Emara and Worrin: Second Morning

Story by Keva Stonemane on SoFurry

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I'm really enjoying this whole writing for Yiffstar thing; It's got some cool benifits, mainly the ability to get some critiquing done on my style. Except for the part where people don't comment much... *sigh...*

So, keep in mind that comments would be much appreciated as you read and enjoy this second section in the Saga of Emara and Worrin! As usual, Donuts for readers, but now HOT COCOA FOR COMMENTERS! XD

Before she even opened her eyes, her head was pounding. Her hips were sore and her stomach was tender to the touch, and her throat, most of all, was in a good deal of pain. For a moment, she couldn't remember why she might have hurt so badly, and with a groan she attempted to turn over. Her legs and arms, however, were impeded by a small furry bundle, that was breathing slowly and sleepily in her embrace.

Now, out of curiosity, she had to open her eyes and see what it was. Had one of those little fox servants of hers slipped into her bed for the night? They were supposed to know better...

But when her emerald green eyes caught the sight of a medium sized, bushy tailed orange fox, all the memories came back in that he had thoroughly loved out of her last night.

"Good morning, little one..." she cooed to him, running her fingers over the white fur of his chest, "Time to wake up..."

The response was a tired sort of moan, combined with a minimal twitching of his paws and nose. She picked him up in her long, softly furred arms and held him in a baby-like position.

"Come on, wake up, little Worrin..."


She frowned, then started bouncing him a bit, which provoked another moan and now a stretch from her four-legged-lover. His annoyance and protest was rather cute, especially when his little eyes squinted and tried to remain shut.

"Stoppit... I wanna sleep..."

"Please, Worrin? How about..." she trailed off, still bouncing him slightly, "How about, if you wake up, I'll give you a kiss?"

He made another sort of groan, but this one seemed to indicate he was thinking about it. Eyes still closed, he smiled a bit and shook his head.

"How 'bout the other way around?"

"I kiss you then you wake up?"

"And a drink," he nodded.

She put the arm not holding him on her hip, "And what if I don't?" The response was a loud fake snore.

"Oh, come on now!" But the snoring continued, until Emara rolled her eyes with a smile and planted a kiss on his soft, grinning lips. He pretended first to stretch, then to yawn, then to pry his eyes open for the first time thus far in the day.

"Hello, Emara," he said softly, his tail starting to wag, the tickly tip dragging back and forth across her breasts. She giggled at the feel and kept bouncing his fur-lined frame in her embracing arms. She leaned her head down and rubbed their noses together in a sort of kiss.

"Would you like your drink now?" she asked, lowering him a bit to the proper height on her body. He gave an excited but tired nod and turned his head, opening his mouth and closing it again upon the top of one breast. Her hands trailing down his head in loving pets, he began to suck.

"Drink up as much as you want," she whispered down to him, melting inside a bit at how cute it looked when he took his paws up to his chest so the ends of them dangled down over his arms, "You deserve it for helping me so much yesterday..."

She let out a little sigh as he force of his drinking picked up slowly, over a few minutes, until the sensation caused her to giggle slightly and try to take him away. He pulled his head back and frowned at her.

"You said I could have as much as I want..."

"You can," she said, nodding reassuringly, "But not so hard, that tickles, you know!"

He put his head back down, this time sucking softer and opening his eyes to look up at her, as though asking if this was better. She kissed his forehead and sighed happily.

"You're so gentle..." she murmured, "And you're very good with your lips..."

He pulled away and licked them, smiling up at her with an excited, "Thank you!"

"My pleasure, precious little one," she responded, tickling his stomach a bit with a finger. He laughed and kicked his legs for her, but after a minute he stopped her.

"I'm afraid I need to go now," he sighed, "I've got chores..."

He went to leap off the bed, but Emara grabbed him midjump and laughed.

"You're my boyfriend now, remember? No chores for you!"

His little eyes went wide, then looked down a bit, "But isn't that unfair to everyone else?"

"If they want less chores, they can be my boyfriends too."

Worrin gave her an odd look, then laughed a bit.

"You're only supposed to have one!" he explained, "They're supposed to be really special!"

"Well, then I'm glad you're mine," she smiled, petting him over his ears as they folded back in pleasure, "Now, go enjoy your day!"

He went to leave, but he stopped and ran back to the bed, and started furiously kissing and licking her neck.

"Oh, Worrin!" she giggled, petting him lovingly as he kept adoring her, "Calm down!"

"I can't!" He replied, between his kisses and pecks, "I don't wanna leave!"

"Awww..." she giggled again, putting her arms over his back, "But you must, you can't live in here, there'd be no one to talk to, my little one!"

"I could talk to you!" he said, now looking up at her hopefully, his tail furiously wagging, "I wouldn't mind!"

"As much as I'd love that, you really should have a life aside from me," Emara said, putting him on the floor and scooting him along, despite his putting his front paws down stiff to keep himself in place.

"Worrin, go on!" she giggled, still trying to push him forth. He made a sort of "Mm-mm!" sound of denial and shook his head.

"Fine, if you won't leave..." she started, putting on a bra and panties, "Then these won't ever come off for you again."

"But that's mean!" He whined, turning around to look at her pleadingly.

"Then go, give a lady some morning privacy!"

He turned around and put his paws over his eyes.

"That doesn't count, Worrin, shoo!" she said, getting a little surprised about how unwilling he was to leave. Finally, he gave in and, tail dragging and ears drooped, he very slowly padded out of the room.

Only now did she realize that her thighs, and in fact her hips and even some of her lower stomach, were coated in either Worrin's or her own fluids, mostly her own, and that overnight they had dried. It took her another second to realize that Worrin must also be dirty, and it wouldn't be the best idea for him to walk around with everyone looking like that...


Almost before she was done shouting his name, his head popped back into view, a large smile on his face.


"Come here, I wanna check something."

Very obediently he sprinted over and up onto the bed, and she picked up him, giving a quick glance at his hips and between his legs and such. Predictably, they were coated same as hers.

"Eww..." she murmured, putting him down with her tongue out, "You need a bath..."

"I'll take one downstairs, he replied, "Since you want a ladie's morning privacy and all..."

She made the same "mm-mm!" sound he made earlier and stood up, slowly rising onto her sore legs, "That's for the others! You, lucky little one, get to take a bath with me!"

His eyes went wide and a smile hit his face, his tail starting to wag, "How many benifits do I get for being your boyfriend?!"

"Every benifit I can get for you," she nodded, tucking him under an arm and walking toward her bathing room. His little legs were wiggling a bit on her side in his excitement, making her giggle and pet him with her free hand.

Minutes later, Emara couldn't find her little one in the masses of bubbles in her private bath. She ran her hands under the suds again, but still nothing. She put a fist under her chin and wondered where he could have gotten to...

"Worrin?" she said, standing up to see if she could see him, "Where are you?"

His body slumped out of the sud-covered water and onto the edge of the tub. With a gasp, he pulled himself out and shook off his ragged looking fur.

"Bubbles are fun!" he announced proudly, before diving back in. Emara gave a happy sigh and sat back down, continuing to run soap through the mass of hair coming off her head. Eventually, he poked out again, this time right in front of her, and just watched for a second.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Cleaning all my hair," she said, ruffling it again, "There's a lot so it takes a while..."

"Let me help!" he shouted excitedly, paddling and squirming his way behind her and starting to drag his paws through her hair. She let out a sigh of contentment and put her head back on the rim of the tub, closing her eyes to further enjoy the private pampering.

"Your hair is really fluffy..."

She smiled and reached a hand back to pet him as he kept ruffling around it with his paws.

"Then be gentle with it, okay?"

"Of course!" He replied, starting to tone down the way he was messing with it. After a while, he was simply laying on the mass of her abundant hair, his head laying over hers. He made a soft coo and snuggled close.

"I love you, Emara..."

"That's sweet..." she said, trying to look up at him. There was a quiet moment, then his voice came again, a little curious now, "Don't you love me too?"

"Of course!"

"Then say it..."

She reached her hands over her head, pulled him down, and held him in front of her eyes.

"I love you, my little Worrin."

His tail was wagging so happily that his dangling legs swayed with them, to an extent. As she looked him over, however, her smile faded. Not in an unhappy manner, but a curious one. Something about his eyes, she thought, looked different that she had seen them before...

She tried looking deeper, to find out what it was, but all she could see was a small twinkle of sorts, deep in his eye where it could only barely be seen. Her own eyes narrowed and came closer, but she couldn't, if her life depended on it, figure out what it was she was seeing...

"Um, Emara?"

She snapped back to reality to find their noses touching and Worrin bearing on his face a look of utmost confusion.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh... um..." she began, trying to find an explination that he would understand.

"I was looking in your eyes," she started.

"You've done that before, but you're usually smiling and usually farther away," Worrin interrupted.

"Let me finish! Anyways, I saw something really deep in there, like a little sparkle."

He tilted his head and asked, "A sparkle?"

"It was so cute!" She nodded, "But I wonder what it was..."

"I dunno!" Worrin replied almost proudly, "Maybe it was... um..."

His head dropped and his eyes narrowed in thought for a second. Then, it merely came back up, and he shrugged.

"No idea, sorry..."

"It's okay," she smiled, giving him a kiss, "Neither do I."

He kissed her in return, but more eagerly than she expected. She held him away and giggled a bit.

"Are you trying to ask for something?"

He nodded excitedly, smiling wide, "I'm in that mood again..."

"Again?" she let her eyes widen a tiny bit, realizing that she wanted more as well, "But didn't we just last night?"

"I know..." Worrin let a look of slight disappointment come over his face, "But it was wonderful... I never thought my first would be so great!"

"Likewise, my little lover," she smiled, "But I think I'm still a little sore... think you can help that?"

"Well..." Worrin trailed off, "Maybe if I got another kiss I could think of a way..."

With an exaggerated 'Mwuah!' she planted a kiss on his lips, then slowly set him down in the tub.

"Work your magic, sweetheart!"

To her surprise, she didn't mount him in any way she was used to. Instead, he took a deep breath and let his furry head slip under the water, and moments later she felt a tongue and a pair of lips playing over the gentle skin of her passion. Maybe he was just getting it ready for the real thing...

Either way, it felt wonderful. He started it out gentle, almost like he was planning to stop, barely more than a teasing feeling. Every so often she felt the exciting flick of a tongue, but so far it mostly so far he had merely kissed her, and made small biting motions so his lips slid all along her slit. Her eyes half opened and a sultry grin on her face, she let one hand go behind her onto the rim of the tub, the other on Worrin's back as he worked.

Finally, he couldn't stay down there any longer, and to her disappointment his head slipped out of the water, panting deep but smiling wide. He licked his lips and came close to her, putting his soapy, furry arms around her neck and pressing his hardness to her stomach.

"Sorry I couldn't hold my breath longer..."

Yearning for pleasure though she was, she gave him a kiss and put a hand between his legs to tease him.

"It still felt very good," she murmured, "Want me to lower the water so you can try again?"

He put on a thinking face, then smiled, "What do I get if I do good enough?"

"You get... well, if you think of something, I'll gladly to it to you, does that work?"

"How good do I have to do for that?"

"Make me scream!" she giggled, "I want to toss and turn and kick my legs, understand?"

He nodded his head and began to swish his tail through the suds as they slowly receded, slipping down every curve of both their bodies slowly, until it was four or five inches above her most sensitive spot. Worrin slipped down her wet body, over her passion, and her legs went around his body as he gave her a kiss.

"Remember; kicking and screaming," She smiled, now letting both arms up on the edge of the tub. He nodded in response, and to her surprise, slid half of his muzzle into her. The sensation of his soft breathing into her most sensitive skin was entirely new, and it only got better as he let the tip of his tongue flick out and further please her. She tried not to clench too tightly on him, but she couldn't help once or twice giving his muzzle a good firm squeeze with her pussy, prompting a little moan of excitement from him and even more passionate licking. Her eyes shut and her head went back in pleasure, her hair draping over the edge of the tub as he continued to skillfully muzzlefuck her.

"Not too hard..." She breathed, giving him another tight squeeze, letting a moan slip out as he carefully slid himself deeper. His paws were wrapped around her thighs and rubbing where leg met hip tenderly. Her skin felt like it was about to take in more than pleasure could handle, gripping and straining tight to hold him in.

As if all his licking, panting, and caressing weren't enough, he now started to slide his muzzle back and forth inside her. Her arms came up from behind her and came stiffly down to pet his back, fingers clumsy with pleasure as her toes curled and tightened on her upraised feet. She forced her eyes open to look down at her lover, and to her surprise he had shoved himself in nearly up to his eyes, his whole muzzle packed tight into her pussy and sliding back and forth faster and faster...

His flicking tongue suddenly hit the most sensitive place in her body, and her spine shivered madly with moans climbing up to escape loud and sultry from her unclosing lips. She was now unable to lessen the pressure her pussy was putting on his muzzle, but she couldn't have cared less. All she wanted was for him to go faster and go deeper; her legs were starting to weakly kick and her fingers and toes were clenched tight, her slit starting to tingle in pre-orgasm.

Finally, at long last, she let herself go. She nearly screamed out in carnal bliss as her essence soaked out into his mouth, over his tender, gentle tongue, all over the soft fur of his muzzle. His actions slowed down as her lips gripped almost painfully on him; his sliding in and out stopped, the licking toned down to barely teasing, and his grip on her sides relaxed. Her moaning faded to humming, then into panting, as he gently pulled himself out of her and licked his lips.

"Did... I do good enough?" he smiled, panting slightly himself as she took a moment to gather herself. She faked an expression of though, then pet him.

"I guess that will do," she murmured, giggling as he gave a little sneeze to clean out his muzzle. Tired, he put his body down on her chest, his head snuggled under hers with eyes closed.

"Oh, don't go to sleep again..." she whispered, petting him so he would do just that, "You just slept all night, little one..."

"I'm not," he smiled, "I'm just resting my eyes, and listening to your heart."

"What does it sound like?"

He took a moment to listen closer, then he started hitting his paw lightly on her upper chest to replicate the sound. She smiled, still petting him, and noticed that after a minute the action slowed down, and stopped. She gave him one last pet, left the tub, and dressed herself for the new day they had just started off wonderfully.