Rick's Punishment Contest Entry

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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Rick's Punishment Contest Entry

Rakuen Growlithe

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon or related products. This story contains scenes with explicit sex, reader's discretion is advised. I.e. if you read this, don't blame me if you're under-age or disgusted.

AN: A story contest where you just have to creatively punish someone and first prize is worth $150! There's no way I'm passing that up. The punishment featured here is one of the many cruel and perverse things I manage to dream up. I'm hoping to get a picture of it too, but apparently it's tough to draw and last I checked my artist was a bit slow on taking up the idea. Still I'm hoping. Enjoy if you like to read about pokemon being punished, otherwise go away. Written in one day, in one sitting, not counting a drink and toilet break and the occasional game of minesweeper.


Fabio was seething. Not only had his jolteon just lost his match, leading to Fabio's elimination from the Indigo League, but he'd lost to a slowpoke of all things! Fabio had never been so humiliated in his career and he was going to make sure that Sparks, his jolteon, paid for it. But how? It'd have to really drive home the message but he really had no clue how to punish the jolteon. There was no way he'd be able to physically beat it up, but... Fabio had always been good with tools and he was sure he'd be able to build something that would fulfil his evil plan. He reached down to his belt and picked up the blue pokeball that was flashing every few seconds. The ball was a new medical ball that practically eliminated the need for pokecentres. Being inside the ball was equivalent to receiving a potion every five minutes. Fabio smirked, Sparks would be lucky he had such a ball in which to hide later.


Giving a sigh, Fabio sat down, letting his screwdriver drop from his hand onto the concrete floor of his garage. It'd taken him the better half of the day to finish his device but now all it needed was Sparks. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his rolled-up T-shirt before picking up Sparks' ball and calling the jolteon out.

"Sparks! It's time we had a talk."

There was a flash of red light, throwing up ominous shadows over the walls of the garage, and when they faded away a yellow fox-like creature was standing in front of Fabio. It was Sparks, Fabio's jolteon. He was all yellow, except for the spiking mane around his neck, which was snow white. He had long ears and instead of a proper tail there were a large number of hair spikes sticking up from the end of his rump.

"You really disappointed me," sighed Fabio, speaking to Sparks. "You know how hard I worked to get into that competition, how long it took, travelling all over the country to get the badges we needed to qualify, and how much time I put into training you. How could you just make it all for nothing? All you had to do was win. It was slowpoke for god's sake!"

Fabio threw his shirt to the side. There was a crash as it knocked a few glass jars of nails onto the floor, where they shattered. Sparks yipped, jumping aside as a few nails ricocheted in his direction. Fabio, however, barely reacted, his eyes never letting Sparks leave their unwavering glare.

"You can't expect me to just let this slide," continued Fabio, his voice dangerously calm. "I spent a while wondering what to do to you before I finally came up with something. I think you'll find it quite ingenious."

He motioned to his construction, which filled most of the garage.

Sparks turned his attention to Fabio's machine, his ears folding back nervously as he tried to make sense of it. He struggled to figure out what was actually meant to be part of the machine and what was just normal garage paraphernalia shifted out the way. One thing he did notice was a large, knobbly dildo mounted on a support. That was enough to make his blood chill.

Normally Fabio was a great trainer, but he did have a vicious temper, one that didn't just burn out with time, and Sparks had felt it more than once after losing an important battle. The jolteon felt like there was a lump of iron in his stomach as he tried to imagine what his trainer would do to him for losing a type-advantage battle for the Indigo League Quarter-finals.

Sparks turned around as he heard Fabio move behind him. It was too late though and the electric pokemon found himself pinned to the floor, his breathe knocked out of him, under Fabio. Before he could recover his trainer had grabbed two car jumper cables and closed one over each of Sparks' ears. The jolteon gave a loud yelp of pain as the metal clamps squeezed tightly over his long ears. He tried to use Thundershock, intending to knock his trainer back, but the current was just diverted harmlessly down the jumper cables into a battery.

"How good of you to charge that," mocked Fabio, "I'll need it later."

Without letting Sparks up, Fabio reached for a bottle of anti-septic, spraying it on the pokemon's ears, which had started to bleed from the teeth of the clamps.

"I don't want you getting an infection," explained Fabio as the spray brought forth another yelp and renewed squirming. "Now either you can go along with this willingly or I'll make you do it. Either way you're going to get punished."

Sparks had no intention of willingly letting his trainer torture him and as soon as he felt Fabio starting to rise he made an attempt to get out from under him. Unluckily Fabio had been expecting it and once Sparks was on all fours he swung a hammer up under the jolteon, hitting him in just below his chest and knocking the air from his body.

Sparks slumped down with just a grunt. His chest heaved as he desperately tried to get air back into his lungs. He could feel his trainer's hands on him, dragging him over the floor to what looked incredibly similar to a flat rail cart. Sparks trembled weakly, all he could manage, as one of Fabio's arms grasped his waist, pulling the jolteon's rear up as if he were standing. Fabio's other hand then swung up special restraints which sandwiched each of the jolteon's hind legs, holding them straight and immobile.

As Fabio reached for Sparks' left paw the pokemon snapped at him, trying to bite his hand.

"Don't even think about!" shouted Fabio, only just managing to pull his hand away but still feeling the scrape as the jolteon's teeth grazed it.

Even though Sparks had recovered enough to fight back again, his hind legs were kept in place, leaving the jolteon with almost no movement and definitely no way to get at his trainer, who was standing behind him.

Sparks could sense his trainer as he moved forward, straddling the pokemon's back.

"Open wide," chuckled Fabio.

There was a sudden movement above his head and Sparks lunged to bite his trainer's hand but instead his jaws closed around a large ball gag. The jolteon's eyes went wide as e found his jaws held open around a large rubber ball. The straps pressed against his cheeks as Fabio pulled them back, locking the gag securely in his pokemon's mouth. Sparks whined, shaking his head in a vain attempt to toss the gag away. When that didn't work he tried to pull it off with his forepaws. That also failed to have any effect and just one tug at the clamps on his ears was enough to convince him that he would try to pull those off again.

Satisfied that Sparks was completely harmless now, Fabio knelt down in the front of him, stroking the long white fur of his neck.

"Don't look at me like that," he chided, "I wasn't the one who lost the battle. Well... I suppose I did but it was because of you. I told you to dodge the attack but you didn't listen. I'll make sure that you know to listen next time."

He ran his hand down form Sparks' left shoulder to his paw and held it tightly before cuffing it to a short chain that afforded him no movement. He then moved to the right and did the same thing, although on that paw the chain was long enough that Sparks could lift his paw about half of the height of his leg.

Sparks growled and tugged at the chains but they held firm and the metal cuffs didn't take long to start bruising him. He glared back at his trainer, angry to be the only one taking the blame for the loss. They were a team and Fabio had to take just as much responsibility for the loss. Even if he could speak the gag in his muzzle would make it impossible. He groaned, his stretched jaw muscles already started to cramp up and ache and he could feel his drool oozing past the gag and down his muzzle. It wasn't at all comfortable. He forgot all about, however, as Fabio's hand suddenly cupped around his balls. He grunted loudly. He had no right to be touching him there. Fabio didn't respond, continuing setting his pokemon up to be punished by slipping a loop of cord around the jolteon's sack and pulling the slip knot tight.

With an expression of malice on his face, Fabio sat cross-legged in front of Sparks, a rubber sheet hanging behind him.

"Now then I suppose I should explain your punishment to you. It's really quite ingenious if I may say so myself. First you'll notice that your hind legs are held completely still, and I can assure you that you'll thank me for that later, while one of your forelegs is free to move. Next to your right paw is a button. If you press it you'll activate a winch, to which the cord around your sack is attached. The winch will then pull you backwards by your balls."

Fabio gave Sparks a moment to process that, his evil smile widening as the jolteon's eyes did the same.

"Not only that but it'll also pull you onto a rather seizable dildo. You should be able to take it, it's not too much bigger than your own cock, according to wikipedia anyway. If you look down here..."

Fabio clicked his fingers, drawing Sparks attention to the bottom of the platform that he was attached to. There was a contracted spring on both front corners, connecting the platform to a support beam.

"You'll see these two springs. They will pull back against the winch," chuckled Fabio. "Your platform is running on rails and I decided it wasn't enough of a pull for your balls. If you let go of the button then the springs will bring you back to the start. Once you're fully on the dildo the winch releases as well and you're brought back to the start. Now I'm sure you're wondering why you'd ever push that button if it'll drag you onto a dildo by your balls."

Fabio wiped a large blob of drool from Sparks' gag and wiped it over the jolteon's nose.

"The answer to that is this sheet of rubber behind me. It's going to be inflated and expand to where you are now. Your face will be pressed against it too tightly to breath, so the only way to breath is to push the button and pull yourself back. Don;t worry about suffocating though. Those clips on your ears serve two purposes. One they power the whole system. If you let the power run out then the button will be pressed down permanently, for your safety of course. It'll also monitor your electricity and pull you back if it senses that you're suffocating. Of course both of those will be extremely painful and prolonged, so I'm betting you'll keep pressing the button."

Fabio stood up and retrieved a plastic tube, which he proceeded to squeeze past Sparks' gag and into the jolteon's mouth.

"Since you seem to enjoy getting hit by attacks and losing battles I'm assuming that means you like pain. So to get released you have to cum. Every fifteen minutes this light will go green."

He pointed to a light next to the button.

"You'll then have one minute to cum onto a sensor, roughly under your belly button. If you do cum on it then I'll get an text message on my phone and come and release you. If you don't cum on it the fifteen minute counter resets. The only stimulation you get is the dildo, yet another good reason to press that button. The time limit for this punishment is one week. That's the amount of food available if you suck on that tube I just gave you."

Fabio stood up and gave a little chuckle.

"And because you didn't willingly let me punish you, you get to do it without any lube. Have fun and I'll see you in a week, maybe sooner?"

He patted the jolteon's head, ignoring it's muffled protests. As he left the garage he turned the system on.


There was a loud roar, which drowned out Sparks' whimpers, as a pump began to force air into the rubber sheet, which was just the front of a large ball. The jolteon squirmed helplessly as it watched the advancing black material which soon pressed against his nose and kept going, wrapping itself around his head and cutting off all oxygen. Sparks threw his head back and forth and up and down, desperately trying to get air before his burning lungs finally forced him to lift his right paw and press the button for the winch.

From behind him a second rumble joined the din assaulting Sparks' ears as the winch began to turn. He could feel the cord gradually move back, pulling his sack with it until there was no more slack. Then the knot began to tighten, starting to tug harder and harder. Sparks' eyes were clenched shut but tears still managed to ooze between the lids as he very nearly took his paw off the button. He had never felt anything as painful as being dragged backwards by his balls, but he was grateful for the fresh air that soon flowed to him. Before he could catch his breath he felt the head of the dildo meet his puckered arse. There was no caring in the machines, and no way to prepare, the cord just pulled him along by his balls onto the dildo. Sparks thrashed in his bonds, his rear end held perfectly still for the dildo but his front making a terrible noise clinking the chain on his cuffs. He tried his best to squeal as the dry plastic dildo pressed into his virgin tail hole, sticking to his flesh and dragging painfully along it, but the gag prevented any noise escaping. Just when he thought he couldn't take any more the winch released and the springs sent him hurtling forward, ripping the dildo from his rump in one sudden motion.

Once again his face was forced into the wall of rubber. The thick material moulded around his face, causing him to panic instinctively as he was cut off from life-giving air. Once again his paw hit the button and again his balls ached as they were stretched and pulled. Again his tail hole was forced open and, to his shame, he could feel his cock stirring in his sheath.

Over and over the cycle was repeated, each press of the button breaking the jolteon's heart as he submitted to the pain and punishment. Suddenly he noticed the light go green between his paws and he tried to focus on the hottest things he could. He imagined two espeon mating, a vaporeon's smooth body with water running over it and a dark, sensual umbreon sneaking into his room at night. But he couldn't remove the humiliating feel of the bumpy dildo lodging itself in his rear with each button press. Despite it all he managed to cum. He felt a rush of ecstasy but that was soon tempered when he realised the light had already gone off and he was doomed to another fifteen minutes of pain.

Whimpering, Sparks sucked out some nutrient fluid from the tube in his mouth. How could he do it? Would he manage to cum on time? Even if he did would he hit the sensor? Or would the next week be a constant barrage of pain and humiliation. He lifted his paw dizzily, needing air, and pressed it down on the button once more.

The End