Interview With the Quarterback

Story by Vantani Fraye on SoFurry

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I used to play football back in high school, so of course I have to write a smut story related to the players. I know, it's an overused subject, but can you blame me for such a thing?

Anyways, leave a comment and let me know what you all think! Hope you all enjoy reading!

I stared at the heavy oak door that led into my boss's office. His name, Shane Liston, was printed across a shiny gold plaque and stuck right in the upper middle of the door. I tapped my nails nervously against my own desk as my office chair squeaked with every swivel. I had less than an hour to talk to him before the work day ended. All the other employees were already starting to pack up their belongings and head home. Not me though.

Three days ago marked the fifth anniversary of working at this company. I had applied to the news and social media company as a journalist fresh out of college, and I was quite surprised when I received a call from the manager himself two days later. No, we're not a multi-million dollar company or anything, but we are the number one local website in the city for news and other articles. As one of the journalists of the company, my job is to go out to any major event in the city, which ranges from new businesses opening to which sports team is playing in the stadium. It's a busy job and you have to be ready to move from one end of the city to another. It's a tight and hectic schedule to keep, but it keeps you busy. Pay is average but what really makes me love this job is working for a guy like Shane. He's a thirty-five year-old wolf who's always in a cheerful mood. He's quite energetic and often tends to speak so fast sometimes he often has to repeat himself a couple of times. Also, just writing articles and interviewing others is quite fun too.

Thirty minutes until it was time to go. I rolled the sleeves of my black dress shirt up past my forearms as I stood up from my chair and exited my cubicle. I walked to the door of Shane's office and hesitated as my paw rested on the wood. Five years was plenty of time to ask for a raise, right? I was making decent money here, but fifteen dollars an hour plus whatever bonus I received from writing my articles was sometimes hard to live on. I figured five years of working here was enough to maybe ask for a small raise. Hell, I'd be happy if it was just a dollar increase. I've never asked such a question to Shane though, so I was a little nervous about how he would respond.

I finally drew a deep breath and knocked on the door gently. The worst thing Shane could say was no. I could live with that.

"Come in."

I slowly turned the door handle and pushed the door open. Shane looked up from his laptop and gave me a smile as I walked into the office and closed the door behind me.

"What you need, fox? Isn't it almost time to get out of here?" Shane asked as he looked at his watch.

"Ah, yes. I just wanted to ask you a quick question." I replied as I clasped my paws behind my back.

"Of course, Vince. What's up?"

"Well, sir, it's been five years since I first started here." I started as I tried to keep my tail still behind me.

"Ah, you're right! I knew I was forgetting something! Well happy five year anniversary! I'm hoping you're not here to resign or anything." Shane chuckled as he leaned back in his chair.

"No, not at all! I love working here." I replied quickly. "It's just that...I was wondering if you would consider about giving me a raise."

Shane looked at me with curious eyes as he rubbed his gray muzzle. "A raise? How much you asking for?"

"Oh, well, that's entirely up to you."

"Well give me a number, fox."

I shifted uneasily on my feet. How much was too much?

" two dollars too much?" I asked.

Shane didn't reply, but instead stood up from his chair and loosened his tie. He walked over to me, a grin spread across his muzzle.

"Tell you what, Vince; I'll increase your pay rate by five dollars if you do me a huge favor."

I blinked in surprise. "F-five? Okay. Yeah, sure. What's the favor?"

"That's what I like to hear. Now listen up. You know how the college football playoff games are coming up soon, right?" Shane asked.

I nodded in reply.

"Great! So I'm sure you've heard they're holding the first game here, right in our city, at our own Fulton Stadium, right?"

"Yeah, I've heard others talk about it."

"So I'm sure you've also heard about how the Arbor Valley Griffons are practicing at the stadium at this very second."

"Ah, no. I didn't know that part." I replied sheepishly.

"Doesn't matter. Now you know. Listen Vince, I have someone who works on the maintenance crew at the stadium. He's there now, and can get you past the security guards at the gate."

"You want me to sneak in to the stadium?" I asked in disbelief.

"Not really sneak in. All you have to do is drive your car up to the gate and Samuelson will be waiting there for you." Shane shrugged. "Anyways, once you're in though, what I really want is an interview from the Griffon's quarterback."

"An interview? From Jaxton? Are you kidding me?" I argued. "How the hell do you think I'm going to get a star quarterback to talk to me?"

"You'll find some way, Vince. You've never let me down before." Shane gave me a firm pat on my shoulder. "You're the best damn reporter I have. If you can't do it, then no one can. Tell you what, just head over there and see what you can do. I don't care if you only get a couple of sentences from the guy. Take what you get and just give it to me tomorrow."

I sighed softly. "Fine. I'll see what I can do. But you know how football players are."

"Yeah, yeah, I know they're just a bunch of arrogant blowhards, but from what I've heard Jaxton is quite a nice guy. Just do what you can, fox."

"You got it. I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks Vince. We'll talk more about this raise of yours tomorrow." Shane replied with a wink. "Now get going. Practice ends around five, I think."

I glanced at my watch and saw it was 4 PM sharp. I nodded and left Shane's office quickly. Not exactly what I had thought was going to happen, but hey, a five dollar raise just to interview some meathead? Easy enough.

I threw my coat on and made my way out of the office building to the parking lot. It was chilly outside, but me being an arctic fox and having a thick winter coat helped me brave the dropping temperature. I made my way to my car and quickly started it up. The stadium was about a ten minute drive from here, possibly twenty minutes because of traffic. I had plenty of time though. This interview wasn't going to last long.

It was half past four by the time I reached the gate to the stadium. A bored looking cougar in a security uniform looked up from his phone and gave me an annoyed look. I waited patiently as the cougar made his way out of the security booth and approached my car.

"Stadium's closed to the public now due to teams practicing." The security guard said as I rolled my window down.

"Uh, yeah. I'm supposed to be here. I'm supposed to meet Samuelson." I replied.

"Oh. So you must be the fox he was talking about. Alright, I'll raise the gate for you. Just don't bother the players or I'll have to kick you out." The cougar replied with little enthusiasm.

I rolled my window up as the feline walked back to his booth and pressed a button. He waved me through as the barrier rose, and I slowly made my way into the almost empty parking lot. I stepped out of my car and pulled my coat tighter around me as I walked towards one of the entrances to the stadium. I could hear the distant shouting echoing down the stadium's corridors. Notebook? Check. Pen? Check. Recorder? Check. I had everything I needed. Time to get me a raise.

I stepped out onto the field and saw the team standing around on the sidelines. They all looked rather dashing in their black and red uniforms. As much as I hated interviewing football players, I couldn't help but think how attractive they could be. I mean, they were all muscular, tall, and that dominant attitude would drive me crazy in bed. I bet they all had a huge sex drive with the amount of testosterone flowing through their bodies. I scanned the players as I continued walking. The black wolf sitting on the bench was rather handsome, or the toned buck who was tying his cleats was quite sexy. My gaze finally fell on the player who was my ticket to a raise.

Jaxton Warner. Star quarterback of the Arbor Valley Griffons. Fuck he was huge. The black and brown doberman stood tall and proud in the middle of the field, his left paw clutching his football helmet. He was pure muscle, not an ounce of fat on him. For once, I actually felt intimidated to approach such a stud. How was I going to get his attention? Should I just stroll up to him and make conversation? Or should I remain on the sidelines and wait for him to notice me? The other players had already started to notice me, and were gazing in my direction, probably wondering what a thin arctic fox was doing on the field.

I almost froze in my tracks when Jaxton turned around and his eyes met mine. I hesitated for a brief second, but kept on walking. I held my head high and told myself to not act like some scared pup in front of these guys. Yeah, I was smaller than all of them, but I sure as hell was probably much smarter. Jaxton kept his attention towards me and I saw a hint of a smile spread across his muzzle. I maintained eye contact until I was standing directly in front of him.

"Jaxton Warner?" I asked in a confident but professional voice.

"You're looking at him." The doberman replied with an amused grin.

I ignored the snarky response and continued. "My name is Vince Rocell from Fulton Athletic News. I'm one of their journalists. I was wondering if I could have a few minutes of your time for a brief interview."

"An interview, huh?" Jaxton replied as he placed his paw on his hip and looked me up and down. "What kind of interview we talking about here?"

"Just a short one. I just have a few questions about you, the upcoming playoff games, and other stuff like that." I replied as I shrugged.

Jaxton looked around the stadium. "You plan to do it here?"

"Absolutely. That way I don't take up any more of your time. I know how busy your schedule is."

When in doubt, compliment them to get your way.

"Where did you say you're from again?" Jaxton asked as he returned his gaze to me.

"Fulton Athletic News. We're a local social media and news department downtown. We don't do anything by paper anymore. All articles, such as this interview, will be posted on our social media website."

"Sounds exciting." Jaxton yawned. "Yeah, sure, I'll do your little interview fox, but not here."

"My name is Vince. And why?" I asked as I started to feel impatient with the doberman's cocky attitude.

"Too much noise and distractions. I prefer to do my interviews in private. You know where the Crown Hotel is?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure." I replied.

"Meet me there in an hour. Room 406. We'll do the interview there."

I held back a frustrated sigh and forced a small smile at the canine. "Very well. Room 406 at the Crown Hotel. I'll see you there in an hour."

"Look forward to it, fox." Jaxton replied as he flashed me a smile that showed his perfectly white teeth.

I turned around and started walking back towards the way I entered. That cocky prick. Of course he had to have things his way. If my five dollar raise wasn't on the line, I would've told Jaxton to go fuck himself. I needed this interview though, and I was willing to do almost anything for it.

The Crown Hotel was within view of the stadium, so at least I didn't have to drive far. I was more pissed off that I now had to wait an hour for Jaxton to get back to his room. What the hell was I supposed to do? I glanced at my phone and saw it was almost 5 PM. I had a whole fucking hour. I blasted the heat in my car and reclined back in the chair. Fucking football players.

I must've dozed off because I woke up with a start at my phone beeping, indicating a low battery level. I looked at the screen and panicked as I saw it was ten minutes past 6. I was fucking late. I turned my car off, kicked the door open, and ran across the parking lot to the hotel entrance. I pushed the glass doors open, ignored the rabbit who greeted me at the front desk, and made my way to the elevators. I jammed the button and tapped my foot impatiently as the elevator started to descend from whatever floor it was on. I couldn't believe I had fallen asleep. For all I knew, the interview was off. Jaxton seemed like so much of a prick that he would refuse to do the interview because I didn't show up at his door exactly at 6 PM. The elevator doors slid open and I quickly stepped inside and jammed the fourth floor button. The ride up to the fourth floor seemed like an eternity, and I almost tripped and fell as I rushed out of the elevator. Room 400, room 402, room 404, room 406. Perfect. Panting from slight exertion, I knocked twice on the door and perked my ears for any noise behind it. Sure enough, I heard muffled footfalls and soon saw the door handle turn. I stepped back as the door swung inward, revealing a shirtless Jaxton standing in the doorway.

"You're late." The canine chided as he grinned. "For a minute there, I thought you weren't going to show up."

"S-sorry. I had something work-related to take care of and it couldn't wait." I panted. "Are you still willing to do the interview?"

Jaxton just nodded and stepped aside, allowing me to enter the hotel room. I swallowed nervously and stepped into the room as Jaxton closed the door behind me.

It was a nice fucking hotel room. It was large enough for an entire family, yet I could only smell his scent. I guess that's what playing on a division one college football team gets you.

"So remind me what this interview is about." Jaxton said as he walked casually in front of me and leaned against a table.

I swallowed and tried not to stare at his naked chest. "Uh, it's just a few questions. Mostly regarding the upcoming game."

"Mmhmm. So what's in it for me?" Jaxton asked as he crossed his arms across that perfect chest.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked.

"What do I get in return for doing this interview?"

"I-I'm afraid I don't understand the question, Jaxton." I huffed in slight frustration. "If you're asking if you get paid for this, the answer is no. We don't pay for interviews and-for fucks sake, could you please put a shirt on?"

Jaxton's muzzle spread into a sly grin. "Too distracting?"

"Yes. It is." I sighed as I averted my gaze away from the doberman.

I was expecting Jaxton to walk away from me, but instead he came closer. So close in fact, I could smell his muskiness from today's practice session. He was still wearing his football pants, and I couldn't help but catch a quick glance at the doberman's bulge.

"I prefer to do my interviews as comfortable as I want to be." Jaxton said lowly.

He was still walking towards me, and I started to retreat back to the door. I felt my heart thump faster in my chest as the large doberman continued his menacing approach. With every step he took, I took a step back. I froze as I felt the door against my back and realized I could retreat no more. Jaxton still didn't back off. He was practically up against me as he placed a paw firmly against the door behind me, holding it closed. I was frozen with fear now. All I could think of was getting the fuck out of this hotel room. Fuck the interview. Fuck the raise. I just wanted to leave.

"I'm not looking for money out of this interview." Jaxton whispered as his bright blue eyes gazed into mine. "I'm looking for something else, a different kind of payment."

I was breathing heavily now and could barely make myself speak.

"W-what do y-you mean?" I barely croaked out.

Jaxton's other paw slowly moved down to his groin and rested on the bulge in his football pants, and suddenly I realized what exactly he wanted.

"Listen Vince. I'll give you your little interview, but first you're going to have to give me something in return. I will only offer this proposition once, so think carefully about your answer. If you say no, I will let you walk out of this hotel room right now, and I'll pretend like none of this ever happened."

"And if I say yes?" I asked quietly.

Jaxton flashed an even more menacing grin. "Then you will shut up, do as I say, and I'll give you the best damn interview you've ever had. Understand?"

I was terrified. Here I was, pinned against the door by a muscular doberman who could easily rip me in half. I also felt somewhat curious and aroused though. I felt excited about how dominant Jaxton was being towards me. I never had another male treat me this way, and it really did send a surge of lust to my mind that overpowered my fear. Was I really about to stoop this low though? Was I seriously considering letting this prick of a football player fuck me, just so I could get a five dollar raise? I wanted to say no, but I couldn't.

I nodded in reply. Jaxton took his paw off the door and finally backed away from me.

"Good. Now strip." He commanded.

I felt my face flush as I slid my coat off and tossed it aside. I looked down to avoid Jaxton's hungry gaze as I started to unbutton my dress shirt. I slipped out of it and hesitated as my paws rested on the waistline of my khaki pants.

"The pants now. Come on, fox. I don't have all night." Jaxton sighed.

I folded my ears back against my head as I unbuttoned my pants and slid them off. I shivered slightly, despite the room being rather warm. I stood there in my briefs as I felt Jaxton look me up and down.

"Quite a nice body you have." Jaxton growled. "Now let's see what you're hiding between those legs of yours."

I stripped out of my briefs and tried to cover my groin with my paw, but had it jerked away as Jaxton grabbed my wrist and pulled me farther into the room. I yelped in surprise as he roughly pushed me down to my knees in front of him. I pretended to act annoyed at his roughness, but deep down I was enjoying every second of it. I looked up at the doberman who was grinning down at me.

"Let's see how that cute muzzle of yours feels." He said as he suddenly pushed my head forward.

I winced as my muzzle was pressed up against the bulge in his tight football pants. I couldn't help but inhale deeply as he grinded his groin against my muzzle. I hungrily inhaled his sweat and muskiness and slowly felt my own cock swell in my sheath.

"That's it. Inhale my scent." Jaxton growled softly as he continued to grind his bulge against my nose.

I had to taste it. I flicked my tongue out and licked against the musky fabric. Jaxton murmured in approval above me as he let go of my head. I kept my muzzle against his bulge though, and soon I heard him unlace the strings and watched as he pulled the football pants down. A stronger wave of musk hit my nose as I gazed at his half erect cock pressing against the fabric of a black jockstrap. I deeply inhaled the canine's scent again. It was making my own mind hazy with lust. I let my own paw wander down to my own throbbing member and I gave my sheath a gentle squeeze.

"Open up, fox. Time to see how much of an experienced cocksucker you are." Jaxton said as he pulled his jockstrap aside and let his cock flop out.

Fuck he was huge. I just stared at the doberman's cock in utter shock. How was I going to fit that thing into my muzzle? I didn't have time to plan though, as I felt Jaxton's rough fingers pry my muzzle open. My shout of surprise was silenced as I felt half of his cock slide into my muzzle and plunge down my throat.

"No fangs now!" Jaxton warned as he kept my head still.

I choked at the sudden intrusion in my muzzle and felt my throat tighten around the canine's shaft. I grabbed Jaxton's muscular thighs for support as I tried to control my gag reflex. It was rather tough though, as I never had a cock down my muzzle like this before.

"Come on, fox. Get to work."

Fuck, his dirty talk was raising my arousal every second. I breathed through my nose and slowly started sucking, making sure my tongue slid against the sensitive tip. Jaxton moaned softly above me, and I started bobbing my head as I tasted his musky member. I had no idea how I was going to fit the rest of his cock in my muzzle. I was only halfway there, and it already felt like my jaw would lock up. I continued working my tongue across the tip and shaft, making sure my teeth were nowhere near his member. I felt his paw rest on the top of my head, and I let go of his thighs as I started to get used to his length. I moved my right paw to his heavy balls, and I gently cradled them in my palm. Jaxton growled in pleasure as I rolled the two heavy orbs around in my paw. I continued sucking and slurping his cock, making sure I was taking as much as I could without choking myself.

I suddenly felt Jaxton grip my ears roughly and thrust farther into my muzzle. I gagged harshly as his entire cock forced its way into my muzzle. I tried to pull away, but Jaxton's strong paws kept my muzzle hilted against his public area. My jaw felt like it was about to dislocate as I choked and gagged around his cock. I felt tears well up in my eyes, and I couldn't breathe at all.

"Oh fuck...that's it." Jaxton growled loudly as he shut his eyes in pleasure.

I coughed and sputtered around his member, causing thick saliva to spew around his member and splatter against his brown fur. Tears were streaming down my face now, and I looked up at him with pleading eyes as I struggled against his grip. Jaxton just looked down at me with a frown.

"Oh stop. You can last a little bit longer." He growled.

I couldn't last more than ten seconds. I started to panic as the room started to spin. I pressed my paws against Jaxton's thighs, but the canine did not budge. My throat burned harshly and I heard my heartbeat in my ears. I felt like I was about to pass out when I finally felt Jaxton's grip loosen on my ears. His member slowly left my muzzle, and I practically fell forward on all fours. I coughed harshly and gasped for air. My throat burned and my jaw was stiff as I sucked in air and wiped the thick saliva that had coated my muzzle.

"Good boy." Jaxton murmured as he rested his paw on my head. "Don't get too comfortable though. I'm not done with you just yet."

I looked up at the canine as I wiped my muzzle. I was so fucking hard right now that I felt like I could've just blown my load all over the floor right that second. I watched as Jaxton walked to the bed and sat down, his glistening cock standing stiff.

"I hope you did a good enough job lubing my cock up, because you're going to hop up here and give me a nice and rough ride." Jaxton said with a grin as he pointed to his cock.

I gulped nervously as I eyed the throbbing length.

"T-there is no w-way I can fit that in m-me." I stammered as I stood up.

"I'm not going to tell you again. Get over here, and start riding." Jaxton growled.

Fuck, his dominance was no match against my own concerns. I bit my lip as I gently sat in his lap, facing towards him. I felt his rough paws squeeze both of my ass cheeks, and I couldn't help but let out a pathetic whimper as he spread them apart. My own cock ached for attention and I grinded it against the doberman's solid abs.

"Up you go." Jaxton said as he practically lifted me up and hovered my exposed entrance over his cock.

"W-wait! Wait!" I exclaimed, but my shouts turned into a loud moan of pleasure as the tip slipped into me.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I slowly sunk down on the canine's length. Despite his cock being quite lubed up from my saliva, it still hurt like hell. I let out a loud whine of pain and pleasure into the doberman's neck as I draped my arms across his shoulders for support. Inch by inch, I felt the hot throbbing member sink into me. It burned, and it felt like Jaxton was going to split me in half. I let out a gasp of relief as I felt my ass rest against the canine's thighs.

"Well look at that. Such a good boy for taking all of me." Jaxton growled as he gave me a nip on my neck.

I panted hotly against his neck as I tried to relax around his enormous length. Jaxton didn't give me much time to adjust though, and soon I found myself yelping and moaning loudly as he bounced me in his lap. His paws held my ass as he thrust his hips upwards and downwards. Loud slaps echoed in the room every time my rear slapped against Jaxton's thighs. I felt so full with his entire cock inside me. Him fucking me was starting to become more pleasurable as I started to get used to his length. My yelps of discomfort turned into moans and whines of intense pleasure. I placed my paws firmly on his shoulders and rode his cock faster and harder. Jaxton was panting hotly now, his breath ruffling my fur around my neck. I closed my eyes and continued riding his length, moaning at the pleasurable sensations that ran through my entire body. My own cock was leaking now, and made the doberman's brown stomach fur wet and matted.

"Hold on tight fox." Jaxton panted in my ear.

I suddenly felt his strong paws grip my rear and lift me up as he stood up. I couldn't help but cry out in pleasure as I sank further onto his cock. Jaxton growled loudly as he started to hammer into me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on as tight as I could as he abused my ass. He walked over to the wall and roughly slammed me against it without missing a thrust. I wrapped my legs tightly around the canine's waist and let him take full control. His entire cock was slamming in and out of me. I could feel it ram into my prostate with every thrust. The sensations that went through my body was nothing I had ever experienced before. I felt his swollen knot form and felt it bump against my entrance with every thrust. Jaxton's thrusts became more erratic, and I knew the doberman wasn't going to last much longer. I forced myself to relax, knowing Jaxton was going to tie me. His knot was enormous, and I knew it was going to hurt like a bitch, but I didn't care. Sure enough, I cried out loudly as his knot slammed into me with a wet pop.

"F-fucking cumming!"

Jaxton growled deeply as I felt his entire cock pulse hotly inside me. I moaned and whined as I felt his warmness spurt inside me. His hot seed filled me and I felt the wetness start to leak out from my abused hole. My own cock ached for release, and I received my award as Jaxton wrapped his paw around my own swollen knot and gave it a squeeze. I moaned loudly as my cock jumped and released several ropes of my seed that streaked across his chest and abs.

And then it was over. I panted hotly as my head rested against Jaxton's shoulder. Jaxton huffed as he stumbled backwards and sat down on the bed, his knot still inside me.

"Fuck, Vince. You sure know how to show someone a good time." Jaxton said as he patted my rear.

I remained silent as I breathed in the muskiness that had filled the room. I knew I'd be here for a while until Jaxton's knot went down.

"So, how about that interview then?" Jaxton asked with a chuckle. "It's gonna be awhile until I can pull out, so might as well make use of the time."

Good idea. I had Jaxton go fetch my pen and notepad as he carried me to my clothes strewn across the floor. I conducted the interview as I normally would, despite having a canine cock rammed up my ass. Jaxton kept his promise though, and answered every single one of my questions with enthusiasm and well thought-out responses. He wasn't as much of a prick now than what I first thought of him, and I was actually disappointed as the interview came to an end. He was soft enough to pull out now, and he did so gently. He even helped me clean up in the bathroom.

"Well, I should probably be going now." I said as I pulled on my coat. "Uh, thanks again for the interview. My boss is going to be more than pleased."

"Well you earned it." Jaxton said with a wink. "If you need any more interviews though, come to me first."

I gave the doberman a genuine smile. "Well I certainly wouldn't mind a follow-up sometime in the future."

Jaxton smiled as he gave me a scrap of paper with his phone number scribbled on it.

"I usually don't hand this out to anyone, but for you, I'll make an exception." He said as he handed me the paper.

I folded the paper up and placed it in my coat pocket. "Well I'm sure I'll be giving you a call sometime in the near future."

"I'll be around for a couple more days, so make sure you stop by before I leave." Jaxton said as he walked me to the door. "Maybe we can celebrate after our game."

"Sounds like fun." I replied as my tail wagged behind me. "Well I'll see you soon, Jaxton. Good luck with your game."

"You as well. Hope your boss likes the interview."

I exited the hotel room and started to make my way down the hall to the elevator. It hurt to walk and I knew I'd feel it in the morning, but fuck was I happy.

Maybe all football players weren't that bad.