
Story by London79 on SoFurry

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"Are you ready, Motor City!" I yell

as thousands of furs cheer in front

of the stage "Great!"

I shout into the microphone before me

"This is our first gig, so be patient"

I look outward to the stoned crowd

the lead guitarist in our band hits a power cord and the first song begins

"This is a number entitled You Are" I mumble

suddenly the bass chimes in along with the drums

I feel pumped and excited

I start to bob my head in time with each thud of the skins

I thrust my fists in the air and stomp around

grabbing the microphone and stand with my paws

I lean in "Alright!" and back away

smiling I take to the mic again

with power and emotion I belt

"What is it that you know, turn around and there you go! why is it you are here-

blinding all these Fur with fear , take the time to pass him by soon or later your a- gonna die."

my smiling widens as the others lay the pace

chugging along the beat never slows never stops

I grasp the microphone again "Smoking,drinking baby sleeping away in the cot-

slowly destined for to rot on the moon gonna see you soon crackle jackle

break your backle down in the dumps gonna cheer you up."


I swing from left to right side to side...


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