Jack Hopps Chapter 3 Part 1 of 3 (A Zootopia Story)

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#11 of Zootopia Porn Stories

Chapter 3 Animopolis Paradise Part 1 of 3

Jack: Are we there yet Mom?!

Bonnie: Another hour fluffles, why don't you go up and down the train.

Jack: Ok!

Stu: Just make sure you don't get lost!

Jack nodded and dashed down the carriage, he dodged numerous large animals that would block a normal size animal.

Jack: He ha! Being small is cool, I wonder what I can find.

Jack had kept running until he hit a small figure <boof!>.

Jack: Ouch! I'm sorry!

The figure turned around, he was a tiger about a child age and stood with an aggressive expression.

Tiger: Watch it rabbit! Unless you want to end up as dead meat I suggest you back off!

Jack: I'm sorry sir! I ummmm...

Tiger: No excuses! If I catch you knocking me again I'll tear you open and eat you!

Jack: <cries> I'm sorry!

Tiger: Ha ha! Figures, dumb prey!

Jack sat on the floor and panicked! The tiger walked off struting with a displeasing attitude

Jack: Why was he mean I didn't hurt him intentionally.

Jack walked slowly drying the tears from his face with his ears. The young rabbit had came across a bathroom with two kids walking into it.

Jack: Huh, what are they doing?

Jack creps up to see a fox being helplessly beat up.

???: Where is it!

Fox: I couldn't afford it <whimpers>.

The figures appeared to be the tiger Jack bumped into, a lion and a zebra.

Zebra: That is pathetic, and you call yourself a predator! That expression makes me want to...

Jack: Makes you want to what!

The bullies turned around.

Lion: Beat it kid!

Zebra: Looks like we have a tiny little wabbit here to save the day.

Tiger: Boss that's the kid that bumped into me.

The zebra looked at the tiger and faced back at Jack.

Zebra: Who cares, he ain't gonna do much.

Jack: Leave him alone! I won't ask you twice!

Zebra: He ha ha! Boys ruff him up!

The lion and tiger crack their knuckles <creck!>.

Lion: Prepare yourself for the might of...

The door swung open and a conducter came in, he was a cheetah with a deep navy blue suit.

Conducter: Alright kids I saw whats going on!

Zebra: Whaa! What!

Conducter: Camera's! Get out of here!

The bullies darted off, they scampered off inopposite directions.

Jack: Thank you!

The conducter smiled.

Conducter: No problem. But lets get you cleaned up, hey whats your name?

Jack: Jack Hopps!

Fox: I'm Toby Hunt.

Jack: Hi nice to meet you!

Conducter: You two come with me, I'll take you back to your parents.

The conducter took Jack and Toby to Bonnie and Stu.

Bonnie: Jack, who are these?

Conducter: Mam this rabbit stood up for this kid here as he was being bullied.

Stu: Who would do that?!

Conducter: Pesky kids! Take care, this boy Jack is a hero!

Jack smiled, he sat back down as the train whistle blew <whooop!>.

Bonnie: We are here at last.

Jack: Yay! Animopolis!

Stu grabbed the suitcases and lifted them from the rack.

Stu: Ok kiddo. Go and help Mom lift some bags.

Jack: Will Animopolis be great!

Bonnie and Stu: Better!