Serinthia's Dance With the Coyote (Commission)

Story by Serinthia Kelberry on SoFurry

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#4 of Serinthia & Friends Adult Stories

Been awhile since I got around to uploading this one, but it's still one of my favorites.

Serinthia enjoys many different activities to pass the time when she's not working. She's an architectural draftsman by day, but by night she almost always looks for an excuse to let her hair down and get a little wild. The Gryphon's Den Club has always suited her needs delightfully and tonight is no exception. Maybe she came for a one night stand, or maybe she just came to dance the night away. In any case, in a club where sex is casual and clothing is optional it doesn't take long for the opportunity for getting frisky to present itself.

Characters belong to me, but the work itself was written by Joshiah and was originally posted here

He takes commissions most every month and does really good work, hence why I keep on ordering more! So when you're done here, feel free to see what else he can do.

On a Friday night at the Gryphon's Den, it was a difficult task to find anyone who was completely stone-cold sober.

Of course, most of the people there on a Friday night weren't entirely drunk, either. A good portion of them were simply riding a shallow high, or enjoying the feeling of a delicate all people, the average club-goer needed a little something to help them take the edge off and get re-acclimated when they hadn't been out in a little while, and Serinthia Kelberry was no different.

This particular time around, Serinthia was out by her lonesome, enjoying a drink or two whenever she had a chance to get her paws on one. As usual, she was hiding out in the Member's Only lounge, and also as usual, she didn't have to pay for many, if any of her drinks. There were males lined up around the bar, ready and willing to pay for a drink for any female who might be daring enough to come near, and for Serinthia, that was a great problem to have. She had a solid rapport with all of the bartenders, and made absolutely sure that the drinks she was given were made right in front of her, just to be safe.

Four drinks deep and finally starting to work up a bit of a sweat, Serinthia was grinning to herself as the subtle buzz of the alcohol running through her veins helped her body stay in perfect time with the rhythm of the club music that blared through the overhead speakers. Gray fur didn't do too much in the swirling light display that carried across the floor of the club, but her white underbelly and the long, flowing tresses of her hair took on an unnatural, and yet, entirely appealing glow whenever the lasers ran across them. That underbelly stopped just shy of the enticing "V" that carried down into her nethers, blocked off only by a short, black skirt that clung to her hips like a pair of eager paws, squeezing at her flesh and refusing to let go. Her midriff was entirely exposed, as little more than a glorified bra covered up her full, tasty breasts, but it was more than enough clothing to get into a club like The Gryphon's Den.

As far as others were concerned, she might have been wearing too many clothes, at that.

"Hope you don't mind if I sneak in for a bit?"

Serinthia wasn't out with a group, but as females were wont to do, she'd found herself drifting in toward a small pack of others, dancing alongside them and occasionally brushing her body up to someone else when she was feeling particularly frisky. She hadn't come to the club looking for male attention, but the voice that spoke to her was entirely warm and comforting, despite having to be loud enough to be heard over the music.

"Depends on if you can keep up or not," Serinthia replied as she turned around, deciding that she wasn't going to reject the male on his voice alone.

She couldn't have been happier with her decision.

The male who was brave enough to try and crack through the wall of females was only a couple inches taller than her, but his stature seemed to carry him much higher than that. His shoulders were broad without being overbearing, his body was strong without being a downright beefcake, and he certainly knew how to dress to impress: a shirt that grabbed onto his torso like a belted glove was tucked in to a pair of jeans that didn't leave even an ounce to the imagination, and though it could have just been how tight they were, Serinthia made sure to steal a peak at the bulge that seemed to be struggling to stay contained within them. Dark, sandy tan fur and tall, sharp ears made the coyote that much more appealing to her, and even as he walked up closer and approached her, he never stopped gently swaying his hips and moving his body in time with the music.

He's got some moves, gotta give him that, Serinthia thought, as she smiled in approval of the male and hooked a pawtip at him, beckoning him to come closer.

"I've never met someone who could outlast me before," the male admitted, perhaps sounding a bit too boastful as Serinthia pushed her hips forward and leaned into the male, swaying her body in perfect time with his own, no matter how the music went. She was content to test him this way, all while getting a little fur-on-fur contact with a male who was making her moist, just by the sight of him. It had been far too long since a male had caught her eye that way, and while she expected his touch to be powerful and overly aggressive, it stopped at being forward...he knew what he wanted, and made sure that she could feel it in his advance, and yet, it wasn't overbearing; his paws only gave gentle, teasing strokes to her hips as they faced each other, and never quite held on, giving her the freedom to run anytime that she wanted.

Happily, she gave up that freedom as she reached up to grab his paws in her own, and set them tightly upon her hips, narrowing her eyes at him in a knowing smirk. His pawtips trembled just faintly, and she knew just by that shivering how badly he wanted to leave his paws there...and because he'd played his cards right, she was happy to reward him. "That must make you very popular with the ladies, stranger. I think endurance, not intensity, is the more important part of a healthy relationship."

The male snickered just a little bit at the heavily sensual conversation and nodded his agreement. "A relationship, maybe...but most females seem to just want to a quick, heated fling anymore."

"That's too bad. They're really missing out, then," Serinthia suggested, able to feel that delicious bulge pressing up against her crotch as they moved in a little closer to each other. He was quick to respond to her touches, but in a way, he was letting her have full control of the moment, even as she dared him to be the one to take the lead. It was an interesting mix of delightful and frustrating, as she loved to be respected, but wanted to see just how far the coyote was willing to reach.

Upon feeling clawtips tickling and teasing past her hips and around to the full, soft curve of her skirt-clad rump, she exposed her fangs in a quick grin and pulled back just slightly, letting his paws get a quick taste before she ripped it away. "I'm flattered you think so," the coyote muttered, hinting that perhaps, he'd had a little trouble staying in a committed relationship. It was as if he was used to that answer, though certainly not used to it being followed through with. "You seem to be quite the catch yourself, with moves like that...what's your name, if I may?"

"Serinthia," she replied, though it was no simple, subtle word. She leaned up on the tiptoes of her footpaws and gave her name in a quick, breathy whisper before she came back down and settled into the rhythm again, though her teasing voice along a sensitive ear was nearly enough to knock the coyote out of his rhythm. "And just who might you be?"

The coyote almost seemed hesitant to answer, though he was able to give a quick, quiet grunt of a reply as he and Serinthia pushed into each other at the same time, the gentle grind leaving Serinthia to gasp as the male felt his knees nearly buckling. "D-don't...don't worry about it..." he stammered out, trying not to let Serinthia see just how deeply she'd gotten to him with that simple act, but then again, he could feel the warmth pouring over from her sex, right past the thin fabric of her panties, and nearly useless layer that was her skirt.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, stranger," Serinthia replied, giving him the quickest of winks as she left the ball in his court. Their bodies stayed pressed up, as close together as they could be without any sort of penetration, but Serinthia could feel the gentle, delicate throbbing of the cock trapped under those painfully tight jeans, pulsing against her covered mound like a vibrator on the lowest possible setting. It was a tease that left her panting just faintly, and he could see the flush in her cheeks. She'd given him the open opportunity, and now, it was only a matter of if he would take the bait or not.

The warmth of her womanhood was more than he could resist, much less any man, and his paws slipped up from her rump to wrap around the small of her back. He delighted at the thrill of feeling her bare, exposed fur on his paws, and anyone watching the two of them dance would know what was coming next, as he gave her whole body a gentle shove, one that she responded to with the same level of knowledge. Atta boy...I'm all yours, Serinthia thought to herself, watching him with glimmering blue orbs, ones that took in the entirety of the sexually charged male as he pressed her into the nearest wall he could find of the club.

"I guess that means you want to see some more of my dance moves?" he asked, able to see the way that Serinthia was already lowering her skirt just a little bit, trying to be subtle in the actions, in the hope that he might not notice it right away. The coyote was as sharp as he was determined, however, and he actually gripped her by the wrist as he kept her pinned to the wall, shaking his head just a little bit. "All you had to do was ask...but you're not allowed to join in just yet."

Serinthia tilted her head, her cheeks flushed with arousal as she watched him dig his spare paw into the hem of her skirt. It was tight to her body, but with just a little wiggling, he was able to manage his way inside, feeling a growing warmth as his pawtips moved over the top of her mound, passing over her clit as he did, until he felt moisture simply spilling into his palm. She wasn't just wet, she was soaking with desire, and the male could only gasp in shock as his pawtips hooked upward and slowly dipped into her waiting folds.

That simple, gentle penetration left Serinthia to moan against the wall, her voice filling the sensitive flesh of the coyote's ears. "D-damn, boy! You're so sure know how to treat a lady!" she called out, half taunting him, half praising him as she felt pawtips digging further and further into her slick passage. Her inner walls gripped around the invading digits and tried to milk them as if they were the cock that she so desperately needed from him, but they were a good substitute for the moment, and Serinthia wouldn't dare to complain. Dance moves weren't the only skill the male carried, as his pawtips brushed over her g-spot with such a teasing stroke that she began to wonder if he'd found it and was only touching it every few seconds to toy with her, or if he was just getting lucky on every few thrusts of his paw.

Whatever it really was, Serinthia was shuddering against the wall, her knees buckling within seconds. If not for the force of the coyote pinning her back against it, she would have fallen to her rump within seconds, but her lust wasn't so easily sated, and she wouldn't give in to him with just a pair of pawtips to show for it. She stayed up on her footpaws just barely, managing to bounce her hips against the rapidly growing touches of the male, loving the way that one of his pawtips brushed against the cleft of her backside and nearly poked and teased at her tailhole as his paw hammered up into her body. It was as if he was cupping her entirely sexuality in his palm and toying with it, all for his own amusement, and for her own pleasure.

That was an arrangement she could happily deal with for a while.

"T-think you've got what it make me cum like this?" Serinthia asked, her voice raspy and feverish as she fought through gasps to actually manage her words. Her inner muscles were already contracting around the pawtips, just wanting to give the coyote a taste of what she was capable of, if he truly had the stones to go through with what simply had to come next.

His grin made it clear that he had all of that and plenty more. "Oh, sure I do...but that doesn't mean I'm going to," he told her, actually chuckling quietly when he saw the light bit of despair in Serinthia's eyes at that suggestion. "It isn't exactly fair if you're the one one getting to have fun...I just wanted to make sure you were plenty warmed up, first."

" much for fuuuuuuck that's good... so much for endurance, huh?"

"Something tells me you don't mind the idea," he replied, his fangs gleaming in the lights of the club as he grinned down at Serinthia. He released her wrist, and the moment he did, Serinthia hiked her skirt up for him, showing off a pair of purple, thong panties that were even darker in the crotch than they rightly should be. The coyote leaned back for a moment and just watched, happy to see the nude vixen exposing herself in such a way for him, and it made the slow, savoring process of licking her juices from his pawtips that much sweeter for him to enjoy.

Amazing as the sight was, however, it would never be enough to satisfy the pair, and the coyote made it clear as he worked the paw, still damp with saliva and traces of her own wetness, into the buckle of his belt. He barely left his jeans enough time to open before he was shoving them down to his thighs, and that was as far as they got; it was already painful for him to have waited that long. His cock unfurled and stiffened up within moments when it was freed, already almost full within his jeans and straining to be released from those confines, much to the delight of Serinthia, who ogled the impressive, lengthy flesh with shameless, hungry eyes. She licked her lips and watched as the coyote gripped the crotch of her panties and yanked them to the side, exposing the delicious, pouting folds that he'd been toying with already and pinned her anew, pushing her leg up over his shoulder and nearly taking her off of the ground as he lined up the tip of his cock with her slit.

He could have taken mercy on her, and simply teased the tip against her sex before slowly guiding it in.

Instead, he braced the pinned body of Serinthia and grinned deviously at her, letting out a pleasured growl as he simply buried his cock inside of her, letting his sack fly up to slap against the underside of her ass. It was a deep, rough thrust, one that would set the tone for the rest of their evening together as the coyote speared Serinthia on his canine length and filled her up with just one thrust. Her voice turned into a whimpering squeak, fading for a moment as she tried to adjust to feeling so full, so fast, but he didn't give her the chance: he was already pulling back and pounding into her again before she could adjust, and finally, she found her voice again.

"Oooooh fuck! D-damn! Give a girl s-some fucking warning, would y-you?!" Serinthia screamed out, but each of her words was laced with thick, dripping pleasure, and not an ounce of malice behind them. Her sexual frustrations were already fading as she felt his sack flipping up and slapping against her flesh with each and every deep, ramming thrust, and her body simply tried to hold onto his own as her leg bounced upon his shoulder. He was rough with her at the very least, and she could hardly take all of it as she winced her eyes shut tight and whimpered, knowing that she'd have trouble walking the next day...but at the moment, it was totally worth it.

It had been ages since she'd been fucked that way...entirely brazen and thrashed against a wall as she struggled to take the girth and the length of the cock that nearly split her womanhood apart. She missed feeling so desired that a male would literally lose all inhibitions and fuck her in public that way, so much so that she couldn't help rewarding him with a firm, tight grip of her paws around his boxer-clad backside, squeezing at his ass and encouraging him to get as deep as he possibly could. He was already stroking over her most sensitive area with each pass, and she could feel the warmth of his crotch against her clit when he came to hilt her, providing her with yet another layer of pleasure. She was swimming around in it as people in the club watched, able to hear her powerful moans over the low, rhythmic bass of the music...and the beat couldn't hope to keep up with the coyote and his domineering hips.

Claws dug in to the backside of the male as Serinthia growled in purely canine enjoyment, knowing that she could be just as rough with her lover as he was being with her. "Nnnngh...'d better hold on t-tight, you little vixen bitch," he groaned out to her, barely able to speak through his low, raspy grunts. His breathing was already too rapid to fight against, and no doubt, Serinthia could tell that maintaining such a breakneck pace from the beginning was taking a toll on him, but he was determined not to stop...and she wouldn't let him, even if he dared to slow down.

Of course, she couldn't do much about that anyway, as he body stayed pinned against the brick walls of the building, and only the force of the male pounding into her kept her from sliding down the wall as sweat gathered upon her back and in her fur. She panted heavily, her tongue sitting between her fangs as she left her maw wide open, and the coyote went so far as to lick the exposed, moist flesh as he stood just taller than her, keeping her pressed all the way into the bricks. She could barely even fuck back against him, but she moved as much as her body could manage, knowing that she'd be treating him just as painfully if she were the one on top, right then.

Endurance be damned...just...just give me that cum, Serinthia moaned even in her own thoughts, finding she was breathing too rapidly to properly speak. The entire act was so delightfully animalistic that she felt as though she might be a wild beast, and thankfully, she found the only other male in the club who could keep up with such a demanding pace. It had been minutes since he'd first pinned her, and already, she was sure that she'd climaxed at least once...he just wasn't giving her enough of a break to be sure.

That didn't mean that he couldn't sense his own climax coming, however, and she could feel it, as his body shook and quaked against her own, using it for support as much as she was using the wall, now...and it was her turn to tease the coyote, even if it would only last a moment.

"Heh...hehe...g-gonna cum for me, baby?" she asked him, letting her voice tease and swirl over the sensitive ears of the coyote like silk and smoke, keeping his mind a pure whirlwind of earthly delights, ones that only she could provide to him, right then. It filled her with a sense of pride, as her words pushed him over the edge, and he filled her body with something entirely more pleasurable.

There wasn't even a moment to give Serinthia a warning as the coyote felt his sack contract around the full, swollen orbs within, and Serinthia squealed with ecstasy as she felt her inner walls being entirely soaked with cum. In true canine fashion, her body likely wouldn't be able to hold all of it, even as errant seed worked its way into her womb and stayed there, but more continued to flow in heated, powerful bursts. She felt each and every drop of it tickling her innards, leaving her vaginal muscles to contract and clench one last time on him, milking all that he could possibly offer her straight from his body, as if it already belonged to her.

Wincing her eyes shut tight, Serinthia could feel a little excess lubrication spilling from her folds as she climaxed for a final time on the coyote. She wasn't quite squirting on the exhausted male, but he'd certainly feel that one, little last burst of wetness spilling over his cock as he came to rest against Serinthia, panting rapidly and nuzzling his forehead into the side of her neck, as if to apologize for how roughly she treated her.

No apology would ever be needed for the act, though.


" kidding..."

The pair shared a quick, exhausted chuckle as they held each other close, a surprisingly affectionate move for a pair who had literally just hooked up. They were both too worn out to move right away, however, and Serinthia was still counting back in her mind, trying to think of how many times she'd actually climaxed on his manhood. It had to be at least three, but the last one was by far the strongest, leaving her legs to wobble, even with the support the male standing over her.

"M-mind cleaning me up a little bit?" the coyote finally asked, as his chest came to relax, and his body found strength once again. He was already pulling out of Serinthia, and she looked down, licking her lips as a mingled mess of his own thick, creamy seed and her thin, natural arousal coated his cock with a glistening treat for her. She didn't even reply: she simply fell down to her knees, aided by how weak her legs still felt, and rested a paw between her thighs, gently rubbing at her own clit as she brushed her tongue along the underside of the delicious looking rod. She swirled her tongue over the head, slurping up any fresh seed that happened to be hiding from her, before she gripped his sack with her free paw and leaned forth, taking half of the length into her maw with ease before she struggled a little...but she didn't stop.

Like I could pass up on such a tasty offer, she thought, acting calm and closing her eyes as she opened her throat and took more and more of the full, canine length into it. Her tongue was thorough, refusing to let even a speck of the tasty mixture escape her, and soft, subtle moans vibrated the base of the male's cock the whole while, as Serinthia simply couldn't contain her feelings for the act. It wasn't until she was sure that she'd gotten everything that she finally started to pull back...but just then, she felt the cock slip free from her maw.

Blinking, she looked up and saw the male tugging his pants back up to his waist. "W-wait...what...what are you doing?" she asked, even as she licked the last of the seed from her lips.

She wasn't lucky enough to get a response. The coyote simply grinned down at her and turned away, his hips moving once again as he disappeared into the crowd with the same kind of ease that he emerged from it before...leaving Serinthia on her knees, pawtips still buried into her own sex...and wondering.

That better not be the last time I see you, stranger, she thought, realizing that she'd never even caught his name...but she'd never forget his face.