Tales of Japer IV

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#4 of Tales of Jasper

Jasper woke early, once again bounding with gleeful energy. He felt astounding and his tail

thwacked his bed with utter glee. He wondered why he felt so good the past couple of days,

and he slowly rose from his bed, practically humming. He quickly showered, ate breakfast,

and again had spare time in the morning, which was something he was not used to. He

played his game again and then ran off to the bus stop to return to school for the next day.

As he boarded the bus he saw that Naila was not in her usual seat and Jack was sitting on

his own in the back. It did not occur to him what could be the cause of her absence, so he

sat down next to Jack and smiled, letting out a little purr, just from the sheer happiness

coursing through his body.

"Hey, Jack! How are you today?" Jasper asked as his tail flicked about.

"I am very good, Jazz. Apparently there was some blood and such on Naila's uniform so she

couldn't come today. Her mom was grilling her about where the blood came from and she

just did not have any idea. So, I gave her a little money to get it dry cleaned today. She will

be back in a couple of days. They are really strict on uniform rules, and Naila said she

wanted to take a couple of days off from school. She seemed really happy, sorta like you

this morning. What happened?" Jack asked, crossing his arms.

"I don't know... I just feel good," Jasper said blushing a little.

"Well, either way, Naila did want me to give you a note, so here you go," Jack said, fishing in

his pocket for a moment before drawing out a small lacy envelope, "Just because she doesn't

have cooties doesn't mean that you can fall in love with her."

Jasper blushed deeply as Jack spoke, curious of this feeling called 'love'. He did not

understand it, knowing two things. He loved his mother, and he felt a strange feeling when he

thought about Naila. It had never really occurred to him before, as she was always the one to

tease him. He sighed as he thought on her words again; they were haunting him.

"Jack... do you think that Naila and I will grow up to be a mommy and daddy?" Jasper

suddenly asked softly, wanting his friends opinion on the tangent to the haunting words.

"Maybe..." Jack said with a sudden burst of laughter, stopping for a moment to speak and

hear a response, "Are you really in love with Naila?"

"I-I don't know... I am just a kid!" Jasper said rubbing the back of his ear as Jack burst out

with laughter again, "Plus my momma loves me."

"Hmm... I never really thought about it like that... My mom loves me too," Jack replied


Jack had the most normal family, though his was the most different. His mother and father

worked, and they spoiled their youngest son, while the other siblings went to school, got

grounded, lectured, and had to do all of the chores. Jack loved his whole family, but as he

thought about it he wondered what love really was. He sighed and shrugged.

"Is it normal for me to sleep with my momma sometimes?" he Jasper asked gently.

"Kaya wanted me to sleep in her room once. I don't know why or anything, but she had been

crying and she said she just wanted something warm to cuddle with," Jack said, "But I

haven't slept with my mom since I was four! I suppose we all have our little secrets."

Jasper could not help but let out a little laugh. Yeah, everyone had their secrets... Jasper

gave a special kiss to his mom and was probably the reason Naila missed school. Jasper

wondered if things were really going as well as he felt that the were. He sighed and he would

talk with Jack about the new game he had been playing on the way to school.

After the bell rang, Jack would hurry to class and take a seat eager to read the note that

Naila made for him. He sat with his book up to hide the note and he looked to his teacher

every now and again to attempt to look like he was paying attention. As he read through the

note he blushed deeply, and he thought for a minute, his mind drifting elsewhere for a



I feel so lovely today... How are you feeling? What are you thinking right now? What do you

think of me? I know I am mean to you sometimes, but I really adore you. I want to play

house for real with you. I told Shera about the game and she promised to keep it a secret,

and she said she would help me write a letter to you. I can't wait to see you again! I am

going to kiss you so much.

XoXo Naila

The letter had a pair of lips about her name and Jasper blushed deeply. Shera was a nice

woman, and she was the girl that Jack vowed to marry, even if he had a crush of a girl in the

other class. Shera was a short human girl in high school. She was always nice to Jasper

and Jack when they came over, because Naial did not have a lot of space in her own house,

so Shera let them play at her house. Suddenly Jasper noticed the teacher looking down to

him as he came back to reality.

"Oh how cute!" the blonde teacher said giggling as she reached for the letter, Jaspers large

paws moving to cover it, hiding it almost completely.

Jasper was speechless, not knowing what to say and his teacher just giggled a ditzy

blonde's giggle. Jasper sighed, blushing as everyone turned to look at him, the fur on his face

changing to match the pink panther as his face grew hot. He sighed and put his head down

on his chest while the class stared at him. His teacher would try to pull the attention away

from him, moving back up to the front of the class.

The teacher's name was Ms. Strombrick, and while she was a sociable person, and a decent

teacher, she had some issues of her own. She was doing her best to keep to herself, but her

boyfriend had been a military guy and he ended up sleeping with some woman in some other

country. She dropped him like a sack of bricks and resorted to the kids in her class to keep

her happy. She loved her job, though deep down she may have had some psychological


Ms. Strombrick finished her lesson just on time and the bell for the recess rang. She called

Jasper up to her desk, letting everyone else go. Jack had offered to stay behind, but Jasper

insist that he go have fun outside. Jasper was afraid that he was in trouble for reading the

note in her class, and thus he stood in front of her desk, his chin down and gazing to the

floor. His feet tapped the ground and his tail was hugging his body, his paws wrenching over


"So Jasper... I didn't think you had taken a liking to girls... you never go near them," Ms.

Strombrick said rather friendlily for a punishment.

"Naila is special..." Jasper said softly.

"Oh, so do you like Naila?" she questioned and rested her hand on her chins, her cleavage

showing off to the kitten.

"Naila is one of my best friends," Jasper said shortly.

"Do you need any help writing a letter back to her?"

Instantly Jasper looked up, releasing his tail, and he tilted his head. Was his teacher angry

with him after all? If so... she really did not seem like it. Jasper shrugged his shoulders and

he sighed. He had no way to get it to her anyway... it wasn't like he went to her house that

much. Then again, he could have Shera deliver it since he saw her at the store a lot.

"Yeah!" he said after thinking for a moment, getting exticed.

With that Jasper spoke his mind to the teacher and she reformed his words into a poetic

letter to Naila. Jasper was crawling with sudden glee and he smiled to Ms. Strombrick. She

handed him the letter suddenly taking an interest in him. He had no idea what had changed

about him, but he could see that her gaze on him had changed. It was a familiar look, but he

could not quite place it.

"Jasper, you are always a good kitten in class, and you are really sweet to the people around

you. I thought I could reward you, if you wanted. Do you want some milk?" she asked softly.

"No thank you, Ms. Strombrick," Jasper said softly, and he smiled to her.

Ms. Strombrick simply sighed and nodded to him releasing him to finish out his recess, all

five minutes of it anyway. Jasper decided just to move on to the next class, therefore staying

put and he giggled a little as he thought about Naila getting his letter. He couldn't wait for her

to get it, something inside of him stirring in his stomach as he felt all wiggly with excitement.

He sighed and waited for the others to get in from their recess and he smiled, wondering how

he was going to get the letter to Shera.

The English went by quickly, learning about grammar and the like, also Jasper started

reading the romance novel he had picked up earlier and he found himself relating to the main

characters, caught in a strange position. He wondered if he was in love with his mother, or

with Naila. He had no idea what love was supposed to feel like, and he really hadn't

witnessed much of it, only knowing that lovers kissed a lot... or at least Jack's parents did.

Naila's parents argued a lot but they never yelled or got violent, and he had even seen them


Once English was over science began and it was the start to a very strange session for

Jasper. Apparently they had to get some permission slips signed to learn about sex-ed. Not

only that, but they had a new teacher. She was a dragoness, and was much much larger

than any of the students. She could probably easily eat one of them in a couple of bites, but

the science room at least accounted for her size. She was a full white dragon and she

demonstrated breathing a frosty solution, which entertained the children in the class.

"I am Miss Felicia Adams... I am going to be your new science teacher from now on, as your

old one had an unexpected accident and he went to the happy place in the sky..." she said

looking up and sighing as if daintily remembering their old teacher.

Miss Adams was a large white dragoness, with a perfect coat of scales. One could not tell

by looking but they were smooth and even a little soft. Jasper had always heard that dragon

scales were hard and sharp, but maybe she was an exception... or maybe she was just

weird. The new teacher was a strange one, eccentric, cheerful, and she seemed to be a little

too touchy with the boys in class. She had been there only a day and she was already

hugging the kids with her tail and teasing them as if she had known them for a while. Jasper

wondered if they principal had been forced into hiring her, since the kids could easily be food

for her. Though it was weird that she claimed she was a vegetarian, only eating chicken and

fish as an exception.

The school day ended and Jasper hurried onto the bus to head home. He asked if the bus

driver would drop him off at Naila's but he told Jasper no. He knew Shera had a little brother,

but he did not know him all that well, and he was always hiding whenever Jasper went over to

his house. He had barely even remembered that she had a little brother and he looked to the

boy who was sitting on his own in a bus seat. He also noticed that Jack was not riding the


"Hey, kid," Jasper said his bus stop approached, "Give this to your big sister, and tell her to

give it to Naila."

Jasper forced the frilly letter into the boy's hand and Jasper hurried off the bus, wondering

why Jack wasn't taking the bus home. Quickly, Jasper ran home to complete his homework

and give his mother the permission slip. He hurried inside and smiled happily, hearing his

mom in the kitchen. She came from the kitchen quickly and looked down to Jasper tilting her

head as she scooped him up and pressed her nose to his neck to kiss him, greeting him

with words of affection.

"Mommy! How are you today?" he asked happily, his tail swaying behind him as his mother

held him in her arms.

"My precious son, I can smell your little friend all over you," she said softly.

"I kissed Naila... a special kiss..." he said blushing and his mother squeezed him gently.

"Oh yeah? What did she say?" Gliss asked softly, and she lapped over the top of his muzzle

affectionately, carrying him into the kitchen and sitting him down.

"Naila, was happy."

"Jasper... I love you, my son... please don't leave me," Gliss said feeling a little threatened by

the news he had given her.

"I love you to mommy," he said softly, and he would lean back in his seat and he smiled up

to her.

"Do you want some more of that special treat?" she asked.

"Yeah!" he cried happily, his tail swaying behind him.

It didn't even occur to Gliss that he could have yiffed with Naila. Gliss figured she was too

young for them to do so. Little did she know... Jasper watched Gliss as she stripped off her

police uniform and draped it over her arm. She beckoned Jasper to follow her, and he happily

obliged her. He followed her up the stairs and to her room moving after her and he watched

her as she sat on the bed, her legs spread wide, her uniform placed at the foot of the bed.

"Come here, Jazz," she said softly, and he moved over to her happily.

"If you want more, you have to promise not to get any from Naila, okay?" Gliss said pulling

Jasper up into her lap and stitching behind his ears.

"How come I can't have any from Naila?" he asked softly, tilting his head as he looked up to


"This is a special treat that I will only share with you... if Naila also shares hers with you,

then it means that she loves you," Gliss replied, trying to find a way to explain it to him.

Jasper purred and nodded to her for a moment, not really saying anything. He wanted to take

his mother's treat again. He dropped down out of her lap and he pressed his muzzle up to

her sex and he nudged his muzzle against her, slipping his rough tongue between his lips

and out over her skin. Gliss gasped as his tongue making contact, forgetting about the

promise she wanted him to have for a moment. She clutched at his ears, and he let out a cry

against her, making her body tremble.

"Oh... Jazz..." she sighed and he continued licking over her gently, smelling her scent getting

stronger with each lick until finally a little fluid came out.

"Mommy... I want more..." he said against her and he forced his tongue into her sex, parting

her labia and lapping against her silk walls.

Gliss gently bucked her hips forcing his muzzle a little more against her as her fluids started

to pour. She moaned out, releasing his head for a moment and clutching at the comforter,

resisting the desire to thrust her hips up against his lapping muzzle. He was igniting a deep

lust inside of her and she wanted to feel him deeper.

"Fuck... Jazz... keep that up..." she cried, moaning to his deeper lapping, gripping the

bedding and piercing it with her claws.

Jasper did not say anything and he forced his tongue as deep as he could, slurping her

nectar up and loving the taste he desired. He felt something stir within him and he lapped

faster into her, making her grasp his head again forcing his muzzle a little ways into her

forcing him to breath through his mouth as her juices coated his nose. She could not help

the thrusts of her hips as she forced his muzzle deeper.

"Mmm," he moaned into her wet feline cunny as she held his head against her.

Gliss moaned deeply as she forced herself up and down over his muzzle hardly granting him

a breath, her lust burning more intensely with the cries of her son into her wet sex. He got

just enough air to continue, drinking down the nectar she was spilling over and into his

muzzle. He needed her taste and he gripped his claws into her legs wrapping his arms

around them without thinking. She cried out and released his head for a moment as she felt

the claws pierce her flesh.

"Jasper!" she cried out.

Jasper instantly stopped lapping at her and looked up to her, releasing his grip on her. He did

not mind his mother forcing her delicious pussy over his muzzle and he looked to her with

hazy eyes. She pet over his head and started rubbing her clit, not wanting him to stop at all,

and she moaned with her stimulation against herself.

"Don't stop... please... more Jazz," she whined and grasped his head with her free paw,

directing his muzzle to her again.

"Mom~" he mewled against her lapping frantically against and into her, making her back arch

some as she thrust his muzzle back into her glistening, hot crevice. Jasper could feel her

tension building as it clutched over his muzzle making it harder to lick inside of her. He knew

the flood it brought at the end and it only made him more determined as he started bobbing

his head forward and forcing his tongue and muzzle into her.

Gliss felt herself breaking over her precious son's muzzle and she bucked her hips hard

against him, making him bite his tongue and cry out into her as she orgasmed over his

muzzle. The flood of her juice was worth it to Jasper and he gulped as much of it down as he

could, a little of his blood dripping from his maw as he drew out of her, seeing a slight string

of blood, mixed with her nectar between his muzzle and her pussy.

Jasper purred softly, and he felt hot, feeling the want to yiff his mother harder than he had

done before. He rose over her and she squished him against herself.

"Oh... Jazz..." she panted... that felt so good..." she mewled to her son, and pet over his ears.

"Momma... I want more... I feel hot," he said softly.

Suddenly, there was a ring at the doorbell, and Gliss looked down to her son, and then to the

door, of her room. If it was an antrho... they would think she had just pleasured herself, if it

wasn't... then she was in the clear. Regardless, she rose making Jasper wait. It was as if

she knew who was at the door, or that she had done something wrong, but Jasper was to

wound up in his desire for his mother that he held her tightly, making her force him down.

"I am sorry, son... I cannot relieve you right now," Gliss said softly, "I will be right back."

Jasper whined and he rise lapping his muzzle clean and he went off to take a shower. He

was happy he had gotten the treat, but he felt the need for something else. He sighed

figuring he would not be able to have it. Either way, he turned on the hot water, washing off

any evidence of him tasting his mother's sweet nectar. To his surprise, the company had

stayed and he moved down the stairs, only in his fur.

"Hey, Jasper!" his dragoness of a science teacher called out to him as he came down the


"Miss... Adams?" he asked slowly, looking to her.

"Anyway... I was going around and meeting my student's parents, and getting their

permission slips," Felicia said to Gliss and she nodded, having apparently having had some

sort of conversation.

"So, they are teaching sex-ed to third graders now, huh?" Gliss asked shaking her head.

'Yes, ma'am. If you do not want him to go through it yet, you can just waive him from the

class," Felicia replied.

"Well, it is probably better that he learns it anyway..."

"Probably..." Felicia said nodding, then looked to Jasper, "He really is a good kid, he is nice

to the others in class, but he seemed a little out of it today, wriggling in his seat like it was

an electric chair. Have you done your homework?"

Jasper shook his head, blushing as he thought about the class, knowing he was just on

edge because he was excited to hear back from Naila. He hurried to his bag and he carried it

back up the stairs and he would set his bag down in his room to do his homework. Gliss

followed up after him after Felicia left, and luckily Jasper's heat had faded. Gliss moved up

behind him as he worked at his desk, and she wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you, my son... " she said softly, simply watching him and nuzzling against him.

"I love you to mommy," he said happily and he leaned back, nuzzling back against her.

"I have to go to work again, son... I am sorry," she said softly.

"Okay, mommy. Will I see you tomorrow?" he asked softly.

"I am sorry... son... tomorrow I have a long shift with the police... I was assigned to a special

case..." she said kissing his muzzle gently and he purred gently.

"Okay... I love you momma... have fun at work," he said happily and he turned to wrap his

arms back around her and lapped over her muzzle happily before she let go of him to head off

to her other job. Jasper played his game once he completed his homework and laid down to
