Such a loser.

I tossed my mane. A part of me bristled. Well, if I was going to be a loser, I was going to enjoy it. Fuck you assholes. It's my cock, I'm going to use it. Fuck you Dillon.

"Eight...ah yeah Bill. Imagine, this could have been you if you hadn't been such a douche."

I watched as the soft leather of his sheathlips pulled a single runnel of drool from Frank's glistening fur.

"fuck....Frank..." It was a whisper, but I couldn't help it. One finger found my own sheath opening. No drool there. Not like on Dillon.

"Seven...fuck...such a tight little bitch too Bill."

Every memory of being caught as a colt slammed into the gearbox of memory, a journey of shame replaying in my mind as I watched these events unfold.

My friend Andy catching me in school

"Six....oh damn. So slick too."

My ex Roderick finding me in bed with that twinky little bull.

"Five....ahhhhh yeah Bill....he's so good."

I tugged down hard on my balls, feeling their heft and nickering at the pleasantly tingly feeling.


There was a whimpering chuff from Frank as he fought for air. His eyes still locked on mine, but now narrowed in what could only be scorn. They spoke as loudly as any muzzle could. Fucking loser. Watching me. Only way you really could get anyone tonight Bill.

I felt one hot tear slide down my cheek.

"Fuck....three.......ahhhhh slower now....some nice long strokes Bill....like this."

My boss hearing me cum in the company washroom.

Never once did he look at me. He didn't need to. He knew I was here. That only made it worse. I watched as Frank struggled silently to take the meat he was impaled on. The thrusting increased by a few inches, and I watched the throat spasm. He was swallowing. Instinctual or not, it had a definite effect.

"Just like my ex filly's pussy...damn...two..."

That guy I was renting that bedroom to walking in on me last night with that guy...what was his name again?

"Oh fuck little wolf....ahhhhh!"

The whinny was raw as it tore its way out of my throat. Shame, humiliation, intense arousal, all of it mixed into a spear of white hot pleasure as it lanced my body time and again. The sound of my own load hitting the crumpled newspaper in front of me met my ears just as I heard Dillion snarl his own mating scream sending his load into Frank's guts. He'd claimed his mare.

Fucking Frank.

My paw was slick, and the stench of horse cum lingered in the air in front of me as the snow gently continued to fall.


I watched, my muzzle panting in post orgasmic bliss as Dillon pulled himself slowly out of Frank's maw. Once free Frank began to cum. He hadn't even bothered to touch himself, and frankly my mind wasn't even on his cock or his pleasure. It was on the equine in front of him. Those bulging muscles. That stolid form. He oozed confidence in droves.

He pulled his mottled length free and patted the shuddering Frank on his head as if he were a feral dog.

I began to scramble to my hooves as the bulking grey form sauntered toward me, his cock still mostly hard and jutting from his hips, leading his way over. I slipped and fell hard on my tail. Ow. Fucking hurt. I was about to get up when a hand gripped my shoulder.

"Clean it up Bill. Show's aren't free."

I watched as the mottled black and pink monster was shoved against my lips unceremoniously. I began to shiver, but opened my lips like a good colt, suckling and licking the cock clean. Such a masculine flavor hit my tongue as I ran my tongue over the fat flare lapping the dregs of the load he'd had, tasting a combination of equine cum and lupine saliva.

The rich bass chuckle from Dillon met my ears and he pulled free with a lewd pop.

"Such a loser."

He stalked back over to Frank, leaned down and gave the wolf a kiss.

There were some whispered words between the two as I shuffled to my hooves and pull up my pants. I quickly stuffed my cum soaked cock and hiding my comparatively small stallionhood way.

Stallion, more like a colt. A foal.

I jumped as there was a tap on my shoulder, I turned around. Frank was wiping his muzzle off.

"Heh, Dillon says you're welcome to watch any time. Says you goaded me on pretty well. I've never lasted all the way to ten before. I usually puss out.

I nodded dumbly as a small rectangle was shoved into my unresistant paw.

"See you around."

I glanced down at the card.

'Francis Edwards. Attorney at Law.'

The address was on the far north side of town. The rich side of town. But I thought he lived with....

My mind spun as I did the mental arithmetic. That...that night. He didn't want me at his house, I'd brought him back to mine that night because he didn't want...didn't want someone to see...someone....didn't want someone to see...someone...Dillon!?


"Fucking Frank!"

'Brand' Name

'Brand' Name EquusAz Challenge and Editing by Zwoosh Hey... So you're wondering why I called you over here after that little show we gave tonight. Yeah, I saw you looking intently at my little golden colt, licking your canines as you watched him...

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Long Day

The last block or two is always the worst. The older sedan does its job, and it does it well. It ferries me from corporate employment to home. From hell to refuge. From Death to Life. I sit in Detroit's metal confines, my mane a bit matted and frayed...

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Carrot and Stick

Jordan smirked to himself. It was going to be a good day. _God I love working from home!_ The white bear had made senior partner in his firm earlier this year, and one of the perks was the ability to stay at home. He ran his paw through his short...

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