Fifty Shades of Tan: Welcome to Sin City

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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#22 of Fifty Shades of Tan

I wanted to get one more Fifty Shades of Tan done and out of the way for you all before the new year really got started, sort of a major cliff-hanger this time out that I guarantee will leave you hungry for more. ^^ Leilani allows the crafty vixen Trina to talk her into something rather lewd and unexpected.

Things are about to get very hot and wet in Las Vegas...

Leilani will be back in 2017 for more adventures! Thank you also to all the amazing fans who have made the year-long journey, and have made Leilani undoubtedly one of the most popular otters in the fandom. ^^

Icon courtesy of: GoliathWildcat

Trina and I spent a relaxing hour after breakfast enjoying one last swim together before the black vixen sloshed out of the pool naked and used her cell phone to take a few sexy pictures of me in the water. "Otter?" She then held a towel for me while I waded out and she enfolded me in her arms from behind. "Can I come with you? I mean, just for a few days until my next flight." She ran her paws down my breasts slowly and then encircled my tummy. "I'm in Vegas quite a lot and I'd be able to show you all the nice places, and the ones to steer clear of. A pretty angel like you really don't need to be in a den of demons without protection."

I considered the idea of her tagging along and I wish then, as I write this now, I had refused the invitation. "Of course," I said and turned to nuzzle her. "I would love that very much." The idea of a roommate at the Silver Pyramid had not crossed my mind, and I hoped the hotel would accommodate for an additional guest.

But Trina was way ahead of my thinking. "You know, I could get the Pyramid to give us the penthouse suite if ya like." She smiled and, before I could ask what a penthouse suite entailed, snatched up her cell phone and started dialing. I listened curiously as the vixen spoke in hushed tones, but only caught a few sentences. From what I could gather, the individual on the other phone must have owed Trina quite a few favors. I distinctly heard "girlfriend fantasy" mentioned, and waited for the vixen to finish speaking to enquire.

"You're all set, pretty otter," Trina winked as she put the phone down. "Silver Pyramid, penthouse suite, and..." She grinned and walked over to me to loop her arms around my shoulders. "That comes with a private pool."

I nodded, pleased, then asked shyly, "Um...what is a girlfriend fantasy?"

Trina's tail flicked a few times and I thought her blue eyes seemed a bit darker. "Oh that," She let go of me and waved a paw nonchalantly. "That's something my friend does. See, I help him out by finding talent for his shows at the, um...Golden Dragon Casino. He, um, runs, shall we say, a really hot dancing troupe there and we call them Girlfriend Fantasy. They dance on stage then come down and join the audience, and some lucky fellas get to have the dancers as their girlfriends for the night. Costs quite a lot of money though. The dancers clean up that night, for sure. Thousands of dollars, tens of thousands of dollars if they hook a whale."

"A-a whale? Is this an aquatic show...?"

Trina laughed. "No, no, no. A whale is a customer with a lot of money to burn, usually a millionaire or billionaire." She suddenly brightened and she smiled in a way I really did not like. "Hey, but they do have an aquarium there! It's filled with a ton of fish, a pretty otter like you, with your underwater prowess? You'd make my friend the toast of the whole town!"

I was not understanding at all. Or...perhaps I was and beginning to feel afraid. "Y-you want me"

Trina was already on the phone again. "Yeah! How about it? It's just one night, and then you and I can really go all out and paint the town red and gamble and get a couple of hot girls or guys to join us, drink some wine, maybe take everyone back to the pool..." She stopped talking to me and spoke on the phone again. "Hey, it's Trina again. Tell Louie I got someone perfect for his show. No seriously, she'll be the hottest thing in Sin City! A sea otter! Yeah, we can put her in the aquarium! Sure she'll go nude!" She looked back at me and winked even as I stood there, mouth gaping. "Yeah, get the program ready. Name in lights, the whole stick. Leilani of the South Seas! The wettest fantasy in the world! Tell Louie to call me back with a time." She put the phone aside. "You're all set!"

I growled. "I am not!" I dropped the towel and pointed at her. "How dare you insinuate I would partake in something like this without consent! Why would you even think-"

Trina protested and tried to hug me again. "But Leilani, look. You don't understand, sugar. I...I really need you to do this for me." She frowned and walked away a few steps and it looked like she was going to cry. "See, I...I owe Louie, big time. I mean, I'm in a lot of trouble with these people, girl. I borrowed some money from them once and I couldn't pay it back, and they've been threatening me lately, saying they'd hurt me, or go after my family in Denver." Then she sat down on the edge of the pool and sobbed bitter tears. "I-I just...I hoped maybe you could make enough money for me, just one night, a-and I could get out from under Louie and save myself, y'know?"

I sighed and knelt beside her, and inwardly damned myself for having such a good heart. "How much money do you owe this Louie?"

She wiped her eyes. "'bout 15 grand. I figure you doing a show tonight would make the place standing room only, and Louie'd give me a cut of the profits. Plus if anyone was interested in you for a girlfriend fantasy, I'd get a cut of that too."

I still had no idea what to do. "Well, you explained the girlfriend fantasy to me. Are you saying that I choose someone to be his or her girlfriend long?"

"Just one night. We'd start the show early enough for someone to pick you and you'd just have to spend, like, five, maybe six hours with 'em. Then you go home with a lot of cash and you and I spend the rest of the time in Vegas as a team, and we have the best time ever." She quickly turned and grabbed my paws. "What'dya say, Leilani? Will you help me? I did just get you the swankiest suite in Vegas after all."

I looked at the water and suddenly, for some inexplicable reason, wished I were back home in Tahiti and that I had never left there. But my itinerary had already been modified thanks to Trina, and I honestly had no idea what I would be doing in Las Vegas for two weeks anyway. I knew no one. I had never been to the city in my life. I knew of none of the dangers that plagued this place. Now this vixen was offering me an opportunity to make a lot of money, and then have a wonderful time with her friends in the safe confines of a luxurious suite and a swimming pool. All I had to do was dance in the nude in an aquarium, and becomes someone's girlfriend for the night.

I sighed deeply and then nuzzled her cheek and smiled. "Alright, Trina." I had to admit, I was excited about the prospects that lay ahead. "We have an agreement."

It was probably the worst decision I could ever make.

Trina's face broke out into a huge grin and before I could react, she laughed, hooking my shoulders with her arms, and sent us into the pool again with a big splash.


I should have been mesmerized by the bright neon lights, shining signs, and glowing buildings all around me as Trina drove into the heart of downtown Las Vegas, but I felt nothing that early evening but apprehension. I sat in the passenger side seat and fidgeted nervously. Trina looked over at me a few times but said not a word until we drove to the Silver Pyramid - and went right past it.

"Don't worry," Trina said shortly when I pointed out my hotel. "they're keeping the penthouse warm for us. Even getting a lot of hibiscus blooms for the pool to make you feel right at home, sugar. We'll check in there tomorrow morning, I promise." She reached over to hold my paw. "Then you and I will have a great time for two whole weeks."

"Are you not supposed to be flying in a few days...?"

Trina snorted. "Sugar, if we make the type of money I'm hoping tonight, I can kiss that stewardess job goodbye!"

I smiled wryly. While I was pleased that I was making a kind gesture to help a new friend, I could not shake the feeling that there was something not quite right about any of this. Trina's whole attitude had changed since the night before. I feared she no longer cared for me as a lover as much as she did someone who could get her out of trouble. I had been told before to avoid people like that.

"We're here. The Golden Dragon Casino." She drove around to the front door and honked twice. A dark-haired russet vixen wearing a silk blue kimono hurried to the car and opened the door for her. "Just stay here a sec, otter." Trina said as she got out and the other vixen and she conferred out of earshot. The russet vixen shook her head a few times as Trina gesticulated oddly every so often. Finally the two seemed to reach an understanding and my friend walked over to the passenger side door to help me out. "Okay, got your time all set. We need to see Louie first."

As I stepped out, I looked up at the giant glittering marquee above us and gasped at what I saw.

A picture of me floating naked on my back in Trina's pool, and underneath in bold letters: "Leilani of the South Seas! The Hottest, Wettest Fantasy in all of Vegas!"

For a moment I could not speak. I stared at the photo for several seconds before I realized Trina had taken it. Before I could protest further, or angrily scold her for such a rude impropriety, she jerked my paw and led me through the front door, following the other vixen into the casino.

We passed several more flashing lights and a wide assortment of tables and chairs and stools. All around me, the stench of smoke, alcohol, and male musk was evident, and it was difficult to hear anything above the roar of throngs of people everywhere I looked. We then walked past a very large, scenic aquarium teaming with life. Dozens of small to medium-sized fish dashed here and there through an artificial reef, while a large octopus lounged on the gravelly bottom. As we continued walking past, I saw a sting-ray whiz past, nearly knocking into the glass.

Before I could stop to admire the beauty, I was pulled roughly through the rest of the room and down a long hallway, then up a flight of stairs to a large golden door. The two vixens in front of me stopped, and Trina herself knocked.

The door opened to reveal another vixen dressed in a kimono. She brightened when she saw Trina and the three vixens hugged one another. Then Trina grabbed my paw and led me not-so-gently into the room and pushed me towards a desk. Behind it sat a much older fox with grey-fur and a tuft of white fur under his chin. His grey eyes narrowed at Trina then he looked at me and his face softened.

"My, my, my," he said as he carefully stood up with the help of a cane. "Who do we have here?" He smiled and stepped past his desk and up to me. I stood there, in a white sundress and sandals, suddenly terrified beyond all reason. Every nerve in me was tingling now.

Trina cleared her throat and smiled. "This is the otter I told you all about, Louie. What d'ya think? Did I lie? Is she the sexiest thing you ever saw?"

The old fox nodded slowly and ran a spidery paw down my side. His touch was more than revolting, but I reminded myself I was doing a favor for Trina and stayed quiet, as she had instructed earlier in the car. "I think she will do very nicely, yes." To me he asked, "And do you dance well, my beautiful otter?"

I looked at Trina, who nodded, and I answered as kindly as I could. "I do. All of my friends say so. I-" I gasped softly as the fox undid my sundress straps and the material dropped to my feet, leaving me in a bikini top and panties.

"Good, good," Louie smiled and licked his lips. He then untied my bikini top and my breasts were exposed. I stayed as still as I could as the fox touched one of my nipples, and despite the revulsion I felt, it perked up to a hard point. "Oh she is just lovely, Trina. Your best girl yet."

Trina smiled but this time it did not see warm. "I want top dollar on this one, Louie. I gotta ask for more than 25 percent. Let's say 30."

I swallowed hard, looking frightened between the fox and vixen.

Louie slowly nodded. "That's more than fair. We'll put her on after Babette."

Trina grinned and hugged me tightly. "Don't forget, after the show, you're gonna be with someone for a few hours, it's all arranged. Then you'll be taken back to the casino and I'll take you to the penthouse suite, okay?"

No, none of this was okay. The alarm bells were not just ringing, they were jangling incessantly inside my head.

But a promise was a promise. "A-alright," I finally answered.

Trina kissed my cheek, waved and left the room.

I never saw her again.