The Loaner

Story by Equusaz on SoFurry

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Joss loans out his sub to repay a debt. Poor little colt gets in over his muzzle a bit. Not everything goes to plan. Sometimes things happen. This poor colt has to do his best, follow his orders, and come out of this...well, alive of course, but can he resist temptation in the end and hold it all in?

It wasn't a request. Not by any stretch of the imagination. It was an order, and if there is one thing I've learned is that when given an order like, say, jump, I don't even bother to ask how high. I jump. If I do it wrong, I'll find out. Not eventually, right then, right there. So when he told me to go out to the ranch this weekend my only response was "Yes sir, of course."

After all they had done for us, I knew this day was coming. I'd been mentally prepared for quite some time. I didn't need prompting. You see, when you're a sub, you don't ask 'who, what, when, where, why, or even sometimes how.' No. If you ask, you just fucked up. And I am no fuck up. Fucking up means losing a privilege or being denied a special treat. Besides, I knew that even though this was going to be work, so to speak, it was also a privilege. A right I'd earned.

I guess I should back up. Perhaps you didn't get to learn about me from my master. That's understandable, he's a little long winded, and from what I know of it, the story posted here about me rambles a little. My name isn't important. Never really was. Ok, sure, the government knows my name, I know my name, my friends know my name, and of course so does my mom. You? There's no need to know my name.

I'm "boy." Perhaps today it'll be "pet." If I'm really good and please him properly I get called "Son." Those days are the best. It comes rumbling out of his chest in his deep baritone. It has an almost purr like quality to it that sends shivers down my spine and out my cock.


"Good boy Son."

"Ah that's my sexy son. "

He branded me. I'm his now. Entirely. That branding ceremony had been pretty hot and very intense, and afterwards I found my new sub mindset well established. Before I had been pretty serious, but as some other subs say, I'm now 'living the dream.' So since his friends Jason and Frank had hosted the branding ceremony at their ranch, I knew the day would come where I'd be sent out to serve them as payment.

I may be meek and submissive, but I'm not stupid. Maybe master told you the story about fucking up his coffee and how I got caned? Yeah, I did that on purpose. Sometimes I fuck up just to see how far I can push him. It's an annoying part of my personality really. Fucking smart ass colt that I am. Oh well, love me or whip me. Actually the latter will get you better results!

So I studied. I watched just about every video online about being a ranch hand. About working with livestock and feral horses. Who knew ferals can't throw up. I had no idea. Give me too much food and I sure as hell will. I digress.

Then last night after dinner I was relaxing with him, curled up on the couch and given my cuddles. Yeah, sometimes he likes the soft stuff too. Can't say as I blame him. Being a sub is hard work, and its nice that every once in a while I can curl up and watch movies with him and just be me. His cell phone rang and he'd lifted his black head up from the back of the couch and grunted pausing the movie. I shifted a little for him, letting him sit up more without asking. I could tell by the voice bleeding through the phone it was Jason Miller. I'd know that mule's voice anywhere. They talked a bit and I just caught this side of the conversation.

'Hey! Thanks again for that by the way. Hrm? Sure. Yeah I know. Oh I think he's ready. Tomorrow? Uh, yeah he can take the truck I guess it's better on those dirt roads. Tomorrow morning then? Ok. No problem. Sure.'

I did not ask a thing. If he wanted me to know, I'd know. I curled right back up and sighed happily as his paw stroked my mane, my eyes getting heavy after a while. He snorted out his equine nose and nudged me a bit. We both must have fallen asleep.

'Come on Son, time for bed.'

I'd stood and stretched. I always stretched. He loved to look at my form, and well, its part of my duties as a good boy. I put my little show on for him, but couldn't suppress the very real yawn as I did so. I worked hard to look good for him. Good food, healthy living, and careful grooming. Hey, this pert ass, golden coat, and silky mane don't just happen. I also knew he liked to see me in my leather harness and jock. I wasn't surprised when he asked me to present.

Hands on knees, bend over and spread em. Heh. Almost like a cop show. Almost. I also hiked my tail as high as possible. Don't see that in a cop show do you? I didn't think so. If you did Dad would probably want to know what it's called and where he could find a copy.

So I stood there letting the air tease my bruised rear. I felt his hand roughly pull down on my seed sacks. Hurt so awesomely. I couldn't help the whimpering nicker as it escaped my throat. I was feeling a bit put out, so I swished my tail and slapped him across the arm.

"None of that boy, not tonight." I felt a little disappointed but my ears perked up. Anything outside of the ordinary was good.

His rough hands pulled my sack aside and I felt him test the band on the chastity cage. It's been on there a while. I'm quite proud of that too. I haven't made myself cum in, oh, two months now. He's made me cum, but that's all.

I squealed a little when his hand landed roughly on my ass, my equine tail flicking again in startlement. I tensed a little.

"Good boy. Listen, that was Jason earlier. You're on loan this morning over at the ranch. Head over there in the truck as soon as you get up. No need to see to my needs see you this evening."

"Yes sir, of course."

Like I said. It wasn't a request. Some unease must have shown through a little. Maybe it was the flick of my ear. That's my tell I guess. He says it is. I never seem to feel it, but I felt him pull me close. He was nude as always, and I shivered as I felt his cock slip between my crack, his strong arms curling around me, and the warm huff of his breath on the back of my neck.

"You make me proud Son. This weekend you do what your told. Whatever they want. Ultimately you're my fucking colt, never forget that. But, I expect you to do me proud and do whatever is needed."

I felt my throat hitch a little at that. Oh how I loved to make him proud. I pressed myself back into him. I so badly wanted him to take me right then and there. I wanted to feel his rough hands on me, the slap of his meat on my face as I took him into my throat. Better yet, I wanted him to mate me and mark me with his seed, and really ruin my ass tonight. But I knew those hopes were in vain. Not tonight. No I'd have to be in pristine condition in the morning. Tight, horny, and willing to serve. My master knew how desperate I would become by morning without my evening session, and skipping my morning servicing of dad would put me even further on edge.

I sighed happily.

"Of course sir."


The alarm went off. I hated alarms. Usually I got up and followed my routine. Up at 6, clean and prepare coffee until 7, service master before he heads to work, then I would have my day free until he came home. Not today. That alarm woke me at 3am. I scrambled to shut it off before he woke up. No need to poke the sleeping hoss. Heh. Part of me wanted to though. I so badly wanted to tease him. Push him a little. Get him to mount me like the little mare I was.

That would not be a good idea.

If I did, I'd show up at the ranch all loose, cum stained, and puffy. Or worse yet, he'd have to call and ask if there could be a delay since I wouldn't be fit to work. Oh no. Fuck that. There's punishment and then there's Punishment. Capital P. Nu uh. Not this colt. There are limits and then there are Limits. Just like Punishment. No Sir!

So I showered and thought about what I should wear. I'd be on loan for the weekend. I'd be working and doing any manner of things. Master hadn't told me what it would be, so I better prepare. I shuffled my harness and jock on, tucking the metal cage around my cock in properly. Fucking thing rubbed my flare a bit if I got too aroused. Such beautiful agony at times. Other times, like now? A pain in the, well, cock.

This was a working ranch so I picked a white t-shirt, blue jeans, leather hoof boots, and I eyed the chaps. I usually only wore them for show, but this was a real ranch. I chuckled at the absurd thought of a horse like me wearing chaps, but hey, clichés exist in the world sometimes. I strapped them on. Master had bought them used. They were well worn, and the leather was soft and scuffed. Mmmm just how I liked my studs!

I headed to the kitchen and found the note there:

"Here's some apples and snacks for you to take. Got those damned pretzels you like so much. Also, take the truck, and don't forget to gas it up before you get back. We have that road trip to take next week. Be good Son, love, Dad."

It was distinctly odd. He'd packed me some treats for the long drive out. I felt touched. I grabbed the bag and smiled. Nice salty savory pretzels. I found the keys to the truck on the hook and headed out.

The drive took a while. City traffic sucks, but once outside of town, it wasn't so bad. The narrow dusty road meant I had to keep my speed to a crawl though. I didn't worry too much, I'd be there with plenty of time. Waking up at three may sound early to you city folk, but no. I've known Jason and Frank a long time and know through stories that they are usually working by five. That's about the time I pulled the truck into the drive next to the large ranch house. The barn and stables were off to the left and the mountains behind the house glowed a soft purple as false dawn tickled the foothills.

I got out and checked myself in the side mirror. I looked fresh and well groomed. My black mane was getting a little long, but it'd do. I was here to work anyway. I pride myself in not being too much of a show pony.

My knuckles rapped sharply on the door and after a bit the oak monstrosity opened to reveal Jason. The mule stood there stolidly. His muddy dun colored fur was clean and a little damp from his shower. He had blue jeans on and nothing else. Looked like I was a little early. For one second he seemed a little out of it as he looked at me. The moment was tense but then sudden realization came to his muzzle and he sighed, sounding put out.

"Ah fuck, right. I forgot. Hey! Frank! The loaner is here!"

At those words my demeanor changed. Some subs talk about needing to get into the right mindset first. Nope. Fuck that. You have no clue what you're doing if you have to do that. I ducked my head, and splayed my ears flat and stilled my tail and avoided eye contact. I shivered a little in both fear and excitement. I had no idea what to expect. It was intense and I could feel my mottled length catch against the metal chastity cage I wore. It hurt, so help me God it hurt a lot. I almost came right then, but I knew if I did, I'd be in real trouble. I did a mental exercise to still my arousal as I listened to the sounds beyond the door.

I smelled him before I saw him. He hadn't showered yet. Hell, he hadn't showered last night by the musky sweat smell the tiger had. I glanced up once and accidently caught his eye. I shivered anew. I was caught, no sense in denying it.

"Sir, sorry."

I heard a light purr from the cat. Frank was a beast. He looked very feral. Some of us have those kinds of traits, and the beefy tiger was such a one. He was about as tall as master. He had yellow green slitted eyes. I kid you not. Probably had problems during the day seeing if what I read was correct. He also had a temper. It was known throughout the culture actually. He was the one people referenced when pointing out a true dom. I should know, master learned from his iron claw.

The orange and black tiger was nude. Entirely nude. The only adornments were his own wide stripes that covered his pelt. He was big. Not overly muscular, but not fat. He just had a heft to him that was impressive. Did I mention how handsome he was?

I felt the strong rough paw cup my chin and wrench my muzzle up forcing me to look directly into his slitted eyes. I felt my tail slink between my legs and my tongue went dry.

"Are you fucking eyeing me kid?"

"N-no sir." It was a whisper. Ah fuck.

His claws pricked my fur a little.

"And what's this shit you have on?"

"Clothes sir, I planned for whatever sir wants me to do."

I wanted to drop to my knees and grovel a little but I dared not. Not while his paw was under my chin, his eyes boring into mine. I didn't even dare close my eyes for fear of angering him.

He nodded once. "Hrm, I plan on testing that. Jason, I'll be along in a bit to see to the cattle. Need me for anything before, say, seven?"

The mule chuckled. "Nah, I gotta get the boys up anyway. "

I heard hoofbeats disappear into the house, followed by some rustling, then the hoofbeats returned. Never once did Frank tear his eyes from mine, he kept them locked. I was finding it hard to breathe. Jason just patted Frank on the shoulder and passed us on the way outside.

The tension increased with each passing moment. I could feel an intense fear bubble deep in my chest. The predator had me in his grasp and he could have easily killed me on the spot. I shook a little out of fear, I couldn't help it. This seemed to satisfy him greatly as his purr deepened and he bared his fangs at me.

The second after that was a total blur. I never could remember exactly what happened. There was movement, and pressure on the back of my neck and I felt myself hauled roughly forward. I closed my eyes in abject fear then as I felt myself land on my rump.

"Strip it off boy. Fucking showing up here clothed. Fucking useless you know that? Think we're going to use you working on the ranch!? Speak up!"

He towered over me, paws on hips. I stammered.


"Aaaah!" It was a growling roar. I had about enough time to squeeze my eyes tight as I felt the shirt ripped from my body. The chaps followed suit, the leather thongs rending under his powerful grasp. I felt the rasp of a claw along the inseam of my jeans as they too were torn from my body.

I shivered on the floor and slowly opened my eyes. He still stood over me holding my jeans to his muzzle. I felt my flare throb a bit in the tight metal confines, one sensitive bump catching between bars. I yelped a little. Frank was smelling the seat of my jeans. My mind raced.

"Hrm...your scent is nowhere near as strong as your master. Joss was nice to leave you unmarked for the weekend for us. Such a good guy. Thoughtful."

He tossed the ruined garment to the floor and snarled.

"You on the other paw are absolutely fucking pathetic. Kneel before me boy."

Mistake one. I paused for a second. Master never had me kneel. I usually squatted on my haunches. The paw was a blur as he reached forward and pulled me by my mane until I was in a kneeling position in front of him. He managed to remove a few strands of coarse hair from my mane, but one on my knees I bowed down.

"First fucking thing you did right boy."

I shivered a little and kept my position. Knees on the floor, arms out in front of me, bowing low, muzzle pressed to the carpeted runner to the entrance of the ranch house.

The soft click of his claws on the wood beside the runner told me I was being inspected. I waited patiently, shivering all the while. Any normal fur would have wondered if this was a mistake. Not me. This was no mistake, this was what I was for. All I was good for. It was everything I ever wanted to be.

"Such a pretty coat. You know Joss told me he'd prefer it if you were unmarked. You don't want to disappoint him do you?"

"N-no sir." I felt abject shame. Oh no. If I was marked I would be severely punished. A year or more in the cage. Maybe a new brand on my other ass cheek. Master had mentioned that once. If I really disappointed him I'd get an X branded for each infraction. The shivering came anew.

"Nice flowing tail too. Hrm..." I heard him walk away and return. "Now...."His voice ended in a deep purr. It felt full of satisfaction. I stayed in my position. I didn't even dare open my eyes. All I would have seen was carpet but that would have been too much. I hadn't been allowed even that luxury. Yet.

I felt my tail hiked after a few moments, then a dreadful sound. Metal on metal and some tugging. Oh fuck. It dawned on me what was happening. Sudden coolness on my rump confirmed my fears. My flowing tail was shorn. I felt the scissors clip again and again. He was removing all of the hair, in its entirety. I'd have only my tail nub for months. If not a year. A moment more passed and I felt tugging at my mane and realized that too was being cut off.

Tears began to flow. I'd be hideous. One of my favorite features was being stripped away from me. My cock began to leak pre heavily and I shuddered. I burned with shame, and desire at the same time. The confusion of being turned on and humiliated pummeled my brain. All I could see was a vision of me walking in the store, head down, no mane between my ears, the back of my neck only covered In golden fur and some black fuzz where my mane had been. I'd probably hide my tail stub if I could get away with it. If not, well Master would probably punish me.

"There we go. Much better." The voice dripped self-satisfaction, and I heard hoofbeats on the porch. "Hey, Frank, I forgot....what the fuck!?"

I didn't move. Not one fucking muscle. Now I was in for it. Wasn't I? I did some mental calculations. I couldn't be held responsible for this.

I felt my prickly tail nub being handled and a paw rub over the ruins of my mane.


The mule sounded perplexed. I was too.

"Fucking worthless shit showed up in fucking clothes Jas. Deserved a little punishment." The purr deepened a little and had a snarl. It sounded like Frank was getting a little pissed.

"Huh. True. Well, on his stubby maned head so be it. Where's the keys to the tractor? Ah, Thanks. See you later." The door closed and I heard hooves clop off into the distance.

Silence descended and all I could hear for a few seconds was the sound of my own shaky breathing.

"On your feet boy, and stip that fucking tack off now."

The words came fast and loud. My hands few in a familiar pattern. One of my duties was getting into and out of my gear as quickly as possible. Never knew when Master would want me in or out of any given piece and in a few seconds I stood, head ducked, entirely nude. Save one piece.

"Ah fuck boy. Really? He caged you?"

There was a definite snarl to the question. For once my voice didn't shake.

"Yes sir."

"Ah, damn! Present Son!"

For once I felt a little proud at the name, but then realized this wasn't my master. Oh he was 'A' master but not prime master. No. Son might be very derogatory. It might not. I had no clue.

I assumed my position, ass up, hands on knees, legs spread. For a long moment nothing happened. Then I felt warm breath on my taint and I shivered as a raspy tongue lapped at the leathery skin.

Only for a second.

Suddenly fangs pricked the skin and I whimpered as my nuts were savagely yanked down. This wasn't gentle. As soon as it happened the teeth released and I heard muttering.

"Remember this code boy: Alpha Tango Zulu Zero One Nine Eight Eight Zero Three One Five Nine Eight Zulu Zulu Charlie."

My mind raced. The command and code came quickly. I kept mentally chattering it away. All of a sudden a metal clamp was placed around my neck. It was a steel collar. No leather, steel. I had no time to wonder at that as I was roughly pulled forward. I couldn't focus on any part of the house really. I just saw rooms. A living room, den, kitchen, hallway, and then another room. Dark. This one actually made me relax.

There was a fuck bench in the middle. Leather, wood, metal, rubber, and the sharp tang of cleaning agents filled my muzzle. This was almost like home. Then I watched as the tiger impatiently went to a cabinet, almost like a filing cabinet. The green metal blended in with the dark greys of the walls. "Lets see....ATZZ hrm. What was the rest of the code boy?"

Panic froze my tongue for a moment. Only a moment. I was getting used to the unexpected. I screwed my eyes shut and concentrated.

"Zero One Nine Eight Eight Zero Three One Five Nine Eight Zulu Zulu Charlie"

Did I mention that before becoming a sub I studied math? Yeah. I'm not just some subby sex crazed colt. Well.

"Ah, here we are." Frank turned a huge grin on his muzzle. He held aloft a small steel key. I swallowed. He had a copy? To my chastity lock?

I ducked my head. There was some quick fumbling and suddenly for the first time in a few months my cock was freed from the metal cage. I shuddered again. This was unexpected. I was supposed to be locked up. Always locked up. No. This wasn't right!

"Keep that ear still! Fuck colt! Joss's right. You do have a tell. Need to work on that."

There was a sigh at the end of the statement. "Part of your punishment colt. It doesn't go back on until you please us. I know you're little habit of keeping yourself in that cage so you don't misbehave. Can't abide that colt. Not one fucking bit. Sloppy dom work on Joss's part. I'll talk to him about it. For now, a little extra credit training. It stays off. You don't cum. Those are the two rules. You cum? You go home in shame. Got it?"

I responded on automatic. "Yes sir. No cumming."

What the fuck!? Oh damn. I am way out of my element.

For a few seconds I had no idea what was happening as my mind raced. Then something new. I felt the rubber slip over my head, the feeling was very foreign as I had no mane. It was a mask. I was being fitted with a mask. I accidently struggled for a moment, then felt the pain. My nuts were yanked down so hard I cried out in pain.

"Don't struggle bitch. God you're such a whiny little mare aren't you!?"

I stilled myself only with an iron will as the equine mask was put over me. I couldn't see, and the muzzle felt odd. Then I realized why. I'd only seen it once before in a magazine. A combination gag and gas mask. I huffed a little getting used to the thing. My breathing was restricted a little, but not overly so. Suddenly there was a metallic clank as I was wrenched around, the sound of chains sliding into loops could be heard. Something clamped on my legs and my wrists.

In one disoriented moment I lost all balance and flailed as I was hoisted up. My arms splayed back and up as my legs did as well. I was hung belly and cock down like a side of beef. I shifted a little trying to get comfortable. No dice.

"Ah...there we are."

Then there was a painful metallic clank and cold metal touched my balls. I got hard immediately for the first time in months. For once my cock was free and it swelled. I could feel my medial ring. I'd missed being able to feel it. I huffed through the restrictive mask a little counting in my head trying to calm myself. I could NOT cum.

That didn't stop the flow of pre.

"Fuck, horny little shit aintcha?" The cat chuckled and I felt a claw run down my cock to the flare. There was another odd sensation as something was hooked to my cock. I felt a few more odd sensations as things were added to my body. There was something strapped around my waist. Then something else around my crotch and front that had a definite heft to it.

Then for the first time all day I heard a familiar sound. The sound of lube being applied to something. Any excitement I had at first melted away though as something was inserted into my ass. It was thin and a little bulbous at the tip.

I nickered a little in disappointment. Frank either didn't hear, or didn't care. Suddenly there was an odd feeling inside my ass. Realization dawned on me. This was one sick fucker.

"Don't cum now boy, remember what I said."

The metallic rod began to vibrate deep inside of me.

I cursed myself. I'd thought I was ready. Oh fuck no. I was nowhere near ready for Frank. How could I have thought I'd be ready? Panic flooded me. I shunted it away and breathed deeply. I began to struggle and for once I began to think of my safe word. Shame filled me. Utter shame at being so weak as to even think about it.

There was a soft indistinct sound but all of a sudden I felt warm, and familiarity filled me again. Then I smelled it. Oh fuck....thank fucking god. I sucked in a lungful of the chemicals, a slight burn making me cough a little.

"Easy colt. Easy now. Just a little to take the edge off."

I relaxed at the sensation and light headed feeling as the chemicals filled me. I shifted again feeling my body sag and relax. There was a chuckle and I felt my cock spurt pre. It was a lot more than I usually made. If my eyes had been visible they would have crossed in pleasure.

"Ahhhh such a good colt. See? I'm not that bad. Not all the time. Now....tell me colt. Ever hear of the Cowper's gland?"

I couldn't speak, I just shook my head no. The chemical smell in the mask abated a little but I didn't care. This was feeling so good all of a sudden.

The chuckle oozed smugness. "Well, I'm not going into the full medical background, but I'll tell you what they are for. Seminal fluids. The other thing I'll tell you. Stimulating them causes you to pre like mad. That's what I'm doing. In a way I'm milking you. And you equines, well, you have bigger glands than anyone except bulls, and you precum a lot. So..."

There was a slight tugging on my cock and I felt air for a second then another weight. "Wow, a full ten ounces already? I'm impressed son. This is so going to come in handy."

A few minutes later and a few more tugs and the rod was removed. An electrical motor whirred a little and I felt myself lower. "Ahhh...see? It was my idea to hold the ceremony here, so I get dibs."

I hadn't heard the cat lube up his paw, but suddenly I felt three fingers ram into my ass. Oh fuck it hurt. And it felt good. And it hurt. And it felt good. FUCK! I'm always tight in the morning, and the little probe hadn't helped. I whinnied in pain a little and struggled. There was a sharp pain as my balls were pulled on again.

"Little fucking mare, shut the fuck up already. Damn you're a whiny little cunt aren't you?"

The paw landed heavily on my ass and then pain lanced my right cheek as claws dug into my flesh. I had no idea if blood was dawn, but damn they hurt. I shuddered and tried to stay still as my hole was roughly opened. Frank was not gentle now. He may have been gentle while milking me, but he had no such side at the moment and I felt off balance.

A soft breeze and sound met my ears. I could hear muttering. Someone had opened the door to this room. "What?" Frank sounded royally pissed.

"Just...ah...checking boss..."

The voice quavered a little and the door slammed.

I felt the claws rake across my back. Pain blossomed along my spine. He'd drawn blood this time and I felt pure fear. He'd marked me. Oh fuck, he'd marked me!

"Damnit! Fucking DAMNIT!" The snarl was loud, and my weight was shifted as suddenly I felt Frank drive his cock as deep as he could into my ass. I shuddered as the barbs pricked a little on entry. He was fucking thick. He wasn't long, but damn he could give....

"Fucking ass made me mark you boy!"

I'd been marked. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.

The cat pulled back. I tried to scream around the gag in my muzzle and shivered as the thick rod pulled back, the barbs scraping my ass raw.

There was a snarl and I felt teeth sink into my shoulder. Thankfully he didn't draw blood, but he definitely bruised. He began to thrust into me. I huffed into the mask a few times and then my head swam again as chemicals assaulted my sinuses. Ahhhhh fuck. My insides turned to butter. I wished I had purchase with my hooves so I could push back. I mewled a little into the gag. It came out as a squeal.

"Oh fuck. Such a sweet sound little horse. Do it again."

There was a huge thrust into my abused rear as it burned in pain and desire. I didn't even have to be asked. The sound escaped from my throat around the gag.

"Ahhhh fuck..."

He pounded me, each pull back was agony, but each push forward was pure pleasure. Oh I've taken fists and horse cock, but the barbed sensation was new. It felt so good, so wonderfully good.

Guilt flooded me. All I could see in my mind was his face. His strong black equine face. Those brown eyes, hard, and forgiving as required. The strong arms around me at night. The whispered kind words. Tears flooded my eyes under the mask and I felt my chest tightened.

I missed him. I missed him with all my being at that moment. I wanted nothing more than for him to be here for me. To be with me. It was hard. It was so hard. I began to cry. Frank just cursed at me.

"Are you fucking crying!? What? All sad that I'm making you feel so much better than Joss does?"

There was a self-satisfied smirk in the tone. I huffed again as he pounded me hard, the squeal of pleasured pain escaping around the plastic gag.

Suddenly the rhythm increased and I felt it. Hot warm cum filled my ass. He thrust a few more times into me until suddenly I felt the barbs pull free. There was some shuffling and then rank smell of feline cum filled the mask along with the chemicals of my favorite poppers.

I shifted again, I could feel my cock leaking pre. I arched my back trying to ease the discomfort to no avail. A shift of air pressure around my body fur and I heard voices again. Most of them were muffled. Then worse piled on top of worse. The chemical smell left my muzzle but the cum remained, and I could smell it then. Coffee.

I would have been making him his coffee right now. Making certain his Mozart was playing in the house. My hooves on the ceramic tile in the kitchen. The leather harness holding my chest tight. My mind filled with a million images of him. His smell, his touch, his rough commands. But it was the smell of coffee that hurt worse than anything. Frank could have come in and disemboweled me at that moment and I would have felt that it would have been my just deserts. I'd enjoyed the rough fucking. The torture. The hot feel of Frank's cum in my ass, but this. This was worse.

"Ahhhh...yes. Nice and ready boys. Give me a hand now."

It was Jason. I heard the mule clop in. His paw stroked my ass and I felt a finger test my ring. It was a little swollen from the barbs. The sensation stopped and after a moment or two I felt the shackles on my ankles and wrists release. I was lowered slowly to my hooves. The mask stayed on for only a second more.

Finally I blinked in the soft light letting my eyes adjust. Jason stood at me beaming. A few furs behind him. Bull, Dobie, and, equine. I paid them no real attention.

"Hrm, been with Frank, and only one claw mark little horse. Not bad. He told me it wasn't your fault. You should be proud, but the time for gloating is later."

The metal collar was removed from my neck and I was entirely nude again. Only for a second. I had no time to react again. Damn but these guys moved fast. If I'd still had a mane it would have bristled. They put a feral bridle on me. With a bit. A fucking metal bit.

I didn't move. Not one muscle. I involuntarily lapped at the unfamiliar sensation of metal near my teeth, but settled and ducked my head.

There was a snap and I felt a lead being clipped to the leather on my face.

Jason beamed. "Come on little horsey, time for us to have our morning ride."

I kept my eyes down, and only registered I stepped outside because of the change in temperature and the sound of feral horses in the distance. I could hear another set of hooves and some foot pads as the other furs followed us out to the barn.

I stared a little confusedly at the contraption in the middle of the straw covered floor. It was a saddle. Sort of. It had straps and hooks, and I realized it was designed so that someone could be strapped to it. I gingerly stepped over and bent my lithe frame over where the pommel would have been. Jason secured a few straps. Two for my wrists which were pinned under my chest, one around my waist. Then he pulled out an iron spreader bar, clamping my ankles at shoulder width.

"'re here to serve the ranch. As such, you serve the ranch hands as well. Norman, Ray, and Seth here have a hankering for pony tail. Don't you boys?"

There was a chorus of laughter and one voice pipped up. "What about muzzle? Pony muzzle is just the best!"

A glance over my shoulder and I shuddered a little. It was Ray. The fucking bull. He was huge. He worked here at the ranch. Muscular, long brass tipped horns, black pelt, a huge set of calf makers, and a fat cock.

"Of course Ray. Of course. Who's first?" Jason brayed a chuckle at the assembly. I wasn't surprised when ray walked over. He didn't even ask, he just walked over. He was naked. Jeez didn't these guys ever wear clothing?

I hadn't a single moment to contemplate that as bull musk assaulted my muzzle. I inhaled deeply. Ray smelled just like I'd always imagined. Sweet and only a little funk. For all that he was a dom, he was rather gentle. What he lacked in being harsh he made up for in confidence. He didn't say or ask me anything. He stepped up to my muzzle. I didn't disappoint and opened.

The warm flesh slid against my tongue and I heard him low a little. The sweat smell of bull filled my senses as his thick cock gently slid a little in and out. He wasn't hard yet. I knew that not only by texture but from seeing him before. He gave master a run for his money! He didn't stay soft for long. I kept my nose pressed firmly into his sheath, his warm balls rubbing against my chin.

Suddenly my leg jerked as someone's muzzle met my tail. It was the Dobie. Ron. That was his name. I met him once before. He worked here on his days off. He was a doctor. Loved the ranch life and spent a lot of time with Jason and Frank.

I had the distinct pleasure of hearing the dog snort.

"Ugh. Cat. Fuck."

I wanted to chuckle. I almost did. No. No that would be bad. I already had a mark. Oh fuck. Oh fuck the mark....what am I going to...

My hole was prodded roughly by a clawed finger and I realized Ron was cleaning me out.

"Disgusting. Pass me the applicator."

Suddenly I felt metal press against my sore ring and my hole was bathed with warm lube. I could have shouted with relief as the stuff acted like the most expensive balm, soothing my aching rear. Then my nose twitched. That wasn't lube. Wait....

It was my pre. The precum Frank had collected before. I whimpered. Ray groaned in front of me and I began to pay a little more attention. His cock was thickening quickly. I shifted my muzzle a little and felt his large mit grip my head. He shuffled a little.

"Fuck....ah yes little pony."

His voice wasn't deep oddly enough. Who would have thought a big guy like him would be a tenor? Suddenly I realized what was going on and drew in a huge breath. The bull pressed forward, impaling me on his cock just as the Dobie pressed forward. Ron. Right Ron.

The canine's cock was warm, almost hot against my skin as he pushed on. I writhed a little at the sensation. I wracked my brain and realized. This was my first spit roast. I actually felt a little proud.

For once second.

"Ah!" The bull cock was pulled out of my throat.

The fist came down between my ears. "Teeth! Damnit!"

I saw stars for a second, but only a second as the cock was shoved back in. I sucked in supplication, apologizing with my mouth, but not with words.

It was an odd sensation, and one that actually required a lot of work. I felt the Dobie work me over pretty well, and I had to concentrate on giving good muzzle to Ray. Once in a while the bull would grip my head tightly, a silent signal he was about to give that fat cock down my throat.

I heard the artificial shuttle click as someone took a pic. I began to feel uneasy, but went with it.

"Ahhhh here we go. Having fun, wish you were here. X-O-X-O Your Little Slut."

Jason chuckled. "Frank! Where did you get his phone from?"

The feline chuckled. "Little shit left it on the front seat of his truck. Bet he gets a whipping when he gets home."

There was a gusty sigh.

Suddenly I was brought back to reality as I felt a knot press insistently against my hole. I'd taken fists. Knots? I'd never been knotted bef....

"AAAAH!" I cried and whinnied at the same time as the grapefruit sized bulb was rammed into me, my ass spreading wide. I almost came right there. The force this canine came with was impressive. I could feel his hot cum spread out inside me.

Ray gripped my head one last time and shoved forward, his cock began to gush his seed out as he shoved it down my throat. I gagged a little as some of the thick hot cream spurted into my mouth, but I quickly swallowed.

"Ahhhh fuck...pony!" The bull bellowed some more. I swallowed again trying to breathe around the cum covered cove in my throat. My head felt a little light, but finally the rod was removed.

I had only a moment to realize I'd just serviced two furs at once as I heard an evil chuckle behind me. It was Frank. "Hrm, where's the record button. Ah here we go. Alright you two, I'm ready."

Dual hoof beats filled my ears and I felt blunt teeth nip my ears. "I saw that little show you did at the branding ceremony, and I also heard you like to take fists. What about two equines?"

I shuddered. It was Jason. Oh he was not as harsh as Frank, but I was about to find out that didn't mean he wasn't persistent. I was used to horse cock filling my ass, and I knew Jason had a pretty impressive piece. But then, I realized so did Mel. The other Equine. He was supposedly straight. Supposedly. Not today it seemed. I didn't think about it.

Jason slid forward, his flare pressing harshly against my abused and cum covered ring. "Ah thanks!" Jason huffed, there was a squelching noise.

"Ahhh that's right, rub that colts pre into my cock Mel....don't forget yours."

Ohfuck. Right. My own cum. Oh.

I felt the flare press against me again and I bucked a little as it popped in.

"Ahhh. Only an equine can really know how to take another equine." Jason huffed. There was a snort next to him. "Stop hogging him Jas. Come on!"

It was Mel. The roan equine was handsome and, it seemed, impatient. Jason huffed.


I felt the straps loosen, and I was brought over to a bale of hay before I knew what was going on. A little shuffling and Mel laid down. Jason put me in place to ride him face to face. I obediently lowered myself down feeling the thick flare press into me. I only had a moment to adjust when a second flare pressed against me.

"It's-not-gay-it's-not-gay-it's-not-gay" Mel kept repeating to himself. I felt a little smug until that second flare pressed into me.


I slapped my paw over my muzzle. I saw Frank out the side of my vision as he pointed my own camera at me. I ducked my head. The phone beeped in the feline's paw. I'd gotten a message.

The cat chuckled.

"Ohhhhh he's pissed."

Any wonder I had about that statement was stilled as both equines pushed into me.

"Ahhhhh fuck....tooo...tooo thick....noooo."

I could feel my guts spread open. Fists are a little more agile, these equine rods were unforgiving.

"Shut up you little bitchy mare!"

The slap came out of nowhere as Frank's paw hit my ass. Again I felt stung in more than one way. That was his mark they had slapped. They slapped his mark. MY mark. I scrunched my eyes tight. My cock was rock hard. Mels paw reached forward to my thick rod and stroked it.

I came. I came hard. It only took that one stroke and I was a gonner. I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"No no no no fuck!!!!"

My cum rained down over me. The thick liquid poured out of my obscenely flared cock. I was crying. I was fucking crying. I was a cummy mess. I sobbed as both equines finally rammed home. One brayed, the other whinnied. I could not have cared less.

Towels roughly scrapped the cum off of me. Only a few words registered.

"What did I fucking tell you Mel!? I told you NOT to touch and what did you fucking do!?"

It didn't matter. I'd disobeyed. I'd cum without permission. I'd get the 'X' for sure. There was some more heated discussions but I just sat there. The sound of tires on gravel woke me a little and I glanced over.

There he was. In the convertible. I watched as he stood up, tall, proud, dark. His eyes locked onto mine. He stalked over quickly. The voices stopped. Even Frank went silent. He walked over to me and looked into my eyes. I couldn't meet his gaze. He nodded once. "Get in the car."


I stared out the window on the way home. After I got in the car, I didn't say a word. It was a long drive and the sun was down by the time we pulled in front of the house. He'd spent a long time talking to Frank and Jason before getting into the car with a bag. He only glanced at me once in a while, his expression neutral.

I covered myself in the robe he'd brought, and I shuffled into the house, dropping the robe once inside. He stood there in his jeans and white dress shirt. Never before had I been so glad to see him, but I couldn't meet his eye.

I dropped to my haunches completely nude. I still stank of cum.


His voice was rich and deep. It was both filled me with desire and fear at the same time. There were no more secrets between us, not after so long.

"I...I came sir." My voice was so soft even I had trouble hearing it.

"Yes, I heard. And the text?"

He shoved his phone in front of me. I saw myself there, trussed up, one Dobie railing me, one bull feeding me. Cock was on the menu big time, the serving platter, one sad and pathetic gold furred no-maned and no-tailed equine.

"Frank sent it." My voice refused to get any louder. He nodded again.

"And this?"

I watched as the video of be being railed by two equines played in front of me, a horrible reminder of my double stuffing.


He walked around me. "What happened to your mane, tail, and why do you have mark on your back?"

I explained all of it. I felt like absolute shit. I wasn't worthy to be anyone's sub, much less his. He stood in front of me, and his hand rested between my ears where my mane and forelock used to be. I didn't even try to stop myself. I nuzzled into his crotch then. I could smell him. I could finally smell my stallion.

"And did you use your safe word?"

"'m sorry."

His hand stilled.


"I said I'm sorry, I should have."

I felt the tears begin anew. I had no idea how I was going to pack everything up and leave. I guess I could move in with....

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong."

I stopped. He chuckled a little.

"Mad!? Hell no Son, I'm proud! You endured far more than you thought you'd have to, and you stuck with it. You had conflicting orders, and did what you thought would please me best. You stuck to the agreement we had with Frank and Jason, and did anything and everything within your power to abide by their rules, and the rules I set you. They took your cage off, fine. You should probably be trained properly anyway. Frank scratched you when he got distracted. You didn't do anything to earn that. And Mel making you cum? Well, lets just say he's not welcome back. Frank acted out of passion, Mel was stupid."

" aren't mad sir?"

He knelt down and pulled me close to him, my muzzle fit perfectly between his thick pecs. I sighed and smelled his earthy scent.

"No Son, I'm so very proud. Come here."

He led me through the house to his office. I stood mutely and watched as he fiddled with applications and accounts. He finally logged in to and wrote up a post and hit submit before I could really realize what he'd done.

He pulled me over and I looked at the screen. It was a full post detailing everything I'd been through. It had the pic posted at the top of me being spit roasted, followed by an embedded video of my being stuffed by two equines. The title made me laugh a little, but it was the final line that made everything better.

"I am one proud dad today. Son-5, Doms-0. Son FTW!"

I flung my arms around his proudly arched neck and kissed him on his muzzle.

"Ah nuff mushy crap for me son" He stood up and pushed me toward the bedroom, one paw between my shoulder blades.

"Let's get you showered and into bed. I think maybe I should read to you tonight. A little dad son time? It's a good story too. It's one we haven't done yet."

I just nickered at him and felt a million times better. Intense sessions were one thing, but sometimes it's the rest and recuperation after that was the best part. He was proud of me. He was proud of his son. And I couldn't stop thinking about the title.

"My Son - The Loaner."

God I hated puns.