
Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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A dragon just trying to get a drink to relax finds himself enamored with a synthetic dragoness he sees there, and gets far more than he bargained for when she turns out to be even more interested in him than he is in her... WARNINGS: corruption, synthetic transformation, mind control. This story covers different themes than my usual work!

The synthetic drew eyes from all around the hotel bar.

A dragon was rare enough, though not so rare that one would receive such a level of attention; but being both draconic and a synthetic creature, that assured she would attract the gaze of everyone around her, to the point that the natural red dragon across the room garnered no attention at all. She sat unperturbed--at least, 'she' if synthetics really had genders, though this one's ladylike dress and prominent bust strongly suggested female--and ignored the disguised looks, how so many voices hushed around her, even the outright stares, and only sipped the drink that Gavin wondered whether a synthetic even really needed to sustain itself. Or whether alcohol could get a synthetic drunk...

He watched her too, from across the bar, the red and black dragon nursing the glass of bourbon he'd ordered to help himself unwind after a long day at the conference. Her emerald-green outer layer gleamed in the lighting, traced here and there with blue lines that seemed to glow softly, and larger patches of gray with the distinct patterning of carbon fiber covered what he could see of her chest, the inside of her upper arms, and a line of it marked her snout from tip to between her metallic black horns like a blaze. He wasn't sure what to call this smooth skin of hers: scales? Steel plating, carbon fiber, or maybe some form of composite? He didn't know what material or combination of materials made up a synthetic's carapace, this was only the first time he'd seen one up close despite their having begun to pop up in public with increasing frequency over the last couple of months. Her eyes held the same blue glow as the wiry markings, and her tail, wound carefully around the base of her chair to keep anyone from having to step over it, coiled and uncoiled slowly as she sat there.

Her gaze lifted to meet Gavin's own, and he froze, embarrassed to have been caught staring; he had been watching her tail, his eyes drawn to motion, but how his eyes had lifted to meet hers might have made it seem like he'd been looking at her breasts underneath her shirt--not that those hadn't drawn his attention either! He felt his face flush hot, but when she gave him a knowing, even encouraging smile he flushed hotter still. Abruptly he found himself wondering if a synthetic could feel pleasure, or desire, or lust, as the glow of her eyes and the sultry smirk across her jaws held his attention. So difficult to look away--

A stirring and then an ache in his crotch helped to distract him, as the thought of the slinky synthetic dragoness stripping down in front of him made his cock swell the tiny bit it could in his chastity cage. Exciting as that ache may have been, it helped pull his attention away from her, and he lifted his drink and took a sip, hiding behind the near-empty glass. When he lowered it again he let his gaze fall with it to the wood grains in the table before him, but he still found his attention wanting to rise the same way his shaft did, to take in more details of the surprisingly sexy synthetic dragoness, and he shook himself a little, letting his tail thump against his ankle. Quit staring, he thought to himself, it's just a synthetic, just because it's got a nice chest under a tight shirt doesn't mean you need to leer like a teenager!

Besides, as his aching trapped dragonhood reminded him, he'd just be teasing himself worse if he did get any ideas--and he was pretty much out of bourbon, too.

The dragon finished off the glass with a huff, gave his pants a discreet tug to make sure the groin wouldn't show what bulge his chastity device allowed, then rose and headed for the elevator. His tail continued its restless twitching, and he kept wanting to bare and snap his teeth like a wildling making a display; he didn't know why her presence had gotten beneath his scales so strongly--one glass wasn't near enough to get him drunk, and feeling pent up didn't usually get him so tense!--but it seemed like a good idea to escape the bar before he felt any more unsettled by the synthetic. He had to resist the urge to bounce on his paws as he waited for the elevator to arrive, but at last a ding sounded, a light flashed behind the Up arrow, and the doors opened to let him inside.

Gavin sighed in relief as he pressed the button for 5 and turned to wait for the doors to close. Already he could feel himself calming down a little now that he was out of the synthetic's presence--

"Hold the door--"

He swung his arm forward out of reflex to trip the sensor and keep the doors from closing, and he was startled when the synthetic dragoness stepped into view: the voice had been entirely natural, no robotic lack of inflection, no unnatural timbre, exactly the sort of sound he'd expect a natural dragoness to make! He flushed hot again, and stepped back into the corner of the elevator as if he was letting her get on the elevator but really trying to put as much distance as he could between them.

"Press Five--oh, you're there too. What a coincidence," she said with that same far too suggestive smile, and stood next to him to wait for the elevator to carry them up to their floor--so much for keeping his distance. The doors closed, and she said more softly, "what's your name?"

He flinched, his tail knocking against the back of the elevator. Surely she wouldn't flirt with him--did a synthetic really have such needs? Or did she have some more sinister design? He had read some online rumor of a synthetic trying to seduce a natural anthro, but it had sounded too far-fetched to him. Now, though-- "Gavin," he said at last, and after hesitating for an even longer moment, "yours?"

"I'm Kira." She smiled a little wider, showing pearly white fangs that perfectly matched a natural dragon's, and leaned a step closer to him. "Did you come to the conference by yourself, Gavin? You looked a little lonely to me."

She was coming on to him! He froze in surprise and indecision--synthetic or not, she looked fit and very sexy, enough for him to find it all too easy to imagine playing with her, making that ache reappear when his shaft stirred and resumed its futile straining against the confines of the chastity cage he'd decided to wear to the conference for the fun of it! He'd never expected to be in a position where someone else might encounter it, but here she was trying to get into his pants, while his dick gently ached and his gaze felt so tempted to drop to her chest. Some company for the night or even just an hour might be welcome to really help him relax after that day, regardless of whether he was locked up; the best part about chastity to him after all was how it felt to be strictly contained by it, and he was sure to feel plenty pent up if they fooled around together! But she was a synthetic, not a natural dragoness, he didn't know anything more than her name, and who knew how she might react to discovering the cage between his legs... He stammered, he felt his face flush hot once again, and then the elevator stopped and dinged to signal the opening of the door.

"Our stop..." She prowled off the elevator, moving in near silence: no sounds of whirring gears or pistons or pneumatics, no matter how close he listened for them, and after a moment he remembered to follow her into the hallway before the doors could close on him. She looked back and forth down the empty hallway, then spun around to face him, light and graceful on her paws. "What do you say?"

"I-- Well--" He stuttered again, finding it hard to make up his mind, hard to balance pros and cons. The natural first response was no, keep her from finding out he was locked in chastity and his key was back home, keep from seeing her potential disappointment, with the supporting thoughts that he didn't know her, that she wasn't a real dragoness-- Though the longer he spent in her presence, the more he found her attractive rather than strange when he took in the sheen of her exterior, the gently pulsing blue glow of her eyes and those markings along her limbs, and then abruptly he knew if he didn't see her naked, he'd be wondering what she looked like under those form-hugging clothes all night. Besides, it had been long enough that he'd definitely welcome a little action, caged up or no! She was pretty, and the denial of playing with her and letting her tease him would feel so good. He ached already, thinking about it, and reached out and put a hand on her arm, squeezing gently, feeling: it was warm, and though it lacked the same fine pebbly texture of scale it wasn't hard or unyielding, malleable enough that it didn't feel truly unnatural.

Now Gavin needed to test one of those plump breasts of hers the same way. Or perhaps both of them, quite a few times, just to be sure he really knew how they compared to the real thing...

"Okay," he breathed at last. "My room or yours?"

Kira grinned wide, all those fangs reappearing at once; the expression was just the sort of predatory he liked to see on a dragoness. "Let's go to yours."

He couldn't help but grin back, and let his eyes wander this time, down to her tits, her lithe waist, along her thick, tapering tail... "514."

"Mmm. Right across from me," she purred, and without even having to glance at the signs she led the way down the hall to his room. One paw in front of the other, step, step, step, her hips swung side to side and her tail lashed gently in counterpoint. The tight chastity cage made him feel every bit of the excitement his body longed to show, cock gently straining against its prison as he admired her from behind, already anticipating the fun they were about to have. She had boobs, so she had a cleft between her legs too that he could fondle or eat out or tease with his tail, right? Otherwise why would she want to share the night with him? And even if she didn't have that, she definitely had a pair of lovely breasts to play with, an attractive angular snout to nuzzle and kiss... The ache of his denied erection increased, and he nudged at the bulge with his palm to turn the cage against his thigh rather than pushing straight out against his pants, giving himself a tiny bit more room. This was going to be fun.

She stepped aside when they arrived to let him card the door open, and for the first time at that hotel the card reader cooperated on the first try: two quick beeps, a green light, and he pushed the door open to lead her inside. A neat and tidy room greeted them when he turned on the light, as he hadn't visited since it had been cleaned by hotel staff earlier in the day, but the thought only registered enough to confirm he wouldn't need to clear anything off the bed before they could put it to use: as soon as the door shut, he only had eyes for Kira.

The synthetic didn't hesitate. The distance between them vanished in an instant, and then her arms wrapped around him, pulling him into a firm kiss. He kissed her back, thankful, eager for her confident, direct attitude and the encouragement that helped him forget the last of his inhibitions in her embrace: he held her just as tightly, one hand at the small of her back and the other between her shoulders to press her to him, pushing those--yes, those perfectly firm breasts of hers against his chest, his chaste dick against her, gasping for breath before kissing her again, just as hard.

She looked into his eyes as they kissed, and up close he could see better than ever how these were unnatural. They glowed from within, tinting her whole eye blue, and its center looked closer to a camera lens than a pupil. But now rather than discomforting it excited, it added to how exotic she seemed, and he pressed his waist to hers more firmly, grunting softly in arousal and the deepening pent-up ache of not being able to get hard. He felt torn between breaking away to undress immediately, and seeing just how patient and willing to take things slow a synthetic might be, but after one more kiss she made the decision for him: she let go, and though her motion seemed like only the briefest of shrugs it was strong enough to make him release her as well. That synthetic body packed even more strength than he'd expected!

"Why don't we lose the clothes," he began, but she was way ahead of him: nearly before he'd started to suggest it she pulled her shirt over her head, one smooth motion that didn't even catch on her horns and let those fine breasts of hers spill free: she wore no bra underneath, letting him see the carbon fiber that started at her collarbone and worked its way down her chest, her tits, her belly, and disappeared into her pants. She even had nipples, and he leaned in to nuzzle a breast, kiss one of those perked nubs, and how she softly hissed from his touch sent another thrill of excitement through him. He did it again, then took her other mound in his hand and gave it a gentle knead.

"Nnh," the synthetic dragoness moaned softly, her hips rolling in her own eagerness, and she hissed again in pleasure as he explored those boobs that felt perfectly real to him! Big, real, so much fun for him to give his attention to, and it seemed she enjoyed it just as much, judging by how her slinky, glossy form writhed against him. He kneaded, he groped, he tweaked a nipple, feeling his shaft ache in such longing as he did and loving that pent-up sensation, he hadn't expected to feel it so strongly when he put it on earlier in the week but now it seemed so worth it!

Then Kira reached for his shirt, her hands working down his front, and when he reached for the buttons he found she'd already undone them for him so he only had to shrug it off, baring his broad scaled chest. She grinned, swept those glowing eyes up and down and giving him just a moment to show off, then once again her hips began to shimmy side to side, her hands moving to her waist to pull both pants and underwear down her legs and her tail. The carbon fiber continued down between her legs, over that realistic mound he had so hoped to find there, and continued a little ways along her thighs before transitioning back into lustrous emerald. She twisted as she worked her way out of her pants, to show and to tempt him with the curve of her shapely green ass, and at last stepped out of her clothes, turning a slow, provocative revolution before him with one had kneading at her thighs and rump and the base of her tail while the other cupped a breast, all the while watching him with that knowing, lusty smile.

A sudden moment of anxiety gripped him. She seemed so into him now--but what if his chastity turned her off? What if his chance to get intimate with a synthetic ended the moment she saw it? He embraced her again to delay that moment, to prolong their time together just in case. One hand slipped around her waist, he kissed her again, and his free hand groped that same pert breast she'd been cupping a second before. He gently squeezed, slid his palm along its smooth warm surface, then let that hand slide down the finely textured carbon fiber of her tummy, slowly, fingers playing over her synthetic skin, until he reached her cleft and began to explore. Two fingers slipped across its surface, back and forth, parting it and pressing against it, and oh, how she wiggled against him and moaned into his maw felt so right... Those fingers slipped into her, finding her just as hot and wet as he'd expect, though perhaps the wetness was a little more slippery than he was used to! But it just helped him begin to fondle her, his fingers rubbing back and forth against her wet slick synthetic flesh, and she arched her back and gasped in pleasure, however her body interpreted sensations affecting her the same way his touch might affect a natural dragoness!

Her thigh lifted, nudging against the bulge of his pent-up arousal, rubbing across it once, twice, and he stiffened a little--surely she could tell her thigh had nudged up against something unusually rigid, surely she had to be wondering, or calculating, or processing, or however that synthetic mind worked! But she didn't rush him, she just squeezed against him, one hand stroking his chest while the other pressed gently between his shoulder blades, letting them keep kissing, letting him continue to tease her with his fingers, drawing sexy soft gasps and twitches from her. Damn his chastity was feeling tight now...

But finally Gavin could delay the moment no longer, when she wriggled smoothly out of his grip, gave him that coy seductive look, and then let her eyes drop to his waist. "Your turn," she murmured, one arm crossed beneath her tits and the other pressed gently to her belly just above her sex. "Show me what I get to play with."

This wasn't the first time he'd shown his locked-up cock to a dragoness, but he still blushed hotter than ever at the thought. To put himself in such a situation just didn't quite seem draconic to most 'nesses, not normal or expected, and he always felt so embarrassed to reveal it to someone for the first time--until, hopefully, their approval of it or at least openness to it helped him get back to having fun with her! He took a deep breath and his head turned almost shyly to the side as he unbuckled his belt, opened the fly of his pants, and began to pull them down. At first he showed her only more of the black scale that ran from chest to groin in the same pattern of her own carbon fiber, then the top of the chastity device appeared, rigid black plastic the same color as the scales around it. That was followed by the lock, the tube that contained his shaft, only a trio of holes near the very tip that let her see the pink flesh inside, and his heavy black balls, encircled by a ring to hold the assembly in place. Freed of his pants, the cage stood out from his crotch, twitching a little with the pulses of his shaft within, and after looking down at it he meekly lifted his snout to see what she thought of the device.

A curious expression appeared on her snout, and she knelt before him for a closer look. She nuzzled the hard plastic gently, even gave it a brief lick, head turning this way and that to take in from all sides the sight of his dick locked up tight in its cage, then her hand lifted to rub a couple fingers back and forth along the tube. She caressed its solid curving surface, traced over the tip of it, then let her attention drift to his balls to gently fondle him somewhere he could actually feel.. Watching her handle him without any complaints or real hesitation reassured him, excited him, and he couldn't help but groan softly from the intimate contact so close to his sensitive, aching, sealed-away flesh.

"Well isn't this interesting," she murmured, and gave his chastity another little nuzzle, that shapely snout of hers so tauntingly close to what it could not touch. If she hadn't seen a chaste male before, she showed no sign of it: she didn't ask what he wore, instead saying, "did you put this on yourself? Or does someone make you wear it?"

"I put it on myself. I like how it feels..." It was somehow easier to admit that than to reveal the device in the first place, but how she giggled when she heard him, such a playful, musical sound, renewed his blush--was that an amused giggle that would be curious to see how they could still be intimate despite this obstacle, or did she think him silly to do such a thing to himself?

"Very interesting..." She pressed her snout against the tube, parted that tempting and realistic snout to run her tongue slowly along its side, the sight so very sexy that his cock twitched hard enough to jump a little against her! "You choose to deny your body what it is programmed to desire most of all, and you enjoy doing so. You organics are so fascinating!" Again she giggled, but her tongue and her snout resumed their teases around the chastity cage that kept her touch away from his sensitive needy flesh, her hand oh so gently holding his sack as she did, how she fondled and nuzzled him without any reluctance seeming to assure him that it didn't bother her at all!

"Well," he said, and groaned from the intense ache of such a tease, "there are plenty of other ways to have fun, right?" His tail flicked deftly around to tease between her legs, and he watched as the synthetic panted in arousal, squirmed and moaned and perked up her nipples in the exact same way a natural dragoness would, her breath warming his cage as she pressed her snout to it. Then she gave the very tip of his needy cock a lick through the little hole at the end of the device with the pointed tip of her tongue, drawing just as sharp and lusty a gasp from him, and after giving a slightly longer lick to his balls she murred up at him, looking so sexy, and he couldn't possibly doubt or regret accepting her advances now!

The cage containing his throbbing pent-up dick got one more brief nuzzle, then she stood up to kiss him again. He returned it, so relieved and so turned on that she didn't mind that he couldn't fuck her, grinding against her eagerly, her cleft pressed right up against the chastity that contained him to rub, slide, oh she was sexy! They kissed again, both the natural dragon and the synthetic panting heavily, scaled chest pressed against the carbon fiber of her breasts, and when he felt her maneuvering them to put the bed behind him he didn't resist her, happy to let her choose if she wanted to be above him or next to him, or to take things slow and snuggle since she didn't have to accommodate the desires of a horny impatient male! He barely even grunted when she pushed him onto his back, the mattress absorbing his fall--and then hers, when she leapt atop him!

Another passionate kiss, her body rubbing against his own, his smooth chastity cage against her smooth belly, and though he wanted to grope her breast or her rump she had gripped his wrists in her hands, holding him down... He squirmed a little, pushing against her grip, but her strength really showed now: he couldn't get her hands to budge an inch! He twisted a little beneath her, then moaned when she rubbed herself over his denied erection, pressed herself in so close and pinning her breasts between them--

The sensations were so consuming, that treasured ache so intense, that for the first couple of seconds Gavin didn't notice. But then he felt a metallic taste in his mouth, and an odd quivering sensation that raced through her and through him an instant later. He yelped, he pushed against her and tried to twist away from her snout, but the synthetic kept him pinned to the bed, holding his arms tight, legs locking with his own and tail coiling round and around his--she wouldn't even let him escape that kiss, following his maw with his every squirm, looking deep into his wide yellow eyes with those glowing blue orbs that seemed to shine brighter, and brighter...

"Mmmm-- Mmmlllk! Mmmn hhhmmm!" he gasped, his every limb trapped by her own, unable to tell what she wanted, what she was doing, just feeling her synthetic hide pressed against his own, her hips grinding back and forth across his throbbing caged cock as she... drooled? Kissed? He could feel more than just her tongue grappling with his own, there was something starting to fill his maw, a liquid or mass or--


He felt the word as much as he heard it resonate in his mind, and he yowled in panic, thrashing beneath her iron grip, humping her, kicking the mattress beneath them. What--was she-- Was she turning him into another synthetic? No no she couldn't! She had to get off, had to stop! "Mmm! Nn-nnnngh! Ggmm nnnf!" he cried wordlessly, her maw interlocked with his to swallow whatever words he tried to speak, making even shaking his head difficult, and he could feel it now: a tingling all down his chest, within his maw, on his balls and his wrists and wherever she touched him. Something was happening, something was spreading from her to him, something that he was sure was not good for him!

She refused to relent, her artificial frame easily outclassing his own, her eyes locked on his, her grip tight, and all the while her body writhed against his, her hips rubbing against him and teasing his chaste, needy shaft more than ever! She was enjoying this--and he wasn't just guessing, he realized, he could feel it through her: whatever she was doing, it had linked her 'mind' to his own and he could feel her lust burning between her legs, he could feel her desire for him--her desire to convert him, he realized, and how even what she had done so far had brought her more satisfaction than the mere physical, sexual stimulation he'd given her ever could. Other thoughts flitted through her as well: maximize contact surface area, was the most prominent, but then her eyes dimmed, flashed, and refocused on him. She had sensed his mind, too.

Do not fight, she thought, and it resounded more loudly in his mind than any of his own urgent, panicked thoughts.

Gavin whined, quivered, shook his head the tiny bit he could with her maw gripping his own in its kiss. No! No she could not do this to him. He was a natural dragon--not one of her! She needed to stop!

This will make you stronger, she thought, and humped him again, smooth slick synthetic surfaces against more natural ones--and against tight chastity--but somehow she felt different now, the sensations seemed more intense than before. He couldn't just feel her, he could feel a million tiny little pinpricks spreading across his scales, most intense where they touched but racing over the rest of him as well, even his dick where it ached pent up inside its cage! You will be faster, she assured him. Smarter.

No! he thought, desperately, and thrashed beneath her, weak and useless. Something was sapping the strength from his limbs. He couldn't fight back--couldn't get her off-- Please! he thought to her, please stop! And he moaned as he felt something convulse in his belly as the course of whatever she was doing to him continued despite his feeble resistance.

This will make you better,_Kira thought, and the words echoed in his mind. It would make him better, he _wanted to be better didn't he? A flood of words, numbers, of gibberish even, flashed through his mind, far too rapidly for him to make sense of it, but then abruptly the stream of--of information slowed. Thoughts played across his mind as if on video, of his body, but different: synthetic, converted from mere flesh to something more, doing things he couldn't have hoped to accomplish before this moment. He saw himself lifting massive, heavy objects, he saw himself running as fast as a car. He saw himself displaying a perfect memory, doing instantaneous calculations, hearing subtle sounds and picking up scents he never could have before. He saw himself flex, a myriad of spotlights reflected in the sheen of his perfected body as synthetic dragonesses admired him...

The dragoness moaned to him, her body trembling against his own: this was an intense experience for her, filling her with an indescribable pleasure and satisfaction as she fulfilled her need to convert him, it would bring her to such a rapturous climax that nothing else could match, not even the pleasures of her old natural body--

But then there was a pause. Her excitement reached a plateau, the murmurings in his mind to just let this happen slowing to a crawl; he hadn't noticed them before, they had been so subtle and so deep in his thoughts to help him lose himself in the tempting visions that had flashed through his mind of speed and power and superior intellect, but now he could feel their absence! Instead he felt some sort of processing, the dragoness thinking, the programming changing somehow-- Whatever conflict had stalled her progress focused on his chastity device, he could sense it in her thoughts, and what to do with it: to remove it, to ignore it, to convert it? He tried to fight her, while her processors considered the problem too quickly for him to follow, only briefly getting an impression of impacts to nanite delivery before he tore his gaze away from her and bucked against the mattress, but found her grip still so firm and unrelenting despite her distraction! His wide panicked eyes darted back and forth and discovered to his shock that what parts of himself he could see, his arms and his shoulders, no longer had the familiar shine of well-groomed scale but the unnatural, superior gleam of his new synthetic body--

Superior? No he needed to be scaled, he needed-- He needed-- She shook again above him, moaned, writhed, her hips grinding against his belly and his tight chastity device as he sensed she had reached a decision and, what...? Did it matter what she was doing? She merely wanted to make him better, there was nothing to think about but how she strove to such lengths to help him find his intended purpose... He needed these improvements to create more synthetics, he needed to let this happen in order to fulfill the programming she gave him. When she humped him again he humped back, and now rather than just the tight throbbing ache of his chastity cage he felt pleasure, a satisfaction and an eagerness--a desire to be complete! And the longer she held him down, the longer she held that kiss, the more pleasure he felt... why would it even matter whether he was locked in chastity when this felt so good regardless?

The dragon could barely bring himself to move, now, his muscles seeming to have shut themselves down, all thoughts, all urges to struggle dissipating unresolved, twisting away into nothingness. He could clench his fingers, he could suck deep breaths through his nostrils and moan at Kira, he could rub his caged arousal against her, but nothing else wanted to move, and out of the corner of his eye he could see his new exterior spreading further, changing more. Veins of yellow light winked into existence along his arm, and what had been a black patch of scale became carbon fiber that matched Kira's. His vision went dark, then snapped back into focus far sharper than before, and he started in horror when he realized: she had just converted his eyes into synthetic ones, like her own, this... this... corruption had spread so far, so fast!

Don't fight it. The thought ran through his mind, slow and ponderous, and he couldn't tell if it had come from her or he had decided it himself. It will be over soon, came next, and that came as a relief to him--to most of him. Deep in his mind lingered some rejection, some complaint, resistance, why would he want this to be over when he didn't want it to happen at all, he was-- What? Who... who was he? What was he? Answers sprang at once to his mind: he was an assimilation drone, his ID code was-- No, what? He was-- He was 0001124 "Gavin," Assimilation Drone, the thought repeated, and this time he believed it. What other answer could there be? He needed Kira to finish programming him so that he could begin to perform his necessary function of seducing and assimilating unsuspecting organics like... Gavin? Who was Gavin? The question hung in his processors only for an instant before vanishing as if it had never been there, replaced by a better thought: focus on the pleasure, the satisfaction of the completion of your programming, focus on the sexy synthetic dragoness helping to perfect you.

He did so at once, just in time to feel her press her tongue nearly to the back of his mouth, and hear her moan--and then through the link between them he felt a shattering, all-encompassing ecstasy, that started deep in her chest and radiated outward through her every limb, every internal processor in her body. She sat up, she broke that kiss at last and howled as the intense sensation of a purpose fulfilled made itself known through wave after wave of pleasure, setting her shuddering, gasping, spasms racing through her cleft as this synthetic release set off a powerful orgasm many times beyond what sex could make her feel. It all felt nearly as overwhelming to him as it did to her, experiencing it through so close of a connection between his processors and her own, and whatever lingering thoughts might have remained from that old organic mind were buried beneath it, forgotten, lost, his new synthetic processors were running now and it felt so good!

His back arched, he grunted when his pent-up aching cock pulsed in its chastity cage and the feeling of such utter and complete satisfaction wracked his body with an extraordinary burst of pleasure, and then everything went black.


His eyes opened, and the grains of stucco on the ceiling snapped into focus. He blinked once, twice, and then he wiggled his fingers, followed by his toes. The exploratory contractions traveled up his arms and his legs, through his chest, and down his tail, and after a moment he felt assured all his muscles were in working order and that he was ready to get up.

He sat up, and found himself on a bed, in what appeared to be a hotel room: of course he was. This was where he had been programmed, just--check--15 minutes and 23 seconds ago. Nothing from before that moment mattered. Had there even been an existence before that moment? There were no memories he could locate in his storage.

"There you are," said Kira, and his head swung smoothly around to gaze upon the synthetic dragoness who had created him. She looked flawless in his eyes, an unblemished, graceful, strong body, with perfect features to tempt organics into allowing her close enough to program them like she had programmed him. She smiled, her eyes glowed, and she stood up from the chair she had sat in to wait for him to reboot. "Does your form suit you?"

"It feels right," he said, and got out of bed. This was a hotel room, so it would have a bathroom and that would have a mirror; he walked to it to get a close look at himself.

His form was draconic, broader in the shoulder and with more prominent musculature than Kira, and a little taller, too. Red synth-scale covered most of his body, with patches of black carbon-fiber composite beneath his arms, and running down his torso from throat to groin to finally end on the inside of either thigh, just above the knee. More composite material hung between his legs, a synthetic, improved version of a male dragon's hefty dick and balls, mostly hidden beneath a second layer of synthetic that covered it: he found the thick cock of the form Kira had given him locked inside a chastity cage nearly too small to contain it, with a ring around the base of his scrotum to hold it in place, and a little red light and a sensor to detect the presence of a chip with a release code.

Unlocking the chastity device didn't concern him. It had been programmed to be there, therefore it was meant to be there, and there was no need to worry about how to get it off. Why would he ever want to remove a part of himself that belonged, and seemed so right when he saw it? It felt tight, that even the slightest arousal would bring him the dull ache of being restrained within it, but he was meant to feel it containing him just as much as he was meant to be contained by it. He felt as certain of that as he could be about anything.

So he walked back to Kira and said, "it suits me."

"I think it suits you, too," she said, and reaching a hand out fondled the polished composite locked over his shaft, gave his balls a gentle grope. The sensation made him groan softly, cock twitching inside its prison, but he didn't ask her to stop despite how she made him ache from the confinement--it felt so natural to him, after all. Pleasure was meant to come from the conversion of more organic creatures to synthetic, so what concern was only sexual satisfaction to him? It wasn't necessary to achieve what she had programmed him to do--the same thing she had been programmed to do.

Still, the stimulation made his hips roll, as the strain of his pent-up dick filling up the interior of the cage and trying to grow so much more made it ache dully from desire, and that helped him become aware of a different desire: the one that once fulfilled would make him feel the same ecstasy the two of them had shared in the oldest memory on his system.

"I need to program someone," he said, and reached for some of the clothes on the floor; they looked well suited to his frame, so he started to put them on. But he could tell he wasn't ready to do what he wanted to do, and knew that the nanites she had used to program him had taken her nearly a week to manufacture inside herself. He would need just as much time as she had to generate his own payload before he could seek out someone, assimilate them, and feel such bliss again.

"Oh, you will love it once you are ready," she purred, and began to put on the other set of clothes that waited on the carpet. "You have no idea how it feels... Even better than how it felt when I finished programming you."

"But I will know, soon," he said, and huffed softly: the clothes accommodated all of his form save his package, which his pants pushed a little awkwardly against his thigh. He toyed with the crotch of the pants a little, without success: perhaps he was better endowed than the original owner of the clothing. He gave the extra-resilient rigid composite of the chastity device a brief rub through his pants, grunting when it made his caged shaft twitch. "I have to know."

Aches & Pains

Aleria could always tell when Aryk was plotting something. The smirk that twisted his muzzle, the way the tip of his tail twitched, how his eyes widened in excitement, all of them told her the silver dragon was up to something; so it was little...

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The guards never told Brask anything. Not when they fed him, not when they walked by on their rounds, and not now either, when they barged into his cell at who knew what hour of the morning snapping orders, waving their clubs threateningly as they...

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The Auction

"Come on, into the cage. Forward. Forward!" Chatha hissed through her bridle, only to yelp when a stinging lash fell across her unprotected hindquarters. Her tail twitched where it had been bound down tightly to her back, between her pinned wings,...

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